Image Mining for Infomobility
Massimo Magrini
, Davide Moroni
, Christian Nastasi
, Paolo Pagano
Matteo Petracca
, Gabriele Pieri
, Claudio Salvadori
and Ovidio Salvetti
Institute of Information Science and Technologies (ISTI)
Italian National Research Council (CNR), Pisa, Italy
ReTis Laboratory (CEIIC)
Scuola Superiore SantAnna, Pisa, Italy
Abstract. The wide availability of embedded sensor platforms and low-cost cam-
era sensors – together with the developments in wireless communication – make
it now possible the conception of pervasive intelligent systems based on vision.
Such systems may be understood as distributed and collaborative sensor net-
works, able to produce, aggregate and process images in order to mine the ob-
served scene and communicate the relevant information found about it. In this
paper, we investigate the peculiarities of visual sensor networks with respect to
standard vision systems and we identify possible strategies to tackle the image
mining problem. We argue that multi-node processing methods may be envis-
aged to decompose a complex task into a hierarchy of computationally simpler
problems to be solved over the nodes of the network. We illustrate these ideas by
describing an application of visual sensor network to infomobility.
1 Introduction
In the last years, the wide availability of embedded systems and low-cost camera sensors
– together with the developments in wireless communication has made it possible to
conceive sensor-based pervasive intelligent systems centered on image data [1]. Such
visual Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs), employing a great number of low power
camera nodes, may support a large class of novel vision-based applications thanks to
the great informative power of imaging. For example, visual WSNs may be used to
monitor in real-time the crowd in shopping mall, airports and stadiums. By mining the
scene, the network may detect anomalous and, thus, potentially dangerous events
[2]. Similarly, visual WSNs may be used for environmental monitoring, for the remote
control of elderly patients in e-Health [3] and for human gesture analysis in ambient
intelligence applications [4].
In brief, the key feature of visual WSNs is the combination of the versatility and
independence from a physical infrastructure typical of general WSNs with the richness
of information that can be gained through imaging techniques, computer vision and
image understanding. In this sense, a visual WSN may be understood as a distributed
and collaborative sensor network, able to produce, aggregate and process images in
order to mine the observed scene and communicate the relevant information found about
Magrini M., Moroni D., Nastasi C., Pagano P., Petracca M., Pieri G., Salvadori C. and Salvetti O. (2010).
Image Mining for Infomobility.
In Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Image Mining Theory and Applications, pages 35-44
DOI: 10.5220/0002962000350044
it. In particular, each acquisition node is capable to acquire a view of the scene to be
mined. Then, in cooperation with each other, the various devices in the network are able
to process and aggregate the acquired views in order to predicate something about the
observed scene.
A successful design and development of such a system cannot be achieved without
suitable solutions to the involved computer vision problems. Although the computer vi-
sion problems may be still decomposed into basic computational tasks (such us feature
extraction, object detection and object recognition), in the context of visual WSNs, it
is not directly possible to use all the methods that have been developed to solve such
tasks and that are already available in the specific literature [5]. Indeed, since WSNs
usually require a large number of sensors, possibly scattered over a large area, the unit
cost of each device should be small to make the technology affordable. Therefore, cost
constraints limit the computational and transmission power of sensor nodes as well as
the fidelity of acquired images, with consequences on the employable computer vi-
sion algorithms. Since untethered sensors are usually supplied by batteries, it is also
necessary to analyze carefully the tradeoffs between quality of processing and energy
consumption, in order to avoid too frequent battery replacement.
In light of these considerations, performing computer vision tasks over WSNs is
somewhat challenging from a technological viewpoint. However, probably, the change
in perspective offered by the possibility to perform pervasive computing and by the duc-
tility in organizing the network topology greatly compensates for the current technical
limits of visual WSNs and is even more intriguing, opening the way to more theo-
retical investigations. In particular, in this paper, we investigate multi-node processing
methods that may be envisaged to decompose a complex vision task into a hierarchy
of computationally simpler problems, to be solved over the nodes of the network. Be-
sides computational advantages, such hierarchical decision making approach may lead
to more robust and fault-tolerant results. We illustrate these ideas by describing an ap-
plication of visual sensor network to infomobility. To this end, we consider an experi-
mental setting in which several views of a parking lot are acquired by the sensor nodes
in the network. By integrating the various views, the network is capable to provide a
description of the scene in terms of the available spaces in the parking lot.
2 Background
Embedded vision platform first appeared in connection with video-surveillance and
robotics. Thanks to the drop in technology costs, nowadays, their application range
has become wider so as to encompass several sectors of public and private life and, in
particular, infomobility. We first discuss existing embedded vision platforms and basic
features of visual WSNs (Section 2.1); then we survey the specificities of performing
image analysis over WSNs, introducing in particular the multi-view vision problem
(Section 2.2).
2.1 Visual Sensor Networks
Following the trends in low-power processing, wireless networking and distributed
sensing, visual WSNs are experiencing a period of great interest, as shown by the recent
scientific production (see e.g [6]). A visual WSN consists of tiny visual sensor nodes
called camera nodes, which integrate the image sensor, the embedded processor and
a wireless RF transceiver [1]. The large number of camera nodes forms a distributed
system where the camera nodes are able to process image data locally (in-node pro-
cessing) and to extract relevant information, to collaborate with other-cameras even
autonomously on the application specific task, and to provide the system user with
information-rich descriptions of the captured scene.
In the last years, several research projects produced prototypes of embedded vision
platforms which may be deployed to build a visual WSN. Among the first experiences,
Panoptes project [7] aimed at developing a scalable architecture for video sensor net-
working applications. However, the size of the sensor, its power consumption, its rela-
tively high computational power and storage capabilities makes Panoptes sensor more
akin to smart high-level cameras than to untethered low-power low-fidelity sensors. In
the MeshEye project [8], an energy-efficient smart camera mote architecture was de-
signed, mainly with intelligent surveillance as target application. MeshEye mote has an
interesting special vision system based on a stereo configuration of two low-resolution
low-power cameras, coupled with a high resolution color camera. Another interesting
example of low-cost embedded vision system is represented by the CMUcam3 [9], de-
veloped at the Carnegie Mellon University. More precisely, the CMUcam3 has been
specially-designed to provide an open-source, flexible and easy development platform
with robotics and surveillance as target applications. More recently, the CITRIC plat-
form [10], once equipped with a standard RF transceiver, is suitable for the develop-
ment of visual WSN. Indeed, the CITRIC system allows to perform moderate image
processing task in-network, that is along the nodes of the network. In this way, there are
less stringent issues regrading transmission bandwidth than with respect to centralized
2.2 Image Analysis Over Visual WSNs
Gathering information from a network of scattered cameras, possibly covering a large
area, is a common feature of many videosurveillance and ambient intelligence systems.
However, most of classical solutions are based on a centralized approach, in which im-
age processing is accomplished in a single unit. In this respect, the need to introduce
distributed intelligent system where distribution is not merely physical but also se-
mantic – is motivated by several requirements, namely [11]:
Speed: in-network distributed processing is inherently parallel; in addition, the spe-
cialization of modules permits to reduce the computational burden in the high level
decisional nodes.
Bandwidth: in-node processing permits to reduce the quantity of transmitted data,
by transferring only information-rich parameters about the observed scene and not
the redundant image data stream.
Redundancy: a distributed system may be re-configured in case of failure of some
of it components, still keeping the overall functionalities.
Autonomy: each of the nodes may process the images asynchronously and may
react autonomously to the perceived changes in the scene.
In particular, these issues suggests to move a part of intelligence towards the camera
nodes. In these nodes, artificial intelligence and computer vision algorithms are able
to provide autonomy and adaptation to internal conditions (e.g. hardware and software
failure) as well as to external conditions (e.g. changes in weather and lighting condi-
The mining and deployment of visual information involve particular problems in
computer vision, such as change detection in image sequences, object detection, ob-
ject recognition, tracking, and image fusion for multi-view analysis. For each of this
problems, there exists a large corpus of already implemented methods (see e.g. [12]
for a survey of change detection algorithms); however most of the techniques currently
available are not suitable to be used in visual WSNs, due to the high computational
complexity of algorithms or to excessively demanding memory requirements. Never-
theless, some attempts to employ non-trivial image analysis methods over visual WSN
have been done. For example, [13] presents a visual WSN able to support the query
of a set of images in order to search for a specific object in the scene. To achieve this
goal, the system uses a representation of the object given by the Scale Invariant Fea-
ture Transform (SIFT) descriptors [14]. SIFT descriptors are known to support robust
identification of objects even among cluttered background and under partial occlusion
situations, since the descriptors are invariant to scale, orientation, affine distortion and
partially invariant to illumination changes. In particular, using SIFT descriptors allows
retrieving the object of interest from the scene, no matter at which scale it is imaged.
Interesting computer algorithms are also provided on the CMUcam3 vision system
[9]. Besides basic image processing filters (such as convolutions), methods for real-
time tracking of blobs on the base either of color homogeneity or frame differencing
are available. A customizable face detector is also included. Such detector is based on a
simplified implementation of Viola-Jones detector [15], enhanced with some heuristics
to further reduce the computational burden. For example, the detector does not search
for faces in the regions of the image exhibiting low variance.
Camera sensors have limited fields of views and can only perceive a portion of a
scene from a single viewpoint. In addition, monocular vision totally lacks 3D informa-
tion. To mine the entire scene and to deal with occlusions, it is natural to equip visual
WSNs with multiview capabilities [16]. Due to bandwidth and efficiency considera-
tions, however, images cannot be routinely shared on the network, so that no dense
computation of 3D properties (like disparity maps and depth) can be made. Neverthe-
less, by codifying geometrical entities, it is still possible to exchange information about
regions or points of interest and to contextualize these data in the 3D space. To this
end, a coordinator node, knowing the calibration parameters of the camera nodes in the
network, may be introduced, so as to translate events from the image coordinates to
physical world coordinates. Such approach may produce more robust results as well as
a richer description of the scene.
3 Image Mining in WSN
In a distributed reactive application, the mission of the visual WSN is to report any rel-
evant change in the scene, where some real-time constraints should be satisfied. To this
end, one should take into account both local computation and network communication
issues to bound the maximum latency in the reaction.
Considering these constraints, but in the need for an efficient mining of the visual
scene under examination, we focused on two different approaches: the first one based on
simpler detection methods, but more efficient from a computational and storage points
of view, the latter giving better performances for more specific object identification
tasks while being computationally more intensive.
Moreover, considering a more global analysis and mining of the scene viewed from
several different nodes (i.e. multiview), a final processing level for the aggregation of
different single in-node data, and the final result of the scene mining needs to be imple-
In the following we will analyze the above mentioned specific methods for the de-
tection of changes in a scene, in particular regarding the two categories: simple, but
quick and efficient change detection algorithms in Section 3.1, and on the other hand,
more complex and demanding algorithms for an object detection and identification in
Section 3.2. Finally in Section 3.3 we will present methods for the aggregation of hierar-
chical identifications, made at different level of complexity and from multiple acquiring
points of view, in order to be able to correctly mine the set of images to detect events.
3.1 Event and Change Detection
The task of identifying changes, and in particular regions in the image under analysis,
taken at different times is a widely diffused topic covering very different disciplines
[12]. In this context, the goal is the identification of one or more regions of pixels,
relative to a change in the scene, and occurring within a sensible and a priori known
In order to perform fast, efficient, and enough reliable methods for this change de-
tection, the generally adopted low-level methods are based on both frame differencing,
and statistical methods. This assumption can be either the quick and immediate an-
swer to a simple problems, or a preliminary synthesis for a deeper and more effective
higher level analysis. The general model used is mainly based on background subtrac-
tion, where a single frame, acquired in a controlled situation, is stored (BG-image) and
thereafter used as the zero-level, for different types of comparison in the actual process-
The first methods are very low-level ones and are thought in such a way that it can
be possible and feasible to implement them also at firmware level, so to make them
real-time operative in an automatic way, examples of these can be:
Thresholding toward the BG-image
Contrast modification with respect to the BG-image
Basic edge detection on the image resulting from the subtraction with the BG-image
Another class of methods is based on statistical histogram analysis. Template his-
tograms are stored of the regions of interests in the BG-image. Then a standard distance,
such as the Kullback-Leibler divergence is computed between the region of BG-image,
and the region of the actual image. If such distance overcomes a fixed threshold, then a
change event is detected.
false false
false false
Fig. 1. Cascade of classifier for object detection in a case study of car detection.
3.2 Object Detection
As it is well-known, the problem of detecting classes of objects in cluttered images is
challenging. Supervised learning strategies have demonstrated to provide a solution in
a wide variety of real cases, but there is still a strong research activity in this field. In the
context of visual WSN, the preliminary learning phase may be accomplished off-site,
while only the already trained detectors needs to be ported to the network nodes.
Among machine learning methods, a common and efficient one is based on the
sliding windows approach; namely rectangular subwindows of the image are tested
sequentially, by applying a binary classifier able to distinguish whether they contain an
instance of the object class or not. A priori knowledge about the scene or – if available
information already gathered by other nodes in the network may be employed to reduce
the search space either by a) disregarding some region in the image and b) looking for
rectangular regions within a certain scale range (e.g. rectangular regions covering less
than 30% of the whole image area).
For what regards the binary classifiers itself, among various possibilities, the Viola-
Jones method is particularly appealing. Indeed, such classifier is based on the use of
the so-called Haar-like features, a class of features with limited flexibility but which
is known to support effective learning. A Haar-like feature is essentially given by the
difference between sum of pixels in rectangular blocks; as such a Haar-like feature is
computable in constant time, once the integral image has been computed (see [15] for
details). Thus, having enough memory to store the integral image, the feature extrac-
tion process needs only limited computational power. Classification is then performed
by applying a cascade of classifiers, as shown in Figure 1. A candidate subwindow
which fails to meet the acceptance criterion in some stage of the cascade is immedi-
ately rejected and no further processed. In this way, only detection should go through
the entire cascade. In addition, one may train the cascade for example using gentle
AdaBoost in such a way that most of the candidate subwindows that do not correspond
to instances of the object class are rejected in the first stages of the cascade, with great
computational advantages.
The use of a cascade of classifiers permits also to adapt the response of the detector
to the particular use of its output in the network, also in a dynamical fashion, in order to
properly react to changes in the internal and external conditions. First of all, the trade-
off between reliability of detections and needed computational time may be controlled
by adaptive real-time requirements of the overall network. Indeed, the detector may be
interrupted at an earlier stage in the cascade, thus producing a quick even though less
reliable output, which may be anyhow sufficient for solving the current decision making
problem. In the same way, by controlling the threshold in the last stage of the cascade,
Higher level Processing Higher level Processing
Top level
Quick Change Detection
Aggregation of
data for mining
Fig. 2. Architecture of the hierarchical levels of detection, in a car detection case study.
the visual WSN may dynamically select the optimal trade-off between false alarm rate
and detection rate needed in a particular context.
3.3 Aggregation of Partial Results
Considering a visual WSN with multiple views of the same scene for image mining pur-
poses, the previously described methods can be managed in a hierarchical fashion, with
faster algorithms yielding a primary response to a simple change detection task, and
sending their results up through the hierarchy to more performing algorithms, in case of
a positive detection. These higher level algorithms, due to their greater computational
requirements, are implemented in order to be called only when positive feedback is
given by the lower level ones. At the highest level of the hierarchy, a final decision-
maker algorithm, operates having a not so strict computational and storage constraints,
that can aggregate both the results of lower levels processing, but also to combine the
multiple views processing, each one operating with the same hierarchy (see Fig. 2).
A common hypothesis for the multiple views aggregation process works on the
basis of a given knowledge base of information, relative to the approximate possible
positions, or Regions of Interest, where the objects to be mined can be detected. For
example the decision maker algorithm can analyze the specific outcomes from different
lower-level processing in each single node, and then be able to give a final output using
its knowledge and working on the basis of a weighted computation of the single in-node
4 Case Study: A Pervasive Infrastructure for Urban Mobility
The Tuscany regional project IPERMOB A Pervasive and Heterogeneous Infras-
tructure to control Urban Mobility in Real-Time” [17] is exploiting an approach based
on visual WSNs for building an intelligent system capable of analyzing infomobility
data and of providing effective decision support to final users, e.g. citizens, parking
managers and municipalities. The partners of the IPERMOB project are a balanced mix
Different levels
Different views
Slot assigned image mined
Fig. 3. The aggregation and decision-making process for WSN image mining in IPERMOB
of academical and industrial partners; the work presented in this paper is mainly im-
plemented by the Signals and Images Lab of the Institute of Information Science and
Technologies of the National Research Council, and the Real Time Systems Lab of the
Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna of Pisa. The IPERMOB project is developing an open,
inter-operable system featuring leading-edge technologies for distributed imaging and
wireless telecommunication. Supported by the real-world data gathered by pervasive
monitoring, IPERMOB aims to become a laboratory for the study of novel models for
mobility and to represent a benchmark for technological integration. IPERMOB infras-
tructure is organized in 3 tiers, corresponding to i) data acquisition and processing,
ii) Metropolitan Information Bus (MIB) and iii) end-users applications. The data ac-
quisition and processing tier (by using visual WSNs and Vehicular ad-hoc Networks
(VANETs)) is in charge of gathering and processing information, and of transmitting
aggregated data to the MIB. The MIB, acting as a middleware application, stores his-
torical data and makes all the information available in a suitable form to the final appli-
In particular, in IPERMOB, visual WSNs are used to monitor parking lots and roads,
in order to mine the observed scenes and predicate something about parking lot occu-
pancy and traffic flow. Here, we focus on a parking lot scenario, i.e. in particular a case
study at the Pisa International Airport for the landside vehicle flow, in which a set of
camera nodes with partially overlapping field of views is in charge of observing and
estimating dynamic real-time traffic related information, in particular regarding traffic
flow and availability of parking places. It is assumed that each camera knows the geom-
etry of the parking spaces that it is in charge of monitoring. In addition, we assume that
a coordinator node – on which the final decision-maker algorithms described in Section
3.3 are hosted knows the full geometry of the parking lot as well as the calibration
parameters of the involved cameras, in order to properly aggregate their beliefs.
Figure 3 shows the workflow in the real case study. In a typical scenario, some of
the camera nodes in the first level of the hierarchy detects a change in the scene (by
using the methods reported in Section 3.1) and triggers object detection methods in the
remaining camera nodes that are in charge of monitoring that area. The aggregation and
decision making process are finally performed by the coordinator node.
Fig. 4. Car detection and analysis of parking lot occupancy status.
Fig. 5. Detection of vehicles on a road for traffic flow.
For what regards object detection, several cascade of classifiers have been trained,
each one specialized in detecting particular view of cars (e.g. front, rear and side views).
A large set of labeled acquisition has been made of the real case study and used for
training purposes. We notice that first stages in the cascade have low computational
complexity but reasonable performance (that is almost 100% detection rate but even
50% false alarm rate). Composition of the stages entails then high performance of the
entire cascade, since both overall detection rate and overall false alarm rate are just the
product of the detection rate and false alarm rate of the single stages. For example, using
N = 10 stages in the cascade, each one with detection rate ν = 99.5% and false alarm
rate µ = 50%, one gets an overall detection rate ν
= ν
95% and false alarm
rate µ
= µ
Figures 4 and 5 show examples of two mined image sequences in the framework of
the project, respectively for parking availability and traffic flow.
5 Conclusions and Further Work
In this paper, strategies for tackling the image mining problem over visual sensor net-
works have been presented, taking into account both the structural limits of embedded
platforms and the possibilities gained by performing pervasive computing and by the
greatly flexible organization of the network topology.
A multi-node processing method has been introduced to decompose a complex com-
puter vision task into a hierarchy of computationally simpler problems to be solved over
the nodes of the network. Besides computational advantages, such hierarchical decision
making approach appears to be more robust and fault-tolerant.
Such ideas and preliminary results are illustrated by means of an application sce-
nario regarding infomobility, which is currently in development within the IPERMOB
project. Set-up and commissioning of the visual sensor network in the project testbed
will start in fall 2010. It is expected that the testbed will give precise information
whether the presented approach is mature for technological transfer.
This work has been partially supported by POR CReO Tuscany Project “IPERMOB”
A Pervasive and Heterogeneous Infrastructure to control Urban Mobility in Real-Time
(Regional Decree N. 360, 01/02/2010). We would like to thank Dr.Eng. M. De Pascale
a Aeroporto Toscano Galileo Galilei S.p.A.) of the Pisa International Airport for
his kind support and for providing access to the testing area.
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