Francisco Ortin, Daniel Zapico and Miguel Garcia
Computer Science Department, University of Oviedo, Calvo Sotelo s/n, Oviedo, Spain
Dynamic languages, Rapid prototyping, Separation of concerts, Union types, Alias analysis, Type inference.
Dynamic languages are becoming increasingly popular for developing different kinds of applications, being
rapid prototyping one of the scenarios where they are widely used. The dynamism offered by dynamic lan-
guages is, however, counteracted by two main limitations: no early type error detection and fewer opportunities
for compiler optimizations. To obtain the benefits of both dynamically and statically typed languages, we have
designed the StaDyn programming language to provide both approaches. Our language implementation keeps
gathering type information at compile time, even when dynamic references are used. This type information
is used to offer compile-time type error detection, direct interoperation between static and dynamic code, and
better runtime performance. Following the Separation of Concerns principle, dynamically typed references
can be easily turned into statically typed ones without changing the application source code, facilitating the
transition from rapid prototyping to efficient software production. This paper describes the key techniques
used in the implementation of StaDyn to obtain these benefits.
Dynamic languages have recently turned out to be re-
ally suitable for specific scenarios such as Web devel-
opment, application frameworks, game scripting, in-
teractive programming, dynamic aspect-oriented pro-
gramming, and any kind of runtime adaptable or
adaptive software. Common features of dynamic lan-
guages are meta-programming, reflection, mobility,
and dynamic reconfiguration and distribution. One
of the scenarios where they are widely used is the
rapid development of software prototypes. Their abil-
ity to address quickly changing software requirements
and their fast interactive edit-debug-test development
method make dynamic languages ideal for the rapid
creation of prototypes.
Due to the recent success of dynamic languages,
other statically typed ones –such as Java or C#– are
gradually incorporating more dynamic features into
their platforms. Taking Java as an example, the plat-
form was initially released with introspective and
low-level dynamic code generation services. Ver-
sion 2.0 included dynamic methods and the
namespace to model and generate the structure of a
high-level source code document. The Dynamic Lan-
guage Runtime (DLR), first announced by Microsoft
in 2007, adds to the .NET platform a set of services
to facilitate the implementation of dynamic languages
(Hugunin, 2007). Finally, Microsoft has just included
a dynamic typing feature in C# 4.0, as part of the Vi-
sual Studio 2010. This new feature of C# 4.0 is the
Microsoft response to the emerging use of dynamic
languages such as Python or Ruby. C# 4.0 offers a
keyword to support dynamically typed
C# code. When a reference is declared as
the compiler performs no static type checking, mak-
ing all the type verifications at runtime. With this new
characteristic, C# 4.0 will offer direct access to dy-
namically typed code in IronPython, IronRuby and
the JavaScript code in Silverlight. Dynamic code in
C# 4.0 makes use of the DLR services (Hugunin,
The great suitability of dynamic languages for
rapid prototyping is, however, counteracted by lim-
itations derived by the lack of static type checking.
This deficiency implies two major drawbacks: no
early detection of type errors, and commonly a con-
siderable runtime performance penalty. Static typ-
ing offers the programmer the detection of type er-
rors at compile time, making possible to fix them
immediately rather than discovering them at runtime
–when the programmer’s efforts might be aimed at
Ortin F., Zapico D. and Garcia M. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 40-50
DOI: 10.5220/0002978500400050
some other task, or even after the program has been
deployed (Pierce, 2002). Moreover, since runtime
adaptability of dynamic languages is mostly imple-
mented with dynamic type systems, runtime type in-
spection and checking commonly involves a signifi-
cant performance penalty.
Twitter can be seen as a practical example of how
dynamic languages are suitable for rapid prototyping
but they are not as appropriate as static ones for scal-
able, robust and efficient software production. Twit-
ter began its life as a Ruby on Rails application but,
in 2008 the Twitter developers started replacing the
back-end Ruby services with applications running on
the JVM written in Scala (Venners, 2009). They
changed to Scala because, in their opinion, the Ruby
language lacks some things that contribute to reliable,
high performance code, and they want their code to be
correct and maintainable (Venners, 2009).
Since translating an implementation from one pro-
gramming language to another is not a straightfor-
ward task, there have been former works on provid-
ing both typing approaches in the same language (see
Section 6). Meijer and Drayton maintained that in-
stead of providing programmers with a black or white
choice between static or dynamic typing, it could
be useful to strive for softer type systems (Meijer
and Drayton, 2004). Static typing allows earlier de-
tection of programming mistakes, better documenta-
tion, more opportunities for compiler optimizations,
and increased runtime performance. Dynamic typ-
ing languages provide a solution to a kind of com-
putational incompleteness inherent to statically-typed
languages, offering, for example, storage of persistent
data, inter-process communication, dynamic program
behavior customization, or generative programming
(Abadi et al., 1991). Hence, there are situations in
programming when one would like to use dynamic
types even in the presence of advanced static type
systems (Abadi et al., 1994). That is, static typing
where possible, dynamic typing when needed (Meijer
and Drayton, 2004).
Our work breaks the programmers’ black or white
choice between static or dynamic typing. The pro-
gramming language presented in this paper, called
StaDyn, supports both static and dynamic typing.
This programming language permits the rapid devel-
opment of dynamically typed prototypes, and the later
conversion to the final application with a high level of
robustness and runtime performance. The program-
mer indicates whether high flexibility is required (dy-
namic typing) or correct
execution (static) is pre-
ferred. It is also possible to combine both approaches,
We use correct to indicate programs without runtime
type errors.
making parts of an application more flexible, whereas
the rest of the program maintains its robustness and
runtime performance. The result is that StaDyn allows
the separation of the dynamism concern (H¨ursch and
Lopes, 1995). This feature facilitates turning rapidly
developed prototypes into a final robust and efficient
In this paper, we present an overview of the tech-
niques we haveused to design and implement our pro-
gramming language in order to facilitate the transition
from rapid prototyping to efficient software produc-
tion. The rest of this paper is structured as follows. In
the next section, we provide the motivation and back-
groundof dynamic and static languages. Section 3 de-
scribes the features of the StaDyn programming lan-
guage and a brief identification of the techniques em-
ployed. Section 4 presents the key implementation
decisions, and the results of a runtime performance
assessment is presented in Section 5, and Section 6
discusses related work. Finally, Section 7 presents the
conclusions and future work.
2.1 Static Typing
A language is said to be safe if it produces no exe-
cution errors that go unnoticed and later cause arbi-
trary behavior (Tucker, 1997), following the notion
that well-typed programs should not go wrong (i.e.,
reach a stuck state on its execution) (Pierce, 2002).
Statically typed languages ensure type safety of pro-
grams by means of static type systems. However,
these type systems do not compile some expressions
that do not produce any type error at runtime (e.g., in
.NET and Java it is not possible to pass the
sage to an
reference, although the object ac-
tually implements a public
method). This happens
because their static type systems require ensuring that
compiled expressions do not generate any type error
at runtime.
In order to ensure that no type error is pro-
duced at runtime, statically typed languages employ
a pessimistic policy regarding to program compila-
tion. This pessimism causes compilation errors in
programs that do not produce any error at runtime.
C# code shown in Figure 1 is an example program of
this scenario. Although the program does not produce
any error at runtime, the C# type system does not rec-
ognize it as a valid compilable program.
This intend of validating the correctness of a pro-
public class Test {
public static void Main() {
object[] v = new object[10];
int summation = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
v[i] = i+1;
summation += v[i];
// Compilation error
Figure 1: Not compilable C# program that would not pro-
duce any runtime error.
gram before its execution makes statically typed lan-
guages to be less appropriate for rapid prototyping.
Almost every programming language that supports
interactive development environments (those where
code can be evaluated, tested, modified and reeval-
uated while the application is running) implements a
dynamic type system.
2.2 Dynamic Typing
The approach of dynamic languages is the opposite
one. Instead of making sure that all valid expres-
sions will be executed without any error, they make
all the syntactic valid programs compilable. This is
a too optimistic approach that causes a high number
of runtime type errors (commonly throwing runtime
exceptions) that might have been detected at compile
time. This approach compiles programs that might
have been identified as erroneous statically. The C#
4.0 source code in Figure 2 is an example of this
too optimistic approach. C# 4.0 has just included the
type to permit the use of dynamically typed
references. This erroneous program is compilable, al-
though a static type system might have detected the
error before its execution.
public class Test {
public static void Main() {
dynamic myObject = "StaDyn";
// No compilation error
Figure 2: Compilable C# 4.0 program that generates run-
time type errors.
2.3 The StaDyn Hybrid Approach
The StaDyn programming language performs type in-
ference at compile time, even over dynamic refer-
ences. The type information gathered statically is
used to both increase the robustness of the program-
ming language (notifying type error at compile time)
and improve its runtime performance. Type-checking
over dynamic references is more lenient in order to
facilitate the rapid development of prototypes. How-
ever, if the type-checker detects that a type error is
undoubtedly going to be produced at runtime, an error
message is shown and compilation is stopped. Type-
checking over static references is performed the same
as in C#.
For both typing approaches, we use the very same
programming language, letting the programmer move
from an optimistic, flexible and rapid development
(dynamic) to a more robust and efficient one (static).
This change can be done maintaining the same source
code, only changing the compiler settings. We sepa-
rate the dynamism concern (i.e., flexibility vs. robust-
ness and performance) from the functional require-
ments of the application (its source code).
This section presents the features of the StaDyn pro-
gramming language, identifying the techniques em-
ployed. A formal description of its type system is de-
picted in (Ortin and Perez-Schofield, 2008) and (Or-
tin, 2009). Implementation issues are presented in
Section 4.
The StaDyn programming language is an exten-
sion of C# 3.0. Although our work could be applied
to any object-oriented statically-typed programming
language, we have used C# 3.0 to extend the behav-
ior of its implicitly typed local references. In StaDyn,
the type of references can still be explicitly declared,
while it is also possible to use the
keyword to
declare implicitly typed references. StaDyn includes
this keyword as a new type (it can be used to declare
local variables, fields, method parameters and return
types), whereas C# 3.0 only provides its use in the
declaration of initialized local references. Therefore,
references in StaDyn are much more powerful
than implicitly typed local variables in C# 3.0.
The dynamic property of
references is speci-
fied in a separate file (an XML document). The pro-
grammer does not need to manipulate these XML
documents directly, leaving this task to the IDE.
When changes the dynamism of a
reference, the
IDE transparently modifies the corresponding XML
file. Depending on the dynamism of a
ence, type checking and type inference is performed
pessimistically (for static references) or optimistically
(for dynamic ones). Since the dynamism concern is
not explicitly stated in the source code, StaDyn facili-
tates the conversion of dynamic references into static
ones, and vice versa. This separation facilitates the
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
process of turning rapidly developed prototypes into
final robust and efficient applications (this is the rea-
son why we did not include a new
word, like C# 4.0). It is also possible to make parts
of an application more adaptable, maintaining the ro-
bustness and runtime performance of the rest of the
3.1 Single Static Assignment
Existing statically typed languages force a variable of
type T to have the same type T within the scope in
which it is bound to a value. Even languages with
static type inference (type reconstruction) such as ML
(Milner et al., 1990) or Haskell (Hudak et al., 1991)
do not permit the assignment of different types to the
same polymorphic reference in the same scope.
However, dynamic languages provide the use of
one reference to hold different types in the same
scope. This is easily implemented at runtime with a
dynamic type system. However, StaDyn offers this
feature statically, taking into account the concrete
type of each reference. The StaDyn program shown in
Figure 3 is an example of this capability. The
reference has different types in the same scope. It
is initially set to a string, and a double is later as-
signed to it. The static type inference mechanism im-
plemented in StaDyn detects the error in the last line
of code. Moreover, a better runtime performance is
obtained because it is not necessary to use reflection
to discover types at runtime.
using System;
class Test {
public static void Main() {
Console.Write("Enter a number, please: ");
var number = Console.In.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("Number of digits: {0}.",
number =
Math.Pow(Convert.ToInt32(number), 2);
Console.WriteLine("The square is {0}.", number);
int digits = number.Length; // * Compilation error
Figure 3: A reference with different types in the same scope.
In order to obtain this behavior, we have devel-
oped an implicit parametric polymorphic type sys-
tem (Cardelli, 1988) that provides type reconstruc-
tion when a
reference is used. We have imple-
mented the Hindley-Milner type inference algorithm
to infer types of local variables (Milner, 1978). This
algorithm has been modified to perform type recon-
struction of
parameters and attributes (fields)
described in sections 3.4 and 3.5.
The unification algorithm used in the Hindley-
Milner type system provides parametric polymor-
phism, but it forces a reference to have the same
static type in the scope it has been declared. To over-
come this drawback we have developed a version of
the SSA (Single Static Assignment) algorithm (Cytron
et al., 1991). This algorithm guarantees that every
reference is assigned exactly once by means of creat-
ing new temporary references. Since type inference
is performed after the SSA algorithm, we have imple-
mented it as a previous AST (Abstract Syntax Tree)
transformation. The implementation of this algorithm
follows the Visitor design pattern.
Figure 4 shows the corresponding program after
applying the AST transformation to the source code
in Figure 3. The AST represented by the source code
in Figure 4 is the actual input to the type inference
system. Each
reference will be inferred to a
single static type –in our example, string and double,
using System;
class Test {
public static void Main() {
Console.Write("Enter a number, please: ");
var number0 = Console.In.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("Number of digits: {0}.",
var number1 = Math.Pow(Convert.ToInt32(number0), 2);
Console.WriteLine("The square is {0}.", number1);
int digits = number1.Length; // * Compilation error
Figure 4: Corresponding program after the SSA transfor-
3.2 Static Duck Typing
Duck typing
is a property offered by most dynamic
languages that means that an object is interchangeable
with any other object that implements the same dy-
namic interface, regardless of whether those objects
have a related inheritance hierarchy or not. One of
the outcomes of duck typing is that it supports poly-
morphism without using inheritance. Therefore, the
role of the abstract methods and interface as a mech-
anism to specify a contract is made redundant. Since
it is not necessary to define polymorphic inheritance
hierarchies, software can be developed more quickly.
There exist statically typed programming lan-
guages such as Scala (Odersky et al., 2002) or OCaml
(R´emy and Vouillon, 1998) that offer structural typ-
ing, providing part of the benefits of duck typing.
However, the structural typing implementation of
Scala is not implicit, forcing the programmer to ex-
plicitly declare part of the structure of types. In ad-
dition, intersection types should be used when more
than one operation is applied to a variable, making
programming more complicated. Although OCaml
If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it must be
a duck.
provides implicit structural typing, variables should
only have one type in the same scope, and this type
is the most general possible (principal) type (Freeman
and Pfenning, 1991). Principal types are more restric-
tive than duck typing, because they do not consider all
the possible (concrete) values a variable may hold.
The StaDyn programming language offers static
duck typing. The benefit provided by StaDyn is not
only that it supports (implicit) duck typing, but also
that it is provided statically. Whenever a
erence may point to a set of objects that implement
a public
method, the
message could be safely
passed. These objects do not need to implement a
common interface or an (abstract) class with the
method. Since this analysis is performed at compile
time, the programmer benefits from both early type
error detection and runtime performance.
We have implemented static duck typing making
the static type system of StaDyn flow-sensitive. This
means that it takes into account the flow context of
reference. It gathers concrete type infor-
mation (opposite to classic abstract type systems)
(Plevyak and Chien, 1994) knowing all the possible
types a
reference may hold. Instead of declar-
ing a reference with an abstract type that embraces all
the possible concrete values, the compiler infers the
union of all possible concrete types a
may point to. Notice that different types depending
on flow context could be inferred for the same refer-
ence, using the type inference mechanism mentioned
Code in Figure 5 shows this feature. The reference
may point to either an
object. Both objects have the
erty and, therefore, it is statically safe to access to this
property. It is not necessary to define a common inter-
face or class to pass this message in fact, their only
common superclass is
. Since type inference
system is flow-sensitive and uses concrete types, the
programmer obtains a safe static duck-typing system.
public static int f(bool condition) {
var reference;
if (condition)
reference =
new StringBuilder("ICSOFT");
reference = "ICSOFT'2010";
return reference.Length;
Figure 5: Static duck typing.
The key technique we have used to obtain
this concrete-type flow-sensitiveness is union types
(Pierce, 1992). Concrete types are first obtained by
the abovementioned unification algorithm (applied in
assignments and method calls). Whenever a branch is
detected, a union type is created with all the possible
concrete types inferred. Type checking of union types
depends on the dynamism concern (next section).
3.3 From Dynamic to Static Typing
StaDyn permits the use of both static and dynamic
references. Depending on their dynamism con-
cern, type checking and type inference would be
more pessimistic (static) or optimistic (dynamic), but
the semantics of the programming language is not
changed (i.e., program execution does not depend
on its dynamism). This idea follows the pluggable
type system approachdescribed in (Bracha, 2004) and
(Haldiman et al., 2009). Since the dynamism concern
is not explicitly stated in the source code, it is possi-
ble to customize the trade-off between runtime flex-
ibility of dynamic typing, and runtime performance
and robustness of static typing. It is not necessary
to modify the application source code to change its
dynamism. Therefore, dynamic references could be
converted into static ones, and vice versa, without
changing the application source code.
using System;
using System.Text;
public class Test {
public static int g(string str) {
var reference;
switch(Random.Next(1,3)) {
case 1: reference=new StringBuilder(str);
case 2: reference = str;
default: reference=new Exception(str);
return reference.Lenght;
Figure 6: Static
The source code in Figure 6 defines a
may point to a
object. If we want to compile
this code to rapidly develop a prototype, we can pass
the compiler the everythingDynamic option. How-
ever, although we are compiling the code in the op-
timistic configuration, the compiler shows the follow-
ing error message:
Error No Type Has Member (Semantic error).
The dynamic type
,[Var(7)=String] ,[Var(6)=Exception])’ has
no valid type type with ‘Lenght’ member.
The error is produced because no public
property (it has been misspelled) is implemented in
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
This message shows how type-checking is performed
at compile time even in dynamic scenarios, providing
early type error detection. This feature improves the
way most dynamic languages work. As an example,
in the erroneous program in Figure 2 that C# compiles
without any error, StaDyn detects the error at compile
It is worth noting that setting a reference as dy-
namic does not imply that every message could be
passed to that reference; static type-checking is still
performed. The major change is that the type sys-
tem is more optimistic when dynamic
are used. The dynamism concern implies a modifica-
tion of type checking over union types. If the implic-
itly typed
reference inferred with a union type is
static, type checking is performed over all its possible
concrete types. However, if the reference is dynamic,
type checking is performed over those concrete types
that do not produce a type error; if none exists, then a
type error is shown.
Once the programmer has found out the mis-
spelling error, she will modify the source code to cor-
rectly access the
property. If the program is
once again compiled with the everythingDynamic op-
tion, the executable file is generated. In this case, the
compiler accepts passing the
message, be-
cause both
(but not
) types offer that property. With dynamic
references, type checking succeeds if at least one of
the types that compose the union type is valid. The
actual type will be discovered at runtime, checking
that the
property can be actually accessed, or
Actually, the programmer does not need to set all
references in a compilation unit as dynamic.
It is possible to specify the dynamism of each sin-
gle reference by means of a XML file. As discussed
above, the programmer does not manipulate these
XML documentsdirectly, leaving this task to the IDE.
Each StaDyn source code file may have a correspond-
ing XML document specifying its dynamism concern.
The generated
function program will not pro-
duce any runtime type error because the random num-
ber that is generated will always be 1 or 2. How-
ever, if the programmer, once the prototype has been
tested, wants to generate the application using the
static type system, she may use the everythingStatic
option. When this option is used, no XML dynamism
file is analyzed and static typing is performed over
reference in that compilation unit. In this
case, the compilation of the
method will produce
an error message telling that
is not a property
. The programmer should then mod-
ify the source code to compile this program with the
robustness and efficiency of a static type system, but
without requiring to translate the source code to a new
programming language.
3.4 Constraint-based Type System
Concrete type reconstruction is not limited to local
variables. StaDyn performs a global flow-sensitive
analysis of implicit
references. The result is an
implicit parametric polymorphism (Cardelli, 1988)
more straightforward for the programmer than the
one offered by Java, C# (F-bounded) and C++ (un-
bounded) (Canning et al., 1989).
Implicitly typed parameter references cannot be
unified to a single concrete type. Since they repre-
sent any actual type of an argument, they cannot be
inferred the same way as local references. This ne-
cessity is shown in the source code of Figure 7. Both
methods require the parameter to implement a spe-
cific method, returning its value. In the
method, any object could be passed as a parameter be-
cause every object accepts the
message. In
method, the parameter should be any ob-
ject capable of responding to the
Depending on the type of the actual parameter, the
StaDyn compiler generates the corresponding compi-
lation error.
public static var upper(var parameter) {
return parameter.ToUpper();
public static var getString(var parameter) {
return parameter.ToString();
Figure 7: Implicitly typed parameters.
For this purpose we have enhanced the StaDyn
type system to be constraint-based (Odersky et al.,
1999). Types of methods in our object-oriented lan-
guage have an ordered set of constraints specifying
the set of restrictions that must be fulfillled by the
parameters. In our example, the type of the
method is:
αβ.α β|α :Class(
: void β)
This means that the type of the parameter (α)
should implement a public
method with no
parameters (void), and the type returned by
(β) will be also returned by
. Therefore, if an in-
teger is passed to the
method, a compiler error
is shown. However, if a string is passed instead, the
compiler reports not only no error, but it also infers
the resulting type as a string. Type constraint fulfil-
llment is, thus, part of the type inference mechanism
(the concrete algorithm could be consulted in (Ortin,
3.5 Assignment Constraints
Using implicitly typed attribute references, it is possi-
ble to create the generic
class shown in Figure 8.
class can hold any data of any type. Each
time the
method is called, the new concrete
type of the parameter is saved as the
field type.
By using this mechanism, the two lines with com-
ments report compilation errors. This coding style is
polymorphic and it is more legible that the parametric
polymorphism used in C++ and much more straight-
forward than the F-bounded polymorphism offered
by Java and C#. At the same time, runtime perfor-
mance is equivalent to explicit type declaration (see
Section 5). Since possible concrete types of
erences are known at compile time, the compiler has
more opportunities to optimize the generated code,
improving runtime performance.
public class Node {
private var data;
private var next;
public Node(var data, var next) {
this.data = data;
this.next = next;
public var getData() { return data; }
public void setData(var data) {
public class Test {
public static void Main() {
var node = new Node(1, 0);
n =
n =
bool b = node.getData(); // * Error
int n = node.getData(); // * Error
bool b = node.getData();
Figure 8: Implicitly typed attributes.
Implicitly typed attributes extend the constraint-
based behavior of parameter references in the sense
that the concrete type of the implicit object param-
eter (the object used in every non-static method in-
vocation) could be modified on a method invocation
expression. In our example, the type of the
attribute is modified each time the
(and the constructor) is invoked. This does not imply
a modification of the whole
type, only the type
of the single
object –thanks to the concrete type
system employed.
For this purpose we have added a new kind of as-
signment constraint to the type system (Ortin, 2009).
Each time a value is assigned to a
attribute, an
assignment constraint is added to the method being
analyzed. This constraint postpones the unification
of the concrete type of the attribute to be performed
later, when an actual object is used in the invocation.
Therefore, the unification algorithm is used to type-
check method invocation expressions, using the con-
crete type of the actual object (a detailed description
of the unification algorithm can be consulted in (Or-
tin, 2009)).
3.6 Using both Static and Dynamic
StaDyn performs static type checking of both dy-
namic and static
references. This makes possi-
ble the combination of static and dynamic code in the
same application, because the compiler gathers type
information in both scenarios.
Code in Figure 9 uses the
methods of Figure 7.
may point to a
string or integer. Therefore, it is safe to invoke the
method, but a dynamic type error might
be obtained when the
method is called.
Since type-checking of dynamic and static code
is different, it is necessary to describe interoperation
between both types of references. In case
had been set as a dynamic, the question of whether or
not it could have been passed as an argument to the
methods (Figure 7) arises. That
is, how optimistic (dynamic) code could interoperate
with pessimistic (static) one. An example is shown in
Figure 9.
var reference;
string aString;
if (new Random().NextDouble() < 0.5)
reference =
reference = 3;
aString = getString(reference);
aString = upper(reference);
// * Error
// (correct if we set parameter to dynamic)
Figure 9: Dynamic and static code interoperation.
The first invocation is correct regardless of the dy-
namism of
. Being either optimistic or
pessimistic, the argument responds to the
method correctly. However, it is not the same in the
second scenario. By default, a compilation error is
obtained, because the parameter
is static
and it may point to an integer, which does not imple-
ment a public
method. However, if we set
the parameter of the
method as dynamic, the
compilation will succeed.
This type-checking is obtained taking into consid-
eration the dynamism of references in the subtyping
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
relation of the language. A dynamic reference is a
subtype of a static one when all the concrete types of
the dynamic reference promote to the static one (Or-
tin, 2009). Promotion of static references to dynamic
ones is more flexible: static references should fulfill
at least one constraint from the set of alternatives.
3.7 Type-based Alias Analysis
The problem of determining if a storage location may
be accessed in more than one way is called Alias Anal-
ysis (Landi and Ryder, 1992). Two references are
aliased if they point to the same object. Although
alias analysis is mainly used for optimizations, we
have used it to know the concrete types of the objects
a reference may point to.
Code in Figure 10 uses the
class previously
shown. Initially, the
reference points to a node
whose data is an integer. If we get the
inside the
object inside the
object, we get an integer.
Then a new
that holds a
value is inserted
at the beginning of the
. Repeating the previous
access to the
inside the
object inside the
object, a
object is then obtained.
public class List {
private var list;
public List(var data) {
this.list = new Node(data, 0);
public void insert(var data) {
this.list = new Node(data, this.list);
public static void Main() {
var aList = new List(1);
int n1 = aList.list.getData();
n2 =
// * Error
n2 =
// * Error
bool b = aList.list.getData();
Figure 10: Alias analysis.
The alias analysis algorithm implemented is type-
based (uses type information to decide alias) (Di-
wan et al., 1991), inter-procedural (makes use of
inter-procedural flow information) (Landi and Ryder,
1992), context-sensitive (differentiates between dif-
ferent calls to the same method) (Emami et al., 1994),
and may-alias (detects all the objects a reference may
point to; opposite to must point to) (Appel, 1998).
Alias analysis is an important tool for our type-
reconstructive concrete type system, and it is the key
technique to implement the next (future) stage: struc-
tural reflective type evolution.
All the programming language features described in
this paper have been implemented over the .NET
Framework 3.5 platform, using the C# 3.0 program-
ming language. Our compiler is a multiple-pass lan-
guage processor that follows the Pipes and Filters
architectural pattern. We have used the AntLR lan-
guage processor tool to implement lexical and syn-
tactic analysis (Parr, 2007). Abstract Syntax Trees
(ASTs) have been implemented following the Com-
posite design pattern and each pass over the AST im-
plements the Visitor design pattern.
Currently we have developed the following AST
visits: two visitors for the SSA algorithm; two visitors
to load types into the types table; one visitor for sym-
bol identification and another one for type inference;
and two visitors to generate code. Once the final com-
piler is finished, the number of AST visits will be re-
duced to optimize the implementation. The type sys-
tem has been implemented following the guidelines
described in (Ortin et al., 2007).
We generate .NET intermediate language and then
assemble it to produce the binaries. At present, we use
the CLR 2.0 as the unique compiler’s back-end. How-
ever,we havedesigned the code generator module fol-
lowing the Bridge design pattern to add both the DLR
(Dynamic Language Runtime) (Hugunin, 2007) and
the zROTOR (Redondo and Ortin, 2008) back-ends in
the future.
We have evaluated the performance benefits obtained
with the inclusion of dynamic and static typing in the
same programming language. In this paper we only
summarize the results –detailed information can be
consulted in (Ortin et al., 2010). We have compared
C# 4.0 Beta 2, Visual Basic 10 (VB) and current ver-
sion of StaDyn. These have been the results:
Tests with explicit type declaration revealed that
the three implementations offer quite similar run-
time performance. C# offers the best runtime per-
formance, being VB almost as fast as C# (C# is
only 0.64% better than VB). Finally, runtime per-
formance of StaDyn, when variables are explic-
itly typed, is 9.22% lower than VB, and 9.92%
in comparison with C#. This difference may be
caused by the greater number of optimizations
that these production compilers perform in rela-
tion to our implementation.
The performance assessment of StaDyn when the
exact single type of a
reference is inferred
shows the repercussion of our approach. Runtime
performance is the same as when using explicitly
typed references (in fact, the code generated is ex-
actly the same). In this special scenario, StaDyn
shows a huge performance improvement: StaDyn
is more than 2,322 and 3,195 times faster than VB
and C# respectively. This vast differenceis caused
by the lack of static type inference of both VB and
C#. When a reference is declared as dynamic, ev-
ery operation over that reference is performed at
runtime using reflection. Since the usage of re-
flective operations in the .NET platform has an
important performance cost (Ortin et al., 2009),
the execution time is significantly incremented.
While the number of possible types inferred by
our compiler increases, execution time shows a
linear raising regarding to the number of types
inferred by the compiler. However, C# and VB
maintain their runtime performance almost con-
stant. Therefore, the performance benefit drops
while the number of possible types increases. As
an example, the runtime performance benefit of
StaDyn drops to 40 and 56 times better than VB
and C# respectively, when the compiler infers 100
possible types for a
The final comparison to be established is when
the compiler gathers no static type information
at all. In this case, runtime performance is the
worst in the three programming languages, be-
cause method invocation is performed using re-
flection. However, StaDyn requires 33.85% and
22.65% the time that VB and C#, respectively,
employ to run the same program.
Differences between our approach and both C#
and VB are justified by the amount of type informa-
tion gathered by the compiler. StaDyn continues col-
lecting type information even when references are set
as dynamic. Nevertheless, both C# and VB perform
no static type inference once a reference has been de-
clared as dynamic. This is the reason why StaDyn of-
fers the same runtime performance with explicit type
declaration and inference of the exact single type, in-
volving a remarkable performance improvement.
Strongtalk was one of the first programming language
implementation that included both dynamic and static
typing in the same programminglanguage. Strongtalk
is a major re-thinking of the Smalltalk-80 program-
ming language (Bracha and Griswold, 1993). It re-
tains the basic Smalltalk syntax and semantics, but a
type system is added to provide more reliability and
a better runtime performance. The Strongtalk type
system is completely optional, following the idea of
pluggable type system (Bracha, 2004). This feature
facilitates the transition from rapid prototyping to ef-
ficient software production.
Dylan is a high-level programming language, de-
signed to allow efficient compilation of features com-
monly associated with dynamic languages (Shalit,
1996). Dylan permits both explicit and implicit vari-
able declaration. It also supports two compilation sce-
narios: production and interactive. In the interactive
mode, all the types are ignored and no static type
checking is performed. When the production con-
figuration is selected, explicitly typed variables are
checked using a static type system.
Boo is a recent object-oriented programming lan-
guage that is both statically and dynamically typed
(Codehaus Foundation, 2006). In Boo, references
may be declared without specifying its type and the
compiler performs type inference. However, refer-
ences could only have one unique type in the same
scope. Moreover, fields and parameters could not
be declared without specifying its type. The Boo
compiler provides the ducky option that interprets the
type as if it was
, i.e. dynamically typed.
The Visual Basic .Net programming language in-
corporates both dynamic and static typing. Com-
piled applications run over the .NET platform using
the same virtual machine. The main benefit of its
dynamic type system is that it supports duck typing.
However, there are interoperation lacks between dy-
namic and static code because no static type inference
is performed over dynamic references.
As mentioned, C# 4.0 includes the support of dy-
namically typed objects. A new
has been added as a new type. The compiler performs
no static type checking over any
making all the type verifications at runtime.
There are some theoretical research works on hy-
brid dynamic and static typing as well. Soft Typing
(Cartwright and Fagan, 1991) was one of the first the-
oretical works that applied static typing to a dynami-
cally typed language such as Scheme. However, soft
typing does not control which parts in a program are
statically checked, and static type information is not
used to optimize the generated code either. The ap-
proach in (Abadi et al., 1991) adds a
to lambda calculus, including two conversion oper-
ations (
), producing a ver-
bose code deeply dependent on its dynamism. The
works of Quasi-Static Typing (Thatte, 1990), Hybrid
Typing (Flanagan et al., 2006) and Gradual Typing
(Siek and Taha, 2007) perform implicit conversion
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
between dynamic and static code, employing subtyp-
ing relations in the case of quasi-static and hybrid
typing, and a consistency relation in gradual typing.
None of them separates the dynamism concern. Grad-
ual typing already identified unification-based con-
straint resolution as a suitable approach to integrate
both dynamic and static typing (Siek and Vachhara-
jani, 2008). However, with gradual typing a dynamic
type is implicitly converted into static without any
static type-checking, because type inference is not
performed over dynamic references.
The StaDyn programming language includes both dy-
namic and static typing in the same programming lan-
guage, improving the runtime flexibility and simplic-
ity of the statically typed languages, and robustness
and performance of the static ones. StaDyn allows
both dynamic and static references in the same pro-
gram, facilitating the transition from rapid prototyp-
ing to efficient software production. Each compila-
tion unit can be built in a dynamic or static configura-
tion, and the dynamism of each single reference can
be also specified without changing the semantics of
the whole program.
Dynamic and static code can be seamlessly inte-
grated because they share the same type system. Type
inference is performed over dynamic and static ref-
erences, facilitating the interoperation between dy-
namic and static code.
StaDyn performs type inference over dynamic and
static references, improving runtime performance and
robustness. A runtime performance assessment has
confirmed how performing type inference over dy-
namic references involves an important performance
benefit. Although this benefit decreases as the number
of possible inferred types increases, runtime perfor-
mance of StaDyn is still significantly better than C#
and VB when no type information of
is inferred at all.
Future work will be centered on integrating Sta-
Dyn in a visual IDE suitable for both rapid prototyp-
ing and final efficient application development. Our
idea is to extend Visual Studio 2010 to offer services
such as interactive code evaluation, substitution of im-
plicitly typed dynamic references with explicit static
ones, refactoring facilities to make dynamic code be-
come statically typed, and showing type errors and
warnings even over dynamic code.
Current release of the StaDyn programming lan-
guage and its source code are freely available at
http://www.reflection.uniovi.es/stadyn. A formal de-
scription of the StaDyn type system is detailed in (Or-
tin, 2009).
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tures of the SSCLI, awarded in the Phoenix and SS-
CLI, Compilation and Managed Execution Request
for Proposals, 2006. It has been also funded by the
Department of Science and Technology (Spain) under
the National Program for Research, Development and
Innovation; project TIN2008-00276 entitled Improv-
ing Performance and Robustness of Dynamic Lan-
guages to develop Efficient, Scalable and Reliable
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