Gilberto Astolfi, Vanessa M. A. de Magalh
aes, Marcos A. R. Silva and Junia C. Anacleto
Computing Department, Federal University of S
ao Carlos, Washington Luis Road, S
ao Carlos, Brazil
Culture, Enterprise environment, Social networking service, Collaborative work.
This paper describes a methodology to identify people with common subjects but different cultures. Each
person has a culture and it influences in his way to express himself or to write, etc. Because of that, nowadays,
on the Web, it is very difficult a person who writes validating enterprise system’ finds another who writes
’attesting B2B solution’ because there are different words. On the other hand, there is a common subject that
search engines can not identify, because it is necessary taking into consideration the cultural knowledge and
experience from each person. In this context, the methodology presented here intends to consider this cultural
information in order to identify when two or more people are talking about the same subject.
Nowadays, the most of the people are concerned
about having more experience e knowledge in order to
improve their abilities in work, study and life. There
are many ways to achieve these objectives, such as:
studying in a university, attending a specific course,
working in some companies, among others.
On the other hand, there is a particular way, called
social networking service (SNSs) (Boyd and Ellison,
2007), which many people are using to know others
people, to talk about many subjects, to talk with their
friend, coworkers, etc. Because of this, this service
can be a useful tool to help people to know others, in
the some or in different areas, to talk about any situa-
tion, technology, problem, etc., i.e., people can learn
and improve their experience with others through this
According to Hovard (Howard, 2008), the use
of this type of service is very common between
people, for instance, Orkut (,
LinkedIn (, Facebook
(, Hi5 (, among
others, have been billions of accesses. There are two
of them with a bigger number of accesses than others
in the world: Facebook and Orkut, mainly in Brazil.
It is a well-known fact that most of people whom
surface on the web have a good chance of partic-
ipating in an on-line social network. Therefore,
these social networks are improving their services
to connect more and more people. For example,
Orkut recommends people to connect with based on
a ”friend-of-a-friend” approach. Facebook and Son-
ico ( added import wizards, which
allow importing contacts from email and instant mes-
saging clients.
Through this new world that is connecting people,
it is also possible to use it in order to allow people
to learn with each other, i.e., allow people with com-
mon subjects or problems, etc., meet themselves on
the web and talk about these themes.
Some users usually use some services, such as: fo-
rums or chats, to have any contact with others, but
there is a problem. It important to describe that there
is not problem in these services; the problem is in how
people find these forums or chats. For example, a per-
son who wants to know more about Enterprise System
can type these words in a search field to find many
people, forums and chats that like to talk about it, but
it will more difficult to find any people that like also
it, but they write as B2B Solution.
In this case, it is necessary to observe that people
with common interests can know or write the some
thing in different ways, i.e., Enterprise System and
B2B Solution are common themes, but the social net-
works do not consider this different to do the search,
in other words, they do not consider people culture.
Depends on culture, country, state, region, among
Astolfi G., M. A. de Magalhães V., A. R. Silva M. and C. Anacleto J. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Human-Computer Interaction, pages 192-197
DOI: 10.5220/0002975701920197
others, the people can express themselves in differ-
ent ways, but with the same objective. A person can
search about evaluation and just find people that talk
about it, but it is also interesting to find people that
talk about test.
In this context, we propose, in this paper, a
methodology that allows people to search and to find
people with common interests in different culture, be-
cause this difference can be a good way to allow peo-
ple exchange experience, knowledge, etc. i.e., the cul-
tural difference can be used to join people not to dis-
tance them.
There are some projects which intend to connect
people but they do not consider the cultural differ-
ence, i.e., if a person writes in a different way than
other, they do not know to each other easily. Some
projects are described bellow.
There are many research works in literature whose
goals are to identify group of people and recommend
them to social networks formation. These studies
have diverse way, for example, to propose social net-
works to people, to suggest communities to people in
social networks, etc.
Some studies are focused on applications of algo-
rithms designed to identify and join people related to a
specific professional community, such as researchers.
In (Tang et al., 2008) is proposed the formation of so-
cial networks to participate in a scientific congress,
considering that the participants have some common
research interests. The authors use data mining tech-
niques to search information about people on the web
and relate to each other, after which participants in-
terfere with this network to refine it excluding people
they do not know.
Kautz et. al. (Kautz et al., 1997b) use data mining
techniques that consider the names of individuals co-
occurring in web pages, in the publication of articles,
on network news, and charts (university departments)
are probably potential training social networks. In ad-
dition, Kautz et. al. (Kautz et al., 1997a) taking into
consideration the same data source to propose a sys-
tem to enhance searching for people by combining
collaborative filtering and social networks. Through
this same strategy, related to data mining, Matsuo et.
al. (Matsuo et al., 2006) developed a system called
POLYPHONET, which to measure the co-occurrence
of names on web sites and, the social networking is
built with the names more co-occurrences. In Tang
et. al. (Tang et al., 2008) also use the web to search
data that can identify the expertise of people to relate
them according to this information.
The authors in (Spertus et al., 2005) also experi-
mented algorithms in order to propose communities
to users on the Orkut. Communities are suggested
from a communities base that certain user is a mem-
ber. The similarity between communities is calculated
overlapping them, e.g., based on the number of users
in each community and the number of common users
between them, so if two communities have a large
number of common users they are considered simi-
lar. Using the same reasoning (Chen et al., 2009b)
evolved two types of algorithms to recommend cus-
tomized communities for users in Orkut.
The work presented in (Chen et al., 2009a) adopts
techniques that have proved effective to recommend
people for social networking. The authors improved
four types of algorithms that were applied on a social
networking site. The most important from our per-
spective is the one that stress the possibility of two
people to post content related to the same subject and,
if it happens, those people have great chance to be
similar; this is measured by comparing a set of words
posted by each user, extracted from their profile’s in-
formation, comments on photos, shared lists, etc.
As can be observed, the studies mentioned here
do not take into account the cultural aspects of people
in searching for similarity to recommend social net-
working. The most is done is to consider some words
or specialty that people share among them. Our work
differs in that point, because we believe that taking
into consideration the culture we can find more people
with same interests in different cultures, i.e., country
region, among others.
Our methodology, described here, considers the use
the semantic context to verify similarities among peo-
ple taking into consideration a subject and context.
We assume that if two people have the same consen-
sus related to a certain subject and context, they have
good chances to share the same interests and conse-
quently be similar to each other in that context.
In any country in the world there is a diversity
of vocabularies. Thus, following the reasoning set,
we hypothesize that the user uses in social interaction
(mainly in SNSs) their natural vocabularies when they
need to write a text. For example, in order to exchange
messages. Therefore, taking into consideration this
reality, we believe that there are many users, in SNSs,
with same consensus or interests related to a subject
and a context, but they can express themselves in a
different way. For example, see this both sentences
from two different users: ”Usability Test validates
Enterprise Systems” and ”Evaluation Usability attests
B2B Solutions”. When we read these both sentence,
we can identify that both represent a consensus re-
lated to a subject and context, i.e., they say something
in different way, but the computer, just trough these
words, can not process these sentences and identity
that they are similar using comparison words (Chen
et al., 2009a). In this context, this paper presents a
methodology that allows computer identify and pro-
cess cultural information in order to identify familiar
sentences wrote in different way by people because
their culture, knowledge, etc. This methodology tak-
ing into consideration a cultural knowledge base.
3.1 Cultural Knowledge Base
The cultural knowledge base is obtained from a
project called Open Mind Common Sense Project
Brazil (OMCS-Br) (Silva and Anacleto, 2009).
OMCS-Br project has been collected culture of
a general public through a web site (through After entering,
the person can register and have access to various ac-
tivities and themes available in this site. Most of the
activities and themes are templates as shown in Fig-
ure 1. For instance, template: Enterprise System can
be called as B2B Solutions.
Figure 1: Template example.
Templates are simple grammatical structures.
They have fix and dynamic parts. Dynamic parts
change when they are presented to users. They are
filling out with data from other users’ contribution
already registered on the site. Therefore this base
uses the stored knowledge to collect new one. Tem-
plates also have a field to be filled by users consid-
ering their everyday experiences, knowledge and cul-
ture. Finally, the fixed part is strategically defined by
the project coordinators to consider the theory defined
by Marvin Minsky (Minsky, 1988) and it keeps rich
semantic relation (Liu and Singh, 2004) that repre-
sent the common sense of different people. For in-
stance, the template relation ”Enterprise System can
be called as B2B Solutions” (Figure 1) is DefinedAs.
Because the user typed that ”Enterprise System can
be defined as B2B Solutions”. This template is stored
(DefinedAs ’Enterprise System’ ’B2B Solutions’), see
Figure 2.
Figure 2: Simple example of semantic network.
There are many templates to collect cultural infor-
mation; another example is ”Enterprise System IsA
Enterprise software”. The template relation in this
case is IsA. (see Figure 2). Others relations are also
possible, such as: PropertyOf, MotivationOf, Used-
For, CapableOf, etc (Liu and Singh, 2004). These
relations are used to connect the whole information
in the cultural knowledge base. It is important to ob-
serve that there is the cultural knowledge in this base
because people from different cultures, regions, etc.,
type what they know how about a specific subject,
in these examples about Enterprise System. Finally,
the whole cultural information stored as semantic net-
work we called as Cultural Knowledge Base (see Fig-
ure 2).
Our methodology taking into consideration rela-
tions: DefinedAs and IsA, which represents synony-
mous and specialization respectively:
IsA(concept1, concept2), where concept1 is a spe-
cialization of concept2;
DefinedAs(concept1, concept2), where concept1
and concept2 are synonymous.
According to these data we can defined that:
If concept1 is a specialization of concept2, then
feature (concept1) contains feature (concept2);
If concept1 is synonymous of concept2, then fea-
ture (concept1) is equal feature (concept2).
In other words, the concepts connect with one of
these relations are similar, i.e., strongly connect.
First the methodology needs a sentence typed by user.
The user can be typed this sentence in forums, chats,
search field, etc. For example: “Usability Test vali-
dates Enterprise Systems” The computer “read” this
sentence and through of a parser, called PALAVRAS
a syntactic parser for Portuguese (Bick, 2000), iden-
tifies the grammar structure, i.e., if it has a subject,
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
verb and object. It is possible to observe that in this
example, Figure 3, has a subject (Usability Test), verb
(Validates) and object (Enterprise Systems).
The next step is Normalization (Figure 3) of the
concepts (words), because nouns and adjectives of the
sentence need are in singular and verbs in infinitive
form. Normalization is necessary to increase the po-
tential search in cultural knowledge base, because the
whole concepts in it are normalized.
Figure 3: Normalization by PALAVRAS.
The next step is to create a semantic network with
this sentence. There are in this semantic network the
subject and object connected by verb. For instance,
trough the sentence: subject (Usability Test), verb
(Validate) and object (Enterprise System) was cre-
ated: validate(Usability Test, Enterprise System) (see
Figure 4).
Figure 4: Semantic Network with user’s sentence.
It is important to write that the Normalization al-
lows creating the same semantic network with differ-
ent sentences typed by many users, as Table 1. This
table shows four different sentences typed by four dif-
ferent users and just one semantic network as result.
Other projects as Chen (Chen et al., 2009a), de-
scribed in related works, do not do this process, be-
cause of this, the sentences (Usability Test, validates,
Enterprise System) and (Usability Test, validated, En-
terprise System) will be considered as different sen-
Our methodology through the Semantic Network
does some searches in the Cultural Knowledge Base
in order to expand it, as Figure 5.
Figure 5: Searching in the Cultural Knowledge Base.
Table 1: Sentences from different users and their Semantic
Users Sentences Semantic Network
user 1 Usability Test
validates Enter-
prise System
Test, Enterprise
user 2 Usability Test
validated Enter-
prise System
Test, Enterprise
user 3 Usability Test
validating En-
terprise System
Test, Enterprise
user 4 Usability Test
has validated
Test, Enterprise
The main objective of doing this search, in this
base, is to identify others cultural concepts related
with concepts in Semantic Network. For instance, it
is possible to identify what concepts are connected
with Enterprise System, taking into consideration two
Minskys relation: DefinedAs and IsA. In this case, the
results were: B2B Solution, Enterprise software, etc.
Therefore, there are other people that know Enterprise
System, but they call it with different names, such as:
B2B Solution, Enterprise software. This difference
can be influenced by culture, experience, knowledge,
etc., but, there is this information stored in Cultural
Knowledge Base. There is the some process to iden-
tify cultural concepts related to each concept in Se-
mantic Network, because of that, the next steps are to
search with the concepts: Usability test and Validate,
as show in Figure 6.
The Figure 6 shows the user’s Semantic Network.
It is possible to search in any forums, chats, etc., who
are people talk about the same issue typed by user in
the sentence “Usability Test validates Enterprise Sys-
tems”. Because of that, different users that talk some-
thing with different ways can be identified. For exam-
ple, trough this methodology, it is possible to observe
that a user that write a sentence with “B2B Solution”,
“attest” and “evaluation usability” can be interested in
knowing other user that write a sentence with “usabil-
ity test”, “validate” and “enterprise system”, because
there are different words but there is a common issue,
as show in Figure 7.
We conducted a survey by email in February 22th,
2010 to a group user Twitter ( in or-
der to observe the use of methodology described in
Figure 6: Semantic Network with Cultural concepts.
Figure 7: People with common interests but different cul-
this paper. There were three steps in this experiment:
First, it was sent an email requesting a sentence to
each user, which showed their interest about a certain
issue and context. We guide each one, because they
needed to provide and to type a sentence according
the grammatical structure required by our methodol-
ogy, i.e., subject, verb and object. Second, using the
sentence of the each user and API from Twitter it was
applied our methodology in order to find users who
have some interests taking into consideration a certain
issue and context. Third, we sent to each user a new
email with the recommendation and we also asked
their opinion about the results through this email. The
questions were:
Do you already ”follow” this person? [yes/no];
Is this a good recommendation? [yes/no].
5.1 Results
There were more thousand “tweets” (user’s post in
the Twitter) recovered of different users of the Twitter
taking into consideration the sentence typed by partic-
ipants of the experiment. Through this amount only
3.36% of users were chosen to be recommended to
participants of the experiment. This is possible be-
cause we firstly seek “tweets” with the subject and
object of each one (see Figure 6) and after we analyze
the semantic relation between them in order to verify
whether the “tweet” is within the issue and context
desired by the user, i.e., if they have the same inter-
The Figure 8 shows the relation among the
“tweets” recovered in the search. The part in yel-
low (96.64%) shows the “tweets” discarded, because
words were not related semantically. The red part
(2.87%) shows the “tweets” were found with the se-
mantic relation generated from the sentences pro-
vided by the participants of the experiment. The green
part (0.49%) shows the “tweets” were found with the
aid of the cultural expansion.
Figure 8: Resulted web mining in the Twitter.
These results show that there was low number
of users selected for recommendation. On the other
hand, there were good chances that they are in-
serted into the same issue and context. If we rec-
ommender 100% of users selected without consider-
ing the semantics involved between the words used
in the search, we would do certainly mistaken recom-
mendation and we would not satisfy the user’s inten-
tion, which is to find people with similar interests. In
addition, 0.49% of the “tweets” found from the cul-
tural expansion justify the use of our methodology to
find people with same interests but different cultural
knowledge, i.e., to search and find others people who
express themselves differently. As an example, a user,
of the experiment, typed the sentence “Amazon filters
the oxygen of the world” and from this sentence was
found another user typed the sentence Amazon forest
strainers O2 of the world, because of that it is very im-
portant to consider human life and the cultural knowl-
edge... ”, i.e., different in expression, but inserted on
the same issue and context.
Overall, our users rated 88% of the good recom-
mendations; followed by 12% of bad. Considering
these results the methodology proved to be useful in
order to find people who express themselves differ-
ently in the same issue and context. Although he has
been experiment found few people with common in-
terest, our methodology was efficient to find people
considering the same words, semantically connected,
that people typed, as well as, others concepts obtained
through cultural knowledge, i.e., just the same inter-
This paper described a methodology in order to iden-
tify users with some interests but different cultures.
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Through this methodology, the users can identify who
are people talking about the some subject with differ-
ent ways, then, they can talk about it and exchange
experience, knowledge, solutions, among others. Be-
cause of that, employees in an enterprise environment
have another opportunity to use social networking ser-
vice to find people, with or without the same culture,
to talk, to ask help, etc.
This methodology can be used in many systems,
such as: social networking service, enterprise sys-
tem or any tool that needs to improve the search
mechanism because in this case, the methodology was
used to identify people but the same process can used
to identify educational materials, reports which each
user defined a different name taking into considera-
tion his culture, among others. These results suggest
that if the Social Match Systems considers semantics,
issue, context and culture to search similar people,
they could do recommendation more robust.
for partial financial support to this research. We also
thank all the collaborators of the Open Mind Com-
mon Sense in Brazil Project who have been building
the common sense knowledge base considered in this
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