Particularization to an International Telecom Company Tariff System
Javier Martínez Elicegui, Germán Toro del Valle
Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo, Parque Tecnológico de Boecillo, Boecillo, Valladolid, Spain
Marta de Francisco Marcos
Alten Soluciones, Parque Tecnológico de Boecillo, Boecillo, Valladolid, Spain
Keywords: Semantic technologies, Data mining, BSS, OSS, Telecom, Tariff.
Abstract: Businesses need to "reduce costs" and improve their “time-to-market" to compete in a better position.
Systems must contribute to these two goals through good designs and technologies that give them agility
and flexibility towards change. Semantics and Data Mining are two key pillars to evolve the current legacy
systems towards smarter systems that adapt to changes better. In this article we present some solutions to
evolve the existing systems, where the end user has the possibility of modifying the functioning of the
systems incorporating new business rules in a Knowledge Base.
Companies in general and telecom operators in
particular face a constant need to reduce costs and
improve their time-to-market to compete in a better
position in today’s highly competitive global market.
Informational systems in the shape of OSS
(Operational Support Systems) and BSS (Business
Support Systems) contribute to these goals (Turban
et al, 2006) providing the tools needed to increase
the efficiency, agility and flexibility of organizations
as a way to adapt themselves to a continuously
changing environment.
In spite of the usefulness of these informational
systems, the complexity of the current market
landscape has caused an important decrease on their
effectiveness requiring new techniques and
technologies to recoup the lost space.
Semantic technologies and data mining
constitute two key pillars to evolve the current
legacy informational systems towards smarter ones
which let us improve their adaptation to the current
business environment.
In this paper we detail the procedure followed in
Telefónica Investigación y Desarrollo (the R+D
company of the Telefónica Group) as well as the
results obtained from the application of these
techniques and technologies to a critical
informational system of the Telefónica Group as it is
its tariff system.
The structure of the paper is as follows. The first
section of the paper constitutes this introduction. In
the second section, we introduce the tariff system
used by Telefónica and the main problems it faces
nowadays. The third section details the solution
proposed with a special enfasis on the techniques
and technologies applied as well as the results
obtained. The forth section is devoted to the final
Gathering information from switchboards and billing
telecom operator clients in real-time as they use the
network, keeping updated on a second-by-second
basis their consumption, is a complex challenge
every telecom operator has to face. This complexity
increases in the presence of highly heterogeneous
Martínez Elicegui J., Toro del Valle G. and de Francisco Marcos M. (2010).
International Telecom Company Tariff System.
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Information Systems Analysis and Specification, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002975603500355
Figure 1: High level design of the proposed solution.
networks composed of equipments from distinct
providers with a need to homogenize and to
standardize the information provided by them, to
relate this information to each phone call or data
connection and to calculate the applicable cost.
Calculating the tariff to apply on second-by-
second basis is probably one of the most complex
parts of the whole billing process, since the tariff
system makes it possible to define thousands of
tariff schemas based on many criteria like, for
example, the type of contract, promotions, origin
and destination of the call, day of the week and time,
duration of the call, etc.
To manage this complexity, Telefónica
Investigación y Desarrollo has implemented a tariff
system for mobile networks which is currently
deployed in more than 15 countries from Europe and
South America. Although this spread is a direct
consequence of the success of this solution, it also
becomes a major problem since the idiosyncrasy of
each country raises particular needs which
complicates the software versioning and
To avoid the need to maintain a particular
version of the tariff system for each country or area,
the system has been designed as a highly
parametrized system able to be configured and
adapted to each particular case and installation,
covering not only current needs but needs to appear
in the future.
However, the level of granularity of this
parametrization has its drawbacks since its
management becomes a highly complex and
specialized task as well as a not inconsiderable
source of errors.
This situation combined with the increasing
existent gap between business people (closer to the
markets) and technical ones (closer to the particular
implementation of the tariff system) made it
necessary to rethink the problem and to face it using
new techniques and paradigms which, on the one
hand, made it easier to manage such a complex
system and, on the other hand, brought the system
closer to its final users (typicaly, business people in
charge of defining the appropriate tariff schemas).
To solve the aforementioned problem, the proposed
solution consisted on building an Intelligent
Configuration Assistant to exploit the inherent
knowledge existent in the tariff system as a way to
expose this knowledge directly to business people
for their consumption and manipulation.
To build such a system, we leaned on semantic
technologies (W3C: Semantic Web Case Studies)
(Baader et al, 2004) (Davies et al, 2002), as a way to
model this knowledge in a language close to
business for its subsequent mapping to the more
technical and parametrized language used by the
final system.
The proposed solution, depicted in Figure 1, is
based on four main layers:
OSS/BSS Database Layer. corresponds to
the tariff system configuration database.
Semantic Layer. corresponds to a level on
top of the tariff database. It includes a first
level of concepts (L1) directly associated to
the parameters stored in the database from
which a second level of concepts (L2), more
abstract and closer to business, can be defined
INTELLIGENCE - Particularization to an International Telecom Company Tariff System
Figure 2: The knowledge extraction process algorithm.
by the administrators of the tariffs.
User Layer. corresponds to the administrators
of the tariff system who are able to define the
business logic or rules amongst the concepts
previously mentioned. The availability closer
to business more abstract concepts makes it
possible to define and to model business logic
using not technical languages.
Application Layer. corresponds to legacy
applications which use the configuration
parameters database during their execution to
materialize the business concepts and rules
defined. In this sense, a major requirement has
been to provide a non-intrusive solution from
a performance and current systems impact
From a practical viewpoint, the administrators are
provided with Microsoft Excel templates which
guide them through the definition of the Semantic
Layer. Basically, they are able to define an ontology
of high-level concepts based on already existent
configuration parameters. Using a very simple
syntax, administrators are also able to define the
axioms which materialize the business rules which
relates these high-level concepts to each other.
One of the most important difficulties of this
process is providing the administrators with a
preliminary version of the semantic layer based on
the already existent configuration parameters.
Although this knowledge or model currently
exists in the tariff system administrators minds as a
way to translate the business schemas and
requirements they receive to concrete configuration
parameters stored in the system database, trying to
extract and model this knowledge becomes an
unapproachable task, mainly because of the
reticences of the administrators themselves to
expose the knowledge they have spent years
As a way to solve this cold start dilema, we
have turned to data mining techniques as a way to
extract a layer of semantics from the currently
existent configuration parameters. These data
mining techniques have allowed us to analyse the
content of the databases used by the tariff system to
extract a preliminary layer of inherent concepts,
patterns and rules.
3.1 Knowledge Extraction through
Data Mining Techniques
Identifying the inherent patterns, concepts and rules
present in any database is a complex and laborious
task consisting on a reverse engineering process
applied to the design and contents of a concrete
At a first glance, this does not seem to be a hard
problem to solve when we have a normalized
database. Nevertheless, the problem increases when
the database is populated with concrete data since
from this population new subconcepts, patterns,
rules and relationships (not even considered by the
database designers) arise. For example, although the
database may explicitly model the concept
“Contract”, after populating the database with real
data many other implicit concepts may arise like, for
instance, “YoungContracts”, “ImmigrantContacts”,
etc., which have to be modeled as well as their
relationships to other implicit and explicit concepts
exposed by the database. For example: “contracts by
immigrants should be charged 0€ when the call is
made to the country they were born in and 0,15€ to
the rest”.
To solve this problem and to detect explicit and
implicit concepts, patterns, rules and relationships
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 3: Concept taxonomy after applying clustering techniques.
exposed by the database, a 8-steps process has
been proposed (see Figure 2):
1. Database Denormalization. the first step
consists on generating the files where the data
mining techniques will be applied. This step
requires combining information spread
amongst distinct tables of the database as a
consequence of the database normalization
design process. Sequences of queries are
executed to combine fields of distinct tables
and generate the desnormalization files.
2. Information Compaction. many entries of
the database only differ in some easily
identifiable concrete values. These similar
registries can be grouped and treated as a set,
reducing the data volume dramatically and
increasing the efficiency of the data mining
techniques to be applied afterwards. For
example: entries which only differ in the time
value can be grouped as one concrete instance
assigned to a period of the day (i.e., “from
8:00 AM to 17:00 AM”).
3. Data Mining Techniques. once the
information has been properly processed, it is
analysed using distinct data mining techniques
(Hair et al, 1995) (Fayyad et al, 1996).
Initially, we used Weka data mining software
(Witten and Frank, 2005), more concretely the
BFTree and J48 classification algorithms, but
the high volume of data (more than 100.000
registries) and the complexity of these
registries (more than 100 fields) made it
unusable since the processing of the
information went on for several days and
frequently aborted because of unknown
reasons. As a way to solve these performance
issues, we moved to the SPSS’ Clementine
solution (, obtaining
much better results. In this sense, the C5
classification algorithm showed itself as a
highly efficient algorithm to get optimum
decision trees.
4. Concept Extraction. the decision trees
obtained from the previous step expose data
patterns. We can find sets of values,
systematically repeated in different tree nodes,
which denote some kind of semantic relation
amongst them. From this assumption, we
automatically process the decision trees
searching for these data patterns and model
them semantically in the shape of concepts
(a.k.a. classes) which include the semantically
related values (a.k.a. instances). The concepts
defined in this step are manually validated by
an administrator at a later extent, assigning
them more precise business names.
5. Concept Taxonomy. after the previous step,
we typically get a huge list of concepts which
can hardly be assimilated all together by the
administrators of the tariff system. To
facilitate its understanding, we apply
clustering and graphical representation
techniques to the data (i.e. concepts) using
tools such as pdist and dendrogram Matlab
( utilities (see
Figure 3).
6. Business Rules Extraction. after the previous
analysis to extract and to organize concepts,
the decision trees are automatically processed
INTELLIGENCE - Particularization to an International Telecom Company Tariff System
as business rules easier understandable by the
administrator (i.e., Rule: IF contract= %TT23
AND destination=%DE62 AND day= (2)
AND time = %TM12 …. THEN Q2=0)
The concepts extracted from the previous
steps are used to model these business rules as
a way to obtain more compact rules. These
concept names are still cryptic (i.e. %DE62)
and need to be renamed by business names.
7. Result Validation. at this point, the results
obtained from all the automatic previous steps,
in the shape of a taxonomy of concepts and a
set of business rules, have to be validated
jointly by the data mining experts and the
administrators of the tariff system. This step
makes it possible to detect errors as well as to
model the knowledge extracted from the
system database using more natural
mechanisms (i.e. decomposing concepts into
new subconcepts more familiar to the
administrator of the tariff system, renaming
concepts by business names, etc.), solving the
cold start problem previously stated.
8. Excel Templates Generation. Finally, all the
concept and business rule definitions are
written down into the Excel templates to guide
administrator during Semantic Layer
3.2 Knowledge Modelling using
Semantic Technologies
Modelling the inherent knowledge managed by the
tariff system using semantic technologies (i.e., high-
level concepts and business rules) highly simplifies
the work of the administrators of the system and
reduces the gap between them and the business
experts, minimizing the probability of
misunderstandings. The initial administrators job
consisting on manually fine-tuning hundreds of
parameters (in which case the business logic is
implicit in the data managed) has been replaced with
simple high-level business rules manipulations using
Excel templates (in which case the data logic is
explicitly exposed). This way, the administrators can
easily adapt the tariff system to concrete business
needs, considerably reducing not only the time-to-
market but also the errors introduced into the
From this point, a whole new process start whose
main aim is, on the first hand, to validate the
specifications defined by the new semantic layer
and, on the second hand, to act accordingly uppon
the tariff system parameters database to expose this
new behavior. This process is outlined in Figure 4
and consists on the following steps:
Figure 4: Knowledge modeling schema.
1. Data Validation. The new version of the
semantic layer is validated verifying that the
the business rules syntax is correct, and
consistent with tariff system database.
2. Excel to Knowledge Database Conversion.
once the semantic layer has been validated, its
content is converted from human syntax
(business rules) to machine syntax (OWL)
(McGuiness and van Harmelen, 2004). This
translation is automatically made using a set
of UNIX scripts which fill with content
previously prepaired OWL templates.
3. Configuration Database Regeneration. once
a valid OWL ontology is available expressing
the new concepts and business rules, a
mapping of this ontology to the configuration
detail parameters stored in the tariff system
database has to be acomplished. For it, a set of
queries allows us to extract the business logic
expressed by the ontology and map it to
concrete parameters of the database.
3.3 Lessons Learnt
One of the main problems we have faced during this
project has been trying to improve the performance
of the inference processes. In fact, we managed to
reduce the initial 28 hours process to less than 1
To illustrate the problem and the solution proposed,
consider the following business rule (see Figure 5),
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
where Q2 is a configuration parameter used by the
tariff system.
Figure 5: Rule with premises as unique blank node express
in Protégé (
Using this kind of modeling, we obtained very
bad performance during the inference phase, even if
we reduced the data volume to 10% of the total.
A subsequent study of the reasons of this bad
performance let us find out that each rule restriction
was represented as a unique blank node (i.e,
has_hours some Rush_hours). As a consequence, in
case an instance is a member of one of these
restrictions, it is also member of all blank nodes with
the same logic in the rest of rules. This issue causes
a larger number of anonymous clases and worst
To avoid this behavior, we assign a unique
named class to each restriction(i.e.
RSV_Rush_Hours has_hours some Rush_Hours).
This modelling technique let us significantly
improve the performance of the inference process
(66% time reduction) as well as reduce the data
volume to manage (50% reduction of number of
A second aspect which let us significantly
improve the performance of the whole process was
to apply a “divide and conquer” strategy when
feeding the assistant with data. We observed that
feeding the assistant with a hundred of thousands
instances significantly decreased the performance of
the whole system. As a consequence, we divided the
data into chunks of 15.000 instances and since the
processing of each particular tariff instance is
independent from the rest we processed the
information in batch getting improvements in the
processing time in a factor of 10.
In this article we have elaborated on some of the
possibilities that semantic technologies and data
mining offer to endow OSS/BSS systems with
These technologies have a sufficient maturity
level to be applied successfully to current legacy
systems to provide a semantic layer on top of current
As a particular case, we have applied this
tecniques to the tariff system of the Telefónica
Group where ongoing tariff calculations use the
existing tables but a semantic layer on top of it helps
us maintain the values of these tables up-to-date and
The main benefits of the implemented solution
Explicit Knowledge: the tariff logic is now
explicit, easily verifiable and editable by
Ease of Maintenance: the knowledge
managed by the system is now expressed in
the shape of business rules. A simple change
in one of these business rules may affect
hundreds or thousands of records in the tariff
tables with the certainty that the effect will be
the desired one.
Risk Control: expressing the knowledge
managed by the system using formal semantic
technologies allows us to automatically detect
inconsistencies amongst rules, which prevent
many of the current errors.
The experience and results obtained from this
project encourages us to move forward and apply
these same data mining and semantic techniques to
other OSS/BSS systems of the company.
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Intelligence Systems. Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Semantic Web Case Studies and Use Cases. W3C,
Baader,F., Horrocks, I., Sattler, U., 2004. Handbook on
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the Semantic Web: Ontology-driven Knowledge
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Hair, J. F., Anderson, R. E., Tatham, R. L., and Black, W.
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Fayyad, U.,M. et al, 1996. Advances in Knowledge
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INTELLIGENCE - Particularization to an International Telecom Company Tariff System