Two Case Studies
Pedro Campos
CCM, University of Madeira and INESC ID Lisbon
Campus Universitário da Penteada, 9000-390 Funchal, Portugal
Keywords: Human-Computer Interaction, Interactive Installations, Agile Development, User-Centered Design.
Abstract: We argue that agile methods can be particularly effective when designing and developing interactive instal-
lations, as long as the agile methods are correctly tailored to this application domain. Based on significant
experience, which was built upon ethnographic observation and participation in about a dozen industrial
projects related to interactive installations’ design and development, we present agile strategies which
proved effective when dealing with the industry’s typical tight production schedules, and we also provide
the data from two case studies, discussions and conclusions. Using real world case studies such as these, re-
searchers can obtain more insight into best practices that could be useful for promoting innovation during
the agile process.
Agile Software Development (ASD) is a software
engineering approach that has come to an age of
relative maturity, while keeping itself open to inte-
gration or cross-pollination among approaches that
previously represented sharply opposing postures
(Ergdomus, 2007).
On the other hand, the principles underlying the
ASD movement, firstly advocated by a set of several
practitioners, are based on concrete best practices,
which were outlined through a large body of
knowledge. That body of knowledge included
essentially a vast amount of success and failure case
studies and experiences with many software
projects, in many different application domains.
While each practitioner has an individual
perspective about how to successfully approach
software development, there were key factors, which
seemed common to each and every project. These
included tight collaboration between developers and
business managers, face-to-face, informal
collaborations as opposed to bureaucratic production
of project documentation and formal modelling,
frequent iterations and rapid deliveries of functional
prototypes, embracing requirements’ change as
opposed to well-defined, fixed requirements right at
the start of a project, as well as other principles that
have become widely known by the general software
engineering community (Fowler and Highsmith,
Since the early Agile Manifesto days, there has
been a growing number of research papers around
this theme, some of them focusing on the success
factors brought by the agile practices, such as
customer commitment derived from early and
continuous delivery of valuable software, decision
time, likely made within short timeframes, corporate
culture (agile methodologies are not appropriate to
bureaucratic organizations (Cockburn, 2002)), and
dynamism and uncertainty, i.e. being able to handle
dynamism and the uncertainty built in it.
There are also many tailored approaches and
variants of agile development. The most popular
ones include Extreme Programming (XP) (Hedin et
al., 2003), SCRUM (Schwaber, 2004) and Crystal
Methodologies (Cockburn, 2002).
However, there is currently a lack of agile
strategies to designing a novel kind of software:
software built to support interactive installations
such as interactive floors, walls, multi-touch tables
and - in general - software for novel interaction
paradigms. This new kind of software is quite
different from the traditional GUI-oriented software,
which is essentially based in WIMP (Windows,
Icons, Menus and Pointing Devices) (Want and
Pering, 2005) user interfaces.
Based on a significant experience, which was
Campos P. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Human-Computer Interaction, pages 174-179
DOI: 10.5220/0002956401740179
built upon ethnographic observations and
participation in about a dozen industrial projects
related to interactive installations' design and
development, we present agile strategies which
proved effective when dealing with the industry's
typical tight production schedules, and we also
provide the data from two case studies, discussions
and conclusions.
Our contribution is two-fold: (i) we present the
results from applied case studies, following the spirit
of the agile movement - which was itself based on a
practical experience body of knowledge - in a novel
software development context that is becoming
increas-ingly important: multimodal user interfaces
(Klein and Myers, 2005) sometimes also referred to
as ubiquitous computing (Latoschik, 2005); and (ii)
we describe a novel set of agile strategies aimed at
supporting this development context in the tourism
market. Both of these contributions are, to our
knowledge, original, although several researchers
have applied similar research methods to similar
2.1 Agile Methods
Agile methodologies fit nicely into the context of
small software development companies, since they
evolved as a reaction against the so-called 'heavy-
weight' methods, which are regarded as bureaucratic
and slow, like the waterfall model. The main idea
advocated by agile practitioners, is that short itera-
tions turn the methods more responsive to changes
in the environment - this is especially useful in the
application domain this paper is focused on. In par-
ticular, artists and interior designers, who were
stakeholders in the projects we will describe, have a
particular work style, which is based on constant
change as a way to create better results. It's a cultural
and professional issue that clashes against the more
formal and compartmented software engineering
The agile approach quickly became mainstream
in the software industry. The agile community is
defined by a core set of beliefs and practices, in a
“practice what you preach” philosophy. The Mani-
festo for Agile Software Development, the most
well-known conjugation of agile principles and be-
liefs, states:
“(...) we have come to value:
individuals and interactions over processes and
working software over comprehensive documen-
customer collaboration over contract negotiation
responding to change over following a plan”
Agile methods pay significant attention to users
and their needs. They bring users to the development
process from the early stages, when the requirements
are discovered, and give them an opportunity to
speak up and say what they really need and want.
There are some studies, such as (Mitra and
Gupta, 2005), regarding how innovation can be
brought to the XP and Agile processes. However,
little research is based on extensive experience and
observations from real world case studies. Innova-
tion and agility are essential factors to supporting the
creation of value in a fast-paced global knowledge
2.2 Novel Interaction Paradigms
Interactive installations based on novel interaction
paradigms; such as gesture recognition or multi-
touch surfaces are typically designed through User-
Centred approaches, the so-called UCD methods
(Vredenburg et al., 2002). There are, however, many
similarities between the XP practices and UCD.
What XP argues as iterations, small increments,
UCD advocates as prototyping. The XP “Planning
game” is very similar to the UCD concept of “Focus
Groups”, which are essentially, focused discussions
where a moderator leads a group of participants
through a set of questions on a particular topic (Dix
et al., 2004). XP’s story cards, task cards and user
stories are very alike to UCD’s scenarios, user roles
and task models. The XP practice of having an on-
site customer representative is analogous to the UCD
notion of user-centred design, or user participation.
The UCD equivalent of XP’s tests (or test stories) is
the evaluation session or usability inspections. And
finally, XP’s metaphors correspond to UCD’s con-
ceptual and mental models (Vredenburg et al.,
2.3 Innovation Processes
Creativity support tools have the power to accelerate
discovery and innovation (Shneiderman, 2007). The
question is posed in terms of how can designers of
programming interfaces, interactive tools, and rich
social environments enable more people to be more
creative more often (Shneiderman, 2007).
Ben Shneiderman, one of the most prominent
leaders of the human-computer interaction field,
advocates that Leonardo da Vinci could help as an
inspirational muse for the new computing (Shnei-
derman, 2005). Shneiderman says his example could
push designers to improve quality through scientific
study and more elegant visual design. Leonardo’s
example can guide us to the new computing, which
emphasizes empowerment, creativity, and collabora-
Shneiderman (2000) also proposes a four-stage
framework for creativity that can assist designers in
producing the right tools their users: (1) Collect:
learn from previous works stored in libraries, the
Web, etc.; (2) Relate, consult with peers and mentors
at early, middle, and late stages; (3) Create: explore,
compose, evaluate possible solutions; and (4) Do-
nate: disseminate the results and contribute to the
libraries. He also emphasizes that “Education could
expand from acquiring facts, studying existing
knowledge, and developing critical thinking, to in-
clude more emphasis on creating novel artefacts,
insights, or performances.” (Shneiderman, 2000).
Some successful examples of creativity and in-
novation processes come from universities, espe-
cially examples where cross-disciplinary design re-
search is involved. Ellen Yi-Luen Do and Mark
Gross (2007) engaged their students in this line of
action and describe parameters and principles that
they found helpful in organizing and conducting this
kind of work. A variety of projects that have been
developed in their group illustrated their parameters
and principles. The focus is on making and they
have come to see creativity as grounded in the abil-
ity to make things.
This research was mainly carried out in the company
WowSystems, while the case studies we focus on
happened at the World Expo Zaragoza 2008 (Spain),
and at a Cultural Exhibition in Madeira (Portugal).
WowSystems is specialized in new digital media,
novel interaction paradigms and interactive installa-
tions. Because of the very nature of its core business,
innovation and agility are main concerns of the
We followed an interpretive research approach
(Walsham, 1995). Interpretive case studies can make
a valuable contribution to Information System (IS)
theory and practice and the volume and range of
such studies are limited. Some researchers (Hedin et
al., 2003) agree that there is a need for more inter-
pretive stances in the future in the IS field and soft-
ware engineering as well.
This means that the analysis of data was based
“on understanding a complex whole from precon-
ceptions of about the independent meanings of its
parts and their interrelationships” (Klein and Myers,
1999). We also followed in some way the spirit of
ethnographic research, taking field observations and
tracking artefacts such as post-it notes, desktop
items, whiteboard collaborative writing sessions and
similar ones. Ethnographic analysis is derived from
anthropology. Field observations are taken at a site
of a possible user. These observations also gather the
sequence of work and interruptions that determine
the user’s typical day.
Our method included the gathering of data re-
lated to (i) participant observations, in an ethno-
graphic study manner, over the course of the pro-
jects; (ii) semi-structured interviews to stakeholders
and (iii) informal meetings and discussions. The
following are the time periods and projects the au-
thor participated, in order to conduct the research
following the previously mentioned method:
• Cultural Interactive Exhibition: January to April
• Portuguese Pavilion in Expo Zaragoza, Spain:
April to September 2008;
The meetings involved a large assortment of pro-
fessions: programmers, visual de-signers, project
managers, interior architects, artists, government
persons, marketing personnel and researchers. We
took notes during the observation sessions, and au-
dio-recorded some of the interviews. Photos were
taken at relevant and/or interesting moments
throughout the development. The authors were also
able to participate in informal meetings.
Following the ethnographic research spirit, we
also conducted several in-depth structured inter-
views with developers and engineers, project man-
agers, and customer representatives, which included
the professions mentioned before.
WowSystems had chosen to follow agile develop-
ment methods in all projects developed by the com-
pany, since it fitted very well into the tight schedules
the clients demanded. There were, however, two
major concerns expressed by the developers: how to
achieve innovative solutions and how to deal with
the communication issues. These communication
issues were derived not only from the background
differences between artists and engineers but also
from the very nature of interactive installations as
“physical pieces” of software, sometimes even cal-
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
led as tangible user interfaces (Ishii, 2008).
We will begin by analysing the Cultural Interac-
tive Exhibition, and afterwards we will describe the
Tourism Information Office case study. At the end
of each subsection, we provide a detailed discussion
organized around the main challenges and processes;
in particular we outline how agile processes should
be tailored in order to be more effective when de-
signing interactive installations like these.
4.1 Cultural Interactive Exhibition
In April 2008, WowSystems designed a set of sen-
sor-based installations in a cultural exhibition organ-
ized by the Direction of Cultural Affairs, which
aimed at showing the visitor the cultural richness
that formed the streets of Funchal (Portugal). The
concepts of the exhibition revolved around promot-
ing awareness about, and foster a better under-
standing of, the cultural tourism that can be per-
formed by simply walking through strategic streets
and watching certain buildings, sites, and heritage.
To better complement the exhibition’s traditional
large-format printed panels, the organizers wanted to
have the interactive factor as a means to add value to
the visitor’s experience.
The final set of installations included: (i) a vir-
tual encyclopaedia that could be browsed by simple
page-flipping gestures performed in mid-air; (ii) an
interactive floor that illustrated the evolution of the
transportation means along the years; (iii) an interac-
tive timeline using a touch-screen and (iv) a panel
with projected images that would change through
waving. These installations are shown in Fig. 1.
Figure 1: Innovation examples for cultural heritage and
museums: the installations and interaction styles employed
throughout the 2008 “Cultural Tourism” exhibition
(clockwise from top left): page-flipping, walking over,
touching and waving.
The use of sensor-based interactive installations,
in particular installations involving infrared motion
sensors as well as cameras coupled with real time
video processing algorithms, have been receiving
considerable interest both from industry and acade-
mia (Hornecker and Stifter, 2006) During the design
and evaluation of interactive exhibitions, much can
be learned about interaction design for public set-
tings like these.
An important principle, upon which the agile
methodologies are based, is the close relations be-
tween developers and users or customers. Being
agile means giving priority to customer's satisfaction
through early and continuous delivery of software
where changes are appreciated. The main customers
for this Culture Interactive Exhibition were archi-
tects, artists and designers who were interested in
conceiving the best possible ways to provide an in-
teresting exhibition. The design and development
processes were therefore a collaborative effort be-
tween WowSystems’ team and these user groups.
Change was constant - and communication was
a true challenge, since it was difficult for them to
communicate us the whole point of. And when we
moved from the laptop to an actual kiosk or projec-
tion, we noticed how different their opinion was re-
garding every aspect of the design and development
(Developer/Designer, WowSystems).
Another interesting observation was:
They were completely focused on the MS
PowerPoint model - they thought kiosks and interac-
tive installations had to be designed as if they were
PowerPoint presentations” (Developer, WowSys-
The experience of designing and evaluating an
interactive exhibition featured four different interac-
tion styles to control digital contents: touching,
walking over, waving and page-flipping. The design
approach was based on tailoring the interaction
styles to the exhibition’s contents and making a
creative use of sensor-based technology, with the
explicit goal of reducing the distance between visi-
tors and cultural heritage.
While some of the more than fifty interactive in-
stallations already deployed were solely created as
experiential activities, providing an increase in the
level of learning by adding facts to an already well-
formed conceptual model, others were designed to
enact a reflective activity, thus supporting a restruc-
turing learning where new conceptual frameworks
need to be built. Another issue that drives the devel-
opment team is the observation of the visitors’ and
users’ behaviours, particularly finding out how col-
laborative activities can be supported as feedback
mechanisms to enhance engagement and learning
Generally, the observations were focused around
four issues: (i) usability, how easy and intuitive it is
to interact with the products? (ii) interaction model,
i.e. how did the interaction model was learned and
reapplied, (iii) social interaction, which types of in-
ter-action triggered more collaborative activity and
how did this activity affect the performance of the
interaction and finally (iv) learning effectiveness,
did visitors actually learn anything? Whether it’s for
a museum, tourism or a brand, all these issues apply.
