Teemu Muukkonen, Sakari Luukkainen and Antti Yl¨a-J¨a¨aski
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Faculty of Natural and Information Sciences
Aalto University, School of Science and Technology, Konemiehentie 2, Espoo, Finland
Data center, Energy effectiveness, Interview study.
Energy effectiveness has become a competitive advantage for service providers managing large-scale central-
ized data centers. Technological solutions in this field have developed significantly in recent years, which
exploitation should be supported by the organizational managament viewpoints. The goal of this study is to
investigate how the companies develop their energy effectiveness and manage the functions connected with it.
Based on multiple company case analysis we identified nine factors mostly influencing energy effectiveness.
Derived from these findings we present finally a framework for environmental management, which can direct
the organization to improve the energy effectiveness of its data center.
The environmental effects of information and com-
munication technology (ICT) have become a topic of
great social significance. The electricity consumption
of ICT service infrastructure is increasing and it is
necessary to improve the effectiveness of the energy
usage of ICT devices and infrastructure. Electricity
consumption is a significant cost item for the compa-
nies in this field and the importance of managing it is
enhanced as a competitive advantage.
End user companies have increasingly started to
outsource their ICT infrastructure to large-scale, cen-
tralized data centers managed by a specialized service
provider. This trend is further enhanced by the prolif-
eration of cloud computing technologies, which en-
able placing applications in the network. Therefore,
in recent years the research into electricity consump-
tion of data centers has become especially active. In
eighteen months, a server consumes electricity worth
its price. This means that electricity costs can account
for even a third of total cost of ownership for a data
center (Belady, 2009; Brill, 2007). During the years
2000-2005, the global electricity consumption of data
centers has grown on the average 17 % per year from
71 TWh to 153 TWh. Their share of total electricity
consumption in the world is 0.8 %. (Koomey, 2008)
The most significant Finnish electricity consumer
has traditionally been forest industry. One paper mill
uses 1-2 TWh electricity per year, while the electricity
consumption of all Finnish data centers is ca 1 TWh
per year (M¨aih¨aniemi, 2009). However, the structure
of the industry is changing and ICT services are be-
coming more significant branch. Because Finland of-
fers significant advantages as a site for data centers
both for domestic and foreign companies, new data
centers are being built. Google, for instance, has just
decided to place its data center in Finland in a closed-
down paper mill. Finland is a favorable site for data
centers because the climate of Finland is cold and the
country has a lot of lakes. In addition, Finland has
a good electricity and communications infrastructure,
skilled ICT labour, no earthquakes or tropical storms
and an internationally competitiveprice level for elec-
In addition to technical questions connected with
energy saving it is important to have a wider under-
standing of the organizational viewpoints connected
with their introduction and exploitation. The target of
this research is to investigate how the companies de-
velop their energy effectiveness and manage the func-
tions connected with it. In addition, we present a
framework of environmental management, which can
direct the organization to continuously improve the
energy effectiveness of its data center. We have lim-
ited the research to apply only to data centers, that is
servers, computer network equipment, power supply
and cooling systems.
Muukkonen T., Luukkainen S. and Ylä-Jääski A. (2010).
In Proceedings of the Multi-Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT, pages 5-12
DOI: 10.5220/0002962200050012
Our literature review consists of two parts. First we
study the literature on environmental management in
general. Then we review the literature on managing
energy effectiveness in data centers.
2.1 Environmental Management
The development and certification of environmental
management systems are laborious and time consum-
ing expensive projects. The internal motivational fac-
tors of enterprises are comprised of cost savings, the
effectiveness of resource usage, productivity, the ful-
fillment of environmental regulation, cost reduction,
environmental risk reduction and encouragement to
innovate. The external motivational factors include
an improved public and interest group image, positive
customer feedback, strengthening of market position
and adaptation to legislation. (Rohweder, 2004; Ke-
tola, 2004)
Some research has been made into the success and
profitability of environmental management systems.
One of the the benefits of environmental management
systems is the improvement of effectiveness due to
cost savings. Additionally the operative management
becomes more efficient. These systems reduce envi-
ronmental risks and clarify the handling of disorders.
On the other hand, there are conflicting research re-
sults of the effect of systems on image and compet-
itiveness. The effect of the systems on the relations
to the authorities is positive, because the systems in-
crease the knowledge of the regulation. The environ-
ment generally benefits from the systems as the ef-
fectiveness improves. Because the basic principle is
a continuous improvement of environmental matters,
aims can be set as to long-term effects. However,
the environmental management systems do not mo-
tivate companies to innovate to improve products and
services, but emphasize gradual improvement. The
environmental systems are mainly valid in operative
management, but not in a strategic approach. In ad-
dition, their logic is based on manufacturing industry
and doesn’t suit the service business perfectly. (Rin-
nekangas, 2004a; Rohweder, 2004)
In the future the importance of the proactive envi-
ronmental management will increase and the useful-
ness of a separate environmental organization will be-
come questionable (Rinnekangas, 2004b). It seems to
be possible that environmental management will play
a more important role in every manager’s work. It can
be stated on the basis of literature that bringing en-
vironmental matters as part of strategic planning can
yield a competitive advantage as cost savings, better
corporate image, new markets and even as new busi-
ness possibilities.
Energy must be dealt with similarly to other pro-
duction factors from the point of view of the busi-
ness strategy. The energy used by the production pro-
cess of the company can be classified as a physical
resource. The strategic value of the resource is de-
fined by how much the resource affects the company’s
possibilities, core competence and competitive advan-
tage. (Hitt et al., 2001)
Skilled personnel, equipment, real estate and en-
ergy are the most important production factors of the
ICT companies. Energy-efficient actions are valuable
for data centers valuable and they are difficult to imi-
tate by competitors. If the company is energy efficient
and has access to competitively priced electricity a
permanent competitive advantage is gained. (Barney,
2.2 Energy Effectiveness in Data
In this section we provide an overview of energy ef-
fectiveness research in data centers. First we, study
the metrics of data center energy effectiveness. Sec-
ond, we discuss what are major energy inefficiency
factors in a data center. Then we analyze the current
and the most common improvements in servers and
data centers.
2.2.1 Energy Efficiency Metrics
The most common data center energy efficiency met-
ric is the Power Use Effectiveness value (PUE), also
known as Site Infrastructure Effectiveness Factor (SI-
EER). For a data center, PUE is calculated by dividing
the electric power used by the whole data center with
the electric power used by the ICT equipment in the
data center. A PUE value of 2.0 means that site in-
frastructure is using the same amount of electricity as
the computing equipment. The best published PUE
values are about 1.3. The range between 2.0 and 2.5
is considered typical, and rates over 3.0 are consid-
ered poor. A PUE value is comparable between dif-
ferent data centers when it is continuously observed
and presented as an annual mean value or as a graph.
(Szalkus, 2008; Belady et al., 2007; McNevin, 2009)
However, a PUE value does not tell us anything
about the effectiveness of the actual computing inside
a data center. Several metrics, including Data Center
energy Productivity (DCeP), Corporate Average Data
Center Efficiency (CADE) and Computing Units per
Second (CUPS) have been suggested but none have
achieved the wide acceptance of the PUE. (McNevin,
INNOV 2010 - International Multi-Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT
2.2.2 Major Energy Inefficiencies in Data
There are three major inefficiencies inside a data cen-
ter. First, heat removal requires additional electric
power. This inefficiency has recently become much
worse because serverdevices require more energyand
are packed more densely than ever before. The result-
ing hotspots put the conventional heat removal meth-
ods to their limits. Conventional air cooling meth-
ods can also suffer from multiple inefficiencies, as
stated by Robert Tozer. Inefficient use of comput-
ing resources also wastes energy. A server’s energy
consumption remains commonly at 70 % even when
the server is idle. On dedicated physical servers, to-
tal utilization can often be as low as 10 %. Roughly
calculated, this means that a physical server can use
as much as 86 % of the electricity to power idle use.
Third energy inefficiency is the losses in electricity
delivery and transformations. While losses in a single
stage are minimal, total losses of consecutivetransfor-
mations can be substantial. (Koomey, 2008; Flucker,
2009; Tozer, 2006)
2.2.3 Energy Efficiency Improvements in
Component and System Efficiency
In recent years, the competition between processor
manufacturers has changed from frequency-drivento-
wards comparing actual capabilities, even energy ef-
ficiency. In the same time, multi-core processors have
become an industry standard. Especially in servers,
this has lead towards more processor cores inside
a computer and thus more concentrated energy use.
This has made heat removal problems both inside a
server and in data centers more crucial. Most recent
processors can reduce energy use by turning off pro-
cessor cores when the processor is idle. (Barroso,
2005; Intel Corporation, 2009).
There have been efficiency improvements also in
storage technology both on single-disk and storage
system level. Major technology behind this has been
the transfer form 3.5-inch hard drives to 2.5-inch hard
drives. Next step is said to be the wider use of solid
state drives. This will eliminate mechanical parts
from hard drives and make them even more energy
efficient. On storage systems, also software or algo-
rithm based energy optimization methods have been
suggested. (Sugaya, 2006; Rydning, 2009; Caulfield
et al., 2009; Wang et al., 2008)
AC power sources used in desktop and server
computersoften have poor efficiency especially at low
levels of utilization. The 80 Plus certification has im-
proved especially desktop computer power sources.
Since the technology used in server power sources is
the same, the same efficiency improvements can be
achieved on servers. (Calwell and Mansoor, 2005).
On the server level, the adoption of blade servers
has improved energy efficiency. The idea of concen-
trating the power sources has made it possible to make
fewer but better power sources. Current blade servers
have advanced power management features to con-
trol the power used by individual blades and to turn
the power sources of the blade enclosure at on opti-
mum utilization. Blade servers have also indirect effi-
ciency improvements since they reduce the amount of
cabling needed thus enabling better airflow inside the
server cabinets. (Leigh et al., 2007)
Operating system level power management is
widely used on desktop systems. Since servers are
supposed to answer queries rapidly almost at any
hour, turning off idle servers is not very common.
However,there has been research on power awareness
in enterprise software and in scientific computing ap-
plications. (Rajamani and Lefurgy, 2003; Kusic et al.,
2.2.4 Energy Efficiency Improvements:
Server virtualization is a proven way to make a data
center more energy efficient. By placing several op-
erating systems on the same server, virtualization can
cut down the amount of electricity needed to power
idle processors. It is reported that under heavy virtu-
alization, a physical server can have a utilization of
70 percent compared to the worst case utilizations of
dedicated physical servers. Since an idle server has
about 70 percent electricity demand of a fully uti-
lized server, virtualization can cut down electricity
needs significantly. (White and Abels, 2004; Crosby
and Brown, 2007; Best Practices Case Studies 2007,
2007; Flucker, 2009)
In addition to energy savings server virtualiza-
tion enables many operative level economical savings
and enables new business opportunities. Compared to
physical servers, virtual servers are more compatible,
portable, manageable, deployable and customizable.
With current virtualization platforms, live migration
and even geographical relocation of virtual servers is
possible. Server virtualization is also an important
enabler of cloud computing platforms. (Crosby and
Brown, 2007; Tsugawa et al., 2006; Boss et al., 2007)
2.2.5 Energy Efficiency Improvements in Data
Center Infrastructure
In this section we review some aspects of data cen-
ter infrastructure efficiency. Data center infrastruc-
ture efficiency is defined by how efficiently the infras-
tructure succeeds in provisioning electric power to the
ICT equipment and in removing the heat generated by
the equipment from the data center.
Data center power provisioning is built to achieve
minimum service downtime, not energy efficiency.
Eliminating single points of failure in each power dis-
tribution phase is done by heavily exploiting duplica-
tion of components. This leads to inefficiencies be-
cause components are not fully utilized. This can be
eliminated by exploiting N+1 mode instead of cur-
rent 2*N model of backup components. There are
also multiple subsequent AC/DC, DC/AC and volt-
age transformations. As a solution, there have been
some suggestions of DC based power provisioning in-
side data centers. While DC power provisioning is an
industry standard in telecommunications, server com-
puters and thus data centers rely on AC power pro-
visioning. By minimizing the transformations, the
power distribution chain can be improved from 77
percent to 90 percent. (Greenberg et al., 2006; Fan
et al., 2007; M¨aih¨aniemi, 2009)
Inclining energy densities and the increased heat
problems inside data centers has naturally resulted in
research about heat removal. Data centers have been
studied by heat cameras or temperature sensors and
the results have been analyzed by means of computa-
tional dynamics. The research has improved the in-
dustry standard of raised floor air cooling by separat-
ing the hot and cold airflows to cold aisles and cold
aisles and by optimizing the perforation in floor tiles
or enclosing the cabling under the floor to separate
compartments. The knowledge about dimensioning
the cooling systems is important since the CRACs are
most efficient when fully utilized. By optimizing the
cooling system to enable great energy densities inside
a data center one will reduce ”thermal inertia” and
thus making cooling emergencies more urgent to act
on. (Sharma et al., 2005; Karlsson and Moshfegh,
2005; Rambo and Joshi, 2007; Hamann et al., 2008;
Tozer, 2006)
In cold climates, such as in Finland, free cooling
by outside air, cold water or even the rock beneath
the building can be very efficient. As a further devel-
opment of the idea, heat recycling can be even more
efficient than free cooling. Late 2009 heat recycling
was announced to be utilized in a data center open-
ing in Helsinki, Finland. The extra heat of the data
center is fed to the district heating system of Helsinki.
In addition to this, district cooling system is utilized.
District heating can offer economies of scale to the
cooling. (Greenberg et al., 2006; Pagnamenta, 2010)
The research was carried out using the multiple-case
study research methodology. Multiple-case designs
enhance external validity, because methods such as
replication logic and pattern matching can be used to
test the generalization of the results. If similar find-
ings are observed in several cases analysed sequen-
tially, a replication has taken place. (Yin, 2003)
Because the research area is new and because it
was difficult to reach a large enough population by a
quantitative questionnaire based method, we decided
to gather the data by interviews. In these interviews
we got widely information of 12 Finnish ICT organi-
zations. In the interviews we investigated those orga-
nization’s attitudes to energy consumption. Key per-
sons responsible for the data centers in various orga-
nizations were interviewed. Most of the interviewees
had much knowledge about data center operations as
a whole. Seven of them worked in a company of-
fering ICT services (we call them hosting companies
or hosting providers), two worked for telecommuni-
cation operators and three in other types of organiza-
tions that were managing the ICT functions internally.
The interviews were carried out as half-structured
interviews, which were built on three interlinked
themes. These themes were environmental and busi-
ness management as well as technology aspects. A
typical interview lasted about one hour.
The validity of the patterns that had been found
was ensured by the pattern matching. Furthermore,
the usage of multiple sources of evidence, or trian-
gulation is hi-lighted (Yin, 2003). That is why the
framework and related dimensions were integrated
from a multiple data sources (literature, interviews,
articles, annual reports and press releases). The limi-
tation of the study only to Finland restricted the num-
ber of the available cases. The generalizability of the
research findings is thus restricted to Finnish context
and only to the hosting providers. However, there is
still the possibility in further studies to test the results
derived from these cases in other geographical areas
and company segments.
We listened the recordings of the interviews and rec-
ognized the following themes and frequencies in the
whole sample. The themes were brought up by the
interviewees or inherent in multiple answers to our
questions. We show here the themes that were present
in at least half of the cases or at least in five of the
seven hosting companies. Frequencies of the themes
INNOV 2010 - International Multi-Conference on Innovative Developments in ICT
in interviews are presented in Table 1.
Table 1: Frequencies of the themes in interviews.
Theme Total Hosting
Virtualization 9 6
Buildings 8 4
Electricity Costs 8 6
Availability 7 4
Heat recycling 7 5
Billing the electricity 7 6
Airflows 6 5
Centralization 6 5
Life Cycle 5 5
4.1 Virtualization
Virtualization was mentioned in almost all of the in-
terviews. The most significant benefit of virtualiza-
tion was the improved utilization of servers, storage
system and network equipment. This means savings
in costs and electricity.
4.2 Buildings
Most data centers had been built in the 1980’s or
1990’s. While building them, there were no pro-
jections to account for the heat densities or power
requirements of recent blade servers. Adding more
CRACs or electricity inputs is impossible or very ex-
pensive because of the structures of the building. This
theme was relevant in all the interviews, regardless of
the organization type.
The following themes were present distinctively at
the sample of hosting companies.
4.3 Electricity Costs
Electricity costs are significant part of service deliv-
ery. Since this is now known throughout the indus-
try the electricity costs are also minimized by at least
some of the companies. When these companies trans-
fers the electricity savings to their prices the effective
market system will force the others to optimize their
electricity use.
4.4 Availability
Availability is important for hosting business. Cus-
tomers trust their data and applications in the hand
of the hosting companies. That is why the hosting
providers use duplicated equipment to eliminate sin-
gle points of failure from their systems which in turn
leads to declining energy efficiency.
4.5 Heat Recycling
Almost all of the interviewed organizations have in-
vestigated the possibility of heat recycling. The prob-
lem there was that the energy providers or facility
companies are only interested in investing in the heat
recycling of major data centers. Some interviewees
mentioned having heard about the concept of feeding
the exhaust heat to the district heating system and uti-
lizing district cooling to cool down the data center.
4.6 Billing the Electricity
At the time of the interview three of the seven host-
ing providers were appraising the electricity costs to a
single provided service and three organizations were
investigating a similar arrangement. Many intervie-
wees thought that making the energy cost visible in
customer or internal billing would guide both exter-
nal and internal customers to demand more energy
efficient solutions.
4.7 Airflows
Five of the seven hosting providers told that they
have had airflow problems inside their data centers.
Main solution to the problems had been separating
the hot and the cold airflows more efficiently either
by hot and cold isle method or by blocking the air-
flow through an empty or partly filled rack cabinet.
Distributing the most heat intensive devices evenly
around the data center was mentioned as a working
4.8 Centralization
Five out of seven interviewees representing hosting
providers introduced the theme about the efficiency
of centralized service production. By consolidat-
ing service production to the data centers of host-
ing providers even small businesses could exploit the
economies of scale. Efficiency results from follow-
ing two things. First, the hosting providers are able to
organize the energy issues of servers better than small
businesses. Second, by consolidating the services, the
equipment will run at a higher utilization rate.
4.9 Life Cycle
Server computers, storage equipment and networking
equipment have a life cycle of three to five years. The
whole data center lifecycle varies from five to twenty
years. Hosting providers have knowledge about ICT
energy issues, but this knowledge can be fully ex-
ploited only in new data center projects. The exist-
ing data centers are not utilizing all of the current best
Themes presented above were all very common
amongst the interviewees and their organizations.
Most of the themes can be categorized as incentives
or inhibitors for ICT energy efficiency. To success-
fully improve ICT energy efficiency an organization
has to remove inhibitors and strengthen the incen-
tives. Based on the interviews, an organization’s abil-
ity to act on inhibitors and incentives is greatly af-
fected by the life cycle of the system which carries an
inhibitor or an incentive. By analyzing the incentives
and inhibitors and by finding the inhibitors that can be
rapidly removedthe organizations could improve ICT
energy efficiency more rapidly.
We suggest the following framework to improve
the organizations’ abilities in analyzing various incen-
tives or inhibitors of energy efficiency improvements
inside the data centers. The framework is presented in
the form of a four field matrix, as represented in Fig-
ure 1. The vertical axis separates the incentives or in-
hibitors based on their life cycle, short being less than
three years and long being over three years. The hor-
izontal axis separates the incentives from inhibitors.
The quadrant tells the user of the tool what to do
about the incentive or inhibitor, whether to eliminate
the inhibitor immediately, eliminate the inhibitor dur-
ing renovations, periodically or continuously assess
the incentive an its impact on ICT energy efficiency.
Inhibitor Incentive
Fix during
Fix immediately
Figure 1: The framework used in reason analysis.
In Figure 2 we represent the relevant themes from
the interviews using the matrix introduced above. A
Inhibitor Incentive
Billing the
Electricity costs
Heat recycling
Figure 2: Themes represented by our framework.
fast way to improve energy efficiency in different or-
ganizations is to present the energy issues as cost to
the ICT management or the customers. Availability
can be rethought to be provided more energy effi-
ciently or not to be implemented in systems not really
needing high availability infrastructure. Also, opti-
mizing the airflow in the current data center can result
in remarkable efficiency improvements very rapidly.
Airflow planning is also an important part in building
new data centers or renovating the old ones. Problems
in facility infrastructure can only be attended during
renovations or relocations.
Cost pressure caused by the industry competi-
tion is a relevant incentive driving energy efficiency
amongst the hosting providers. Centralization or
consolidation is a theme emphasized by the hosting
providers but there is no empirical evidence support-
ing this result. Wide adaption of server virtualization
is an important energy efficiency driver for all ICT
activities in both short and long lifecycle.
Based on our research we suggest the following re-
search areas. The presented framework is based
on twelve interviews in one geographical area and
mainly inside one industry. Generalizability of the
framework requires more empirical evidence.
A thorough, holistic and comparative study about
the energy efficiency differences in centralized and
distributed service production would help in confirm-
ing the hypothesis of centralization’s positive effect
on ICT energy efficiency stated by many intervie-
wees. Data center energy efficiency metrics should
also be continuously investigated, especially the ones
concentrating on efficiency of the computing.
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