As long as the set of equality and similarity relations and canonical forms for ges-
talts, as listed in chapter 3, is not complete there is little sense in starting the coding
endeavor. While for infinite 2D lattices there is an elaborated mathematical theory at
hand for more than hundred years [2], we have no proof for completeness of the list
of Section 3 indicating possible different appearances of the same finite gestalt with
respect to all our gestalt constructions yet.
As indicated in Section 3 in the description of a composed gestalt simplicity in the
tree structure (flatness of hierarchy) has to be balanced against the achieved squared
residual sum. Another open problem concerns the scale: Gestalt instances with a deep
tree composed from many objects distributed on a large area should be assessed on a
different scale. But the common displacement error measure is a prerequisite of mu-
tual comparison for the gestalts. We are looking forward to interesting future work.
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