domains (dorsal and ventral), in the direction of sections); (7) the calculation of statis-
tics (expectation, standard deviation, standard error) and testing hypotheses concerning
the distribution differences between the experimental and control groups for a given set
of images (Student’s t-test: statistics, significance level, accepted hypothesis).
The experimental results have shown that (1) the number of terminals of DA-ergic
axons in the experimental group decreases considerably as compared with that in the
control group; (2) the functional activity of DA-ergic terminals changes after neurotoxin
administration. The results are an important step in the estimation of the nigrostriatal
system in the PD brain. They can be used in the study of brain compensatory mecha-
nisms with the aim of controlling them in the future.
In addition to the problem under study, the method was used to analyze arcuate
nucleus sections with DA-ergic terminals in mice after neurotoxin administration. The
number of processed images was about 2000. As a result, data were obtained concerning
the effect of neurotoxin administration on the tuberinfundibular system in mice, which
is the first attempt to estimate the functional condition of this system.
6 Conclusions
We proposed a new method and a standardized algorithmic scheme for reducing brain
section images to a form appropriate for recognition. The scheme was used as a basis
for a software implementation of the method developed. It is currently being employed
to estimate the degeneration and changes in the functional condition of DA-ergic axons
in the striatum at different early stages of PD. The results are an important step in the
estimation of the condition of the dopaminergic nigrostriatal system research at devel-
oping PD. The same methods can also be applied to similar task. In particular, they can
be used to estimate the degeneration of DA-ergic neurons in the substantia nigra after
neurotoxin administration and to estimate the functional conditions of dopaminergic
neurons remaining after neurotoxin administration.
Experimental applications of the developed technique confirmed its high efficiency
and suitability for the automated processing and analysis of brain section images (a 200
times increase in productivity and a 10 times decrease in the amount of animals and
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