Adapting web pages to mobile devices is sometimes a
challenging task for human and automatic tools. Evo-
lutionary algorithms represent a feasible approach to
support users in searching alternative layouts for Mo-
bile Web. In this paper we presented a tool enabling
genetic algorithms in searching optimal solutions for
mobile devices given a web page designed for desk-
top application. Experimental results show that in-
teresting results can be obtained even only consider-
ing a parameterized layout, as defined by the user.
There are two directions we aim at investigating in
future work in order to overcome current limitations.
In particular, the algorithm implemented so far is not
able to deal with multiple conflicting preferences and
constraints. This suggests to move to multi-objective
evolutionary optimization. In addition, the algorithm
is not able to escape from the given layout, as the
structure is left unchanged. Genetic Programming
offers an interesting direction to investigate. Other
limitations refer to computational cost for searching
and evaluating solutions. Although this limits the al-
gorithm to be employed in real world problems, the
quality of solutions makes this approach already com-
petitive with human abilities. Technology progress
will offer unexplored opportunities for the future.
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ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems