data. Generally, in order to enforce communication
security, additional computational resources are re-
quired (Chandramouli et al., 2006): typically, packet
header sizes are incremented, thus inducing a signifi-
cant increase in the energy spent for communications
(Mura et al., 2008). Traditional security solutions are
designed by using ad-hoc approacheswhich offer spe-
cific protection against certain attacks. However, they
rely on the assumption that the operative environment
is well-known and essentially static. Moreover, some
of these technologies have not been specifically de-
veloped for embedded systems; in many cases, their
adoption in the pervasive world would be impossi-
ble due to high hardware resources requirements (Fer-
rante et al., 2005).
In practice, when designing secure systems, the
worst case scenario is considered: the system has to
guarantee adequate protection against the strongest
possible security attacks. This is generally in contrast
with the typical requirements of resource-constrained
devices: mobility, flexibility, real-time configura-
tion, open and dynamic operative environment (Keer-
atiwintakorn and Krishnamurthy, 2006; Großsch¨adl
et al., 2007). In the work presented in this paper we
adopted a new approach to security by relating it to
the current system conditions. The best possible se-
curity solution, specified within a range of possible
choices, is chosen dynamically to optimize both se-
curity and lifetime of the system. As discussed in
(Chigan et al., 2005; Lighfoot et al., 2007), evaluating
run-time the trade-offbetween security and consumed
energy is not straightforward.
Furthermore, in some scenarios, nodes might re-
quire the ability to guarantee the delivery of criti-
cal data packets even in presence of scarce resources.
For this purpose, a network Quality of Service (QoS)
mechanism may be implemented in the nodes. In our
case, the scarce resource is not network bandwidth as
in the largemajority of cases in which QoS is adopted.
Instead, in this context, the scarce resource is energy:
when available energy is low, only essential packets
should be delivered to preserve the system main func-
tionalities, in case a solar recharge is not available.
To this goal, we associate with each packet a prior-
ity level and propose a run-time mechanism to man-
age security and QoS inside WSN nodes equipped
with solar panels. The mechanism proposed in our
approach provides the unique ability to optimize the
trade-off between consumed powerand security while
providing support for QoS. In our approach, security
is being adapted to the energy conditions of the sys-
tem. At the same time, high-priority packets are pro-
cessed faster and with higher security.
In Section 2, the related works are presented and
the innovation of our work is highlighted. We intro-
duce the main parameters that we considered in the
design of our solution and provide details regarding
the trade-off mechanism in Section 3. A case study
to prove the validity of our approach as well as the
simulations results are outlined in Section 4.
This study targets the problem of deciding which level
of service should be guaranteed by a WSN under en-
ergy recharging conditions. Various task scheduling
policies suitable for energy harvesting WSNs nodes
were studied in (Moser et al., 2007a; Moser et al.,
2007b); in (Moser et al., 2008) algorithms for max-
imizing a function of merit of the devices are pro-
posed. Appropriate voltage/frequency levels selec-
tion depending on the available energy is studied in
(Liu et al., 2008) and in (Liu et al., 2009). Adaptiv-
ity by means of setting different reliability levels de-
pending on the available energy is presented in (Wang
et al., 2009). Most current studies discuss this subject
with the classical approach used for scheduling tasks
on a microprocessor: packets are considered as tasks
and their schedulability is evaluated by substituting
energy to CPU time.
We modify this classical approach by introduc-
ing a QoS management mechanism (Sean Convery,
2004) similar to the ones commonly used in conven-
tional networks. Packets might be subdividedinto dif-
ferent categories, each one with a different “impor-
tance”. More critical packets (i.e., the ones classified
with high priority) are prioritized over the others, thus
guaranteeing to them an higher probability of being
delivered even in presence of scarce resources (i.e., a
low battery level).
Concerning security aspects, the problem of opti-
mizing resources used for security, yet providing an
adequate level of protection, is an hot topic at the mo-
ment (Ravi et al., 2004). In particular, the trade-off
between energy and performance requirements of se-
curity solutions is of utmost relevance for embedded
systems (Chandramouli et al., 2006). Each adopted
security solution should be a good compromise be-
tween factors that are conflicting in nature such as,
for example, power consumption and performances.
This optimization is a complex task, especially when
performed at run-time (Chigan et al., 2005; Lighfoot
et al., 2007). With respect the classical approaches for
securing WSNs, our solution is able to dynamically
adapt the security settings based on current node en-
ergy conditions and according to specific security re-
quirements. Furthermore, it provides the highest se-
SECRYPT 2010 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography