Susana Martin-Toral
, Gregorio I. Sainz-Palmero
CARTIF Centro Tecnol´ogico, Parque Tecnol´ogico de Boecillo, parcela 205. 47151 Boecillo, Valladolid, Spain
Department of Systems Engineering and Control, School of Industrial Engineering
University of Valladolid, 47011 Valladolid, Spain
Yannis Dimitriadis
GSIC, Group of Intelligent and Cooperative Systems, School of Telecommunications Engineering
University of Valladolid, 47011 Valladolid, Spain
Incoherence, Document corpus, N-tuple, Information retrieval, Neuro-fuzzy system, Expert knowledge, Deci-
sion making system.
The way in which document collections are generated, modified or updated generates problems and mistakes
in the information coherency, leading to legal, economic and social problems. To tackle this situation, this
paper proposes the development of an intelligent virtual domain expert, based on summarization, matching
and neuro-fuzzy systems, able to detect incoherences about concepts, values, or references, in technical docu-
mentation. In this scope, an incoherence is seen as the lack of consistency between related documents. Each
document is summarized in the form of 4-tuples terms, describing relevant ideas or concepts that must be
free of incoherences. These representations are then matched using several well-known algorithms. The final
decision about the real existence of an incoherence, and its relevancy, is obtained by training a neuro-fuzzy
system with expert knowledge, based on the previous knowledge of the activity area and domain experts. The
final system offers a semi-automatic solution for incoherence detection and decision support.
Documents, on paper or in electronic format, are base
element for the society’s activities. It is the most usual
way to store, save and exchange information in a wide
range of human activity contexts, so the information
and knowledge contained in it has to be right and
clear, with no possibility of confusion or contradic-
tion. But this goal is not trivial due to several facts.
Some public and private sectors handle documenta-
tion that is not-methodologically generated, suffers
changes and grows in volume and versions.
It is very difficult to find organizations working
with heterogeneous sets of connected documents that
manage this movement in a suitable and formal way,
with a unique formulation in their generation, man-
agement and control, so the problem of incoherences
in related documentation appears: mistakes in the
cross references, redundant, contradictory, missing or
wrong information, or, in general, rules for quality do-
cumentation are not achieved (Mart´ın et al., 2008).
The impact of all these problems in an organiza-
tion, both in its internal and external relationships,
could cause economic, legal, technical, even serious
social consequences; so when this happens there is
a great interest in detecting and eliminating them.
Thus, some sectors show a growing interest in solving
this kind of problem: healthcare services (Mingshan
and Ching-to, 2002; Afantenos et al., 2005), soft-
ware companies (Arango, 2003), the legal and law
sector (Ruiz, 2002), civil engineering (Mart´ın et al.,
2008), etc.
Documentation free of incoherences improves a
coherent management of it and a better quality of the
products and services generated. But when any solu-
tion aims to deal with this problem, other important
difficulties appear: How/What is a document incoher-
ence? Does every incoherence have the same rele-
vancy? In both cases the answer is subjective and de-
pends on the industrial and economic sector and the
Martin-Toral S., I. Sainz-Palmero G. and Dimitriadis Y. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002966804080413
know-how of the domain experts.
This paper deals with incoherences in documents
by summarizing and matching techniques, then the
expert and subjective knowledge is incorporated by
a supervised learning based on the neuro-fuzzy sys-
tem FasArt. In this way, it is possible to detect in-
coherences in documents, so their classification and
the learnt knowledge can be extracted by fuzzy rules,
explaining the way in which the expert takes his de-
cisions about the case. These fuzzy rules can be a
support for a decision taking system. An early study
of these ideas have been applied in previous works of
the authors (Martin et al., 2009). In this paper a new
stage in the research and experimentation is shown,
presenting advanced results and conclusions.
The organization of the rest of the paper is as fol-
lows: first of all, a tentative definition and classifica-
tion of the detected incoherences in the case involved
are presented. Next, the proposal of this paper to deal
with document incoherences is introduced, describ-
ing its several phases. Then, the experimental proce-
dure done to test the proposal is shown in Section 4.
Finally, the most interesting results obtained are dis-
cussed and the main conclusions of this work are put
The approach introduced in this paper combines gen-
eral concepts and techniques with heuristics about in-
coherences and their contexts. This can, in general,
be a very practical approach, due to the difficulties in
defining when an incoherency appears in a document
and its importance, which depends greatly on the do-
main and experts. At this point it is necessary to give
some type of description of what is considered to be
an incoherence in this work: an incoherence is seen
as the weakness of consistency amongst related docu-
ments, or amongst different pieces of the same docu-
ment, or the lack or excess of information in it (Mart´ın
et al., 2008).
This description introduces subjectivity about
what can be considered an incoherence and its ef-
fects/relevancy, thus its importance. From the docu-
ment collection involved in this work, about the elec-
tric domain, some interesting types of incoherences
cause negative effects in this domain, in accordance
with the domain experts (Martin et al., 2009):
Numerical and Attribute incoherences concern the
numerical values and technical attributes (such as
colours, shapes, states, etc.) contained in a doc-
ument that must agree with the values indicated
in the norm, standard or document of reference.
A contradiction between documents for the same
concept is not allowed.
Conceptual incoherences happen when an impor-
tant concept is denominated in different ways in
the same document, or even in different ones. It is
very important to use concepts in a suitable way
for the context involved.
Reference incoherences happen when documents
use references to other documents, norms or stan-
dards, to support the document content or to avoid
describing any aspect explained in the references.
The incoherence appears when this reference is
not adequate, does not exist, or is not referenced.
In the technical context involved, each of these in-
coherences has a different relevance and effect, which
is usually defined by the domain expert. Generally,
for each type of incoherence to be detected automati-
cally, it will benecessary to apply differenttechniques
for information processing.
In technical and scientific literature, the formu-
lation of the problem involved in this paper is not
very usual, at least with the same meaning, but there
are well-known techniques that can be applied in the
detection of document incoherences: text data min-
ing, pattern recognition, semantic analysis, etc. In
general, most of them, mainly for extraction and re-
trieval techniques, are based on the use of heuristic
solutions, with similar criteria as in (Krulwich and
Burkey, 1997).
The main goal to be reached in this approach is to
detect when an inconsistency is contained in a docu-
ment. With this aim, the procedure shown in Fig. 1
is carried out: the documents involved are summa-
rized by a set of key terms and concepts that are very
relevant in the domain, and in accordance with the in-
coherence types described in section 2. In this way,
documents are summarized by a set of N-tuples (see
section 3.1). At the moment, this is a semi-automatic
procedure based on extraction techniques.
The next step focuses on the use of matching tech-
niques to establish the level of similarity between the
elements of every two N-tuples, to decide, in a subse-
quent step, if there are incoherences in the document
contents or amongst documents. Here, well-known
techniques, such as the Levenshtein distance (Co-
hen et al., 2003) or the Cosine similarity (Chapman,
2006), are used.
At this point, a critical aspect is to decide when
two document pieces are incoherent, or even the
incoherency degree. This decision concerns the
experts of the document domain in most of the
cases. This aspect is approached by a supervised
learning in which the knowledge of the expert is
taken into account. Here a neuro-fuzzy system
based on FasArt (Cano Izquierdo et al., 2001) is
used. Although other solutions could be used, this
type of systems have been used in previous works
for pattern recognition and knowledge extraction
(Sainz Palmero and Dimitriadis, 1999; Sainz Palmero
et al., 2000; Sainz et al., 2004) with reasonable re-
The final goal obtained is the detection, and clas-
sification, of incoherences amongst document pieces.
An inconsistency degree for each case is provided by
the fuzzy approach. On the other hand, it is possi-
ble to generate a further result using this approach: a
knowledge base using fuzzy rules about the way in
which incoherences are detected, that will be used,
for example, to generate a free incoherences editor
for technical documents.
Figure 1: Approach based on neuro-fuzzy system for detec-
tion of document incoherences.
3.1 Summarizing Documents by
In this work, information extraction tech-
niques (Berry, 2004) are used to obtain repre-
sentations that summarize each document of the
corpus. Here, the information extraction is based on
heuristics (Krulwich and Burkey, 1997), according to
the information patterns detected inside the document
corpora that are relevant for the experts in the electri-
cal domain. An example of this is the summarization
of a document by its technical data terms. Each one
is represented by an “N-tuple”, here N = 4:
< Term ; Operator ; Value ; Units >
<Term ; Operator ; Attribute ; >
Where Term is the word, or set of words, repre-
senting a relevant concept, Operator can indicate that
a term is bigger, smaller than, or equal to a specific
value/attribute, Value/Attribute represents the numer-
ical value, or an attribute (colour, state, shape) of the
term, and finally, Units is only used when the value
is numerical and with units. Then the document is
summarized by a set of this type of N-tuple. These
N-tuples have been generated by similar approaches
to Episode Rule Mining techniques (ERM) (Mannila
et al., 1997).
An example of real 4-tuples are:
wire CCX-56-D section ; = ; 54,6 ;
cover of wire CCX-56-D colour ; = ; green ;
This representation facilitates the detection of nu-
merical, measure and attribute incoherences, applying
suitable matching techniques, such as those used in
this work, by their relevance in the domain involved
in this paper. If two 4-tuples present the same infor-
mation in all their elements but different values, then
a numerical incoherence exists. In the rest of the sit-
uations, the domain and expert knowledge is needed
to define the existence or not of incoherences and its
relevance. Similarity measures are used to technically
define every situation.
3.2 Similarity Measures for
Two approaches have been considered for similarity
measures amongst n-tuple elements: based on edition
distance and vector space. The first group is based
on how many changes and which type of changes
are necessary for turning a character string into an-
other one. Three main operations are identified within
this topic: insertion, deletion and substitution. The
relevance of each one is tuned by the user. Within
this group of measures, the following can be found:
Levenshtein distance (Cohen et al., 2003; Chapman,
2006) and Needleman distance (Chapman, 2006).
The result is zero whenever two strings are iden-
tical. If differences exist, the distance is an integer
number greater than zero.
The second group is oriented in token-based
distances, which computes distances between two
groups of words (tokens). Within this group, the fol-
lowing can be found: Cosine similarity (Garcia, ;
Chapman, 2006), Jaccard similarity (Cohen et al.,
2003; Chapman, 2006), Dice coefficient and Overlap
coefficient (Chapman, 2006).
In this work, documents contain tuples made of
four terms (see section 3.1). Taking this into account,
cosine similarity has been proposed to establish term
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
similarities. This approach is also supported in works
such as (Koudas et al., 2005) and (Cohen et al., 2003),
where different methods for string matching are eval-
uated in other contexts. On the other hand, operators,
numeric values and units are short-length strings of
characters of one-word size, thus being better to ap-
ply edition distances, as what is to be measured is the
difference between two of them.
Figure 2: Similarity matching procedure.
The aim of comparing two tuples is to detect the
existence of incoherences amongst the contents ex-
pressed in them. These results are the input for
the neuro-fuzzy system, FasArt. Expert and domain
knowledge is needed along with similarity measures
for generating a supervised system incorporating this
expert but no objective knowledge (see Fig. 2).
3.3 Neuro Fuzzy System FasArt
The FasArt model (Cano Izquierdo et al., 2001;
Sainz Palmero et al., 2000) is a neuro-fuzzy sys-
tem based on the Adaptive Resonance Theory (ART):
Fuzzy ARTMAP. FasArt introduces an equivalence
between the activation function of each FasArt neu-
ron and a membership function. In this way, FasArt
is equivalent to a Mamdani fuzzy rule-based sys-
tem with: Fuzzification by single point, Inference by
product, Defuzzification by average of fuzzy set cen-
ters. A full description of this model can be found
in (Cano Izquierdo et al., 2001; Sainz Palmero et al.,
The FasArt system has been used in several pre-
vious works (Sainz Palmero and Dimitriadis, 1999;
Sainz et al., 2004) for modeling, fault detection, pat-
tern recognition, etc. with reasonable results when its
accuracy as a fuzzy model is involved. Knowledge
extraction of the knowledge learnt can be done using
this neuro-fuzzy system by a set of fuzzy rules, that
can be used to generate the virtual expert for auto-
matic incoherence detection.
Documents involved in this work have been summa-
rized in 4-tuples by a semiautomatic procedure. Two
sets of documents containing 4-tuples were generated
as follows:
1. A representative sample of documents from a
company of the electric domain containing nor-
mative, protocols and operating manuals about
usual tasks to be carried out by the company and
its partners. This collection consists of 11 docu-
ments: 1 main project document referring to the
10 most used normative documents. All these
documents were summarized by N-tuples with the
most relevant terms or concepts.A total of 3.265
tuples are within this group.
2. Set of synthetic documents containing 5 docu-
ments generated by a manual procedure with 29
ideal tuples and several versions of them with dif-
ferent levels of incoherency. A total of 1.185 tu-
ples compose this group.
Once experimental data is ready, matching techniques
have been applied element by element to calculate
similarity measures (see Fig. 2). Each case has been
evaluated by a domain expert, who decides whether
if there is incoherence or not, labeling every pattern
in a supervised way. The result of the matching stage
generates a total of 25 files containing similarity mea-
sures for synthetic documents organized in 5 groups
(every group with more than 100.000 measures as the
input of the system), and 242 files containing simi-
larity measures for real documents organized in 11
groups (every group with more than 1 million mea-
The neuro-fuzzy FasArt system has been used in
this case to learn this knowledge about incoherences
contained in the 4-tuples documents. The system out-
put is the presence of incoherence regarding the sim-
ilarity measures between two tuples as its input. The
FasArt system has been tuned with respect to vigi-
lance factor ρ and fuzzification rate γ.
On the other hand, the system has been trained and
tested by cross validation, using one synthetic or real
group for training and the rest synthetic or real groups
for testing, and calculating the mean quadraticerror of
the total trials. Different experiments has been done:
a) Training and testing using synthetic documents; b)
Training and testing using real documents; c) Train-
ing with synthetic and testing with real documents;
d) Training with real and testing with synthetic docu-
Each experimentation alternative has been evalu-
ated by analyzing the detection error and complexity
of the system, through the number of fuzzy rules from
the neuro-fuzzy system. This aspect is very relevant
because this knowledge base could be used to gener-
ate a decision-taking system about document incoher-
ences, i.e, a free-incoherences document editor.
In Table 1 and Table 2 classification results are shown.
Attending to the error rate and the system complex-
ity, two alternatives are possible: 1) Interesting results
of classification are obtained when the FasArt system
is trained using synthetic tuples and it is tested using
real tuples, with an error of 3.58% using Levenshtein
distance and 4.44% using Needleman distance. This
seems to be coherent, as synthetic tuples have a larger
coverage than the real ones, so the synthetic set rep-
resents an ideal and theoretical model in the exper-
imentation. 2) Training and testing the system with
real tuples offers also good results. The error is by
4.37% using Levenshtein distance, and 2.55% using
Needleman distance, and the complexity of the sys-
tem is smaller than in the previous case. In this situ-
ation the system works properly with the documenta-
tion of this specific domain and context. But this so-
lution is not general enough to be applied with other
documentation and in other context.
Comparing both cases, the first solution seems to
be more general, and could work better in more gen-
eral cases than in the second one, and with a complex-
ity slightly bigger than in the first case. This com-
plexity indicates the number of fuzzy rules we need
to collect the expert knowledge, so it is necessary to
equilibrate the complexity of the system and the error
to obtain a proper solution. This expert knowledge
will be reused in order to obtain the virtual expert for
incoherence detection. But as the number of rules is
high in all the cases, it should be simplify for an ade-
quate use in the expert system.
Table 1: Mean values for the best results for incoherence
detection using a FasART classifier.
Similarity Train Test N# Rules Error
Lev. Syn. Syn. 883 6.07%
Lev. Syn. Real 799 3.58%
Lev. Real Syn. 767 18.12%
Lev. Real Real 767 4.37%
Need. Syn. Syn. 904 5.92%
Need. Syn. Real 800 4.44%
Need. Real Syn. 735 78.61%
Need. Real Real 735 2.55%
Table 2: Mean values for the worst results for incoherence
detection using a FasART classifier.
Similarity Train Test N# Rules Error
Lev. Syn. Syn. 780 15.78%
Lev. Syn. Real 914 15.89%
Lev. Real Syn. 743 70.90%
Lev. Real Real 800 34.97%
Need. Syn. Syn. 786 13.45%
Need. Syn. Real 873 23.40%
Need. Real Syn. 721 85.89%
Need. Real Real 721 19.97%
Checking Table 2, the minimum error rate for the
worst cases of classification is obtained when the sys-
tems are trained and tested using synthetic tuples, a
coherent result considering this experimentation as a
synthetic scenario.
On the contrary, the maximum error rate of classi-
fication is obtained, in all the cases, when real tuples
are used to train the system and synthetic tuples are
used to test it, with an error near 85% in the worst
case. This result is feasible, as only one group of real
tuples for training in every trial do not cover the same
cases as the synthetic ones.
In the rest of the cases an error rate around 5.5%
is obtained for the best cases of classification, validat-
ing the experimental stage with a success rate of 95%
in most of the situations. This means that the neuro-
fuzzy classifier works properly for most of the cases,
where both incoherences and coherences take place
within the numeric information expressed in 4-tuples.
This work introduces the problem of content inco-
herences in document collection, in which connected
documents can contain mistakes, wrong or confused
cross-contents and the effects of this non coherent
documentation are relevant for companies: economic,
legal, technical and social damages.
The detection of this type of problem involves ex-
tra difficulties with respect to the usual pattern recog-
nition problem: when an incoherence happens in a
document this depends on the domain documentation
and its experts. It is not an objective question, so ex-
pert knowledge is needed if success is to be achieved.
Here, this expert knowledge is incorporated through a
supervised learning procedure supported by a neuro-
fuzzy system in an automatic way.
A global approach is introduced for processing
these documents, to detect incoherences: summariza-
tion and description of documents is based on heuris-
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
tics, matching of document contents based on well-
known techniques such as the Levenshtein distance or
the Cosine similarity, and a supervised learning pro-
cedure based on a neuro-fuzzy system.
Synthetic and real documents summarized by 4-
tuples, and matching using the similarity criterion de-
scribed in the previous section, were used as inputs of
the neuro-fuzzy system for detecting incoherences.
The experiments have shown that the system is
able to cope with most cases of coherences and in-
coherences that can feasibly take place within a docu-
ments set, with a success rate higher than 94% in most
of the cases. Tests with both synthetically-created
cases and real ones have shown that the system is able
to learn and detect incoherences by means of the sim-
ilarities of two 4-tuples holding numerical informa-
At present the work is underway concerning the
specialization of the FasArt system to be able, not
only to detect the existence or not of an incoherence,
but also to determine incoherence categories, using
the summarization by 4-tuples. On the other hand,
using this fuzzy approach, it is possible to extract
the learnt and subjective expert knowledge from the
neuro-fuzzy system, through a set of fuzzy rules that
can support a decision making system about this com-
plex and non objective problem.
This work has been supported in part by the Spanish
Industry, Tourism and Commerce Ministry through
the project TSI-020302-2008-73.
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