An Image Analysis Algorithm of Estimates Calculation
on a Plane
Valeriy Osipov
The Program Systems Institute RAS, Research Center for Multiprocessor Systems
Pereslavl-Zalessky, Russian Federation
Abstract. An implementation of image recognition algorithms based on esti-
mate calculation (2D AEC) with rectangular support sets is proposed. The ar-
ticle includes the sample. Let we have a photo of starry arch star map. The
problem is to recognize stars on the photo. The algorithm calculates the array of
estimates, and then we apply a decision rule.
1 Statement of the Problem
The article is concerned with an implementation of image recognition algorithms
based on estimate calculation (2D AEC) with rectangular support sets [2]. Let К is a
set of objects. The set K is called class. We have two tables S and T describing ob-
jects. Each table S row and each table T row contains an object description. Class K is
described both in S and in T. We do not know, which rows of the tables S and T de-
scribe the class K. Put this another way, the class K has two descriptions, the first one
is in the table S, the second one is in the table T. The table S and the table Т have an
equal number of columns n.
Some object attributes are changed when system of axes is changed, another
attributes are not changed. Let the first n
1 tables columns are changeable (n1≤n),
another ones are invariants. In other words, the first n
1 tables’ columns are object
space coordinates, other ones do not depend on object space system of axes.
Suppose space angles are invariants for any object space system of coordinates.
The problem is to find which table S rows and which table T rows are descriptions of
the objects of the class K.
We shall deal with the problem for n
1=2 (a plane).
Definition. By an elementary fragment of table we shall mean a set of three table
eeeФ = is a set of elementary fragments of the table S,
eeeФ =
is a set of elementary fragments of the table Т, Ω is the sys-
tem of reference subsets of { n
1+1, n1+2,…,n} [1],
Ω is a reference set. Suppose
is a proximity function [1]. Proximity function has two arguments (table rows). In
our case these arguments can be both from one and from different tables
Osipov V. (2010).
An Image Analysis Algorithm of Estimates Calculation on a Plane.
In Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Image Mining Theory and Applications, pages 13-18
DOI: 10.5220/0002960400130018