tures. Object model is enlarged thanks to prior knowl-
edge managed by the proposed probability map. This
map is successfully used during the active search of
feature points because it mainly highlights zones that
certainly contain new moving interesting points. Our
tests are performed off line on a recorded sequence;
however, the global algorithm works fast and could
process images at 10Hz. The clustering method is the
highest time consuming in the global process; for that
reason, the number of trails to be grouped by the clus-
tering method, should be no more to 150 points. Thus,
the trade-off between image size and that number of
points guarantees the highest performance in overall
It has been assumed that all pixels whose displace-
ments are less than one pixel could be considered as
noise or as points displaced by little vibrations of the
camera. However the most sensible part of our algo-
rithm resides in robot motion. Under not controlled
conditions of velocity, most significant displacements
are concentrated in both left and right image sides,
mainly caused by egomotion. A general strategy to
avoid egomotion detection and non rigid moving ob-
jects is being integrated based on monocamera SLAM
approach. An interchange of 3D and 2D points infor-
mation between SLAM and our MOT process will be
continuously carried out giving a cooperative sense
to our new proposed strategy. That is, detected static
points will be sent to SLAM, these points are candi-
dates to be included as a new landmark in the stochas-
tic map used to update camera pose estimation. Then,
this camera pose will be received by our MOT pro-
cess to estimate the camera motion and calculate real
detected point displacements.
This work has been performed in the context of the
RINAVEC project funded by ANR, the french As-
sociation Nationale de la Recherche. It has been
supported by the scholarship 183739 of the Consejo
Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnolog´ıa (CONACYT), the
Secretar´ıa de Educaci´on P´ublica and by the mexican
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