Comparing this application with other LMSs such as
Moodle, is the higher management content level,
that is, users can edit their own pages without a
predefine structure, being possible to include
educational contents instead of linking it. This
personalization system is based on the current CMS
(Content Management System) not implemented in
most of the LMS. This Web 2.0 feature makes the
present project nearer to the current website design
On the other hand the GCAD Project is a
dynamic tool specifically designed for the
educational field that complements and makes up for
the deficiencies on edition tools of the Applied
Physic Department Website, which are very
necessary in the present universitary learning-
teaching process.
Finally, the main GCAD innovation is the
personalization of the application, which is based on
the application of the Content Management System
philosophy to the LMS. Thanks to that it is possible
to integrate all the contents stored in the system
(questionnaires, tutorials, …) and to re-use them in
different courses.
A new platform, Learning Management System, has
been developed. It is somewhat removed from the
traditional Moodle type systems, since it not only
permits the administration of the actual tasks of
learning management but it enables users to design,
create, erase and modify lessons and/or virtual
laboratories housed in the server as if they belonged
to it.
In short, this project signifies an advance with
respect to other LMSs such as Moodle in the sense
that we can include these courses and/or virtual
laboratories as an actual content of the portal,
adapting it according to the needs of the user, in this
case the teacher; whereas with other tools it is not
possible to create, edit or design directly within the
same environment the courses created, but one is
limited to creating links to other external resources.
Together with this advance, which means
managing the contents as one’s own, it is important
to point out the advantage signified by the fact of
executing elements created externally on the same
platform without taking into account the original
source. This centralization of the contents permits: a
greater fluidity in browsing since everything is
housed in the same server; rapidity in localization at
the moment of creating courses as the contents
forming part of the portal can be used by different
courses; and, generally, the generation of a large
library of perfectly catalogued and permanently
available resources.
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INNOV 2010 - International Multi-Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT