Jörg Lässig
International Computer Science Institute, 1947 Center Street, Suite 600, Berkeley, CA, U.S.A.
Ullrich Trommler
CBS Information Technologies, Curiestr. 3a, Chemnitz, Germany
Virtual enterprise, Enterprise cooperation generation and management, Enterprise resource planning, Decision
support, Supply chain management, Rich internet application, Collaboration, Replanning.
The paper considers the problem of task specific cooperation generation and management in a network of
small or medium sized enterprises. Such short-term cooperations are called Virtual Enterprices. So far this
problem has been discussed by several authors by applying different methods from artificial intelligence as
multi-agent systems, ant colony optimization, or genetic algorithms, and combinations of them. In this paper
we discuss this problem from a target oriented point of view and focus on the question how it can be modeled to
keep its complexity controllable by considering sequential, parallel, and non-combinatorial approaches. After
describing the implementation of a cooperation generation solution as rich internet application also solutions
for the management of such cooperations considering aspects as replanning are described.
Besides the classical supply chain there are many oth-
er appearances of business cooperations as, e.g., joint
ventures, strategic alliances, and enterprise networks.
While the first three types are long lasting coopera-
tions, according to Teich enterprise networks are very
dynamic by allowing to adopt new partners, to gain
new orders and to expand into new market segments
(Teich, 2002). Already Miles and Snow considered
dynamic networks which for the external observer or
customer can ideally act as one enterprise, and hence,
have been dubbed Virtual Enterprises (VE) (Miles and
Snow, 1984), see Figure 1. The concept is very close
to Shaw’s idea of Information-based manufacturing
(IbM) (Shaw and Fulkerson, 2001). In this work the
computer scientific aspects are emphasized.
In detail we consider the problem to gener-
ate cooperations especially consisting of small and
medium-sized enterprises to collaboratively solve a
given task, as e.g., to produce a machine tool. Ac-
cording to a request for such an product, the goal is to
choose eligible companies in a network according to
their competences and to compute different coopera-
tion scenarios automatically. As described by Martinz
Figure 1: Classification of the virtual enterprise.
et al., in general there is a central resources pool, rep-
resenting the different companies in the network. The
starting point is a task request by a customer or net-
work participant (Martinez et al., 2001).
The next generation stage is to identify companies
which are eligible to process certain parts of the task
by matching competences and to inform them about
the task. This problem is not considered further in
this paper. If eligible companies are informed, the in-
Lässig J. and Trommler U. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems - Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems, pages
DOI: 10.5220/0002978203500359
terested ones bid in some way on parts of the task and
an algorithm generates a cooperation solution to ful-
fill the request by using the competencies of different
enterprises. Finally, the product is produced in the re-
quested number of items and delivered. This means
the process can be seen as a circle, starting with the
submission of a new task (from a customer) and end-
ing with the delivery of the product (to this customer).
As we will see, it is reasonable to specify tasks by
means of work packages with time constraints in be-
tween, so called precedences.
The described problem has already been ad-
dressed in research for about twenty years, and sev-
eral approaches have been described. However, due
to a set of intricate problems in this context no ulti-
mate solution is known and none of the proposed so-
lutions is used in practice so far; refer, e.g., to Teich
for a survey (Teich, 2002). One reason is that the task
to accomplish includes several interacting problems
combined with duration and time constraints, moni-
toring, replanning, or failure management.
Of central importance is the generation of feasible
candidate cooperation solutions, which requires the
assignment of specific parts of the task to companies
and calculating necessary logistics operations, costs,
and finishing times in this scenario. A crucial point
in this process is the restriction of the computational
complexity of the generation task, which is due to the
modeling of the task itself, the structure of bids, and
the design of the solution space. Depending on the
model, the computation can include solving complex
multi-criteria optimization problems with side con-
straints to find groups of enterprises which fit best to
a specific request. This paper considers particularly
this central cooperation generation problem.
First, we describe the problem to be solved in
more detail in the next section. Then, in Section 3,
different modeling scenarios are discussed, including
historical approaches. Particularly, some important
design aspects are worked out. Subsequently, in Sec-
tion 4, we focus on the browser-based implementa-
tion of a cooperation generation and control system
covering the features as discussed in the sections be-
fore. The system has been implemented complete-
ly browser-based by applying state of the art web-
technologies. Additionally, in Section 5, the coop-
eration management with questions as replanning is
outlined, before the paper is concluded in Section 6.
A crucial part for this kind of problem is to find a good
model. First, we restrict ourselves to a case where a
work piece from mechanical engineering has to be
produced, let’s say a cog wheel on a shaft. Sever-
al scenarios in literature now assume that this work
piece is available as CAD file, i.e., as 3D model with a
description of all features as described by Pratta et al.
(Pratta et al., 2005). This has the advantage that for
each feature the complete knowledge about the ma-
chines needed to produce the work piece is available.
For specific machines the time to produce it can be
calculated, at least in principle. This “complete” ap-
proach faces several problems in practice, as there are:
All tasks must be available as complete CAD file,
which is not the case for small lots and small en-
The cooperation generation system would have to
be able to process all common CAD standards.
The complete feature description of workpieces is
still a research problem.
The number of combinatorial possible coopera-
tion scenarios becomes extremely high due to the
small granularity of subtasks and operations.
Practically, it is in principle sometimes not pos-
sible to do each operation on another machine if
specific preciseness is necessary.
Therefore, we only look at a scenario where fixed
work packages are suggested by the party issuing an
invitation to bid with precedence constraints in be-
tween. This is a scenario which can be described by a
graph as shown in Figure 2. In the extreme case this
approach could be used to model all operations of the
work piece as work package, but as we will see, this
would be computationally difficult to treat.
2 6
4 7 10
Figure 2: Task graph with precedences between work pack-
ages and three chosen bids (grey)
Consider that for each work package parameters
are available if a certain machine can process this
work package or not. Because a complete feature de-
scription of the operations in these work packages is
assumed to be not available in our scenario, this can
be done only with a certain probability, utilizing in-
complete information. This problem is not discussed
here further but Lässig describes how this can be real-
ized (Lässig, 2009). Here we just assume the follow-
ing situation:
There is a set C = {1, 2, . . . , C} of companies and
each company has a set of machines M (c), c C .
There is a set of work packages w W .
There is some mechanism to reason with high
probability which company can process a certain
work package.
Because this mechanism is probabilistic and because
the work packages are not described completely ma-
chine readable, it should be clear that human interac-
tion is necessary to decide if a certain work package
can finally be realized. To be able to do this, it is
necessary to have detailed information and technical
detail drawings available, of course. Further informa-
tion are assumed to be added in this phase as well,
e.g., the price for the service or time constraints. Fi-
nally, the company bids on a subset of work packages
adding also this information. This is the general set-
up, which is discussed now in different scenarios.
So far we have a set of work packages and a set of
bids on them by the companies. It is open, how ex-
actly bids should be structured, which further infor-
mation should be provided by the bidders and how
the system uses these information to generate cooper-
ation solutions. A cooperation solution is in our case
an assignment of companies to work packages, i.e.,
for each work package there is a company to process
it. Further, different cooperations should be compa-
rable by reasonable objectives. Part of the objective
function should be at least the occuring costs (includ-
ing logistics between participants) and the finishing
time of the cooperation. Quality or robustness are of-
ten mentioned as possible further measures.
3.1 Sequential Assignment
In (Teich, 2002) a sequential bidding scenario is de-
scribed. The work packages as shown in Figure 2 can
be topologically sorted (Corman et al., 2001) and then
starting with the topologically last work package all
companies which are able to process the work pack-
age in principle are asked to bid by submitting a price
and a start time of this work package. If n companies
are bidding then the search tree has n branches in this
stage and in each branch of the search tree, the start
time of the next work package is known. Now in each
search branch again all companies which are able to
process the previous work package(s) are asked to bid.
In each of these cases also the logistics time and cost
can be calculated. Of course this scenario has disad-
The search tree gets exponentially large.
Each company has to bid many times and in dif-
ferent stages and branches of the search if more
than one work packages are of interest.
