Table 1: Proposed Tx. and modulation configuration.
SNR level (dB) configuration Modulation
6.6− 9.2 VBLAST 16-QAM
> 9.2 LSSTC 16-QAM
−15 −10 −5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Capacity (bits/s/Hz)
LSSTC (K= 4 L= 1)
LSSTC (K= 2 L= 2)
LSSTC (K= 1 L= 4)
VBLAST (K= 4 L= 2)
VBLAST (K= 2 L= 4)
VBLAST (K= 1 L= 8)
Figure 3: Outage Capacity vs. E
for an 8× 4 MIMO at
10% Outage probability, and 15 dB average SNR (compar-
ing VBLAST to LSSTC fairly).
of electronically activating specific antenna elements
and deactivating the remaining ones. This is done to
meet the antenna separation conditions of each mode
in the multi-configuration system. In LSSTC, there
are two conditions for the antenna element separation.
(1) The AAs should be sufficiently far apart in order
to experience independent fading. (2) Beamforming
elements within each AA should be spaced at small
distance (less than λ/2) to achieve beamforming. On
the other hand, VBLAST requires all the antennas to
be spaced sufficiently far from each other.
Figure 3 fairly compares LSSTC to VBLAST in
terms of the outage capacity of an 8 × 4 MIMO us-
ing non-ordered SGIC at 15 dB average SNR. Sev-
eral configuration are considered, and the capacity is
plotted versus E
. As it can be seen from the fig-
ure, the capacity is approximately linearly increas-
ing with increasing E
. It is clear to see that
VBLAST outperforms LSSTC, which is actually ex-
pected, since VBLAST is a pure spatial multiplexing
unlike LSSTC, where some antennas are assigned for
diversity. An adaptivesystem can be designed to max-
imize the capacity for all values of SNR. For the fore-
mentioned configuration we choose the single-layer
VBLAST system for the first range (-15 dB up to 1
dB), and for the second range (1 dB up to 20 dB) the
dual-layer VBLAST system gives the highest capac-
ity. If the SNR lies in the last range(>20 dB), then
using either LSSTC or VBLAST with 4 layers will
have approximately the same capacity. However, Fig-
ure 2 shows that LSSTC has a lower SER in the last
range, and therefore, choosing LSSTC is better.
In this paper,we evaluated the performanceof LSSTC
by comparing it to VBLAST. Also an adaptive sys-
tem that selects between LSSTC and VBLAST was
proposed. This study showed that combining beam-
forming, STBC, and VBLAST in LSSTC has better
performance than VBLAST at high SNR range.
The authors like to thank King Fahd University of
Petroleum and Minerals and KACST for their support
under grant no. SB070005 and NSTIP grant no. 08-
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WINSYS 2010 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems