4.2.1 Traffic Site
For this scenario, a traffic site has been created. On
it, the information of each vehicle connected to the
system is showing. Of each vehicle can get the
position, the route and the type of vehicle, a unique
identity and its speed. We distinguish different types
of vehicle: common vehicle, ambulance, emergency
ambulance, emergency vehicle (fire, police).
In addition, each of these vehicles can report
incidents such as traffic jams, accidents or heavy
rains. These events are reflected in the traffic portal
with its position, time and date.
4.2.2 OBD Data Collection
To access the data running through the vehicle
communication bus, Bluetooth interface is
connected to the connector OBDII in the vehicle.
Then, the information is sent to the device that has
played the role of the OBU.
Then, these data are analyzed and either they are
displayed using a graphical user interface or they are
stored. These stored data can be analyzed or sent to
the traffic site which can keep track of these
4.2.3 VANET Simulation
Moreover, using the NS2 network simulator, the
performance of communications between a moving
vehicle and the RSU has been simulated.
In this simulation, a vehicle sends periodically an
alarm message to the RSU. The vehicle could be for
example an ambulance, and it is moving through
different areas under different RSU’s coverage. The
objective of the simulation is to measure how
successful any RSU within the area receives the
messages in order to guarantee the alarm message
Currently we are working to increase the amount of
data read from OBD. With these data will improve
the eco-driving service and provide other services
like remote diagnostics and monitoring vehicle
maintenance. As well, we are analyzing how we can
use the communication bus in the vehicle to obtain
specific information of electrical vehicles. With this
information we will provide services geared
exclusively to electric cars.
The HMI module is the less developed, so we are
working to improve the interactivity in a non-
intrusive way using voice recognition systems.
All of the projects presented in the state-of-art of this
article, are based on top-down approach. That is: the
ITS architecture is designed from the point of view
of the services. Once the services are designed, the
hardware platform is developed. The problem of
these approaches is that they are no easily scalable,
because new services may require new hardware.
Most of the times, change the hardware design is
difficult and expensive.
However, the on board platform presented here,
is designed following a bottom-up approach. First,
the hardware is designed to support different type of
services. This hardware meets the characteristics
necessary to support new and future type of services.
The goal of this initiative is to deploy an on
board platform with several communications
interfaces and develop services to validate it. Some
of those services are shown in this article (event
generation, eco-driving, and so on).
Add new capabilities to the platform, create new
services based on new V2V and V2I concepts, and
finally, check the whole system (platform and
services) in a real scenario are the objectives of the
following steps.
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