While the first problem causes dramatic running times
for instances with many work packages and many bid-
ders, the second problem rules out human interaction
in the bidding process, i.e., in this scenario only soft-
ware can bid. This again is only possible if any infor-
mation about the task, the machines, and the schedul-
ing in the company which bids is completely avail-
able. As described above, this is in practise often not
the case.
3.2 Parallel Assignment
From the previous section we have seen that it is desir-
able to find a scenario where the number of bids is low
for each company in order to reduce the workload and
to permit manual bidding. Ideally, each company sub-
mits a set of work packages together with a price and
some timing constraints, which has been proposed by
(Lässig et al., 2007). Let’s leave out the complication
due to the necessary termination of the work packages
for a moment, which can be realized by a graph tech-
nique called important paths, described, e.g. in (Läs-
sig, 2007). If companies submit sets of work pack-
ages, we face essentially a combinatorial problem as
described in the following:
Definition 1 (Work Package Allocation). For a set
of bidding companies C = {1, 2, . . . , C} and a set of
work packages W = {1, 2, . . . , W }, with P (W ) de-
noting the power set of W , the variables x
i, j
are de-
fined for bids b
i, j
and B
P (W ) by
i, j
1 | if bidder i gets assigned bid b
i, j
0 | otherwise
and form a work package allocation x. Here i =
1, 2, . . . , C is the index for the bidding company and
j = 1, 2, . . . , B
is necessary to distinct between bids
of the same company, where B
is the cardinality of
the bid set B
of company i, which is a set of sub-
sets of items, the company i is bidding for. Each item
i, j
forms a single bid.
An allocation x is called feasible if work packages
are allocated at most once, represented by the con-
i, j
i, j
i, j
1, k = 1, 2, . . . , W . (1)
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
A feasible allocation x is called complete if (1) de-
mands equality to one.
The Weighted Exact Cover Problem (WECP) is
then defined as follows:
Definition 2 (WECP). Given a setup as defined in
Definition 1 and, additionally, costs c
i, j
a company
i C is declaring to charge for processing the work
packages in b
i, j
, the WECP is defined to ask for
x argmin
i, j
i, j
· x
i, j
x is complete
Different algorithmic approaches to this problem and
also a generalized version, which integrates further
objectives besides costs, have been investigated be-
sides many optimization aspects for questions of
search organization (Lässig, 2009).
Algorithm 1 introduces the basic template to solve
the problem WECP, where the costs of a set X B of
all given bids with
b W are defined as
c(X ) =
i, j
i, j
. (2)
The algorithm implements a recursive search. The
lines 1–4 describe terminating conditions of the re-
cursion. In line 5 a branching decision is calculated
which can, e.g., be a decision that some bid is taken
or not taken or a decision which bid is used to cover
a specific work package. The search is then contin-
ued in D
different branches of the tree. The function
next_tuple partitions the set of working packages and
bids according to the branching decision.
Algorithm 1. Basic_search(W , B, X
, X
Require: work packages W , bids B with price c
i, j
for b
i, j
B, input set X
, best so far solution X
Ensure: set
X of bids, covering W exactly with
price c(
X ) = min{
i, j
i, j
| x(X ) is complete}
1: if (W =
0) then
2: return argmin{c(X
), c(X
3: if (B =
0) then
4: return X
5: D
get_branching_decision(W , B, X
, X
6: for i 1 to r
7: (W
, B
, X
) next_tuple(B, X
, D
, i)
8: X
, B
, X
, X
9: return X
Although this kind of search algorithms can have an
exponential running time in the worst case, theoreti-
cal investigations and also experimental studies show,
that the problem keeps computational tractable under
reasonable assumptions. In the algorithm there are
two degrees of freedom left, indicated by the func-
tions get_branching_decision and next_tuple, which give
room for many improvements and strategies to accel-
erate the algorithm by orders of magnitude.
Examples of improvements to accelerate the two
functions above are for instance different branching
strategies (branch on bid, branch on work package,
generalized branching, etc.), bid ordering strategies,
combinatorial pruning rules, and the application of
heuristic pruning functions, known from other appli-
cations as the Winner Determination Problem (Sand-
holm, 2002). Worst case results show that the number
of possible solutions for the problem WECP is poly-
nomial in the number of bids but exponential in the
number of work packages.
Expected Number of Exact Cover Solutions E(W,B)
Number of working packages W
Number of bids B
Figure 3: Expected number of exact cover solutions.
The plot in Figure 3 shows the expected number of
solutions (average case) for given numbers B of bids
and W work packages, calculated by the exact count-
ing function
(W, B) =
(i j)
which has been developed to investigate performance
issues and which scales well with the running time
of solvers as Algorithm 1 (Lässig, 2009). It shows
that the expected number of solutions is moderate for
moderate input sizes W and B. It turns out that this is a
very good indicator for the running time of implemen-
tations as Algorithm 1, applied to solve this problem,
see Figure 4. This means the equation above turns out
to be a good model for the running time.
As one can see in the visualization, if the number
of work packages is increasing, the expectation to re-
ceive at least one possible solution is decreasing for a
constant number of bids. Therefore, in practice it is
not sufficient to search only for solutions of a given
problem – further strategies are necessary.
Expected Number of Exact Cover Solutions E(W,B)
Number of working packages W
Number of bids B
Figure 4: Experimental running time for the solution.
Actually, it turns out that the scenario is control-
lable if two special cases are carefully taken into ac-
the worst case in terms of the number of solutions,
which can be very large, is treated in some way,
the case that no solution is found is treated in
some way, because this may happen even if many
bids are available.
The second problem can be handled by providing pos-
sible completing bids for potential bidders, i.e., bids
which complete partial solutions to exact cover solu-
tions or at least towards them. These can be calculat-
ed in the last recursion step. Further, the strategy to
handle the first problem is to not consider all possi-
ble solutions if there are too many (by using heuris-
tics). Further constraints as the termination of the so-
lution according to given timing parameters and the
search for an optimal solution in an multi-objective
scenario complicate the search. Hence, a simpler ap-
proach seems to be desirable. Major motivations are
the algorithmically quite elaborate handling of the
combinatorial bidding situation combined with
multiple objectives and timing constraints,
the fact that many bits are ruled out and do not
contribute to the set of solutions only for combi-
natorial reasons.
3.3 Removing Combinatorics
A straightforward way to simplify the scenario is that
each company bids non-combinatorial, which means
independently on different work packages it is able to
process with separate prices and time constraints,
which we left out so far but which are introduced be-
low. Of course this has disadvantages because now
the companies are not able to express that they are on-
ly willing to bid on certain groups of work packages
but, it can have advantages for reducing the complex-
ity of the scenario. We also leave out logistics here.
The central problem now is that the number of
possible solutions is much larger not only in the worst
case but in any case for a given number of bids and
work packages, i.e., if B(w
) is the number of bids on
work package w
and W the number of work pack-
ages, then the overall number of different solutions is
S =
) .
This yields 2
if there are exactly two bids for each
work package, which means exponential many solu-
tions in the number of work packages.
However, in the case of no further constraints, i.e.,
each bid can be combined with each other bid on oth-
er work packages, the most cost-efficient solution can
be found trivially by taking the cheapest bid for each
work package. Unfortunately, in practise cost is im-
portant but other objectives as time for the realization
of a certain task as well.
Consider the following simple scenario:
for each bid b
i, j
B, which includes only one
specific work package, besides the cost c
i, j
the duration d
i, j
to complete the work packages is
there is an overall earliest start time t
and an lat-
est end time t
and only for this time frame the
durations are guaranteed by the bidder,
there are no further objectives besides cost and
Now it is easily possible to find the solution with
the earliest completion time: Just topologically sort
the work packages in the sorting which is given
by the task graph (Figure 2) and use the classical
CPM/PERT approach (with equivalent best-case and
worst-case times for the work packages) to find the
completion time if for each work package the bid with
the smallest duration is taken into the solution.
To find the cheapest solution is now already more
involved because just taking for each work package
the bid b
i, j
with smallest cost value c
i, j
does not nec-
essarily give a feasible solution because the duration
could be larger than the time period t
. It gets
even more involved if a tradeoff between several ob-
jectives has to be found. From a theoretical point of
view, it would be the best to present all Pareto-optimal
solutions to the user, i.e., solutions where for each of
Let us consider the case that this duration is the real
working time, i.e., we do not consider weekends or work-
ing times of the companies in this scenario. In a practical
implementation this has to be taken into account.
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
them no other solution exists which is better in each
of the different objectives. The problem is that there
can be exponentially many Pareto-optimal solutions
for some problems and this is also the case for our
problem, as the following example shows.
Example. Consider a task which consists of n
work packages which are labeled with the num-
bers 1, 2, . . . , n. Further there are precedence con-
straints between the work packages i and i + 1 for
i = 1, 2, . . . , n 1. This means we have a chain of
work packages. Now consider that there are two bids
and b
for each work package i, where the du-
ration for each bid b
is d
= 1; for b
we have
= 2. For the cost we have exactly the opposite
situation: c
= 2 and c
= 1. Now, there are 2
solutions but all of these solutions are Pareto-optimal
because for each solution there is no other solution
with lower cost and shorter duration.
Approaches as the weighted linear sum method
are obvious and intuitive ways to prevent the neces-
sity to return all of these solutions. In a minimization
context the returned solution is formally described by
min f (x) =
· f
subject to g(x) 0, h(x) = 0 .
The constraints are not of interest in our case. Nev-
ertheless, this method applied without additional con-
cepts has a major drawback - it cannot discover so-
lutions hidden in concave regions of the Pareto-front.
Other approaches are the Distance to a Reference Ob-
jective Method, the ε-Constraint Method or the Cor-
ley Method, as e.g., described by Coello and Lamont
(Coello and Lamont, 2004).
More intuitively to handle are methods which in-
teract with the user. Here we choose the following
approach: First only the fastest possible solution is
computed and visualized for the user as described
above, just by using the obvious topological sorting
approach. Say this solution has the overall duration
d. Now the user knows the cost of the most time effi-
cient solution. If he is only interested in this solution,
he will choose it and the task is done. If this is not the
case, the user is asked to tell us how much (planned)
time more he is willing to spend if the costs can be
reduced (at this point it is unclear how much cost can
be saved). Now, given additional duration d
, the
algorithm has to come up with a solution with cost as
low as possible but planned duration at most d + d
Interestingly, this is still a difficult problem. That
it is indeed NP-hard can be seen from a specific exam-
ple. Consider n work packages in a chain as described
in the example above and also with two different bids
for each work package (the cost of the bids is arbi-
trary, but fixed). Now consider the solution with the
shortest duration is found and d
is given by the us-
er as described. We assume without loss of generality
that there are only non-dominating bids, i.e., bits with
shorter duration have higher costs.
Now the following Knapsack problem can be de-
fined: There are n (number of work packages) ob-
jects in the knapsack. The utility value of the object
for work package i is equivalent to the absolute val-
ue of the cost difference of the two bids for i (where
the more expensive bid should be assigned because
we have currently the solution with shortest duration).
The cost value for object i in the knapsack is the ab-
solute value of the duration difference of the two bids
for i. Now the problem is to find the set of objects with
largest possible utility value where the cost threshold
is d
. Because the problem is just a special case of
the original setup, this in turn must be NP-hard.
For more general task graphs the problem cannot
be reduced to a knapsack problem but using standard
optimization heuristics it is still possible to get near
optimal solutions in most cases. Interesting specific
tractable cases exist if the structure of the task graph
is restricted to a tree. Then it is possible to either han-
dle combinatorial settings of connected bids in poly-
nomial time if only one objective has to be optimized
(Lässig, 2009) or to optimize according to different
objectives as time and cost including logistics if the
time scale is restricted to fixed intervals as hours or
days, which is a reasonable assumption in the given
setting. To conclude, it is interesting to see that also
very relaxed versions of the cooperation generation
problem are still computationally hard to treat.
Comparing the three approaches, advantages and
disadvantages can be identified for each of them and
there is no definite “winner”. For practical realiza-
tion we ruled out the sequential approach but decided
to realize a system which supports combinatorial and
non-combinatorial setups.
A solution which supports cooperation generation as
described has been implemented as web-application.
The implementation of the system is especially based
on modern internet technologies as AJAX, remoting,
and web services and can be completely controlled
from the browser. Besides cooperation generation and
control (monitoring facilities, communication) fur-
ther functionalities have been integrated in the sys-
tem, such as facilities for visualization, failure man-
agement, up to social networking on enterprise level.
Figure 5 gives an overview on the five layer system
Layer 1
MS SQL-Server
Load Balancer
Compute Client 1
Compute Client 2
Layer 5
Compute Client n
Layer 2 Layer 3 Layer 4
Figure 5: System-layout.
For the web-frontend the .NET framework and es-
pecially ASP.NET have been used. To realize com-
putationally intensive tasks like the cooperation gen-
eration as described and the termination of the work
packages, several compute clients are accessible by
a load balancer, which itself communicates with the
data base system. New computation tasks are started
by CLR triggers. The planning and monitoring facil-
ities especially visualize the planned tasks in the dif-
ferent companies directly in the web-interface, which
is shown in the Figures 8 and 9. Further information
about the system and its implementation can be found
in (Lässig, 2009). In the following sections the appli-
cation as described above is clarified by an exemplary
cooperation task in a combinatorial auction scenario.
4.1 Example Workpiece
As example we consider the scenario that there is a
gear box assembly to be produced, consisting of a
shaft and a cogwheel, compare Figure 6.
Figure 6: Engineering detail drawing of the shaft.
To manufacture the workpiece, several production
methods have to be used. The process steps for the
production of the shaft are divided into three work
packages, which are not further specified here. The
process steps for the production of the cogwheel are
divided into four work packages. Afterwards the as-
sembling of both components follows. This specifies
the last work package –WP8– for the final assembly
of the shaft and the cogwheel. The work packages
with precedence constraints are shown in Figure 7.
Nine fictitious companies, which represent the
acting parties in the system, are equipped with dif-
ferent skills and competence profiles and bid in our
example. In a heuristic preselection step, as described
above, the system chooses companies which are able
to realize at least one of the work packages. These
companies receive a message from the system’s inter-
nal messaging system and are requested to bid. In the
considered scenario they bid on the work packages as
shown in the second column of Table 1. The bidding
situation is also visualized by the colored regions in
Figure 7, where the different bids are indicated by the
different colors.
Table 1: Bidding situation.
Enterprise Bidding on work packages
Sotec WP8
PraeTec WP1-WP8 (all packages)
RTC WP1, WP2, WP3, WP8
Seifert WP2, WP6
Interarms WP6
ExeMa WP1, WP3, WP4, WP5, WP7, WP8
GlobaMeta WP2
Table 2: Expected solution scenarios.
Variant 1 ASU, FEMA and Sotec cooperate
Variant 2 Only PraeTec participates
Variant 3 FEMA and RTC in the cooperation
Variant 4 Only Interarms, ExeMa and GlobaMeta
Variant 5 Seifert and ExeMa participate
Figure 7: Task graph with bids.
4.2 Cooperation Solution
From the bidding situation as described by Table 1
one can easily obtain ve different cooperation sce-
narios. The variants as indicated in Table 2 are as
expected also found by the system. In Figure 8 these
solutions are visualized and ranked by different anno-
tated objective function values. We apologize that the
screenshots are in German, but the system language is
currently German.
Figure 8 visualizes also one of the solutions in de-
tail, i.e., the solution including ExeMa and Seifert.
The system provides also a detailed view of each so-
lution including the Gantt charts as introduced in Fig-
ure 9 with the termination of the work packages for
all available solutions.
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 8: Detailed view of a solution.
Figure 9: Gantt view of a solution.
After the planning phase is finished, a task is pro-
cessed by the different participants. In this realization
phase other questions are important than the ones pre-
viously discussed, covering the management of this
realization process, communication between collabo-
rators, progress visualization, and if necessary replan-
ning. Within the forthcoming section monitoring and
failure management approaches are introduced.
5.1 Two-chart Approach
Introducing a monitoring setup with two GANTT
charts –one with the originally planned scenario and
one with the prognostic development based on the
current information– has many advantages compared
to other approaches:
Each participant can immediately obtain sufficient
information about the state and prognostic de-
velopment of the cooperation, without additional
workload caused by failure messages or message
propagation to succeeding participants.
Different prognostic measures, such as the prog-
nostic delay of all work packages and the com-
plete cooperation, can be obtained directly from
a visualization, which includes all available infor-
mation on one screen.
Reasons for different delays can be clearly ar-
ranged and are accessible.
It is possible to support different reporting levels
of the participants (see below).
A disadvantage of this approach is that if the two
GANTT charts become too different, the current plan-
ning situation has to be updated to be still useful. The
party issuing the invitation to bid should decide if a
replanning is necessary.
Replanning is just a special case of sequential
planning. In general, all work packages are ordered
topologically considering the precedences of the co-
operation. Especially in the case of replanning, the
cooperation is already in progress and a few work
packages may be already finished. For replanning on-
ly unfinished work packages have to be considered.
Further, all work packages which are not delayed in
the prognostic GANTT chart are initially not consid-
ered. One starts replanning with the topologically first
work packages, which are delayed. The participants,
who process these work packages, are asked for a new
prospective end time of these work packages and also
of succeeding work packages which are executed by
them as well within the same bid. Then the companies
which process the in the topological order succeeding
work packages are asked sequentially, until the last
work packages in the topological sorting are reached.
An interesting question is how to provide some
decision support if replanning is necessary in a cer-
tain situation or not. In any case this should be real-
ized as an assistance system, i.e., the final replanning
decision should be made by the party issuing the invi-
tation to bid.
5.2 Necessary Information
To provide decision support, different input data is
needed, e.g. the following items:
Information about the currently planned start and
end times of each work package,
Information about the current progress d(i) of
each work package i = 1, 2, . . . , W (automatic re-
porting) or information about the work package
status (planned, in execution, finished) or at least
information about the progress state of the work
package (in time, borderline, delayed); (the level
borderline is defined as a delay which is below x
percent of the duration, while the status delayed is
interpreted as a delay of more than x percent),
Available user-estimated delays t
(i) of the end
time of work packages i = 1, 2, . . . , W caused by
failures in the own company as machine break-
down or lack of resources,
The ratio between the remaining time of the coop-
eration and the overall time of the cooperation,
The ratio between the delay of a company and the
overall working time of the succeeding company,
The factor mobility (replaceable, moderate re-
placeable, difficult to replace, unreplaceable) of
succeeding production factors.
Independently from the replanning decision, a prog-
nostic GANTT chart about the cooperation based on
this data can of course be visualized as described. To
integrate these information also in the current plan-
ning, different ways to implement a possible escala-
tion strategy for replanning are possible, but this is
not discussed in detail here. In the next section we
describe disadvantages of the two-chart approach and
motivate continuous replanning.
5.3 Disadvantages of the Approach
Besides strong advantages, the mentioned overall de-
sign of a monitoring and failure management system,
based on two different GANTT charts with explicit re-
planning events, is quite involved and has also a few
disadvantages, as there are:
The first and most obvious is that he monitor-
ing screen visualizes two different scenarios which
may be difficult to explain to potential users in prac-
tice. Further, a GANTT chart including information
as prognostic end times is appealing, but the progress
d(w) from a company’s internal systems is not in any
case correct and reliable: If a machine produces items
of a certain good one after another, this is reported by
the MDE system of the machine and hence also to the
ERP-system (in case this infrastructure is existent). In
this case it is simple to get reliable measures about the
progress. If e.g. 300 of 1000 items are already pro-
duced, the progress must be about 30 percent. For
other operations as annealing this has to be calculat-
ed by another equation because all items are more or
less produced in parallel. If all items are in the an-
nealing process and 4 hours of 10 hours annealing are
over, then the progress state is obviously about 40 per-
cent, but no item has been finished yet. Other cases
can be constructed easily. Applying manual report-
ing, this information is not that exact. Furthermore, it
is unclear if the processing rate can be increased by
company internal changes - e.g., by enabling another
machine to make up for lost time, so that the deadline
can still be met. Hence, using this information di-
rectly to calculate a prognostic GANTT chart may not
always be realistic and cause problems if a replanning
decision is based on wrong information.
Another disadvantage is that there must be some-
body to decide if replanning should be executed or
not, which is additional workload. Apart from that,
replanning itself is an additional workload for the par-
ticipants of the cooperation. As last disadvantage we
would like to mention the discontinuity of the overall
production process caused by a division into periods
between replanning events. These problems caused
a rethinking on the monitoring and replanning sce-
nario as described above. An elegant setup which in-
cludes many of the mentioned advantages but ruling
out many of the mentioned disadvantages is continu-
ous replanning, introduced in the following section.
5.4 Continuous Replanning
In the continuous replanning approach, only one
GANTT chart is used. Progress information about
work packages and prognostic end times are only re-
ported to other users directly in this GANTT chart: If
a work package is in state borderline, it is highlight-
ed with an orange frame, if it is delayed with a red
frame, otherwise with a green frame. The prognostic
end time t
is only reported in a context menu.
Now we explain how periodic replanning as de-
scribed can be eliminated. As mentioned, failures and
delays can be reported. In the previous approach,
this information had only informative character but
has been visualized in the prognostic GANTT chart.
Additionally, current failures and breakdowns are re-
ported in a special table current failures, annotated
with additional information, such as the affected work
package, the reason of the failure and the new expect-
ed end time. It is not too difficult to integrate infor-
mation about delays or other time changes in a prog-
nostic GANTT chart. To integrate this information in
a valid planning chart, further knowledge about the
effect on the following work packages is demanded
because in the prognostic chart the new times of suc-
ceeding work packages are just extrapolated, which is
not reliable enough for actual planning.
The idea of continuous replanning is now to soften
this strict concept: If a work package is delayed, the
start time of the succeeding work package becomes
immediately corrected, just by shifting it (possible lo-
gistics operations between a delayed work package
and the next one are shifted as well).
Contrarily to the procedure in the prognostic chart,
further propagation of the impact of this failure to fur-
ICEIS 2010 - 12th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
ther participants is omitted in this first step but each
affected participant directly succeeding the delayed
work package receives a message with a request to
check the own planned end time based on the new
replanned start time
. This procedure may result in
an analog failure propagation, repeating the proce-
dure until the GANTT chart is up-to-date. Information
about delays can also be used to precisely calculate
company specific reliability indices to characterize a
company objectively, integrally motivating the partic-
ipants to actually update their scheduling contempo-
rary. To realize this in a valid way, it is necessary to
count and measure actual faults by this company. This
is possible by inventing failure tags, classifying fail-
ures in a scheme which is readable for the software
system as, e.g., machine breakdown, delay(s) of pre-
decessor(s) in the cooperation, or delay(s) at suppliers
or subcontractor(s) for the own work packages.
This scheme can be augmented easily, which is
not of importance here. Besides a fair calculation of
reliability indices of the participants, this paves also
the way for a few other functionalities. If somebody
states delay(s) of predecessor(s) as reason for the de-
lay, this is only plausible if there is a delay of prede-
cessors, which can be checked automatically by using
the same feature for the predecessors. Furthermore, if
the predecessor(s) retract their delays (which may be
possible), the participant can be inquired if the orig-
inal schedule can be recovered. This is the currently
implemented way to handle distributed replanning.
The paper introduced different approaches to cooper-
ation generation, discussing their strengths and weak-
nesses. Further, we introduced an intelligent support
system to manage enterprise cooperations which has
been implemented as web-application. Finally, re-
planning strategies have been discussed. Note, that
we had to leave out many details in our description of
the system and the algorithms here.
Currently, the methods are evaluated under practi-
cal conditions in a beta-test phase with selected com-
panies. From a research point of view we proclaim
substantial progress towards a practically applicable
solution of the problem of cooperation generation but
as described above, there are still issues and disad-
vantages no matter which of the presented approach-
es one chooses for realization. This means there re-
mains still a lot of work for the future: There are
The start time itself cannot be influenced by him, be-
cause if preceding participants are delayed, this can be seen
as a fixed constraint.
e.g. open problems dealing with work package split-
ting or a subsequent negotiation of bid prices.
Further possible extensions of the introduced
strategies are, e.g., the integration of procurement for
purchased parts, better support of rush orders, and ad-
dressing functionalities for a ERP/PPS integration.
The authors thank the German Academic Exchange
Service for funding their research.
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