Pilar Martinez Jimenez, Juan Luna Rodriguez
Department of Applied Physic, University of Córdoba, Córdoba, Spain
Department of Computer and Electronic Technology, University of Córdoba, Córdoba, Spain
Marta Varo-Martínez, Carmen García, Gerardo Pedrós-Pérez, Pedro Pérez, Juan Calero
Department of Applied Physic, University of Córdoba, Córdoba, Spain
Keywords: Virtual Labs, e-learning, Engineering,
Abstract: This paper presents a new Learning Management System (LMS), which permits teachers to administrate the
contents stored in the system. It also allows the carrying out of student handling actions: enrolment in a
course, evaluations, generation of reports in PDF format or as tabulated data in CSV format, notification via
e-mail, which facilitates both the management of subjects taught by the teacher and the learning of them by
students, thus obtaining a personalized Virtual Classroom. This project presents some advantages in
comparison to others LMSs, since we can develop and include some virtual laboratories as a typical content
in the portal, adapting them according to the needs of the user, i.e. the teacher. Particularly, whilst in other
tools virtual laboratories can be only linked to external resources, in this LMS they can be directly created,
edited or designed within the same environment.
Very many studies (Lopez Martin, A. , 2003;
Babulak E, , 2009; Fang RJ, Chang YH, Tsai HL,
2009) have shown the usefulness of new
technologies at an educational level (CIive L. Dym,
2004). Within the field of scientific and
technological education, computers can be used as a
tool for reflection, since thanks to them students are
the protagonists of their own learning processes
(Romero, C.; Ventura, S. Et al. 2009).
In the past few years we have developed and
evaluated numerous computer science applications,
which include different modules: diagnosis of
knowledge and previous ideas, solution of problems,
numerical simulations, virtual laboratories,
interactive tutorials, etc (Martínez-Jiménez , P.,
Varo, M; et al. 2009).
The main advantages of this type of educational
tools are: representation of situations which in
practice are irreproducible, idealization of
experimental conditions, depiction of situations
requiring costly and complex equipment or without
many prototypes available, the use of models
representing partial aspects of reality, handling of
dangerous processes, and control of variables, etc .
Furthermore, very many changes have occurred in
the “network above all networks” (Stefanovic M,
Matijevic M, Cvijetkovic V, 2009) since 1995. In
the field of Physics, numerous advances have been
made, especially in the area of research and
Currently, teleinformation is an important
challenge in education since it lets teachers teach
subjects and resolve students’ doubts through
Internet,, and, at the same time, students can carry
out a self-directed learning process.
In addition, most of the Learning Management
Systems available on the market present a very
generic philosophy and, consequently, the users
(teachers and students) cannot make the most of
Martinez-Jimenez P., Luna Rodriguez J., Varo-Martínez M., García C., Pedrós-Pérez G., Perez P. and Calero J. (2010).
In Proceedings of the Multi-Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT, pages 161-164
DOI: 10.5220/0002958201610164
Inside this line of work, the department of Applied
Physics has been compiling a large amount of links
to different resources created for the department,
each one focusing on an aspect of Physics
The basic objective of the project presented is the
creation of a Learning Management System or LMS,
which permits teachers to administrate the contents
stored in the system (inclusion or exclusion and
modification of different types of contents: tutorials,
practices, problems, simulations). In addition,
organization actions can be carried out for students:
enrolment in a course, evaluation, generation of
reports in PDF or as tabulated data in CSV,
notification via e-mail. This features facilitate both
teaching and learning, obtaining a personalized
Virtual Classroom, moving away from the pre-
fabricated products in existence, such as Moodle,
Dokeos and other LMSs.
The aims of this application are:
A complete management of students. To enable
teachers to administrate simply and intuitively
the different groups of students they teach.
A classification of the contents and teaching
resources, problems, questionnaires and
simulations in order to place them at the
students’ disposal.
Generation of courses with personalized contents
(tutorials, simulations and virtual laboratories)
reinforcing the concept of the Virtual Classroom
as a complement tool to teaching.
In view of the current tendency of using the web in
our daily lives, with this system we shall be able to
focus on teaching from a more up-to-date point of
view and in accordance with the advances supplied
by this technology. Among the advantages of this
web aspects are:
Magnetic support independence: it will not be
necessary for the student to load magnetic or
optic material for the installation of software in
different computers.
Geographical independence: The student can
access to the application from any terminal
possessing a connection to Internet, without any
other special requirement.
Adaptation to new technologies: there is no
doubt that the web support contributes a nuance
of progress to the project in accordance with the
technology of the information networks in force
Restricting access to certain areas: It has become
necessary to prevent non authorized users from
having complete access to specific areas, mostly
used for the organization of users and of the
portal contents.
GCAD is a Web application which implements an
information system useful in teaching as a LMS
(Learning Management System). For that, the PHP 5
programm language, a database system such as
MySQL and a Web server are used.
As in all the dynamic contents web management
system, the application is divided into two
visualization modes. On the one hand, the portal
public views, that is, the front-end in which all the
contents stored in the system are shown categorized
according to the kind of content. On the other hand,
the private block of the software, the back-end,
which is only accessible to the users registered as
administrators or teachers and with the
corresponding licenses to create, edit or delete
contents or to manage the different users
3.1 Development of the Front-end or
Public View
In this part of the tool the external interface or front-
end has been implemented. This permits us to show
users the different types of contents to which each
user is associated and which have been generated
with the administration tool. To achieve this, the
logic controlling the access to the contents was
codified (figure 1)
Figure 1: Public View Screen.
INNOV 2010 - International Multi-Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT
3.2 Development of Back-on
or Administration
The databases and the web environment have been
designed to permit the development of the
administration tool of the contents or back-end in
accordance with the philosophy of the web creation.
The whole web portal (those aspect related to the
users and those related to the contents) can be
administrated from this section. Access to this
section of the portal will be restricted per user
The content is classified into courses, tutorials,
questionnaires and the web portal front-page. Course
content type include tutorials and questionnaires
which can be linked allowing the creation of
personalized courses with the desirable content. At
the same time, tutorials are based on a page structure
so that it is possible to create a “book” with a more
comfortable navigation, which permits browsing to
be easier in the form of “training pills” (Figure 2).
Next, each of the functions of the Learning
Management System is explained:
Administration of users. This is a basic
functionality. With this administration tool we
shall be able to incorporate users, modify the
data or remove users as basic tasks, and other
more advanced ones like the management of the
applications for enrolment in the courses, grade
control, sending of notifications, blocking of
users or generation of reports. The users can play
one of three possible roles: Administrator,
Teacher or Student. These roles will determine
access to the System’s tools, so that access to the
back-end is reserved for users with the role of
Administrator or Teacher.
Administration of Courses. This second tool is
that which allows the incorporation, modification
or removal of courses or virtual laboratories in
the system. A course or virtual laboratory, as a
type of content, is the framework in which the
rest of the information stored in the system is
Administration of Tutorials, Simulations. A
complete administration tool has been designed
with the basic functionalities of inclusion,
modification or removal for each of the types of
contents that can be included in the courses or
virtual laboratories. Contents already created
with other technologies can be included, such as
Flash, Applets, Java, Video, in different formats
or other XHTML elements and make them the
portal’s own material, thus eliminating the need
to access to the source where they come from
(Figure 3).
Figure 2: Administration screen.
Figure 3: General diagram of the Virtual Laboratory
Administration of Questionnaires. In the same
way as in the previous sections, a tool for
administrating questionnaires has been created
with the basic sections of inclusion, exclusion
and modification. The questionnaires can be
used, as well as contents which can be associated
with a laboratory or course, as an element which
decides the admission of a student in a course or
not. We can also use questionnaires as a filter
for admitting a student in one course or another.
That is to say, we can create several courses at a
different level, and, depending on the result
obtained in the questionnaire, the student will be
included in a certain course.
3.3 Public Portal
The system has an access control for its users. Once
they have been identified in it, they can access to the
different courses in which they are enrolled, or can
apply for enrolment in the rest of the courses
Comparing this application with other LMSs such as
Moodle, is the higher management content level,
that is, users can edit their own pages without a
predefine structure, being possible to include
educational contents instead of linking it. This
personalization system is based on the current CMS
(Content Management System) not implemented in
most of the LMS. This Web 2.0 feature makes the
present project nearer to the current website design
On the other hand the GCAD Project is a
dynamic tool specifically designed for the
educational field that complements and makes up for
the deficiencies on edition tools of the Applied
Physic Department Website, which are very
necessary in the present universitary learning-
teaching process.
Finally, the main GCAD innovation is the
personalization of the application, which is based on
the application of the Content Management System
philosophy to the LMS. Thanks to that it is possible
to integrate all the contents stored in the system
(questionnaires, tutorials, …) and to re-use them in
different courses.
A new platform, Learning Management System, has
been developed. It is somewhat removed from the
traditional Moodle type systems, since it not only
permits the administration of the actual tasks of
learning management but it enables users to design,
create, erase and modify lessons and/or virtual
laboratories housed in the server as if they belonged
to it.
In short, this project signifies an advance with
respect to other LMSs such as Moodle in the sense
that we can include these courses and/or virtual
laboratories as an actual content of the portal,
adapting it according to the needs of the user, in this
case the teacher; whereas with other tools it is not
possible to create, edit or design directly within the
same environment the courses created, but one is
limited to creating links to other external resources.
Together with this advance, which means
managing the contents as one’s own, it is important
to point out the advantage signified by the fact of
executing elements created externally on the same
platform without taking into account the original
source. This centralization of the contents permits: a
greater fluidity in browsing since everything is
housed in the same server; rapidity in localization at
the moment of creating courses as the contents
forming part of the portal can be used by different
courses; and, generally, the generation of a large
library of perfectly catalogued and permanently
available resources.
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INNOV 2010 - International Multi-Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT