Dora Luz Almanza-Ojeda, Michel Devy and Ariane Herbulot
CNRS, LAAS, 7 avenue du Colonel Roche, F-31077 Toulouse, France
Universit´e de Toulouse, UPS, INSA, INP, ISAE, LAAS-CNRS, F-31077 Toulouse, France
Moving obstacles, Detection, Tracking, Clustering, Monocular vision.
This paper presents a methodology for detecting and tracking moving objects during mobile robot navigation
in unknown environments using only visual information. An initial set of interest points is detected and then
tracked by the Kanade-Lucas tracker (KLT). Along few images, point positions and velocities are accumulated
and a spatio-temporal analysis, based on the a contrario theory, is performed for the clustering process of these
points. All dynamical sets of points found by the clustering are directly initialized and tracked as moving
objects using Kalman Filter. At each image, a probability map saves temporally the previous interesting point
positions with a certain probability value. New features will be added in the most likely zones based on this
probability map. The process detection-clustering-tracking is executed in an iterative way to guarantee the
detection of new moving objects or to incrementally enlarge already detected objects until their real limits.
Experimental results on real dynamic images acquired during robot outdoor and indoor navigation task are
presented. Furthermore, rigid and non rigid moving object tracking results are compared and discussed.
A key function required for autonomous robot naviga-
tion, must cope with the detection of objects close to
the robot trajectory, and the estimation of their states.
This function has been studied by the robotic and the
ITS (Intelligent Transportation Systems) communi-
ties, from different sensory data such as laser, radar,
vision, among others. For driver assistance, many
contributions concern laser-based obstacle detection
and tracking (Vu and Aycard, 2009). In order to track
obstacles, it is required to estimate from the same sen-
sory data, the egomotion of the vehicle: a global prob-
abilistic framework known as SLAMMOT (Simulta-
neous Localization and Mapping with Mobile Object
Tracking) has been proposed by Wang et al. (Wang
et al., 2007). But in spite of numerous contributions,
this function still remains a challenge when it is based
only on vision. So this paper proposes a strategy to
detect static points, and moreover to detect and clus-
ter the moving ones in order to track mobile objects:
it is the first step towards the full integration of a Vi-
sual SLAMMOT approach. It is proposed to reach
this objective, using only a monocamera system.
There are various methods for feature detection
and tracking using a single mobile camera. A. J. Davi-
son (Davison, 2003) has proposed a spatio-temporal
approach, in order to detect and track 2D points
from an image sequence and then to reconstruct cor-
responding 3D points used to locate the camera.
The Harris detector allows to initialize points to be
searched in successive images from an active strat-
egy, i.e. selecting the best points to be tracked. Each
point is represented by its appearance, i.e. a n × n
template around its first position. The system state
at instant time t, is given by the 3D position and the
speed of every tracked point, as well as the position
and the speed of the camera. From this state, every
point position is predicted in the image acquired at
time t + 1, forming an elliptic zone where the point
must be found if the global state is consistent. Then,
each interest point is searched in its predicted zone by
a similarity measurement based on correlation score
using its template. A clever strategy must be used to
update the point template in order to better handle lu-
minance variations and partial object occlusions.
A method widely used for robotics applications
is based on the optical flow. Dense optical flow is a
hard computing procedure that makes it not so inter-
esting for real time applications. However, if optical
flow is only extracted for interest features, i.e. for a
very small part of total image points, a tracking pro-
Luz Almanza-Ojeda D., Devy M. and Herbulot A. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, pages 98-105
DOI: 10.5220/0002954800980105
cedure of many objects characterized by some points,
could be applied in real time. Such a sparse solution
has been proposed by Shi-Tomasi (Shi and Tomasi,
1994) and it is commonly used in computer vision
because of its simplicity and its low computational
cost. Our own method is based also on this method
as a valid and confirmed procedure, that can be ap-
plied in a real time context during navigation. Among
others, let us cite the work presented in (Lookingbill
et al., 2007) where authors have used the optical flow
field to leverage the difference in appearance between
objects at close range and the same objects at more
distant locations. This information allows them to in-
terpret monocular video streams during off-road au-
tonomous navigation and to propose an adaptive road
following in unstructured environments. This method
has been evaluated for the navigation of an intelligent
vehicle in a desertic terrain.
However, once interest points and optical flow are
extracted and tracked from an image sequence, it is so
important to distinguish which of those tracked points
represent moving objects. Clustering techniques are
the first basic solution to this question, but unfortu-
nately most of them require initial information about
the scene as the number of clusters to find. The suc-
cess of these methods highly depends on these param-
eters. T. Veit et. al (Veit et al., 2007) coped with the
same issue for the analysis of short video sequences.
They validate a clustering algorithm based on the a
contrario method (Desolneux et al., 2008) which does
not need parameter tuning or initial scene information
for finding clusters of mobile features. This approach
has been also used in (Poon et al., 2009) to detect
moving objects in short sequences; additionally, au-
thors obtain 3D components of feature points to better
detect the correspondence between points and mov-
ing objects on which they have been extracted. This
work presents experimental results on real images, ac-
quired from fixed cameras, so that essential issues of
autonomous navigation are not considered.
This paper proposes moving object detection and
tracking on a robot navigation context based on KLT
tracker and the a contrario clustering. Then, the re-
sulted clusters are initialized as moving objects and
tracked by a Kalman Filter. At each iteration, im-
age locations are ponderated by a bi-variate pdf func-
tion when a point is tracked. This value represents
the probability that the location contains a dynamical
point, being 0 the most interesting location where to
find an interesting point.
Next section explains the proposed strategy. KLT
procedure used to detect and track interest points is
briefly described in section 3. Section 4 describes the
main concepts of the a contrario theory. The global
detection-clustering-tracking approach and the use of
probability map in a long sequence of images are pre-
sented in section 5. Experimental results on real im-
ages are presented and discussed in section 6. Finally
last section concludes and explains future works.
In this work only visual information in grey-scale ac-
quired from a mobile robot is used for scene analysis.
General block diagram in Figure 1 describes the pro-
cedure carried out to detect and track multiple moving
Figure 1: Algorithm to detect and track multiple objects.
N initial feature points are selected in the input
image(t) using the Shi-Tomasi approach. Feature lo-
cations in next image are searched by the KLT tracker,
based on correlation and optimization processes. Let
us suppose first that no object is tracked; so the pro-
cess loops on N
successive images executing only
two tasks, feature tracking and update of the prob-
ability map. We will call time of trail, this set of
processed images, i.e. the number of images
used to accumulate positions and apparent velocities
of tracked features. In order to select new features,
we seek into the probability map the most interest-
ing zones in the image for searching new points, i.e.
points which have the higher probability to be on mo-
bile objects. KLT process is executed continuously in
this way, while the robot navigates in order to provide
new visual information at each time of trail. Details
of the KLT theory are explained in next section.
At the end of each time of trail, only moving KLT
features are selected for being grouped by the a con-
trario clustering method. Here, moving KLT features
are characterized by a velocity vector higher than a
threshold set to 1 pixel. Resulted clusters represent
moving objects in the scene; every one is directly
initialized as a moving object and then tracked with
a position and an apparent velocity estimated by a
Kalman Filter. The Object tracking task exploits the
KLT tracker: it verifies the consistency between the
point tracking in the current image and the Object
characteristics. At every iteration, this object could be
merged with another detected object based on similar
velocity and close position. Implementation details of
both clustering and merging process are presented in
section 4. Finally, object current positions are stored
in the probability map with the highest probability of
occupation, so this zone of the image is not interesting
to look for new features.
Optical flow procedure used in this work is based on
the initial technique proposed in (Lucas and Kanade,
1981) and on the well-known Select Good Features to
Track algorithm (Shi and Tomasi, 1994). This tech-
nique is largely used in the robotics community be-
cause it proposes to match the more salient points,
minimizing the processing time.
Detection of Moving Points. N distinctive feature
points are initially extracted from image t
by the
analysis of spatial image gradient in two orthogonal
directions. Locations of these N points in next image
are obtained by maximizing a correlation measure-
ment over a small window. Iterative process is accel-
erated by constructing a pyramid with scaled versions
of the input image. Furthermore, rotation, scaling and
shearing are applied on each correlation window by
optimizing a linear spatial transformation parameters
during iterative process. Once displacement vectors
are obtained for all initial features, apparent veloci-
ties are estimated based on displacement vectors.
This KLT optical flow method is sparse because
only few points are initially selected to describe im-
age content. This sparse method is used in order to
save processing time, because some other essential
tasks must be performed. Figure 2 (frames 54 to 58
extracted from the sequence shown in second row of
Figure 5) depicts feature points detected and tracked
during a time of trail from N = 150 initial selected
points. From these accumulated locations, blue points
represent points with long optical flow displacements.
For these points the assumption that they belong to a
moving object has a high probability.
Perception on Moving Objects. When moving ob-
jects are detected, the number of dynamic points is
subtracted from the N points tracked permanently by
KLT. Thus in following iterations, KLT will select
less than N new points. This strategy allows to track
only a fix number of N points between KLT and the
Object tracking process. This rigorous control on the
number of points is important in our methodology be-
cause long image sequences will be evaluated and the
performance directly depends on the number of pro-
cessed points.
Figure 2: Accumulated Optical flow in 5 successive images
from the sequence shown in the second row of Figure 5.
Figure 3 shows N feature points with locations
tracked by KLT process at three different times of trail
(8, 18 and 30). After 18 images and without any prior
knowledge of the environment, we perceive consis-
tent points motions, caused by the camera movement.
By analyzing optical flow extracted from images ac-
quired from a moving camera in dynamic environ-
ments, we deduce that larger is the time of trail, better
will be the perception of moving objects, but also of
the camera motion. In order to minimize the egomo-
tion impact, we propose to reduce this time to 5 im-
ages which covers up egomotion and also, points out
independent movements. This can be verified in Fig-
ure 2; a constant movement in the cloud of points can
be seen in the middle of the image; egomotion is less
remarkable. Furthermore, the best advantage of this
choice N
= 5 is the reduction of the waiting time
before performing the a contrario clustering task.
Visual perception is a complex function that requires
the presence of ”salient” or ”evident” patterns to iden-
ICINCO 2010 - 7th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
Figure 3: From N = 150 selected points in the first image, tracking results on a sequence acquired when the robot turns left:
accumulated Optical flow along 8 (left image), 18 (middle) and 30 (right) images.
tify something that ”breaks” the continuous motion
due to the camera egomotion. This ”salient pattern”
corresponds to ”meaningful event” detected by the a
contrario method (Cao et al., 2007). Basic concepts
of the a contrario clustering inspired by the Gestalt
theory, are exposed in (Desolneux et al., 2003) and
deeply in (Desolneux et al., 2008). In general, Gestalt
theory establishes that groups could be formed based
on one or several common characteristics of their el-
ements. In accord to this statement, an a contrario
clustering technique (proposed by Veit, et. al. (Veit
et al., 2007)) identifies one group as meaningful if all
their elements show a different distribution than an
established background random model. Contrary to
most of clustering techniques, neither initial number
of clusters is required nor parameter has to be tuned.
In our context, i.e. unknown environment, approxi-
mated egomotion. .., these characteristics are very fa-
4.1 Evaluation of a Background Model
We use the background model proposed in (Veit et al.,
2007) which establishes a random organization of the
observations. Hence, background model elements are
independent identically distributed (iid) and follow a
distribution p. The iid nature of random model com-
ponents propose an organization with not coherent
motion present.
Next, given an input vector V(x,y, v,θ) in R
, first
objective is to evaluate which elements in V show a
particular distribution contrary to the established dis-
tribution p of the background model (that explains
”a contrario” name). To avoid element by element
evaluation, first, a binary tree with V elements is con-
structed using a single linkage method. Each node
in the tree represents a candidate group G that will be
evaluate in a set of given regions designed by H . This
set of regions is formed by different size of hyper-
rectangles that will be used to test the distribution of
several data groups. Each region H is centered at each
element X in the group until finding the region H
that contains all the group and at the same time makes
minimal the probability of the background model dis-
tribution. Different size of hyper-rectangles are used
in function of data range, in our experiments we use
20 different sizes by dimension. Final measure of
meaningfulness (called Number of False Alarms NFA
in referenced work) is given by eq 1.
NFA(G) = N
X G,
H H ,
B(N 1, n 1, p(H
In this equation N represents the number of ele-
ments in vector V,
is the carnality of regions and
n is the elements in group test G. The term which ap-
pears in the minimum function is the accumulated bi-
nomial law, this represents the probability that at least
n points including X are inside the region test centered
in X (H
). Distribution p consists of four independent
distributions, one for each dimension data. Point posi-
tions and velocity orientation follow a uniform distri-
bution because object moving position and direction
are arbitrary. In other hand, velocity magnitude dis-
tribution is obtained directly of the empirically his-
togram of the observed data. So that, joint distribu-
tion p will be the product of this four distributions. A
group G is said to be meaningful if NFA(G) 1.
Furthermore two sibling meaningful groups in the
binary tree could belong to the same moving object,
then a second evaluation for all the meaningful groups
is calculated by Eq. 2.To obtain this new measure,
we reuse region group information (dimensions and
probability) and just a new region that contains both
test groups G
and G
is calculated. New terms are
= N 2, number of elements in G
and G
, re-
spectively n
= n
1 and n
= n
1, and term T
which represents the accumulated trinomial law.
, G
) = N
, n
, n
, p
, p
Both mesures 1 and 2 represent the significance
of groups in binary tree. Final clusters are found
by exploring all the binary tree and comparing if it
is more significant to have two moving objects G
and G
or to fusion it in a group G. Mathematically,
, G
) where G
4.2 Merging Groups
This function is executed only if moving objects have
already been detected. O is a set of M objects that
will contain all candidate objects for merging evalu-
ation. That is, O = O
where O
consists of
(1, 2, ..., k) moving objects tracked by Kalman filter,
and O
consist of (1, 2, ..., l) new moving clusters, in-
terpreted either as new moving objects, or part of ex-
isting ones . For each object in O, the velocity vector
is modeled by the mean of their velocity components
in X and Y, respectively represented by µ
and µ
We use these models to evaluate eq.3 that let establish
a decision constraint for merging.
i, j M,
i 6= j,
, O
), µ
), µ
We evaluate the similarity measure s which per-
forms the subtraction among velocity models for each
object in O. Parameters d
and d
are constant val-
ues set to one pixel in accord with the previous estab-
lished threshold for detecting moving features in KLT
process. This value is chosen in order to conserve the
best trade off between the threshold of moving points
in KLT module and the expected bias among object
velocities in the scene. This evaluation is carried out
in a linked way, where merged groups are removed
from O and added as a new object at the end of the list
with, obviously, a new corresponding velocity model.
This strategy allows the merging of the same objects
previously detected with a more enriched model. Fi-
nally, even when both O
and O
object velocities
are not resulted from the same process, they could be
compared because both are based on pixel displace-
ment in the scene (their optical flow).
Groups found by clustering technique are composed
of point locations at different processing time. Hence,
to confirm that moving object is still in the scene, only
points present in last processed image are taken to ini-
tialize each cluster as a moving object in O
. There-
fore only the points located on the current image will
be used to model the moving object.
To track moving objects in O
along the image se-
quence, Kalman filter prediction evaluates a constant
velocity model. To initialize this model a vector state
is defined for each moving object detected. Vector
state consists of the barycenter of object in X and Y
and its velocities are set to µ
and µ
values, respec-
tively. We assign the estimated position and velocity
calculated by Kalman filter to baricenter of the object.
This estimated position is used as the center of a win-
dow that will be extracted in the next image in order
to search the object points. We called this window the
zone of object and its size is a function of previousob-
ject limits and a security margin. Once object region
is extracted in next image, we carried out a correlation
process to find new object location.
5.1 Model Object Detection
The concept of object developed here covers the man-
agement of several points which have been evalu-
ated as a part of a moving object. In this work, the
task of tracking consists in following each object el-
ement with its particular appearance and the only re-
lationship among them is their velocity and position.
Thus, model object initialization consists in extract-
ing a window patch (a template) around each point in
the image where object was detected. The same num-
ber of templates are extracted around the estimated
feature location in the next image. Appearance of ini-
tial templates in the current image is updated by an
affine model. Feature points could be removed from
the model if one or more of the following cases hap-
Feature location is not found by correlation
Location found is not inside the bounding box
Displacement and velocity of the points found are
not inside of the normally distribution of their re-
spective mean data.
5.2 Occupancy Map
In our algorithm, it is important to add new points
that complete the model of the detected moving ob-
ject and at the same time detect new incoming objects.
In a context of unknown environment, feature points
should be initially chosen in all the image without
highlighting some locations. To overcome this uni-
form point selection along robot navigation process,
a space-time occupancy map is constructed by cells
centered on tracked points indicating favorable loca-
tions for newfeature detection. This map develops the
idea of an occupation grid in the sense of higher prob-
abilities represent the locations in the image that are
ICINCO 2010 - 7th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
no important to seek for a new point (like occupied lo-
cations). So, mainly locations in the image with lower
probability values in the map will be first used to look
for new points.
First probability map locations are initialized to
= 0.5 value that represents the initial fair selection
of feature points, that is, p(u, v, t = 0) = p
. When
an interesting point is detected in (u, v) at t > 0, it
becomes the center of an occupied cell and its cor-
responding value in the map is given by eq. 4 with
= 0. A cell becomes empty in function of interest
point displacements at every iteration : if a tracked
point leaves the cell it was using at time t 1 its prob-
ability is updated and then this cell is labeled as empty
in the current image t. The new cell in which tracked
point is located at time t becomes now an occupied
cell. The Figure 4 depicts simulated results of this
map construction along five successive images for a
tracked point. A square cell of size 11x11 centered
on (u, v) point location is used. Cell value is always
given by a 2D Gaussian pdf in combination with the
rules established by eq. 4 and 5. The inverse effect
of function α(u, v) applied to previous point positions
is clearly seen in this image. With this probability
map we enhance the assumption of new points of in-
coming object will appear behind its current detected
point positions.
p(u, v,t) =
(α(u, v)
+ G (µ
, µ
, σ
, σ
)) (4)
where α(u, v) function describes the previous
probability in the cell according to the previous state
of location (u, v), that is:
α(u, v)
p(u, v)
if Cell
if Cell
0 if (u, v, )
where p
is the maximal probability value, set to 1
in our procedure. In order to avoid that this map stores
for long time the same probability values in some lo-
cations, the map is reset each 2 times of trail process,
except for the current object tracking locations.
Proposed algorithms have been implemented in C,
C++ and TCL and included as module into a frame-
work for developping algorithms in robotics. Robot
navigation was performed in indoor and outdoor con-
text with a camera mounted on the robot (640 × 480
180 200 220 240 260 280 300
Figure 4: Simulated results of probability map for a tracked
point in 5 successive images. Inverse shapes represent the
probability in the four previous images, higher shape de-
picts current point location.
at 10Hz). The number N of tracked points by KLT
is set to 150. At this first stage of the experiments,
any information about the odometry of the robot is
available, therefore, we carefully control robot speed
First test was carried out on a sequence of 300 im-
ages. The first row in Figure 5 shows three images
selected from this sequence, at the time of a mov-
ing object appears in the field of vision of the robot.
Image 5a shows the bounding box of moving object
that enters from the left side of the image, all detected
points inside of rectangle are used to initialize object
model. After 20 processed images bounding box of
initial object is enlarged (see image 5b). Even when in
image 5c half of the moving object is out of the scene,
the object is still tracked by the Kalman Filter. This
is a specially difficult sequence because some images
show drastic changes due to vibrations. So most of
the points enters to the clustering process, but their
movement is classified as random. The second row on
Figure 5 showsthe algorithm performance with object
occlusions. In this case the car which is closer to the
robot is well detected and tracked. Some problems to
perfectly detect the second car after the occlusion oc-
cur and image 5d shows that the algorithm divides it
in 3 different moving objects.
6.1 Non Rigid Moving Objects Tracking
An extension of tests to indoor environments is car-
ried out for evaluating the development of our algo-
rithm to track non rigid moving objects. Indoor envi-
ronment induces more stable illumination conditions
and normally a less charged background where non
rigid objects could be better handle. The Figure 6
(a) Image 91 (b) Image 111 (c) Image 131
(d) Image 58 (e) Image 66 (f) Image 86
Figure 5: Experimental results in outdoor environment. First row shows moving object detection and tracking: (a) initial
detection, then total detection in image (b) by merging function, finally tracking just the latest part of the car in (c). Second
row : moving object occlusion is successfully handle by our proposed method.
(a) Image 193 (b) Image 206 (c) Image 229
Figure 6: Indoor experimental results show the non-rigid objects detection and tracking. A good but incomplete detection is
done for a person who crosses the room image (a). Then a more enhanced detection is done in images (b) and (c) however
random natural turns during person walking perturb the successive detection of object points.
shows a person that crosses the field of view of the
mobile robot during its navigation in an indoor con-
text. As long as the person moves away of the robot,
almost a complete detection is achieved. However,
with a considerable delay, initially only the head of
the person is detected. The leg movements are large
and in a forward-backward direction and it disturbs
the detection of a non random movement. To over-
come this restriction in our algorithm, a strategy that
involves the use of 3D camera and several point posi-
tions given by a SLAM process is being developed.
So, an additional but fast analysis comparison be-
tween the depths of moving points and detected mov-
ing object will provide enough information to asso-
ciate these points to moving object. The 2D dimen-
sional context of our proposed method is preserved by
transforming 3D points into 2D points before entering
to clustering process and at the end taking into ac-
count their third coordinate position only for achiev-
ing a faster and more complete non rigid detection.
Experimental results show that even with few images,
it is possible to detect a rigid (and partially non-rigid)
moving object by a spatio-temporal analysis of fea-
ICINCO 2010 - 7th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics
tures. Object model is enlarged thanks to prior knowl-
edge managed by the proposed probability map. This
map is successfully used during the active search of
feature points because it mainly highlights zones that
certainly contain new moving interesting points. Our
tests are performed off line on a recorded sequence;
however, the global algorithm works fast and could
process images at 10Hz. The clustering method is the
highest time consuming in the global process; for that
reason, the number of trails to be grouped by the clus-
tering method, should be no more to 150 points. Thus,
the trade-off between image size and that number of
points guarantees the highest performance in overall
It has been assumed that all pixels whose displace-
ments are less than one pixel could be considered as
noise or as points displaced by little vibrations of the
camera. However the most sensible part of our algo-
rithm resides in robot motion. Under not controlled
conditions of velocity, most significant displacements
are concentrated in both left and right image sides,
mainly caused by egomotion. A general strategy to
avoid egomotion detection and non rigid moving ob-
jects is being integrated based on monocamera SLAM
approach. An interchange of 3D and 2D points infor-
mation between SLAM and our MOT process will be
continuously carried out giving a cooperative sense
to our new proposed strategy. That is, detected static
points will be sent to SLAM, these points are candi-
dates to be included as a new landmark in the stochas-
tic map used to update camera pose estimation. Then,
this camera pose will be received by our MOT pro-
cess to estimate the camera motion and calculate real
detected point displacements.
This work has been performed in the context of the
RINAVEC project funded by ANR, the french As-
sociation Nationale de la Recherche. It has been
supported by the scholarship 183739 of the Consejo
Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnolog´ıa (CONACYT), the
Secretar´ıa de Educaci´on P´ublica and by the mexican
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