Hence, we consider this category to be a very
important one when delimiting a maturity stage:
initiation (user driven – activity initiated by the user,
process driven – activity initiated by a process);
process integration (data centric – BI analytics is
usually supported by a data warehouse, process
centric – BI analytics is integrated in the business
processes); processing model (store and analyze;
analyze and store); event stream processing; “closed-
loop” environment.
2.2.6 Other Characteristics
This last category contains some characteristics that
can distinguish a maturity stage from another, but do
not fit in the other categories and they refer to: users
(specialized, casual); implementation (departmental,
enterprise-wide); semantics (common, different).
This paper has presented the Business Intelligence
Development Model (BIDM). By doing a thorough
literature study, we came up with six BI maturity
stages and a selection of twenty characteristics that
best describe and differentiate these stages. Each of
the characteristics has several attributes that might fit
one or more of the development stages. This is how
BIDM can help determine which characteristics are
necessary for reaching a desired BI maturity stage.
Furthermore, we would like to refine our framework
in the future to include support for companies to
assess their BI capability. One promising approach
might be to apply the type of maturity matrix model
developed by (van de Weerd, 2009). Moreover, case
studies as well as expert interviews or surveys may
help validate how our framework works in practice.
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BIDM - The Business Intelligence Development Model