For optical flow calculation several algorithms are developed and implemented on
basis of these equations. The method of solving the stated problem [3], first suggested
by Lukas-Kanade in 1981, consist in the minimization of the following expression:
The solution of this problem results in the following:
d b AAd Ab d AA Ab
From the solution method several natural constraints on the source data arise:
1. A
A is reversible
2. proper values of A
A are congruous and negligible
As a result of the Lukas-Kanade method working a shift vector finds its
positioning in every pixel of the frame.
3 Method Researching
Any video succession processing with allocation of information about motion consists
of two parts: preprocessing and the optical flow calculation and postprocessing of the
received flow data with the attempt to extract information from them. In this article
modifications, suggested for both parts of the processing procedure, are described.
3.1 The First Processing Stage
Research showed, that even on the stage of optical flow calculation, some algorithmic
modifications can be made, which will help to accelerate the calculation process
without considerable lost of information. A special software tool was designed for
quick flow calculation and for the demonstration of its structure. Flow vector field
calculation is performed on basis of Lukas-Kanade method and it has some
- Vectors are calculated separately in every pixel, none of the calculations being
performed twice. That means, firstly, that it is possible to calculate optical flow
vectors only in the pixels, in which it is necessary, and secondly, it gives us a chance
of parallel vector field calculation.
- The direction, assigned by a vector is calculated not absolutely, but accurately
within π/4, which, firstly, can be done very fast, secondly, does not reduce accuracy,
because for every pixel of the image this vector sets the neighboring pixel, in
direction of which it is moving, and thirdly, it considerably simplifies the flow
postprocessing and flow vectors classification.
The important advantage of this development is the possibility of real-time
calculating, even using non-specialized equipment.
On the illustration there are screenshot of the program in the process of
angiography data researching. It may be noticed, that with the similarity of the two
sequenced frames, the calculated vector field follows the real sanguimotion,
happening at the time of filming.