Milene Serrano and Carlos José Pereira de Lucena
Department of Informatics, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Keywords: Ubiquitous Computing, Intentional Systematic Software Development, Intentional Multi-Agent Systems,
Ontology, Knowledge Representation, Interface Dynamic Construction, Reuse.
Abstract: In this paper, we present the development of an Intentional-MAS-Oriented Ubiquitous System driven by the
FIPA Standards Ontological Support. This support contemplates the development with a certain degree of
commonality. Our main goal is to improve the Intentional Systematic Software Development for further
Ubiquitous Systems, by considering the same language, vocabulary, and protocols in the agents'
communication and inter-operability as well as an adequate context-aware knowledge representation for
different smart-spaces.
Ontology consists of a knowledge formal
representation – a specification of conceptualization
(Staab and Studer 2004.) We commonly use
ontology in order to specify types of
conceptualizations, obtaining a simplified version of
the real world based on the concepts of the domain,
and the relationships between these concepts.
Particularly, Ubiquitous Computing must deal with
the communication among different devices, smart-
spaces, and people, which are distributed (Weiser
1991) (Bell and Dourish 2006). In this scenario, it is
relevant and intuitive the use of an ontological
support to improve the inter-operability among
different smart-spaces and their entities as well as to
consequently standardized the communication
between them, and the knowledge sharing in their
social/interactive events.
In the last years, we have different research
groups that investigate the ontology use in
ubiquitous and pervasive systems (Masuoka et al.
2003) (Chen et al. 2003), proposing interesting
solutions to specifically handle ubiquitous issues:
In (Christopoulou and Kameas 2005), the GAS
Ontology describes the semantic of some concepts
and their interdependencies based on ubiquitous
environments. The authors also provide a common
language for the communication involving different
devices, and a service discovery mechanism. The
goal of the GAS Ontology is to deal with the
semantic inter-operability among heterogeneous
eGadgets and the semantic service discovery.
Finally, the authors discuss about the GAS Ontology
manager. This support runs on each device, by
managing its ontology and processing the
knowledge that each device needs over time.
In (Ranganathan et al. 2003) and (Ranganathan et
al. 2004), the authors present the integration of
ontology and Semantic Web technology into their
pervasive computing infrastructure, the GAIA
smart-spaces. According to Rangnathan et al. the
focus of their work was in three main issues:
Discovery and Matchmaking; Inter-operability
between different entities; and Context-awareness.
Moreover, the approach followed by GAIA
combines different kinds of ontology, divided in two
major groups: ontology for different entities, and
ontology for context information. Based on their
experimental work, the authors argue the relevance
of ontological support to improve the development
of pervasive environments, by overcoming
challenges commonly found in pervasive contexts.
For example, augmenting the system services, which
includes configuration management; human
interfaces, components interoperation, and context
sensitive behaviour.
Considering some deficiencies presented on (Ye
et al. 2007) that must be addressed in order to
successfully apply ontological support to the next-
generation systems in Pervasive Computing and
Ubiquitous Computing; and also our Ubiquitous
Serrano M. and José Pereira de Lucena C. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Software Agents and Internet Computing, pages 114-121
DOI: 10.5220/0002969001140121
Computing Group needs, we are focused on multi-
agent communication field. Moreover, we are
concerned in ontological models for intentional
multi-agent systems (MASs).
Intentional MAS paradigm is an emergent
technological support, in which the “like me”
recognition (Gordon 2005), goal formation (Dignum
and Conte 1998), and Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI)
Model (Bratman 1987) (Georgeff et al. 1998)
(Pokahr et al. 2005) (Bigus and Bigus 2001) are
intrinsic and intense. An Intentional MAS represents
an adequate support to achieve explicit ascription of
mental states; an essential feature to guarantee
autonomy; and a respectable philosophical model of
human practical reasoning. Thus, it poses some
novel challenges to deal with the communication
and inter-operability among cognitive agents;
between the agents and the ubiquitous environments;
and between the agents and the final users.
Unfortunately, we have few research groups that
consider ubiquitous systems driven by Intentional
MAS in order to, for example: (i) manager different
smart-spaces and heterogeneous access devices
using the intentional agents’ rationale; and (ii) deal
with the user’s satisfaction based on belief-desire-
intention-oriented support, and interface dynamic
construction. Furthermore, if we consider the use of
ontology in the intentional-MAS-oriented ubiquitous
development, it is really difficult to find work that
fills this gap. This technological gap motivated us to
explore an ontological support to deal with the
communication among different intentional agents.
In order to achieve our goals, we applied our
ontological support to validate an extensive
ubiquitous dental case study. Our experimental
research in the Software Engineering Laboratories at
PUC-Rio and UofT demonstrates that this
ontological support offers adequate resources to the
developing of Intentional MAS in ubiquitous
contexts, by considering some important concerns:
(i) users’ intentionality, (ii) changeable contexts, (iii)
devices heterogeneity (e.g. limited or not; and
mobile or not); (iv) distributed smart-spaces; and (v)
service omnipresence using a stable communication
protocol based on the FIPA Coder and Decoder
classes for SL Language. Moreover, the support can
be reused and specialized for various ubiquitous
applications in different cognitive domains.
The paper is organized in sections. Section 2
presents the use and the validation of the ontological
support in a ubiquitous dental system development
centered on Intentional MAS. Section 3 reports on
the lessons learned. Section 4 is dedicated for the
concluding remarks. Finally, Section 5 describes
further work.
As previously mentioned, we are using ontology in
order to improve the Intentional Systematic
Software Development for Ubiquitous Systems –
ISSD for UbSystems (Serrano et al. 2009.) In
ubiquitous contexts, in which the interaction
between different smart-spaces is intrinsic, it is
interesting that the agents communicate with other
agents by considering the same language,
vocabulary, and protocols. Moreover, when the
communication and the contents involved into this
communication are standardized, the same
represented knowledge can be easily shared and
reused by ubiquitous applications in different
cognitive domains.
As we are following the FIPA standards defined
in the JADEX Framework (Braubach et al. 2004)
and the JADE-LEAP Platform (Caire 2003), our
Intentional MAS already supports certain degree of
commonality. This Intentional MAS specifically
uses the FIPA Coder and Decoder classes for SL
Language (Bellifemine et al. 2007). This language
standardized the messages exchanged among the
agents of the platform. However, we observed that it
would be appropriate to define the agents own
vocabulary and semantic to adequately deal with the
contents of the exchanged messages. In other words,
we must define a specific ontology for this scenario.
We have different ways to define the ontology.
We decided to use the FIPA SL Codec to do this.
Thus, it involves the definition of the elements,
which will be transferred into the messages as
extension of predefined classes. The main idea is to
describe the elements that compose the exchanged
messages. The FIPA SL Codec can encode and
decode these messages using the FIPA format,
allowing the communication among intentional
agents in different smart-spaces.
According to the FIPA SL Codec, the ontology is
composed of the vocabulary and the nomenclature.
The vocabulary describes the concepts terminology.
These concepts are used by the agents in the
interaction among them. The nomenclature describes
the concepts semantic and structure, and depends on
the relationships among these concepts.
Figure 01 (SADT) shows the construction
process of our ontology. It includes some activities
from the State-Of-The-Art investigation – as well as
the experimental work conduction in the Software
Figure 1: Our ontology construction.
Engineering Laboratories at PUC-Rio and UofT for
defining, registering, creating and manipulating the
ontology – to the results analysis, generating the
lessons learned and further work ideas.
Only to elucidate, we can consider a specific
scenario based on an extensive dental case study,
developed using our ISSD for UbSystems – briefly
described on (Serrano et al. 2009).
Dental Scenario Description: A patient wants to
be registered in a dental clinic. Her/His personal
agent, which is inside her/his device, requests the
registration. The clinic agents receive the request
and send the registration form.
The first challenge in this scenario is that every
decision is made by the agents at runtime. Moreover,
the sent form depends on the request, user’s
preferences (e.g. privacy policies), devices features
(e.g. interface limitations and memory and
processing capacities), network specifications, and
contract information. Thus, a pre-defined
communication protocol must be considered in order
to avoid further disagreements and mistakes. The
communication is standardized using ontology.
In order to implement the ontology for this
scenario, we had to extend the classes
BasicOntology and ACLOntology, predefined in the
FIPA SL Codec, by adding the elements schemas
that describe the structure of the concepts, agent
actions, and predicates of the exchanged messages.
The Concept, AgentAction, and Predicate are
interfaces, which correlated classes are
ConceptSchema, AgentActionSchema, and
PredicateSchema. In fact, these interfaces have a
super-class called ObjectSchema. As follows, we
have a brief description of Concept, AgentAction,
and Predicate:
Concept represents expressions that indicate
entities with a complex structure, such as:
(Patient :id 000000 :name Mary :address "111
Something Street"). It means that there is a
patient with the id 000000, the name Mary, and
the address 111 Something Street.
AgentAction represents concepts that indicate
actions performed by the agents in the multi-
agent systems platform, such as: (Request
(Registration :clinic "Dental Clinic ABCD")
(Patient :id 000000)). It means that the patient
with the id 000000 requests the registration for
the Dental Clinic ABCD.
Predicate represents expressions that inform
some detail about the status of the world, such
as: (Is-patient-of (Patient :id 000000) (Clinic
:name "Dental Clinic ABCD")). It means that
the patient with the id 000000 is patient of the
clinic, which name is Dental Clinic ABCD.
We are particularly following the reference
model proposed by Fabio Bellifemine, Giovanni
Caire, and Dominic Greenwood in (Bellifemine et al
2007.) Figure 2 illustrates this model.
In this reference model we have the Predicate,
Concept, and AgentAction as Element. Moreover, the
Predicate is a ContentElement; the Concept is a
; and the AgentAction is a specialization of
Concept. A ContentElement can be used as a content
of an ACL message. The Term can be an abstract
entity or a concrete entity.
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 3: Ontological Java class (Interface Elements Standardization) to facilitate the Interface agent communication/inter-
operability with Dental Domain agents, heterogeneous devices, changeable contexts, and several Patients actors.
Figure 2: Content reference model (Bellifemine et al
In our dental case study, we have Elements in the
interface level; dental domain level, and dental
application level. We firstly defined an ontological
Java class that extends the Ontology class for each
interface Element in the dental context. Each
ontological Java class is declared as a singleton
object as this class is normally not evolved during
the agent’s lifetime. For the same reason, we defined
another Java class, which also extends the Ontology
class, and contains a static method in order to access
this singleton object. It means that different software
agents that are in the same Java Virtual Machine can
share the same ontology object.
An example of our ontological Java classes for
the dental case study in the interface level is
presented as a code fragment on Figure 3.
We are using the JADE-LEAP Platform
execution modes (split and standalone) (Caire 2003)
to deal with heterogeneous devices (MIDP and
Personal JAVA). Thus, the code fragment illustrates
our I/O MIDP ontology to support the
communication between the Interface agent –
located inside the MIDP device – and the Domain
agents. Only to clarify the idea, some interface
Elements – used by the Interface agent to
dynamically construct dental forms that will be
presented to the user using her/his own device and
according to the user’s preferences and the devices
features (e.g. memory/processing capacities, screen
size, and resolution) – are:
SendMIDPForm agent action: is the ontological
representation for an action performed by the
Interface agent in order to send a form.
MIDPStringItem concept: is an ontological
concept that describes a StringItem element,
which can be used to compose the Form, by
representing a spring.
MIDPChoiceElement concept: is an ontological
concept that describes a ChoiceElement, which
can be used to compose the ChoiceGroup, by
representing the alternative text.
MIDPChoiceGroup concept: is an ontological
concept that describes a ChoiceGroup, which
can be used to compose the Form, by
representing a group of choices. Moreover, it
can be composed of one or more
MIDPForm concept: is an ontological concept
that describes a Form, which can be composed
of zero or more StringItem(s), and zero or more
We can observe that the ontological Java class
basically contains the constructor and the structures
of the schema for different Concepts, AgentActions,
and Predicates. Each element in a schema has a
name and a type. An element can be declared as
"OPTIONAL" element means it can assume a "null"
value. On the other hand, a "MANDATORY"
element means that an OntologyException will be
thrown if a "null" value was found. An element in a
schema can also be a list, in which, for example, the
cardinality of this element is zero or more String
type elements. The ontological Java class
implements the Vocabulary Java class, which code
fragment is illustrated on Figure 4.
Figure 4: Ontology vocabulary for Interface Elements.
Based on the FIPA Coder and Decoder classes
for SL Language, another important consideration is
that each schema must implement its proper
interface, as follows:
for ConceptSchema, the class must implement
the Concept interface.
for AgentActionSchema, the class must
implement the AgentAction interface.
for PredicateSchema, the class must implement
the Predicate interface.
In order to exemplify this consideration, Figure 5
shows part of the code based on the MIDPForm
As presented on (Bellifemine et al 2007), the
next three steps are necessary to conclude the
ontology: (i) define the content language; (ii)
register the content language and the ontology using
a software agent; and (iii) create or manipulate the
content expressions as Java Objects.
The first step consists on defining the content
language. Using the FIPA Coder and Decoder we
have the possibility to choose the SL Language or
the LEAP language. It is also possible to develop an
agent that uses a proper language by implementing
the jade.content.lang.Codec interface. The SL
Language is a human-readable content language,
which content expression is a string.
Figure 5: MIDPForm Concept implements Concept.
The LEAP language is a non-human-readable
content language which content expression is a
sequence of bytes. Moreover, the LEAP language is
lighter than the SL language. This feature is
particularly interesting in strong memory and
processing limitations. In our dental case study we
used the SL language.
The second step consists on registering the
content language and the ontology using a software
agent. Normally, in behaviour-based agents, this
registration is performed in the agent setup() method
as presented on Figure 6 for the PatientInterface
agent – a JAVA code fragment. As this Interface
agent runs inside the MIDP device, we decided to
use a “light” agent, based on behaviour to avoid
problems with the device memory and processing
Figure 6: Registering content language and ontology using
our behaviour-base PatientInterface agent.
However, as we are using intentional agents in
the domain level to improve the cognition capacity,
the “like me” recognition, and the goal formation,
we also registered the content language and the
ontology according to the JADEX specifications and
the BDI Notation as shown on Figure 7 – XML code
fragment of the DomainPatient agent (property tag.)
Figure 7: Registering content language and ontology using
our intentional-oriented DomainPatient agent.
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 10: Creating/manipulating the content expressions using our DomainPatient agent (ExecuteRPRequestPlan).
The third step consists on creating and
manipulating the content expressions as Java
Objects. Figure 8 shows the code fragment about
this step using our PatientInterface agent.
Figure 8: Creating/manipulating the content expressions as
Java objects using our PatientInterface agent.
Again, in order to create and manipulate the
content expressions using intentional agents, we
extended the Plan class specified on the JADEX
documentation and we also implemented the
DecideRPRequestPlan and the
ExecuteRPRequestPlan as plans of our
DomainPatient agent. Figures 9 and 10 respectively
present code fragments of these plans.
We have applied a FIPA-Standards-based
Figure 9: Creating/manipulating the content expressions
using our DomainPatient agent (DecideRPRequestPlan).
ontological support to Intentional-MAS-oriented
ubiquitous systems. Our experimental research
contributes to the systematic development of
Intentional-MAS-oriented ubiquitous systems as it
has shown that ontology improves the inter-
operability and the communication among
intentional autonomous entities in ubiquitous
environments. Among other contributions, our
efforts provide a reuse-based standard support to
specify the concepts, agent-actions and predicates
based on the cognitive domain of the ubiquitous
As applied to our extensive dental case study,
and reported on this paper using a scenario based on
this case study, the proposed ontological support can
be extended to deal with Multiple-Multiplicity in
Ubiquitous Context (Tigli et al. 2009): many people
accessing many applications/services, using many
devices, communicating with many people located in
many places, considering many issues, and so on.
As our ontological support is centered on
intentional software agents, incremental updates on
their beliefs bases – including insertion, exclusion,
and modification operations – are simple to be
performed. Moreover, FIPA-Standards-based
ontological support deals with privacy and access
control issues – intrinsic concerns in Ubiquitous
Computing - by contemplating the notion of a
personal agent into the agent’s communication
ontological model. Each final user – in our case
study, each patient – has a personal and cognitive
agent that represents her/him in the smart-spaces.
This agent is responsible for achieving the user’s
goals, based on her/his profile (e.g. privacy policies,
and preferences); and for controlling the user’s data
access by other users, agents, and organizations. If it
is desired by the final user, the access negotiation
process as well as the user’s knowledge sharing can
be “invisible” for the users. The process complexity
invisibility is a concern in Ubiquitous Computing
idealized by Mark Weiser in his seminal paper
(Weiser 1991) – that we try to deal with using
intentional agents, standardize communication and
inter-operability protocols.
We presented our first efforts to improve the
systematic development of ubiquitous systems.
These efforts consist on an extensive experimental
research, in which we apply the FIPA standards
ontological support to the development of
Intentional MAS-oriented ubiquitous systems.
The work was performed in the Software
Engineering Laboratories at PUC-Rio and UofT,
where our Ubiquitous Computing group conducted
experiments by developing ubiquitous systems in
different cognitive domains (Serrano et al. 2008)
(Serrano et al. 2009) (Serrano and Lucena 2010).
In this paper, we particularly described the
ontology construction process – from the
investigation activities to the definition, registration,
creation and manipulation of the ontological model
using a dental scenario, Interface and Domain
agents, and Interface Elements. Moreover, we
presented the use of this ontological support in a
dental case study, which contemplated/addressed
some important concerns of ubiquitous
environments such as device heterogeneity, smart-
spaces distribution, services omnipresence, and
users’ satisfaction.
We also enriched our contributions by
incorporating this technological support in our
intentional agent-oriented approach – briefly
presented on (Serrano et al. 2009) – as a building
block composed of the ontology developed by our
group for Interface Level, Domain Level, and
Application Level, following the same construction
process presented in this paper with the I/O MIDP
Ontology code fragments. Our intention is to provide
a reuse-oriented support that aims the requirements
and software engineers teams in the multi-agent
communication standardization, knowledge
representation and sharing, and ubiquitous-issue-
based and context-aware interface dynamic
We are combining our ontological support with a
dynamic database to appropriately store the
knowledge in Ubiquitous Systems (Serrano and
Lucena 2010). Among other contributions/benefits,
the dynamic structure can deal with constant
changes in ubiquitous scenarios – incorporation of
new technologies on devices, or changes on the
users’ preferences and intentions, or even
differences in the network features.
In this scenario, the knowledge can dynamically
be created, modified, deleted, shared, and reused by
multi-agents in a common agent-oriented platform
supported by the ontology briefly presented here.
As special policies are needed in order to
maintain the security and privacy (Campbell et al.
2002) (Kagal et al. 2004) of this knowledge, we are
also developing a layer structure mainly centered on
the concerns: security, privacy, and stakeholders’
satisfaction (Serrano and Lucena 2010). The
combination of this layer structure, the proposed
ontological set, and the dynamic database model
composes our building block for the Intentional
Systematic Software Development of Ubiquitous
Systems (ISSD for UbSystems.)
Furthermore, we are interested in experimental
work to evaluate the SOUPA (Standard Ontology for
Ubiquitous and Pervasive Applications) (Chen et al.
2004) in our ubiquitous projects, and to compare
SOUPA and FIPA standard ontology.
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