Figure 5: Nonlinear real-time control – 2
Both used methods of real-time control provided
the satisfactory results and they can be used for this
machine, but there are some differences which
should be mentioned. Nonlinear real-time control is
less biased and seemed to be more suitable. The
usage of pre-identification decreased the unwanted
overshooting caused by interactions. Moreover, the
adaptive real-time control is notably more sensitive
to the changes of model parameters, whilst the used
nonlinear real-time control does not need the change
of model parameters.
The paper presented results of real-time control of
rewinding machine by two approaches together with
the necessary theoretical background. The nonlinear
real-time control seems to be more suitable, but
adaptive real-time control is also possible to use,
because it is more sensitive on the changes during
The author would like to mention MSM7088352102
grant, from which the work was supported.
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ICINCO 2010 - 7th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics