Securing a Group PAKE Protocol Using Casper/FDR2
Mihai-Lica Pura, Victor-Valeriu Patriciu and Ion Bica
Military Informatics and Mathematics Department, Military Technical Academy
81-83 George Cosbuc Boulevard, Bucharest, Romania
Keywords: Formal Verification, Group Password-based Authenticated Key Exchange, Casper, FDR2.
Abstract: Research in security of ad hoc networks consists mainly of classifications and new protocol propositions.
But formal verification should also be used in order to be able to prove the properties intended for the
protocols. In this paper we present our work in formally verifying the group password-based authenticated
key exchange protocol proposed in 2000 by Asokan and Ginzboorg. The proposition is rather old, but in the
last years the research community focused only on two-party PAKE protocols, giving very little attention to
group PAKE protocols. With the help of Casper and FDR2 we prove that G-PAKE does not accomplish the
specifications given by the authors. Based on our results we proposed an improved version that we validated
through model checking.
Over the last ten years research has generated a large
number of password authenticated key exchange
(PAKE) protocols. The original protocol in this
category dates back from 1992 and was proposed by
Bellovin and Merrit with the name of encrypted key
exchange (EKE). In few words, the scenario that this
protocol addresses is: “two entities who only share a
password, and who are communicating over an
insecure network, want to authenticate each other
and agree on a large session key to be used for
protecting their subsequent communications”
(Boyko, MacKenzie, Patel, 2001). But the situations
in which only two parties need to communicate are
unrealistic. In fact, the previous described scenario
represent a particular case of the more general one in
which several entities communicate over an insecure
network and want to create a common secret to be
used in exchanging information correctly
(Hietalahti, 2001). The protocols that address this
last problem and are based on EKE are called group
password-based authenticated key agreement
A lately common application of these protocols
is ad hoc networks. Ad hoc networks are
infrastructure-less networks that are constructed on
the spot in order to respond to a communication
need. They are temporary and mobile and so the
connections between the nods are usually unreliable.
The devices that participate in such networks are
often small and portable, which means that their
resources (memory, computational power, energy)
are constrained. All these characteristics highlight
the fact that when developing a protocol targeted on
ad hoc network is better not to assume anything
about their topology or to assume as little as
Having all these limitation in mind, Asokan and
Ginzboorg proposed in 2000 a generic protocol for
group password-based authenticated key exchange
(G-PAKE) especially for ad hoc networks. In the
years that have passed since then, researchers have
given very little attention to group PAKE protocols,
being more interested in the two-party version. Still
a couple of other group PAKE protocols were
proposed, but without the special needs of ad hoc
networks in mind. For example Yao, Wang, Feng,
2009 proposition that is based on the presence of a
central trusted server. These are the reasons for
which we consider that this G-PAKE protocol is still
G-PAKE’s authors analyze their proposition with
regard to the security specifications and targets and
conclude that the protocol is safe and it
accomplishes the proposed objectives. But, as stated
in the paper, this is done without any proof. Arun
Kumar Bayya et al. revise this protocol and agree
Pura M., Valeriu Patriciu V. and Bica I. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 299-303
DOI: 10.5220/0002980702990303
with the security analysis of Asokan and Ginzboorg.
Again, they do not present any proof. Although
other password based key agreement protocols have
been already formally verified (Tabet, Shin, Kobara,
Imai, 2005 and Ota, Kiyomoto, Tanaka, 2009), we
did not find such an attempt for this protocol. Our
paper presents the formal verification of G-PAKE
conducted with Casper and FRD2 tools. Using
FDR2 model checker and Casper CSP compiler we
found an attack against G-PAKE that prohibits the
protocol in assuring its specifications. Based on
these results we make a proposition to modify the
protocol in order to secure it. By formally verifying
our new version we prove that it assures its goals.
The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In
section 2 we present G-PAKE protocol as was
proposed by the authors. Its intended security
properties are described in section 3. Section 4
contains the presentation of the formal verification
of G-PAKE and of our version of the protocol.
Section 5 contains some conclusions.
G-PAKE is based on the basic form of EKE. So we
will start by presenting EKE and then we will show
how it was extended to multiple parties. In a typical
EKE scenario, there are two nodes, i.e. A and B,
which share a common weak secret (for example a
password). The goals of the protocol are the mutual
authentication of A and B based on P, and the
agreement on a strong session key K, in such a way
that an attacker watching the network traffic will not
be able to learn K or to mount an attack on P. Node
A owns a key pair formed by an encryption key E
and a decryption key D
. During the protocol, node
A generates the challenge challenge
and S
, node B
generates the random number R, the challenge
and S
. Considering h is a one-way
function and K(msg) is a notation for the result of
encrypting the value msg with the key K, the EKE
protocol can be summarized as shown below.
Figure 1: EKE protocol message exchange.
One can observe that each party generates two
nonces: challenge
used by A and B
respectively to prove to each other that they know in
fact the shared secret P, and S
which represent
the contribution to the final session key. In order to
be easily converted to a contributory multi-party
protocol, Asokan and Ginzboorg proposed a
modification: the elimination of the challenges and
the use of S
and S
for both purposes. This leads to
a modified version of the protocol that will be used
for developing G-PAKE (Figure 2).
Figure 2: Asokan and Ginzboorg’s EKE protocol version
message exchange.
In order to extend this modified version of the
protocol to the multi-party case, one of the nodes in
the group is elected leader. The leader will initiate
the protocol by broadcasting the message in the first
step. The rest of the messages will be exchanged in
point-to-point communications between the leader
and each of the other nodes. Also, the messages
from the third and the forth step are sent together.
Considering that the group contains n member
nodes, with M
the elected leader and M
, with i
from 1 to n-1, the rest of the nodes, E and D the
encryption/decryption key pair of the leader, P the
shared secret and S
the random share contributed by
, the message exchange in G-PAKE is presented
in Figure 3.
Figure 3: G-PAKE protocol message exchange.
The authors state that the last step is used for key
confirmation. After the third step is completed, each
of the nodes, including the leader, can compute the
final session key as a function of S
, S
, …,S
The security properties that the protocol must have
derive from its goals: the contributively
establishment of a session key K common to all the
nodes in the group, based on the password P. In
order to achieved these goals, the shared secret P
must remain known only to the members of the
SECRYPT 2010 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
group (a), the protocol must be secure against
guessing attacks on P (b), leader’s encryption key
must remain known only by the group members (c),
the nonces S
, S
, …,S
must remain secret (d)
because they are used to compute the final session
key, the leader must authenticate itself to the
members in the group (e) and also each member of
the group must authenticate to the leader, because
only legitimate nodes must be included in a protocol
run (f). We give below the formal expression of
these properties, using a Casper like syntax. The
secrecy properties are expressed through a Secret(A,
v,[B]) specification which states that A thinks that v
is a secret that can be known to only himself and B.
(a) Secret(Mn,P,[M1,...,Mn-1])
(c) Secret(Mn,Si,[M1,...,Mn-1])
(d) Secret(Mn,E,[M1,...,Mn-1])
The agreement properties are formalized through
Agreement(A,B,[v]) authentication specifications: if
responder B completes a protocol run apparently
with A, using the data value v, then the same agent
A has previously been running the protocol
apparently with B, using the same value. And
further, each such run of B corresponds to a unique
run of A.
(e) Agreement(Mn,Mi,[S1,...,Sn])
(f) Agreement(Mi,Mn,[S1,...,Sn])
If the guessing attack needs to be verified, it is
formally specified by using the reserved word
(b) Guessable = P
We started the formal verification of G-PAKE with
the formal verification of EKE protocol and of the
modified version of EKE that the authors proposed
in order to be easily transformed into a contributory
multi-party protocol. We will not present here the
details of these two verifications (the Casper model
of these two protocols), because EKE protocol was
already verified and proved safe by Lowe. Based on
the Casper model provided by Lowe (Lowe, 2001),
the modeling of the modified version of EKE is
G-PAKE is a multi-party protocol. Casper/FDR2
cannot be used to model and to verify a protocol
with an unspecified number of participants. That is
why we reduced the protocol to exactly three
entities: a leader and other two members. The
message exchange between the leader and each of
the members is formally the same. If the number of
members is higher than two, the only difference will
be the corresponding growth of the number of
nonces transmitted in steps 3 and 4. There is no
reason for which the number of elements in a
message will influence its security properties. In
conclusion, if the security properties of the protocol
will be proved valid on this reduced system, it
means that they are valid for a system with any
number of members. If the properties will be
invalidated by the verification, they wouldn’t be
valid neither for the general protocol. We conclude
by saying that this reduction does not affect the
generality of the results.
In Figure 4 the Casper formal specification of
original G-PAKE protocol is given. The free
variables represent: N – the leader of the group, A
and B – the other two members, P – the shared
secret, Ra and Rb – the secret keys of the member
nodes, sa, sb, sn – the generated nonces, H – a hash
function and F – a one-way function for computing
the final session key. The F function is defined as
“symbolic”, which means that the output is not
important; the important thing is the fact that its
input is the three values generated by the three
nodes. For more details about modeling a protocol
with Casper, see Lowe, 2001.
Figure 4: Casper model of original G-PAKE.
After analyzing the above model, FDR2 concluded
that the secrecy specifications (the particularization
for this case of the properties presented in section 3)
are all valid: P, sa, sb, sn and PK cannot be found by
a potential intruder. Also P cannot be guessed. These
results confirm the observations given without proof
by Asokan and Ginzboorg: the intruder, not knowing
and being unable to guess P cannot be part of the
protocol, and not knowing sn, sa, sb it cannot
generate the final session key.
But the agreement specifications failed. By
analyzing the output provided by FDR2 (messages
and counterexamples) after they were translated by
Casper, we concluded that besides authentication,
the contributively nature of the final key is also not
achieved. From FDR2 counterexample we saw that
the intruder can act like a sort of “man-in-the-
middle” between the leader N and the members.
Even if the intruder cannot decrypt the messages (we
previously showed that secrecy specifications were
verified and that P cannot be guessed) it is capable
to eliminate the contribution of a member to the final
key. For example, the contribution of member B (sb)
to the final key is eliminated, and the contribution of
A (sa) to the final key is duplicated. So we
concluded that the protocol does not satisfy one of
its major purposes: the final key must be created
with the contributions of all the members of the
group. Also the use of the new key for verification
purposes in the final step of the protocol it is not
sufficient, as stated by the authors.
We give in Figure 5 the model of our modified
version of P-BAKE that successfully accomplishes
all the specified security properties:
Figure 5: Casper model of the modified G-PAKE version.
Our modifications targeted three aspects of the
protocol: the transmission of the identities, the
verification of the generated values, and the
verification of the final session key. In the original
version, the leader sends its identity to the members
in clear. The members also respond with their
identity in clear. We propose to encrypt the identities
like all the other elements of the corresponding
messages (see messages 1, 2, 7 and 8). Regarding
the second aspect, we propose that the member
nodes to accept the messages in steps 5 and
respectively 6 only if they found their own
contribution in the decrypted values and only if their
contribution is different from the contribution of the
other members (see acceptance condition of the
message by the receiver for messages 5 and 6). If the
values sn, sa and sb remain secret and if the
verifications in step 5 and 6 succeed, we consider
that the verification of the computed final key is not
necessary; so we proposed a simplified version of
the confirmation messages 7 and 8. This represents
the third aspect.
By analyzing our model with FDR2 it resulted that
all the specified properties are now verified.
In this paper we presented the way we used Casper
and FDR2 to check the security properties of G-
PAKE protocol. Our verification proved that the
secrecy properties are valid, but also revealed that
the mutual authentication of the members fails and
also that an intruder can perturb the protocol by
eliminating the contribution of one or more members
to the final key. The elimination of contributions is
only possible because the mutual authentication
fails. We consider this a very important result,
because members’ contribution was the main
purpose of Asokan and Ginzboorg’s proposition.
Using this attack on a protocol run for a group with
n members, an intruder can eliminate the
contributions of maximum n-2 members (except for
the leader and for one other member, the
contribution of which it will multiply). For that, it
will act like a man-in-the-middle between the leader
and n-2 members: it will present itself as the leader
to n-2 members (by intercepting and resending in its
own name the message that the leader board casts in
the first step and to the other one member) and as a
member to the actual leader (by intercepting and
resending in its name the messages of the other one
member). This results in a weaker final key, because
it will be computed using fewer distinct values (in
the worst case only two). So the final key will be
much easier to break.
Based on these results and on the original
observations of Asokan and Ginzboorg we have
proposed a new version of the protocol which
achieves mutual authentication of the members and
in consequence also resolves the problem with the
contributions. We proved both by formal
verification. Our version is lighter, because the last
message contains fewer elements. We also improved
the protocol by moving the verification of the final
key (in fact the verification of the values that are
used to generate the final key) from the last step to
the previous one. This way, in case of an attack, it is
not necessary for the nodes to run all the protocol:
they will spot the attack and abort without sending
the last message.
Because the values used as member’s
contribution are randomly generated, the acceptance
conditions in messages 5 and 6 can be false even in
absence of an attack: sa and sb can have the same
values because they were generated equal. This is a
SECRYPT 2010 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
drawback of our version of the protocol. Still,
because the generation of the s values is random and
the generation events for each of the members are
independent, the probability that these values are
equal is almost zero. In the least favorable case in
which the values are equal, the member nodes will
abort the corresponding run of the protocol, and the
leader will have to start all over again.
Ad hoc networks are, in this moment, a rather
theoretical research field. Very few actual
implementations exist and even fewer that take into
consideration security aspects. So we believe that
formal verification of the proposed but not yet used
security protocols (as our own) is a very important
step towards implementation and standards
establishment. Especially because, as we showed in
the introduction, this G-PAKE is the only
authenticated group key agreement protocol
proposition designed especially for ad hoc networks.
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