ber of nodes used is greater than 11. This behavior
also occurs for a context with 200 objects and 20 at-
tributes, where for blocks of size 3000, the increase
was approximately 7.73% in the runtime of the algo-
rithm, while for blocks of size 6196, the increase was
around 11.67%.
Figure 8 expresses the graphic of the relationship
between the number of nodes used for the processing
of formal contexts and the effective time to obtain all
formal concepts for blocks of size 1000.
Figure 8: BS = 1000.
Based on the graphic of Figure 8, it can be noted
that the performance of the distributed algorithm is
closely related to the amount of nodes used in the ex-
traction of concepts. Futhermore, it is worth mention-
ing that the performance curve tends to stabilize with
the gradual increase in the number of computers, due
to the overhead introduced by the use of a network.
It is also possible to observe that the reducing
in the runtime of the algorithm for an input context
with 100 objects and 20 attributes was approximately
57.88%, while for a context with 200 and 500 objects
the reductions were close to 62.85% and 66.23%, re-
In this paper, a distributed approach for the extraction
of formal concepts for contexts with high density and
large number of objects was presented. It was veri-
fied that with this approach it is possible to determine
an estimative of the time required for the processing
of all concepts of a Formal Context, since the number
of interactions are known and the time for extraction
of concepts in the slave nodes are close to each other.
However, as shown in the experiments, the partition
size has some impact on the final performance of the
distributed algorithm. As a result, the values used for
the block size are not always the best ones. Conse-
quently, this may result in a substantial increase in the
runtime of the algorithm.
From this, it can be pointed for future works the
calculation of the best size for the workloads, as well
as test on Formal Context with huge number of ob-
jetcts (approximately 120,000). It is also important to
mention that through our preliminary studies it would
be possible to manipulate social network models char-
acterized through few attributes and large quantity of
This research has received financial support of the
FAPEMIG through the PPMIII-67/09 Project and
CNPq, 471089/2008 Project.
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