A Sensor Network Solution to Evaluate the Wellbeing of the Passenger
and Improve Safety in Cars
Jesus Murgoitio Larrauri, Beñat Arejita Larrinaga, Maider Larburu Lopez
and Javier Sanchez Cubillo
Robotiker-Tecnalia, Parque Tecnológico, Edificio 202, Zamudio E-48170 (Bizkaia), Spain
Keywords: Sensor network, IEEE 1451, Bluetooth, NCAP, STIM, TEDS, Plug & play.
Abstract: The use of sensors is very widespread in a lot of different environments and applications. Each situation
needs a different solution and for that reason the use of a scalable and easily manageable sensor network is a
must as applications are becoming increasingly complex. In many cases the perfect solution is the one based
on a wireless sensor network; it provides flexibility, ease of management of the system and expandability.
But in order to provide interoperability between different sensor manufacturers and to give a transparent and
independent interface, the use of a standard is mandatory. This standard system is provided by the IEEE
1451 family of standard protocols. In this project a Bluetooth based sensor network has been implemented
using the IEEE 1451 family of standard protocols. The goal of this network is to aid data acquisition from a
number of sensors within a car, in order to monitor the wellbeing of the passengers and improve safety and
The Bluetooth sensor network that is presented in
this paper has been developed for an automotive
environment in order to increase the safety and the
passengers comfort and to monitor their wellbeing.
For this purpose several sensors installed within a
car have been controlled using an IEEE 1451
standard based sensor network.
The sensor network has been implemented
within a Medea+ project known as Caring Cars, with
satisfactory evaluation.
As a result, several electronic boards have been
developed based on the HCS08 microcontroller
family, which are provided with Bluetooth
capabilities. The firmware of these devices has been
implemented using the APIs and data structures
defined in the IEEE 1451.0 standard.
In parallel, several software libraries and their
respective APIs have been created in order to control
these devices from a Linux based PC.
The main goal of the Caring Cars project was to
increase car safety by enabling wellbeing
applications in an automotive environment.
The main target was in-car safety and wellbeing
to address the huge indirect costs of transportation in
the EU. Reports by the European Environment
Agency estimate the indirect costs of transportation
at about 8% of GDP, a substantial part of which is
caused by accidents. Each year an estimated 127
thousand people are killed and about 2.4 million are
injured on roads in Europe.
So, the main goal of project was to address these
costs by turning the car into a safer environment.
To achieve the previously mentioned general
goal, the project designed an open automotive
infrastructure, mainly based on a sensor network in
cooperation with a car gateway. This sensor network
consists of the sensors already available in vehicles
augmented with new sensors.
Murgoitio Larrauri J., Larrinaga B., Larburu Lopez M. and Sanchez Cubillo J. (2010).
A BLUETOOTH SENSOR NETWORK BASED ON THE IEEE 1451 STANDARD - A Sensor Network Solution to Evaluate the Wellbeing of the Passenger
and Improve Safety in Cars.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems, pages 61-66
DOI: 10.5220/0002959100610066
The Car gateway manages and coordinates in-car
devices and establishes a connection with the
external world signalling for enriched information
exchange. In this way it will be possible to improve
car safety and thus reduce the costs of transportation
By adding external communication to the
infrastructure envisioned by the project it will also
become possible to use the same infrastructure to
support health care applications.
This project had partners from both industry and
academia to form a well balanced consortium that
has experience in providing car manufacturers and
manufacturing cars while possessing technical
expertise in the relevant technical fields. The
consortium used this experience and knowledge to
raise car safety to the next level.
3 IEEE 1451
The IEEE 1451 family of standard protocols is
aimed at giving a standard set of commands and data
structures to facilitate the self-management of sensor
networks and transducers. It provides the application
layer not only with a transparent interface to handle
sensors and actuators but also a communication
interface that is independent to the communication
protocol used in the physical layer.
The standard defines two main entities; the
Network Capable Application Processor (NCAP)
and the Smart Transducer Interface Module (STIM).
In order to achieve this, the standard family is
divided into different subfamilies: IEEE 1451.0,
IEEE 1451.1, IEEE 1451.2, IEEE 1451.3, IEEE
1451.4, IEEE 1451.5, IEEE 1451.6 and IEEE
The following figure shows an overview of this
family of IEEE international standards and how each
previously mentioned sub-family is related to each
of the others, mainly the IEEE 1451.0 and IEEE
1451.5, which are the only ones that have been used
within this work.
One key feature of the IEEE 1451 is the
Transducer Electronic Data Sheet, TEDS. This kind
of file is used to help to implement plug & play
features for the management of the transducers and
the transducer network itself.
Figure 1: IEEE 1451 family of protocols.
In this project only the 1451.0 and 1451.5
subfamilies have been used. The first one defines all
the data structures, commands, TEDS and
communication, transducer services and HTTP
access APIs and the second one defines the interface
for IEEE 1451 wireless communications (802.11.x,
802.15.1, 802.15.4).
The sensor network that has been implemented,
consists of three main elements. At the highest level
of the hierarchy is the car-gateway which is in
charge of collecting all the data from the sensor
network and storing it in the data base.
One step below in the architectural hierarchy is
the sensor manager, which is focused on collecting
all the data from the sensor nodes using a Bluetooth
communication and then sending the collected
information to the car-gateway via Ethernet.
Finally, there is one more element at a lower
level of the architectural hierarchy, the sensor node.
This works as an interface to the sensors themselves.
It is able to control eight different sensors and send
the gathered information to the sensor manager via
Bluetooth using the IEEE1451.0 TransducerServices
API and ModuleCommunication API.
4.1 Network Architecture
The network architecture which has been used is
illustrated in figure 2.
Figure 2 shows the main elements of the system:
the car-gateway, the sensor manager and the sensor
WINSYS 2010 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems
Figure 2: General architecture of the sensor network.
For the Caring Cars project, seven different
transducers have been used: gas detection,
temperature, pressure, inclination, humidity, light
plus a special ECG signal sensor.
All these transducers have been distributed
within a car, making three different groups each
controlled by a sensor node (STIM). The data
acquired by the nodes is sent to the sensor manager
using a previously established Bluetooth connection
while the communication parameters and the
connection itself are established by the sensor
4.2 Car-Gateway
The Car-Gateway is the top element of the
architecture and it is a Linux based Car-PC. Its
responsibility is to run the main application, storing
the information sent by the Sensor Manager via
Ethernet and evaluating the information of the
sensors in the system, and finally taking the right
decision in order to help to increase car safety and
passenger comfort.
Thus, an interface based on HTTP protocol
between Car-gateway and NCAP is used to provide
the 1451.0 functionality to any particular application
requiring sensor data.
4.3 Sensor Manager, NCAP
The Sensor Manager is a mini-PC (alix 3c3) with
Linux operative system. It uses the created libraries
and APIs to manage the sensors and the
communication with the sensor nodes in a
transparent way, as defined in the IEEE 1451.0 and
IEEE 1451.5 standards.
In order to have an overview of functionalities
provided by the implemented solution (first version),
the following table summarizes some of the most
important of these:
Table 1: Some of the implemented functions.
Function name Description
TedsManager_readTeds Reads TEDS files
Reports available
Opens the access of the
specified channel
Starts the data stream
from a specified
the communication
and establishes the
Bluetooth connection
the communication
interface of the IEEE
1451 layer
Several others have also been completed for this
functional solution, e.g. to report available channels
in a STIM, close the access of the specified channel,
stop the data stream of a specified channel, or read a
message that is in the bluetooth layer from the IEEE
1451 layer.
The NCAP current hardware device (alix 3c3)
selected is based on one “AMD Geode LX800” CPU
(500 MHz) and 256 MB DDR DRAM. Although
nowadays this device is working correctly and is
considered a good option at this development stage,
because of certain new features and corresponding
performance it should be evaluated prior to a more
consolidated version, and it is planned to design a
new NCAP hardware device which is more adjusted
to the final constraints and which features only the
necessary interfaces in order to obtain cheaper
market solutions. From this point of view, hardware
architecture options based on ARM are being
considered for the future.
4.4 Sensor Nodes, STIM
The sensor nodes are eight bit microcontrollers
based on the Freescale HCS08 family. The current
Evaluate the Wellbeing of the Passenger and Improve Safety in Cars
STIM version is able to control eight different
transducers and they have a Bluetooth chip, the
LMX9838, connected to the microcontroller by a
serial communication interface, and it has the
Bluetooth protocol stack implemented until the SDP
The firmware in the microcontroller sends the
information via serial lines in messages defined by
the Bluetooth chip manufacturer (national
The established Bluetooth connection uses the
RFCOMM protocol to emulate a serial point to point
communication between the sensor nodes and the
sensor manager using radio signals.
From the point of view of the protocol between
NCAP and STIM (Bluetooth), it has to be mentioned
that some problems related to connection time have
been detected. Therefore the current version of the
overall network requires more than the previously
expected time for all of the transducers’ data to
reach the NCAP and be monitored. This time
sometimes exceeds 30 seconds. It has been checked
and some interesting results have been obtained, in
that the connection time increases significantly when
more wireless devices, e.g. mobile phones, are
working in the surroundings.
As Bluetooth communication protocol was
selected because the transducers involved for
CaringCars project were related to wellbeing
evaluation within the car, this means that time
constraints for connection between STIMs and
NCAP were not very strict, the obtained results were
sufficient. Otherwise, this issue is being tested in
order to make improvements to future versions.
In any case, the IEEE1451 standard enables easy
changes to be made from one communication
protocol to another more convenient one, if this is
required due to time constraints or any other
requirement, using the same transducer descriptors
(TEDS). This is because the 1451.0 is providing a
common interface to manage every different type of
STIM, although it should also be mentioned that
only this Bluetooth STIM type has been fully tested
up to now.
4.5 Sensors and TEDS
The IEEE 1451.0 standard defines the so called
Transducer Electronic Data Sheet or TEDS. These
files are data structures divided in perfectly defined
different fields. The information within these fields
describes the sensor itself.
Using the information of these files the
application layer can easily know every parameter of
the sensor that is controlling, for instance calibration
information, the sensor’s measuring ranges or the
maximum working temperature of the sensor.
One of the most useful characteristics of these
files is that they can store the information for the
conversion from the sensor’s output voltage value to
its corresponding physical units. These
characteristics make the management of the
transducers easier, providing the application with a
transparent interface to work with, regardless of the
physical characteristics of the transducer in question.
Some of the data provided by a calibration
TEDS for the LM35 temperature sensor used in
CaringCars project were as follows:
/* Total Length */
/* TEDS identification header */
/* Length of TEDS */
/* --------------- */
/* Last calibration date */
/* Length of field */
/* --------------- */
/* Calibration interval */
/* --------------- */
/* Linear conversion */
/* --------------- */
/* Set of coefficients */
/* --------------- */
/* Checksum */
The strangest sensor used in this project was the
ECG signal sensor. It is not very usual to obtain the
ECG signal in a car environment but on the other
hand this signal could give a lot of information about
the wellbeing and comfort of the passengers.
To obtain this signal three conductive material
stripes have been added to the surface of the steering
wheel. These stripes are placed in a manner that
ensures that the necessary signals can be obtained in
order to achieve the ECG signal which is so desired.
The use of such an unusual sensor in an
automotive environment has been facilitated thanks
to the sensor network and the IEEE 1451 family of
standard protocols.
4.6 Results
As a result of this project, some IEEE 1451 standard
compatible electronic boards have been
manufactured which are able to communicate using
the very well known Bluetooth protocol. Thus, a
functional sensor network has been implemented
WINSYS 2010 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems
based on Bluetooth communications and IEEE 1451
family of standard protocols.
A common API and its respective libraries have
been developed in order to be able to control the
sensor nodes in a transparent way not only for the
management of the sensors, but also for the
communications used in the physical layer.
Finally a functional sensor network has been
implemented in a car environment satisfactorily
controlling a number of sensors between which the
ECG has been the most unusual but also the most
valuable sensor to monitor the wellbeing and
comfort of the passenger.
The following image shows the demonstrator
panel, formed by one NCAP and two STIMs where
each STIM module is able to connect to two
transducers, fabricated in order to explain the main
feature provided by this technology, which is the
easy way to interchange transducers connected to
different channels in any sensor node hardware
module (STIM), simply by downloading the proper
descriptor (TEDS) from the NCAP to the
corresponding STIM.
On the other hand, some limitations, problems
and/or disadvantages have been detected too. Firstly,
the current development is able to connect just two
channels per STIM physical node, although this is
only due to RAM memory space constraints. This
problem will be solved for the next version.
Figure 3: Demonstrator panel.
Furthermore, a longer delay to establish
Bluetooth connection in order to start
communications has been detected, mainly for
environments with more wireless technologies
working at the same time. This was detected because
when mobile phones were switched off this
connection time was reduced.
Another limitation related to Bluetooth protocol
is that one NCAP is able to connect a maximum of
seven STIMs. As the fabricated STIM can be
connected to eight transducers, nowadays one NCAP
would be able to provide data from up to 56
transducers. Obviously, any sensor network based
on this technology could have as many NCAPs as
Finally, it should be mentioned that current
NCAP hardware is a commercial device and,
although the corresponding firmware will be easily
portable, new hardware devices based on a more
suitable hardware will be designed in the future.
From the functional point of view, and taking into
account that this is the first fabricated version, the
goals of this sensor network have been satisfactorily
achieved although with certain limitations to be
resolved in the future.
This solution applied to this project has helped to
implement an application that is able to control and
manage a number of sensors in a transparent way,
regardless of the physical communication used in the
lower layers and regardless of the physical
characteristics of the sensors.
The use of Bluetooth communications has
helped to implement the sensor network in a car
environment easily due to the wireless characteristic
of the communication. The bandwidth and data
transfer rates provided by Bluetooth have been
sufficient to satisfactorily measure all the required
sensors for wellbeing evaluation, once the first
connection has been established.
On the other hand the use of IEEE 1451 family
of standard protocols has been very useful. The data
structures, the transducer access interface and the
transparent communication interface provided by the
standard family have been the key features for the
success of the entire sensor network.
Some days in connecting several STIMs and
NCAP by Bluetooth protocol have been detected
Evaluate the Wellbeing of the Passenger and Improve Safety in Cars
mainly when more wireless technologies are
working at the same time.
Besides, due to some limitations related to not
having enough RAM memory space in the current
STIM version, a new STIM hardware version will be
Therefore, future improvements for the next
version will aim at improvement according to the
main two aspects: providing more RAM memory in
order to be able to connect more transducers per
STIM node (at least eight channels), and reducing
connection time using Bluetooth protocol when any
STIM and NCAP are switched on.
A new hardware device based on a more suitable
hardware will be also designed for NCAP in the
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,
2007. IEEE Standard for a Smart Transducer
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Song, E. Y. Lee, K. B. 2008. STWS: A Unified Web
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Bluetooth Special Interest Group. Specification of the
Bluetooth system, URL www.bluetooth.com.
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. IEEE
Std 802.15.1-2005, Wireless Medium Access Control
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Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs), 14 June
The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. IEEE
Std 802.15.4-2006, Wireless Medium Access Control
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8 September 2006.
CaringCars – International project web site. URL:
CaringCars – Spanish consortium project web site. URL:
WINSYS 2010 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems