Richard Kelley, Christopher King, Amol Ambardekar, Monica Nicolescu, Mircea Nicolescu
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Nevada, Reno, 1664 N. Virginia St., Reno, U.S.A.
Alireza Tavakkoli
Department of Computer Science, University of Houston-Victoria, 3007 N. Ben Wilson, Victoria, U.S.A.
Intent recognition, Human-robot interaction, Natural language processing.
A precursor to social interaction is social understanding. Every day, humans observe each other and on the
basis of their observations “read people’s minds,” correctly inferring the goals and intentions of others. More-
over, this ability is regarded not as remarkable, but as entirely ordinary and effortless. If we hope to build
robots that are similarly capable of successfully interacting with people in a social setting, we must endow our
robots with an ability to understand humans’ intentions. In this paper, we propose a system aimed at develop-
ing those abilities in a way that exploits both an understanding of actions and the context within which those
actions occur.
A precursor to social interaction is social understand-
ing. Every day, humans observe each other and on
the basis of their observations “read people’s minds,
correctly inferring the goals and intentions of others.
Moreover, this ability is regarded not as remarkable,
but as entirely ordinary and effortless. If we hope to
build robots that are similarly capable of successfully
interacting with people in a social setting, we must
endow our robots with an ability to understand hu-
mans’ intentions. In this paper, we propose a system
aimed at developing those abilities in a way that ex-
ploits both an understanding of actions and the con-
text within which those actions occur.
Whenever one wants to perform statistical classifica-
tion in a system that is evolving over time, hidden
Markov models may be appropriate (Duda et. al.,
2000). Such models have been very successfully used
in problems involving speech recognition (Rabiner,
1989). Recently, there has been some indication that
hidden Markov models may be just as useful in mod-
eling activities and intentions. For example, HMMs
have been used by robots to classify a number of ma-
nipulation tasks (Pook and Ballard, 1993)(Hovlandet.
al., 1996)(Ogawara et. al., 2002). These approaches
all have the crucial problem that they only allow the
robot to detect that a goal has been achieved after
the activity has been performed; to the extent that in-
tent recognition is about prediction, these systems do
not use HMMs in a way that facilitates the recogni-
tion of intentions. Moreover, there are reasons to be-
lieve (see below) that without considering the disam-
biguation component of intent recognition, there will
be unavoidable limitations on a system, regardless of
whether it uses HMMs or any other classification ap-
Extending upon this use of HMMs to recognize
activities, previous work (of which (Tavakkoli et.
al., 2007) is representative) has examined the use of
HMMs to predict intentions. The work to date has fo-
cused on training a robot to use HMMs (via theory-of-
mind inspired approaches), and on the best informa-
tion to represent using those models. That work has
mostly ignored questions such as scalability and the
role that contextual information plays in the recogni-
tion process. The present work begins to address these
issues, and introduces the idea of using a digraph-
based language model to provide contextual knowl-
Kelley R., King C., Ambardekar A., Nicolescu M., Nicolescu M. and Tavakkoli A. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, pages 315-320
DOI: 10.5220/0002953903150320
To build that language model, we use the typed de-
pendency extraction facilities of the Stanford Parser
(Marneffe et. al., 2006). In contrast with constituency
grammar, which viewsa sentence as being made up of
phrases, dependency grammar represents grammati-
cal links between pairs of words. Typed dependencies
explicitly label the links between words with gram-
matical relations (Marneffe et. al., 2006). To the best
of our knowledge, such a representation has not yet
been used as the basis for any human-robot interac-
tion work; our graph-based approach is also new.
As mentioned above, our system relies on contex-
tual information to perform intent recognition. While
there are many sources of contextual information that
may be useful to infer intentions, we chose to focus
primarily on the information provided by object affor-
dances, which indicate the actions that one can per-
form with an object. The problem, once this choice
is made, is one of training and representation: given
that we wish the system to infer intentions from con-
textual information provided by knowledge of object
affordances, how do we learn and represent those af-
fordances? We would like, for each object our system
may encounter, to build a representation that contains
the likelihood of all actions that can be performed on
that object.
Although there are many possible approaches to
constructing such a representation, we chose to use
a representation that is based heavily on a graph-
theoretic approach to natural language – in particular,
English. Specifically, we construct a graph in which
the vertices are words and a labeled, weighted edge
exists between two vertices if and only if the words
corresponding to the vertices exist in some kind of
grammatical relationship. The label indicates the na-
ture of the relationship, and the edge weight is propor-
tional to the frequency with which the pair of words
exists in that particular relationship. For example,
we may have vertices drink and water, along with
the edge ((drink,water), direct ob ject, 4), indicat-
ing that the word “water” appears as a direct object
of the verb “drink” four times in the experience of the
system. From this graph, we compute probabilities
that provide the necessary context to interpret an ac-
3.1 Dependency Parsing and Graph
To obtain our pairwise relations between words, we
use the Stanford labeled dependency parser. The
parser takes as input a sentence and produces the set
of all pairs of words that are grammatically related in
the sentence, along with a label for each pair, as in the
“water” example above.
Using the parser, we construct a graph G = (V,E),
where E is the set of all labeled pairs of words re-
turned by the parser for all sentences, and each edge is
given an integer weight equal to the number of times
the edge appears in the text parsed by the system. V
then consists of the words that appear in the corpus
processed by the system.
3.2 Graph Construction and
3.2.1 Graph Construction
Given a labeled dependency parser and a set of docu-
ments, graph construction is straightforward. Briefly,
the steps are
1. Tokenize each document into sentences.
2. For each sentence, build the dependency parse of
the sentence.
3. Add each edge of the resulting parse to the graph.
Each of these steps may be performed automatically
with reasonably good results, using well-known lan-
guage processing algorithms. The end result is a
graph as described above, which the system stores for
later use.
One of the greatest strengths of the dependency-
grammar approach is its space efficiency: the output
of the parser is either a tree on the words of the in-
put sentence, or a graph made of a tree plus a (small)
constant number of additional edges. This means that
the number of edges in our graph is a linear function
of the number of nodes in the graph, which (assuming
a bounded number of words per sentence in our cor-
pus) is linear in the number of sentences the system
processes. In our experience, the digraphs our system
has produced have had statistics confirming this anal-
ysis, as can be seen by considering the graph used in
our recognition experiments. For our corpus, we used
two sources: first, the simplified-English Wikipedia,
which contains many of the same articles as the stan-
dard Wikipedia, except with a smaller vocabulary and
simpler grammatical structure, and second, a collec-
tion of childrens’ stories about the objects in which
ICINCO 2010 - 7th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Figure 1: The number of edges in the Wikipedia graph as
a function of the number of vertices during the process of
graph growth.
we were interested. In Figure 1, we show the number
of edges in the Wikipedia graph as a function of the
number of vertices at various points during the growth
of the graph. The scales on both axes are identical,
and the graph shows that the number of edges for this
graph does depend linearly on the number of vertices.
The final Wikipedia graph we used in our ex-
periments consists of 244,267 vertices and 2,074,578
edges. The childrens’ story graph is much smaller,
being built from just a few hundred sentences: it con-
sists of 1754 vertices and 3873 edges. This graph was
built to fill in gaps in the information contained in the
Wikipedia graph. The graphs were merged to create
the final graph we used by taking the union of the
vertex and edge sets of the graphs, adding the edge
weights of any edges that appeared in both graphs.
In support of our intent recognition system, we re-
quire a number of visual capabilities for our robot.
Among these, our system must be able to segment
and track the motion of both humans and inanimate
objects. Because we are interested in objects and their
affordances, our system must also be able to visu-
ally identify objects and, for objects whose state can
change over time, object states. Moreover, tracking
should be done in three-dimensional space. To sup-
port this last requirement, we use a stereo-vision cam-
To perform segmentation and object recognition,
we use a variant of maximally stable extremal re-
gions for color images (Forssen, 2007). In our vari-
ant, we identify “strong and “weak” edges in the
image (based on our thresholding), and constrain the
region-merging of color-based MSER so that region
growth is inhibited across weak edges and prevented
entirely across strong edges. This approach allows
for increased stability, for multiple regions of differ-
ent homogeneity to coexist near one another, and for
more coherent segmentation of textured regions.
Having segmented a frame into regions, we per-
form object recognition using a mixture of Gaussians,
computing probabilities at the region level rather than
the pixel level. Because objects tend to consist of a
smaller number of regions than pixels, this can lead
to a substantial speedup.
Once we have segmented a frame and identified
the regions of interest in that frame, we perform
tracking via incremental support vector data descrip-
tions and connected component analysis. We refer
the interested reader to other, vision-specific work
(Tavakkoli et. al., 2007).
5.1 Low-level Recognition via Hidden
Markov Models
As mentioned above, our system uses HMMs to
model activities that consist of a number of parts that
have intentional significance. Recall that a hidden
Markov model consists of a set of hidden states, a
set of visible states, a probability distribution that de-
scribes the probability of transitioning from one hid-
den state to another, and a probability distribution that
describes the probability of observing a particular vis-
ible state given that the model is in a particular hidden
state. To apply HMMs, one must give an interpreta-
tion to both the hidden states and the visible states of
the model, as well as an interpretation for the model
as a whole. In our case, each model represents a sin-
gle well-defined activity. The hidden states of repre-
sent the intentions underlying the parts of the activity,
and the visible symbols represent changes in measur-
able parameters that are relevant to the activity. No-
tice in particular that our visible states correspond to
dynamic properties of the activity, so that our system
can perform recognition as the observed agents are
We train our HMMs by having our robot perform
the activity that it later will recognize. As it performs
the activity, it records the changes in the parameters
of interest for the activity, and uses those to gener-
ate sequences of observable states representing the
activity. These are then used with the Baum-Welch
algorithm (Rabiner, 1989) to train the models, whose
topologies have been determined by a human operator
in advance.
During recognition, the stationary robot observes
a number of individuals interacting with one another
and with stationary objects. It tracks those individu-
als using the visual capabilities described above, and
takes the perspective of the agents it is observing.
Based on its perspective-taking and its prior under-
standing of the activities it has been trained to under-
stand, the robot infers the intention of each agent in
the scene. It does this using maximum likelihood esti-
mation, calculating the most probable intention given
the observation sequence that it has recorded up to the
current time for each pair of interacting agents.
5.2 Adding Context
Our system uses contextual information to infer inten-
tions. This information is linguistic in nature, and in
section 3 we show how lexical information represent-
ing objects and affordances can be learned and stored
automatically. In this subsection, we outline how that
lexical information can be converted to probabilities
for use in intent recognition.
Context and Intentions. In general, the context for
an activity may be any piece of information. For our
work, we focused on two kinds of information: the
location of the event being observed, and the identi-
ties of any objects being interacted with by an agent.
Context of the first kind was useful for basic experi-
ments testing the performance of our system against
a system that uses no contextual information, but did
not use lexical digraphs at all; contexts and intentions
were defined by entirely by hand. Our other source of
context, object identities, relied entirely on lexical di-
graphs. In experiments using this source of informa-
tion, objects become the context and their affordances
represented by verbs in the digraph become the
intentions. As explained below, if s is an intention
and c is a piece of contextual information, our sys-
tem requires the probability p(s | c), or in other words
the probability of an affordance given an object iden-
tity. This is exactly what is provided by our digraphs.
If “water” appears as a direct object of “drink” four
times in the robot’s linguistic experience, then we can
obtain a proper probability of “drink” given “water”
by dividing four by the sum of the weights of all edges
which have “water” as the direct object of some word.
In general, we may use this process to obtain a table of
probabilities of affordances or intentions for every ob-
ject in which our system might be interested, as long
as the relevant words appear in the corpus. Note that
this may be done without human intervention.
Inference Algorithm. Suppose that we have an ac-
tivity model (i.e. an HMM) denoted by w. Let s
denote an intention, let c denote a context, and let v
denote a sequence of visible states from the activity
model w. If we are given a context and a sequence of
observation, we would like to find the intention that is
maximally likely. Mathematically, we would like to
p(s | v, c),
where the probability structure is determined by the
activity model w.
To find the correct s, we start by observing that by
Bayes’ rule we have
p(s | v, c) = max
p(v | s,c)p(s | c)
p(v | c)
. (1)
We can further simplify matters by noting that the de-
nominator is independent of our choice of s. More-
over, we assume without loss of generality that the
possible observable symbols are independent of the
current context. Based on these observations, we can
p(s | v,c) max
p(v | s)p(s | c). (2)
This approximation suggests an algorithm for deter-
mining the most likely intention given a series of ob-
servations and a context: for each possible intention
s for which p(s | c) > 0, we compute the probabil-
ity p(v | s)p(s | c) and choose as our intention that s
whose probability is greatest. The probability p(s | c)
is available, either by assumption or from our linguis-
tic model, and if the HMM w represents the activ-
ity model associated with intention s, then we assume
that p(v | s) = p(v | w). This assumption may be made
in the case of location-based context for simplicity,
or in the case of object affordances because we focus
on simple activities such as reaching, where the same
HMM w is used for multiple intentions s. Of course
a perfectly general system would have to choose an
appropriate HMM dynamically given the context; we
leave the task of designing such a system as future
work for now, and focus on dynamically deciding on
the context to use, based on the digraph information.
5.3 Intention-based Control
In robotics applications, simply determining an ob-
served agent’s intentions may not be enough. Once a
robot knows what anothers intentions are, the robot
should be able to act on its knowledge to achieve
a goal. With this in mind, we developed a simple
method to allow a robot to dispatch a behavior based
on its intent recognition capabilities. The robot first
ICINCO 2010 - 7th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
infers the global intentions of all the agents it is track-
ing, and for the activity corresponding to the inferred
global intention determines the most likely local in-
tention. If the robot determines over multiple time
steps that a certain local intention has the largest prob-
ability, it can dispatch a behavior in response to the
situation it believes is taking place.
We performed a series of experiments to test differ-
ent aspects of our system. In particular, we wished
to test the following claims: first, that contextual in-
formation could improve performance over a context-
agnostic system; second, that intention-based control
as described above can be used to solve basic, but still
realistic, problems; and last, we wished to test lexi-
cal digraphs as a source of contextual information for
inferring intentions related to objects and their affor-
6.1 Setup
To validate our contextual approach, we performed a
set of experiments using a Pioneer 3DX mobile robot,
with an on-board computer, a laser rangefinder, and
a stereo camera. We trained our robot to understand
three basic activities: following, in which one agent
trails behind another; meeting, in which two agents
approach one another directly; and passing, in which
two agents move past each other without otherwise
directly interacting. We also built a model of reaching
for use in the object-based tests.
We placed our trained robot in several indoor en-
vironments and had it observe the interactions of mul-
tiple human agents with each other, and with multiple
static objects. In our experiments, we considered both
the case where the robot acts as a passive observer and
the case where the robot executes an action on the ba-
sis of the intentions it infers in the agents under its
The first set of experiments was performed in a
lobby, and had agents meeting each other and passing
each other both with and without contextual informa-
tion about which of these two activities is more likely
in the context of the lobby. To the extent that meeting
and passing appear to be similar, we would expect that
the use of context would help to disambiguate the ac-
tivities. Although contrived, these scenarios do facili-
tate direct comparison between a context-aware and a
context-agnostic system.
To test our intention-based control, we set up two
scenarios. In the first scenario (the “theft” scenario), a
Table 1: Quantitative evaluation - meet versus pass.
Scenario (with Context) Correct Duration [%]
Meet (No context) - Agent 1 65.8
Meet (No context) - Agent 2 72.4
Meet (Context) - Agent 1 97.8
Meet (Context) - Agent 2 100.0
human enters his office carrying a bag. As he enters,
he sets his bag down by the entrance. Another human
enters the room, takes the bag and leaves. Our robot
was set up to observe these actions and send a signal
to a “patrol robot” in the hall that a theft had occurred.
The patrol robot is then supposed to follow the thief
as long as possible.
In the second scenario, our robot is waiting in the
hall, and observes a human leaving the bag in the hall-
way. The robot is supposed to recognize this as a sus-
picious activity and follow the human who dropped
the bag for as long as possible.
Lastly, to test the lexical-digraph-based system,
we had the robot observe an individual as he per-
formed a number of activities involving various ob-
jects. These included books, glasses of soda, comput-
ers, bags of candy, and a fire extinguisher.
6.2 Results
To provide a quantitative evaluation of intent recogni-
tion performance, we use two measures:
Accuracy rate = the ratio of the number of ob-
servation sequences, of which the winning inten-
tional state matches the ground truth, to the total
number of test sequences.
Correct Duration = C/T, where C is the total time
during which the intentional state with the highest
probability matches the ground truth and T is the
number of observations.
6.2.1 Similar-looking Activities
As we can see from Table 1, the system performs
substantially better when using context than it does
without contextual information. Because meeting and
passing can, depending on the position of the ob-
server, appear very similar, without context it may be
hard to decide what two agents are trying to do. With
the proper contextual information, though, it becomes
much easier to determine the intentions of the agents
in the scene.
Figure 2: An observer robot catches an agent stealing a bag.
The top left video is the observer’s viewpoint, the top left
bars represent possible intentions, the bottom right bars are
the robot’s inferred intentions for each agent (with corre-
sponding probabilities), and the bottom right video is the
patrol robot’s viewpoint.
6.2.2 Intention-based Control
In both the scenarios we developed to test our
intention-based control, our robot correctly inferred
the ground-truth intention, and correctly responded
the inferred intention. In the theft scenario, the robot
correctly recognized the theft and reported it to the
patrol robot in the hallway, which was able to track
the thief. In the bag drop scenario, the robot correctly
recognized that dropping a bag off in a hallway is a
suspicious activity, and was able to follow the suspi-
cious agent through the hall. Both examples indicate
that intention-based control using context and hidden
Markov models is a feasible approach.
6.2.3 Lexical-digraph-based System
To test the lexically-informed system, we considered
three different scenarios. In the first, the robot ob-
served a human during a meal, eating and drinking.
In the second, the human was doing homework, read-
ing a book and taking notes on a computer. In the
last scenario, the robot observed a person sitting on
a couch, eating candy. A trashcan in the scene then
catches on fire, and the robot observes the human us-
ing a fire extinguisher to put the fire out.
Defining a ground truth for these scenarios is
slightly more difficult than in the previous scenarios,
since in these scenarios the observed agent performs
multiple activities and the boundaries between activi-
ties in sequence are not clearly defined. However, we
can still make the interesting observation that, except
on the boundary between two activities, the correct
duration of the system is 100%. Performance on the
boundary is more variable, but it isn’t clear that this is
an avoidable phenomenon. We are currently working
on carefully ground-truthed videos to allow us to bet-
ter compute the accuracy rate and the correct duration
for these sorts of scenarios.
In this paper, we proposed an approach to intent
recognition that combines visual tracking and recog-
nition with contextual awareness in a mobile robot.
Understanding intentions in context is an essential hu-
man activity, and with high likelihood will be just as
essential in any robot that must function in social do-
mains. Our approach is based on the view that to be
effective, an intent recognition system should process
information from the system’s sensors, as well as rel-
evant social information. To encode that information,
we introduced the lexical digraph data structure, and
showed how such a structure can be built and used.
We discussed the visual capabilities necessary to im-
plement our framework, and validated our approach
in simulation and on a physical robot.
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ICINCO 2010 - 7th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics