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viously been identified, as described in Section 5.
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transaction as it is in their interest to use duplicates.
We therefore conclude that the seller must verify the
uniqueness of key pairs unless such action becomes
unmanageable wherein an alternative approach to as-
suring key uniqueness must be proposed.
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The following notation is used throughout.
• A set of all agents
• WM, CV sets of all watermarks and cover material re-
• PK set of all public keys
• KP
set of all one-time key pairs
• b, s, t, ca variables to model agents, respectively buyers,
sellers, trusted third parties and certification authorities
• w, c variables to model watermarks and content taken
from the set of all watermarks WM and set of all digital
content CV, respectively
• (pk
, sk
) public-secret key pair belonging to agent a
• wk
watermarking key belonging to seller s
• arg(c) common agreement identifying content c
• C
(a, pk
) digital certificate binding an agent to their
public key signed under sk
• C
) anonymous certificate signed under sk
• S
(m) message m signed under sk
• E
(m) message m encrypted under pk
• W
(c, w) watermark w embedded within c using wa-
termarking key wk
Lowercase values are considered variable whereas
those in uppercase are concrete. Protocols are pre-
sented as message sequence charts (Mauw and Bos,
2001) in conjunction with this notation.
SECRYPT 2010 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography