Figure 12: Packet Traffic of Media Server.
The Internet has grown to an enormously large scale,
with ubiquitous computing receiving increased
attention over the past few years. In a home network,
providing service discovery and multimedia services
has become a great challenge. This paper proposed
and implemented a video stream service for a home
network based on SIP. The MediaService header
was added into the SIP to provide video stream
service. With the MediaService header and REFER
method, streaming service session mobility can be
provided. With the SLP, the SIUA can discover
services from the SLP DA and access the media
streaming from the media server. Application
examples were introduced and the implementation
results show the ability of the proposed architecture.
In the future, we will extend our proposed
architecture with OSGi platform capabilities to
support an intelligent Home network system and
intelligent Vehicle network system.
This work was supported by the National Science
Council of Taiwan, R.O.C. under Grant NSC96-
2221-E-216-010, NSC97-2221-E-259-036, and
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DCNET 2010 - International Conference on Data Communication Networking