The reuse of software component is very low.
This is mainly due to the fact that often the cost
of adaptation of these components is too high.
The strong dynamism of the market. This
phenomenon forces ICT companies to a dynamic
organization of their staff, also considering the
opportunity to take the form of "virtual
Starting from the above considerations an industrial
research project has been jointly carried out by some
Italian software companies and some academic
researchers of University of Salerno. The aims of the
project were to define a new approach able to reduce
development costs for DOOHISs and at the same
time improve their quality. The critical aspects to be
addressed to achieve these goals were:
Support the component software reuse;
Reduce domain application knowledge transfer
risks, such as misunderstanding system
Automate a significant part of the development
process without missing the possibility to
manually realize integrations and modifications.
Thus, we defined an approach, named EMAF
(Enterprise Multilevel Applicative Framework)
which is specialized for the development of
DOOHISs. In particular, to realize such systems we
proposed an architecture (i.e., EMAF Architecture),
a development methodology (i.e., the EMAF
Methodology) and a set of tools which support the
stakeholders in the various phases of the proposed
development process. The approach was employed
to develop two information systems for two different
application domains, namely financial and tourism.
The remainder of the paper is organized as
follows. Section 2 provides a background on DOOH
applications and highlights issues and challenges in
integrating them in an enterprise information system.
Section 3 describes the approach we propose. In
Section 4 we describe the two case studies related to
the use of the proposed approach and the lessons
learned. Some final remarks and future work
conclude the paper.
Hardware and software solutions that allow users to
interact with content distribution systems in public
environment (e.g., streets, stations, airports,
shopping centres) are classified as “Digital Out Of
Home” (DOOH) applications. The first kind of
DOOH-applications was the Digital Signage, ideated
to reduce production and distribution costs of paper
advertisements in busy environments. The
technology and the habits in using such type of
systems are evolved quickly to the point to introduce
new forms of communication with users and content
fruition. At the same time it has been recognized the
effectiveness of these systems in improving
emotional involvement, attracting user attention and
influencing its purchase decision (increases up to
75% were observed) and, more generically,
increasing a positive perception of the environment
and the brand.
All this has encouraged the ICT sector to search
for applications, technologies and modality of use
more and more involving and spectacular with the
aim to directly interact with the consumer by
delivering content personalized and adaptable on the
basis of the current time or the specific fruition
location. Moreover, the opportunity to reach specific
customers in a specific moment has also allowed for
customizing and personalizing information and
making more comfortable the fruition of services.
Thus, the use of DOOH solutions to communicate
and to interact with consumers in an urban context
or in public environments offers some important
advantages in terms of effectiveness and economy of
management. Furthermore it allows delivering new
services, creating new opportunities of interaction
with consumers and new opportunities of business.
The majority of DOOH solutions are able to
manage networks of different devices, such as LCD
displays, video-walls, and PDAs. Thus, there is the
need to realize a sort of dynamic content fruition that
allows differentiating the content and the planning
for groups of devices, typology of device,
geographical area or a single device. These
advanced systems should also be able to acquire data
from existing information systems and to plan
actions based on specific events (e.g., activated by
temporal advance, by local devices or by particular
information received from the environment). For
instance, in the case of an airport, this feature should
allow us to relate the displaying of a particular
advertisement/information or the start of a specific
application to an event such as the opening or the
closing of a gate.
The extreme variety of multimedia devices (each
one characterized by specific features) introduces
new challenges in terms of ability in using them and
integration with specialized applications. These
difficulties together with the need to contain the
development costs determine that in the majority of
present solutions the interaction with users is