If we’re designing for a brand, the visitor should
learn all about it and memorize it. If we’re de-
signing for tourism then the destination itself is the
brand. And if we’re designing for a museum or a
science park, learning is one of the most important
goals to be attained by the product’s usage.
Particularly important for designing for innova-
tion is the interaction model and how it is learned
and reapplied. If the interactive product is too inno-
vative, then it could be difficult to learn at first hand.
On the other hand, conventional, well-established
models of interaction (e.g. touch-screen kiosk) aren’t
innovative and therefore we can conclude that there
is, naturally, a dichotomy between the learning curve
and innovation degree of an interactive product.
4.2 Tourism Booth, Expo Zaragoza’08
Another similar innovation case study was the instal-
lation at the Portuguese Pavilion in Expo Zaragoza,
Spain, in 2008. WowSystems was commissioned by
the Tourism Board to design, develop and install an
interactive floor of 5x2m at Expo Zaragoza, the
world’s largest exhibition, dedicated to “Water and
sustainable development”. The installation was a
recreation of the famous Madeira “Levadas”, the
name given to watercourses built by man in order to
carry the water from the mountains down to the vil-
Figure 2 illustrates the final product: we can see
a picture of a visitor walking over an interactive rec-
reation – an interactive floor – that reacted to the
user’s steps or gestures. Innovation was once again
present, and the team wanted to achieve something
more significant, but very rapidly and in an agile
way. Since the idea was to recreate the environment,
and since that idea influenced the design process, the
team added the true sounds of the forest’s bird spe-
cies, and even added a “scent projector” that spread
the scents and aromas of the forest as well. This
way, the visitor could really immerse herself into the
scenery, in a multi-sensorial experience.
Figure 2: The virtual walkway.
The innovation process followed in this project
was similar to the previous one. Like the previous
project, one of the innovative ideas that were put
into practice was the alignment of the interaction
style to the message being conveyed by the product:
In this case, visitors of the pavilion get to know the
“levadas” the same way they would as if they were
visiting the real ones - by walking over the interac-
tive “levada”. However, some significant differences
occurred because the goal was to bring a little bit of
life to the pavilion. The innovation process that was
undertook in this case, was to brainstorm about how
to recreate a touristic site using technology. After
two sessions, one member of the design team pro-
posed to add sounds and scents to the installation,
and this turned out to be an aspect that the end users
and the client both appreciated, much more than
In this paper, we focused on describing the innova-
tion aspects that occur using an agile development
approach, when creating software products that em-
ploy novel user interaction paradigms. Using real
world case studies such as these, one can obtain
more insight into best practices that could be useful
for promoting innovation during the agile process.
Incubators, applied research centres, company’s
R&D departments, and innovation centres in gen-
eral: All these can benefit from learning other com-
panies’ experiences and projects.
Interactive, Digital Media projects are often con-
ducted by multi-disciplinary teams that usually in-
clude programmers, software engineers, project
managers, interior designers, architects, graphical
artists, and a high-level of client involvement.
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
A great difficulty arises when the final product is
actually deployed: interactive installations are diffi-
cult to prototype and many aspects are impossible to
model and test by means of early prototypes. This
doesn’t happen with, e.g. mobile applications, where
the designer has full access to the end product look
& feel anytime and anywhere. Since innovative
products are much harder to propose to clients than
conventional products, this difference between early
prototypes and final product is a significant chal-
lenge for small companies, since it involves a large
degree of imagination to describe.
Finally, many governmental programs, which are
aimed at sparking innovative companies and sup-
porting creative entrepreneurs, entail a large degree
of bureaucratic forms, laws, regulations and similar
“red tape” that are easy creativity-killers. This is a
major difficulty should be addressed. Facilitating or
diminishing the amount of red tape in incentives
programs doesn’t necessarily diminishes the credi-
bility and transparency of the program.
One of the limitations of a study like this is re-
lated to measuring results: it is not easy, in a busi-
ness context, to effectively measure innovation
processes or even to explain exactly what went well
and what went wrong during the agile process. Much
of the practitioners’ knowledge is tacit, in the sense
that they don’t know themselves how they accom-
plish their everyday tasks. Only through extensive
observation in situ can researchers obtain a clearer
picture on the innovation processes that companies
and research institutes follow and consequently how
can software developers take appropriate measures
in order to improve their competitiveness and effi-
ciency. This is, however, a first step towards that
Another limitation of our experience is that it
considers only the perspective of an interactive digi-
tal media company. It would be very interesting to
compare this experience to other businesses and to
other research fields, since some conclusions can be
transversal to the research field.
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