Service Orchestration for Linking Open
Data: Applying a SOA Principle to the Web of Data
Christian Sadilek
, Rainer Simon
and Bernhard Haslhofer
Austrian Institute of Technology, Digital Memory Engineering Group
Donau-City-Str. 1, 1220 Vienna, Austria
University of Vienna, Department of Distributed and Multimedia Systems
Liebiggasse 4/3-4, 1010 Vienna, Austria
Abstract. The rising popularity of RESTful Web services has recently motivated
the extension of existing service orchestration engines to support the composition
of services that do not rely on machine-readable descriptions. At the same time,
within the Linking Open Data initiative, data sets are published conforming to
the Linked Data principles, which can be naturally achieved by exposing RDF
data through RESTful interfaces. In this position paper, we motivate the use of
service orchestration to define workflows for interlinking open data. We introduce
the design of an abstract workflow for the semantic enrichment of such data with
the purpose of providing an integrated view on otherwise isolated data sources.
Finally, based on this abstract workflow we present early work on a concrete
implementation and report on our experiences.
1 Introduction
The W3C Linking Open Data (LOD) community project
aims to create a Web of in-
terlinked datasets based on the Resource Description Framework (RDF) and following
the Linked Data principles
. These principles demand that exposed data objects on the
Web are identified with dereferenceable HTTP URIs, providing both human and ma-
chine readable representations and include links to other resources. These demands are
inherently supported for data objects exposed through services that follow the REST ar-
chitectural style [1], also referred to as RESTful Web services [2]. Likewise, Battle and
Benson point out that RDF is capable of semantically describing and aligning data from
disparate sources, but the lack of standard or agreed-upon access methods prevents the
widespread use of such data, and consequently argue that the REST methodology is a
natural fit for Semantic Web operations as it integrates well with its resource paradigm
[3]. The emerging number of frameworks (e.g. RESTEasy
, Restlet
), APIs (e.g. Ama-
, Yahoo
) and programming standards [4] indicate the recently growing popularity
Sadilek C., Simon R. and Haslhofer B.
Service Orchestration for Linking Open Data: Applying a SOA Principle to the Web of Data.
DOI: 10.5220/0002971100670072
In Proceedings of the International Joint Workshop on Technologies for Context-Aware Business Process Management, Advanced Enterprise Architecture and Repositories and Recent
Trends in SOA Based Information Systems (ICEIS 2010), page
ISBN: 978-989-8425-09-6
2010 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
of RESTful Web services. This popularity has led to extensions of existing service or-
chestration engines like Apache ODE
to incorporate this type of services, which are not
built upon machine-readable descriptions. As a fundamental building block of service
oriented architectures, service orchestration is an approach to service composition that
describes how Web services interact [5]. It enables the definition of executable work-
flows as combination of Web services to support compositionality and reuse without
demanding locally deployed services [6]. In this paper, we argue that due to these ben-
efits, executable workflows can simplify and further facilitate the interlinking of open
data. We present the design and implementation of a workflow for semantic enrichment
of unstructured content from existing applications to integrate it in the Web of Data.
2 Background and Related Work
Service orchestration for Semantic Web services is also addressed by Nitzsche et al.
presenting an extension to BPEL
using a WSDL-less interaction model [7]. The ex-
tension, called BPEL4SWS, motivated the implementation of an execution engine for
semantic business processes [8]. Other approaches are based on templates [9] or a novel
programming language [10]. For our work, we are aiming to use standard-conforming
BPEL instances without process description extensions to facilitate the support for dif-
ferent service orchestration engines which we argue is crucial to maintain reusability.
A system that employs Named Entity Recognition (NER) and human feedback to
link news content to DBpedia
is shown by Kobilarovet al. in [11]. A frameworknamed
Silk that enables discovering RDF links using a declarative language for specifying
link conditions is presented by Bizer et al. in [12], and Raimond et al. introduce an
algorithm for automatic interlinking of music datasets in [13]. Further, a solution for
finding equivalent geospatial entities in the Web of Data for creating links between
them is given by Auer et al. in [14].
We present a semi-automatic approach which incorporates workflows and human
feedback. Our work is complementaryto the aforementioned approaches as it also oper-
ates on extracted entities within different data sources in order to discover relationships
between them. In fact, if Web service interfaces were implemented on top of these exist-
ing components they could be employed as services within workflows for interlinking
open data. Within our workflows an optional step is carried out prior to link discovery
to identify named entities of different types in unstructured content using existing entity
recognition services.
3 Workflow Design
The abstract workflow depicted in Fig. 1 is suitable for interlinking open data. The
workflow exposes a service that takes a query string as parameter and initiates the
workflow’s execution. This query string is used to formulate a search request for a LOD
Fig.1. Abstract workflow for interlinking open data. Assign activities and result polling have
been omitted for brevity.
source to retrieve the source data set. The first activity of the Link Resources scope in-
vokes an Entity Recognition Service in order to analyze textual fields and return named
entities found in the text. This activity can be skipped if link discovery can be carried
out based on existing entities in the source data. The subsequent invocation of the Link
Discovery Service aims to retrieve dereferenceable URIs for the identified entities. As
RDF/XML is assumed to be the representation format, it is possible to execute XPath
expressions against the source data and to formulate a loop for iterating through all
resources in the source data set. The loop iterations can safely be executed in parallel
because iterations operate on distinct resources without any shared mutable state. How-
ever, avoiding the overutilization of external services is an argument for sequential loop
iteration. The described two-step approach to linking resources offers a certain flexibil-
ity. For example: A Geoparser
could be employed as an Entity Recognition Service
to parse unstructured content for location names and return the discovered entities em-
bedded in XML. Then a service like GeoNames
could be used as a Link Discovery
Service to return dereferenceable URIs for the corresponding locations. We will de-
scribe an additional application of this approach in greater detail in the next section.
If the returned URIs are complemented by values that express the certainty of the
matching concept, or in the case that multiple URIs are returned for ambiguous entities,
a decision will have to be made before assigning the link and updating the resource
to ensure the semantic validity. This decision is based on the condition of the activity
isLinkCertaintyAcceptable. It could for example be based on a threshold for the deter-
mined certainty or on an XPath count operation for the number of links in the provided
service output. If the condition evaluates to true the link to the URI will be created and
assigned to the resource. Finally, the resource is modified by sending an update request
to the LOD source. This is done by either sending an SPARQL/Update
if provided by the Link Discovery Service, or using a HTTP PUT request to send the
updated triples as RDF/XML representation. In case the condition evaluates to false, a
separate service will be invoked that collects decisions to be made collaboratively by
users. In this case the resource will be updated as soon as the positive decision has been
For the invocation of asynchronous operations on RESTful Web services we have
decided to use a result polling mechanism as an alternative to callbacks based on mes-
sage correlation. The latter requires the introduction of state to any implementation
case which violates the key REST principle of stateless communication. It is therefore
assumed that for such invocations on RESTful Web services a task or job identifier is
synchronously returned which in turn can be used to frequently poll for the result within
a loop activity as shown in Fig. 2. This activity is terminated as the result becomes avail-
Fig.2. Invocation of a RESTful Web service with result polling as an alternative to callbacks
based on message correlation.
4 Workflow Implementation
The prototypical implementation of the abstract workflow presented in the previous
chapter makes use of a LOD source for multimedia annotations. This data source is
utilized by a set of Web applications that enable users to collaboratively associate their
knowledge with multimedia objects and fragments in the form of unstructured text. The
use case we implement is to semantically enrich these user-contributed annotations by
linking them to matching geographic resources using the rdfs:seeAlso predicate with
the purpose of being able to provide an integrated view on these resources. Although
the workflow is currently executed on a batch job basis, the annotation application’s
architecture would allow to configure workflow invocations on certain pre-defined ap-
plication events (e.g. when an annotation is created, referred to or updated).
The workflow is implemented in BPEL 2.0 using Apache ODE 1.3.3 as a service or-
chestration engine. ODE includes a set of WSDL 1.1 extensions to describe invocations
of RESTful Web service operations. The workflow is querying the recently added anno-
tations at the RESTful annotation backend. The user contributed content is then sent to
, a service that creates semantic metadata based on unstructured text. The
OpenCalais Web service returns the metadata as resources represented in RDF/XML.
Therefore, the relevant links can be extracted and added to the annotation model. Open-
Calais serves as both an Entity Recognition Service and a Link Discovery Service here.
The provided resource type and relevance fields can be used to decide which links
should be stored directly and which should be accepted by users first and therefore
need to be sent to the decision system. In this example, we have decided to accept all
links to cities and countries (of types and with a relevance score above 0.7. It is
only a matter of adapting the selection criteria to change the workflow to identify and
link to entities of a different domain or category like person for instance.
5 Conclusions
In this paper, we have exemplified how orchestration of RESTful Web services can fa-
cilitate the interlinking of open data. We have defined a basic abstract workflow that
utilizes named entity recognition and link discovery services, and is augmented by a
decision stage in which ambiguous link occurrences can be resolved through human in-
tervention. Furthermore, we have motivated that LOD sources should support updates
of resources using either an RDF/XML representation or the SPARQL/Update language
to enable the collaborative interlinking of open datasets. We have not aimed to create
semantic bridges for existing services by either mapping fields and parameters to an
ontology or by wrapping or even recreating services to map REST operations to Se-
mantic Web operations. The only requirement for the services used was the existence
of an XML Schema
to define how to access input and output data.
The initial motivation for our work was that we currently see a gap between the vast
amount of content created on the Web in partly unstructured, distributed and collabora-
tive manner and the Web of Data which is built on the notion of publishing structured
data using machine readable languages. We have shown that this challenge can be ad-
dressed by employing established technologies for Enterprise Information Systems: By
offering an infrastructure that can access content from various sources and tie together
different named entity recognition and link discovery services quickly and effortlessly,
they can unlock content from existing applications for the domain of the Semantic Web.
For future work, we will focus on improving the decision system to better sup-
port the (collaborative) human interaction within the workflows. We plan to experiment
with a broad range of services using different service orchestration engines and work-
flow languages to research how to efficiently modify records in the Web of Data using
executable workflows and to find ways to integrate these workflows into existing appli-
This work has been partially supported by the EuropeanaConnect Targeted Project for
digital libraries, as part of the eContentplus Program of the European Commission.
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