Boris Shishkov
IICREST / TBM – Delft University of Technology, Jaffalaan 5, Delft, The Netherlands
Marten van Sinderen
IS – University of Twente, Drienerlolaan 5, Enschede, The Netherlands
Roberto Cavalcante
Multitel, Rue Pierre et Marie Curie 2, Mons, Belgium
Keywords: Employees’ upskilling, Learning environment, Service-oriented computing.
Abstract: Aiming to increase their competitiveness, many companies are turning to new learning concepts and
strategies that stress collaboration among employees. Both individual learning and organizational learning
should be considered in relation to create a synergetic effect when introducing and maintaining skills among
employees, and as well when it is necessary to train personnel in non-core competences. Regarding such
kind of training, the possibility to collaborate with third parties is advantageous, especially in co-creating
and/or using learning content. In this paper, we propose ICT-related solution directions concerning an
adaptable, flexible, and collaborative upskilling of employees. We consider, in particular, two underlying
objectives, namely adjustability of content+process and collaborative content co-creation. The mentioned
adjustability of content+process is about the specialization of generic content+process, driven by the user
(employee), and it is also about individualism. The mentioned collaborative content co-creation is about a
(cross-border) dynamic creation of content by several persons. Our proposed solution directions (introduced
and motivated in this paper) envision an approach that is used to integrate ideas pointing to some computing
paradigms that concern SOA – Service-Oriented Architecture. It is expected that such an approach can
contribute to the upskilling of employees that is done in an effective and user-friendly way.
Competences of personnel as well as the related
skills and their adequate adaptation are important
with regard to the competitiveness of companies.
Hence, aiming to increase their competitiveness,
many companies are turning to new learning
concepts and strategies that stress collaboration
among employees within and beyond organizational
boundaries. Such collaboration concerns individual
learning and organizational learning. They both
should be considered in relation to create a
synergetic effect when introducing and maintaining
skills among employees, and as well when it is
necessary to train personnel in non-core
competences (IBM Global Business Services, 2006).
Regarding such kind of training, the possibility to
collaborate with third parties is advantageous,
especially in co-creating and/or using learning
content. What is nevertheless necessary for this is a
proper integration of both the content (the
knowledge transferred) and the process (the way of
transferring the knowledge).
In the current paper, we propose ICT-related
solution directions concerning an adaptable, flexible,
and collaborative upskilling of employees. We
consider, in particular, two underlying objectives,
namely adjustability of content+process and
collaborative content co-creation. The mentioned
adjustability of content+process is about the
specialization of generic content+process, driven by
the user (employee), and it is also about
Shishkov B., van Sinderen M. and Cavalcante R. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Information Systems Analysis and Specification, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002971505050509
individualism. An example of the former is the
requirements for different extensions of a knowledge
core, driven by different cultures (concerning
employees); and example of the latter are possible
personality-driven preferences with respect to the
content – one employee would prefer more
explanations, another employee would prefer more
pictures, and so on. The mentioned collaborative
content co-creation is about a (cross-border)
dynamic creation of content by several persons. The
proposed solution directions (introduced and
motivated in this paper) envision an approach that is
used to integrate ideas pointing to some computing
paradigms that concern SOA – Service-Oriented
Architecture (Luthria & Rabhi, 2009). It is expected
that such an approach can contribute to the
upskilling of employees that is done in an effective
and user-friendly way.
The remaining of the current paper is structured
as follows: Section 2 will further delimit and
elaborate the problem, as a basis for Section 3 in
which our proposed solution directions are briefly
outlined. Section 4 discusses then these solution
directions in more detail, following three
perspectives, namely requirements, architecture, and
implementation. Section 5 outlines some further
challenges and discusses related work. Finally,
Section 6 presents the conclusions.
To elaborate further the problem statement, we
introduce our main learning/training-related
perspectives (illustrated in Figure 1).
knowledge core
knowledge additions
knowledge presentation
global drive
local utilization
Figure 1: Knowledge perspectives.
As the figure suggests:
- There is a ‘global’ drive first of all for
disseminating a knowledge core, pushed either by
Society or by legislation or by the global
management of a distributed company, to just
mention several possibilities.
- There is a ‘local’ utilization (on top of the
global drive) that concerns the way the knowledge is
introduced in a particular societal segment or
- There is finally a personal issue that concerns
the way the knowledge is actually delivered to a
particular person having his/her own personal
The knowledge core is (often) of global concern,
the knowledge additions are driven usually by the
need for a local (knowledge) utilization, while the
knowledge presentation is about the way the
knowledge is actually delivered and this should be
driven by individualism – making the user in control
of how (s)he would be learning and or being trained
– with more figures, more examples, less
explanations, for instance.
Each of these knowledge perspectives would
need to be architecturally reflected in a learning
environment, to guarantee that the global, local, and
individual demands will be satisfied.
We claim that this can be possible with service-
oriented solutions that allow for a proper
consideration of the situation of each entity in the
learning/training process. Hence, we would get
inspiration from a computing paradigm, namely
SOA which is not introduced in this paper for the
sake of brevity. We nevertheless refer interested
readers to (Alonso, 2004; Erl, 2007; Papazoglou,
In our furthering previous work (Shishkov & Van
Sinderen, 2009), we will define briefly our proposed
solution directions in this section.
We would base our model on several key
services, considered in the mentioned work, as
exhibited in Figure 2:
Service 4
repository analysis
Service 3 Service 2 Service 1
coordination service
information service
Figure 2: Key services and their relations.
As it is seen from the Figure, a coordination
service is considered and information service as well
as several more services.
The coordination service orchestrates the overall
work of the system, invoking other services at the
right moment and offering them also the right input.
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Hence, this service would need a supporting
information service that takes care of all data
delivered at the right moment to the right entity.
The other services are: Service 1 (Educational
Mediation Service), Service 2 (Educational Broker
Service), Service 3 (Educational User Agent
Service), and Service 4 (Educational Resource
Discovery Service).
Service 1 concerns the delivery of an advise that
is to be helpful for the user, by directing him or her
for adequately making the next steps in his or her
using the learning environment.
Service 2 concerns match-making, for example
between a user and a course or between a content-
creator and a course, which match-making is to be
based on strictly-defined criteria.
Service 3 concerns request processing issues,
such as what is required (by the user), to what
course(s) he or she can qualify, and so on.
Service 4 concerns searching which in tern
concerns users, courses, and so on.
This service model has already been justified in
previous related work as it has been already
mentioned in this section. Hence, for the sake of
brevity, we will not consider the justification of this
This model is however adapted with regard to the
problem considered in this paper (see Section 2) and
to our considered background, namely service-
oriented computing (Section 3).
In the following section, we will go in more
detail, by considering the development of a system
that can implement the introduced service model.
We will address in this section the development
perspectives concerning the proposed solution
directions, by addressing firstly requirements
perspectives, secondly - architectural perspectives
and finally, implementation perspectives.
Requirements. We start here, by discussing the
most important requirements on the IT environment
from the end-user perspective.
With respect to this, we distinguish between two
main categories of end-users. One category is that of
company employees, who are the consumers of
training and learning material. Experienced and
educated company employees may also act as
producers of training and learning material, and
assume a teacher role to transfer their knowledge to
novices. Furthermore, company employees,
including inexperienced employees, may engage in
collaborative learning, in order to transfer and co-
create knowledge and skills through social
interaction rather than through content media. The
second category is that of company managers, who
set and manage the learning targets in accordance to
the goals of the company. The company goals, in
turn, will depend on the nature of the business and
on market developments, competition and
opportunities. Learning targets may include what,
when and how certain skill/knowledge levels should
be attained. Such targets are set for function
categories rather than for individual employees. In
addition, remuneration policies and other measures
may be agreed upon to stimulate company
employees to engage in training/learning tracks.
The IT environment must be capable of enabling
and facilitating an innovative methodology on how
to conduct education and training of employees of
companies. From this objective, some generic
requirements can be derived from the perspective of
the identified end-user categories:
- It should be possible to mix and match learning
modules offered by different organizations on
geographically distributed nodes using diverse
- The mixing and matching is typically prepared
and constrained by a company, by defining
learning profiles, learning paths and learning
policies that are generally useful given the
mission and strategy of (organizational units
within) the company;
- The mixing and matching should be completed
by the employee, such that (s)he can tailor the
learning content, method and plan according to
personal needs and preferences given the
constraints imposed by the company;
- It should be easy to add, remove and update
learning modules, so as to keep pace with
changes in knowledge/skill demands of the
company and to profit from the availability of
new or improved learning modules;
- It should be possible for employees to transfer
their experience and expertise to other employees
by contributing to or co-creating the content of
certain learning modules;
- The delivery of learning content may be
automatically adapted to personal conditions,
such as availability, place and device
characteristics, using context sensors and context
- A company should have the possibility to be
informed about the learning modules that are
successfully completed by their employees, so as
to compare realized and required knowledge/skill
levels relevant for the business goals of the
- Employees should have the possibility to be
informed about their knowledge/skill level
(based on learning modules successfully
completed), how to improve it, and what
personal opportunities within the company are
created by knowledge/skill improvements.
In addition, the IT environment should support
case-specific requirements on functional and non-
functional aspects, such as:
- Provide learning modules relevant for the
domain or company;
- Provide learning profiles, paths and policies
relevant for the domain or company;
- Provide life-cycle management, monitoring,
control and information extraction mechanisms
relevant for the domain or company;
- Satisfy non-functional properties, such as
response time, availability, reliability, security
and privacy, which are considered relevant for
the domain or company.
Architecture. A definition of a service-oriented
architecture is envisioned, for an employee
upskilling system in which employer and employee
objectives can be flexibly supported and third-party
learning services can be added on demand.
Based on the previously mentioned requirements,
we recognize a few components/tools that play a
crucial role in our architecture:
- Policy-maker: definition and enforcement of
business-constrained learning policies;
- Match-maker: matching employee learning
objectives with (composite) learning services;
- Planning-dashboard: providing overviews and
details on leaning achievements and
opportunities; has two specializations, viz. one
for the employer (business-level) and one for the
employee (individual-level);
- Delivery-dashboard: provides facilities to the
employee to modify previously agreed delivery
of learning services;
- Monitoring-dashboard: provides overviews and
details on the usage and performance of the
system to the employer;
- Orchestrator: controls and coordinates the
execution of service instances for the delivery of
a (composite) learning service, possibly using
information on the context of the employee to
which the service is delivered
These are the basic issues that concern the
architectural perspective with regard to the proposed
solution directions. What has not been discussed in
the current section for the sake of brevity
nevertheless is the platform (with a service-oriented
architecture) that is to flexibly use the introduced
application components together with company-
developed and third party services. This will be
addressed in further related research.
Implementation. Being consistent with the
architectural decisions already mentioned, the
envisioned implementation would be characterized
by the following: (i) User-centric composition. A
user agent that adapts to the knowledge and skill
level of the end-user, and mediates between the end-
user and the composition engine. (ii) Rich service
composition. A composition engine that can cope
with richer services, and apply more criteria beyond
simple input-output matching will be developed. (iii)
Flexible business alignment: the employer will be
able to establish policies at run-time that will adapt
by context-aware methodologies the e-learning
process and content. A policy enforcer agent will
keep business policy alignment up to date. (iv)
Context-aware delivery: based on a broader user
context and from diverse context sources this service
will improve user productivity by delivering
information with a higher probability of relevance
for the user. (v) Collaborative learning: will be
supported by a social-network web tool that will
allow content and knowledge co-creation and
dissemination. (vi) Knowledge asset protection:
information leaking we will minimized by security
measures that will be developed to prevent company
knowledge to be obtained without permission.
And particularly:
• Content Builder.
Once matching is done and all
parts of a specific formation becomes available, this
component will build all course content, avoiding
unwanted side-effect on content delivery due to
eventual unavailability.
Work Companion Component
. will provide a
time-line control to aid course takers to keep track
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
on their formation. Course takers will be able to
come back to a specific point in time and re-make a
specific problem automatically creating a new time-
line branch that will give the opportunity to
experiment new solutions and improve overall score.
• Multimodalities
as new learning tool for present
or distant resources that will help on practical
content simulation.
We envision the more in-depth consideration of the
following challenges: (i) Content co-creation
mechanisms require elaboration on how to combine
academic knowledge (justified theoretically but is
sometimes hard to realize in practice) and practical
knowledge (‘working’ in real life but its application
is sometimes not the best solution in long run). (ii)
The control over content updates is a challenge since
the content core which is globally distributed is then
locally adjusted and it remains insufficiently clear
how these updates are restricted from being
inconsistent. (iii) Performance is considered to be
also a challenge because of a required balance
between tools and services – tools would enforce
their ‘embedded’ functionality while (globally
invoked) services would not always comply with it.
Not claiming for exhaustiveness in our challenges
analysis, we are to consider these three challenges in
our further work on the realization of the proposed
in this paper solution directions.
In (Shishkov & Van Sinderen, 2009), we have
considered related work in three directions, namely:
(i) Virtualization of learning (project LiLa (2009)
addresses the challenge of making lab experiments
more widely accessible, through automation and
control via Internet, driven by advanced access
control mechanisms); (ii) Adoption of Service-
Oriented Architecture for enterprise systems in
Education (IMS Global Learning Consortium (2009)
has proposed an actual architecture for education-
related enterprise systems); (iii) Tooling (tools such
as Moodle (2010) are currently undergoing
development that nevertheless strongly depends on
the envisioned upcoming advances in the direction
of service-orientation).
In this paper, we have presented solution directions
that concern the collaborative, adaptable, and
flexible upskilling of employees, exploiting Service-
Oriented Computing and Context-aware Computing.
In particular, we have proposed a service model
incorporating innovative learning ideas and a vision
on the ICT realization of this model, providing
elaborations on requirements, architecture, and
implementation. We consider this contribution
useful since: (i) it is inspired by consideration of
actual pedagogy (learning) problems; (ii) it
envisions IT solutions that are based on established
and proven paradigms; (iii) it concerns a solution
that has been justified with regard to architecture
and implementation (though not yet exemplified).
We would further this work as follows: (i)
strengthening the pedagogy-related background
through consideration of exploratory case studies;
(ii) extension and detailing of the service model; (iii)
further development of the architecture; (iv)
considerations of the platform perspective; (v)
validation through prototype implementation.
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