4 The Applicability of the Method for CT Images Processing
First of all, one should consider if the approaches having been developed for the ultra-
sound images processing are applicable to the processing of computed tomography
images or not, as the physical principles of these images construction are absolutely
The common principles of the X-ray computed tomography are well known [7],
and there is no need to describe them here in detail. Let us describe here only the
aspects that are of principle importance for the operation of our algorithm.
The ultrasound speckle-noise is determined by he interference of the waves of ra-
ther big wavelength (of the order of sub-millimeters) and, consequently, its spatial
correlation radius is comparable with the wavelength.
The nature of the noises in computed tomography image is quite different. Such an
image is obtained by means of the digital processing of a lot of transmission X-ray
shots. There are two principle mechanisms of the noise appearance in an X-ray image:
the fluctuation of X-ray quanta number that is registered by a receiver surface unit
(the so-called quantum noise), and also the fluctuations caused by the characteristics
of the digital receiver elements. In digital systems both mentioned noise components
have a zero radius of the spatial correlation, and, consequently, are characterized by
the non-decreasing spectrum (the so-called “white noise”). There is a third component
of the noise caused by the influence of the secondary irradiation, but we shall not
consider it here, as it is negligibly small in modern X-rays systems.
The number of the registered by the receiver quanta is obeyed to the Poisson’s dis-
tribution. In practice due to the central limit theorem we get a normal distribution with
the average value and the dispersion proportional to the value
, where I
is the
intensity of the initial irradiation, and
is the average linear coefficient of the irradi-
ation attenuation in a medium.
At formation a tomography image a set of transmission pictures is subjected to the
Radon transform. As this transformation is linear, both above mentioned estimations
remain valid: the tomography image noise remains “white” and obeys to the normal
As the formula (4) is derived by us just based upon the fact, that the noise spectrum
decreases slower than the image useful element spectrum, it is evident that this formu-
la for the mask of the small-scaled structure reconstruction is applicable in the case of
computed tomography images as well. On the other hand, as the noise obeys to the
normal distribution, one can confirm that for the extended homogeneous areas of an
image the function
x, y
gives the best estimation of the sampled average value.
At the present time the separate two-dimensional slices of a tomography images
are subjected to the processing (although in a perspective the possibility to expand
this method for a three-dimensional case is also considered). The read-offs of an ini-
tial tomogram come to the processing in Hounsfield units (HU), which are derived
from the linear absorption coefficient
by the following expression:
Hx, y
= 1000 ×
x, y