models of initial data -and formalization of descriptions of procedures for their
transformation in pattern recognition (and especially in image recognition in the
1960s) [1, 5, 6, 8].
The DAIA provides the conceptual and mathematical basis for image mining, with
its axiomatic and formal configurations giving methods and tools for representing and
describing the images to be analyzed and evaluated.
The system of concepts we introduced provides the basis for formal definition of
methods for synthesizing image models and descriptive image models designed for
image analysis and recognition problems. Defining the system of concepts, we take
into account the following properties of images: (1) An image consists of a collection
of points and a set of values associated with these points. (2) Manipulation of images
in image analysis involves operations on images and on different types of values and
quantities associated with these images. (3) An image is endowed with two types of
information, i.e., it is defined as spatial relationships between its points and some
types of numerical or other descriptive information associated with these points. (4) A
point set is a topological space. It consists of a collection of objects called points and
a topology which provides for the nearness of two points, the connectivity of a subset
of a point set, the neighborhood of a point, boundary points, curves, and arcs.
By its nature, the image is an object of complex information structure that
reproduces information on the initial scene, using the values of brightness of discrete
elements of the image, viz. pixels, patterns of image fragments, sets of pixels and
spatial and logical relations between patterns, sets of pixels and individual pixels.
What make images different from other tools for data representation is that they are
highly informative, visual, structured and natural in terms of human perception. An
image is a mix of initial (non-processed, "real") data, their realizations, and some
deformations. The realizations (as well as appropriate descriptions) reflect the
informational and physical nature of objects, events, and processes reproduced by the
image, while deformations are due to the technical characteristics of the tools used to
record, form, and transform the image in the course of constructing a hierarchy of
descriptions. Thus, when developing methods for formal description of images, in
addition to the brightness values of image pixels, we need to take into account the
extra information associated with it explicitly and implicitly.
To formalize an image description and its conceptual structure, it is natural to
assume that the initial image is given not only by its digital implementations but also
by context and semantic information that shows the ways of obtaining and forming
the image and/or some of its specific aspects.
The process of image model synthesis consists of a set of transformations applied
sequentially to a raw image. As a result, we have sequentially changing image
“states” corresponding to different degrees of formalization.
Thus, we can introduce the concept of Image Formalization Space (IFS).
Definition 1. The IFS is a set of image “states” (a raw image, image realization,
image representation, realization of image representation, image model [3]). The IFS
is a metric space, i.e., its elements are image states (phases of formal descriptions of
images). In this sense, the IFS is a phase space. The topology of this space is given by
some algebraic system, i.e. via some image algebra defining operations on pixels and
their configurations, on pixel values, and on image states constructed using these