Malamati Louta
Department of Informatics and Telematics, Harokopio University, 89 Harokopou str., Athens, Greece
Stylianos Kraounakis
Department of Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, University of Western Macedonia, Kozani, Greece
Angelos Michalas
Department of Informatics and Computer Technology, Technological Educational Institute of Western Macedonia
Kozani, Greece
Keywords: Wireless mobile ad hoc networks, Cooperation enforcement, Trust, Misbehaviour, Reputation mechanism.
Abstract: Mobile ad hoc networks rely on node cooperation to perform and support basic functions like packet
forwarding, routing and network management. In general, nodes’ misbehaviour can significantly degrade
the performance of the network. Cooperation enforcement schemes are seen as a lightweight alternative to
conventional security techniques, providing a “softer” security layer to protect basic networking operations.
The aim of this paper is to survey representative cooperation enforcement schemes exploiting a reputation
system proposed in related research literature. Their distinct features are analyzed and their relative merits
and weaknesses are discussed.
Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs) may be
defined as distributed wireless communication
systems, which comprise potentially a large number
of heterogeneous nodes (e.g., PDAs, laptops)
belonging to the same or different administrative
authorities (depending on the specific application
domain considered), operating over a large
geographical area without existence and support
from fixed infrastructure (e.g. base station, access
point), under diverse and rapidly changing
conditions with respect to connectivity and resource
limitations (e.g., bandwidth, energy, memory,
computation). These systems are inherently self-
organizing and self-configuring so as to cope with
dynamic operation conditions.
Mobile ad hoc networks rely on node
cooperation to perform and support basic functions
like packet forwarding, routing and network
management, which increases network performance
sensitivity to nodes’ misbehaviour. Misbehaviour, in
general, may be defined as deviation from regular
functionality, which may be unintentional due to
e.g., faults, transmission errors and node mobility or
intentional in order for selfish / malicious parties to
take advantage of certain situations. Intentional
misbehaviour may be attributed to nodes’
selfishness, wishing to save their own resources
(e.g., CPU, memory, battery) by not forwarding
packets that are not directly of interest to them (even
though they expect other nodes to forward their own
generated traffic) and to nodes’ maliciousness that
wish to harm and disrupt the normal operation of the
In MANETs, cooperation enforcement schemes
are seen as a viable, lightweight alternative to
conventional security techniques involving
cryptographically signed certificates exchange,
providing a “softer” security layer to protect basic
Louta M., Kraounakis S. and Michalas A. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems, pages 90-93
DOI: 10.5220/0002986400900093
networking operations. Cooperation enforcement
schemes fall within two broad categories: trust
establishment by means of reputation systems and
pricing and credit-based schemes. The first category
is based on building reputation of nodes, while the
second provides for economic incentives. The aim of
this paper is to survey representative cooperation
enforcement schemes exploiting a reputation system
proposed in related research literature. Their distinct
features will be analyzed and the authors will
discuss on their relative merits and weaknesses.
The rest of the paper is structured as follows.
Section 2 presents six representative approaches
proposed in the related research literature. Section 3
discusses on our findings, while section 4 concludes
the paper and highlights our future plans.
2.1 Watchdog - Pathrater
In (Marti, 2000) two extensions to the Dynamic
Source Routing (DSR) protocol are introduced,
namely the watchdog and the pathrater, so as to
mitigate the effects of routing misbehaviour. The
watchdog identifies misbehaving nodes by listening
to the next node’s transmission, exploiting
promiscuous mode of operation. Each node
maintains a buffer of recently sent packets; in case
the packet is not forwarded on within a certain
timeout or the overheard packet is different than the
one stored in the buffer, the watchdog increments a
failure counter for the node responsible for
forwarding the packet. If the counter exceeds a
certain threshold, the node is considered as
misbehaving and the source is notified. The
pathrater combines knowledge of misbehaving
nodes with link reliability data to select the route
most – likely to be reliable. Specifically, each node
maintains a rating for every other node it knows
about in the network and calculates a path metric by
averaging the node ratings in the path, enabling thus
the selection of the shortest path in case reliability
information is unavailable. Negative path values
indicate the existence of one or more misbehaving
nodes in the path. If a node is marked as
misbehaving due to temporary malfunction or
incorrect accusation, a second-chance mechanism is
considered, by slowly increasing the ratings of nodes
that have negative values or by setting them to a
non-negative value after a long-timeout.
In (Buchegger, 2002), the authors propose
CONFIDANT, a routing protocol for MANET based
on Dynamic Source Routing (DSR) protocol. Upon
detection of the node’s malice, its packets are not
forwarded by normally behaving nodes, while it is
avoided in case of a routing decision and deleted
from a path cache. CONFIDANT architecture
comprises 4 components residing on each node: the
Monitor, the Reputation System, the Path Manager
and the Trust Manager components. The Monitor
component enables nodes to detect deviations of the
next node on the source route by either listening to
the transmission of the next node (“passive
acknowledgement”) or by observing route protocol
In order to convey warning information in case
of identification of a bad behaviour, an ALARM
message is sent to the Trust Manager component,
where the source of the message is evaluated. The
rating is updated only if there is sufficient evidence
of malicious behaviour that is significant for a node
and that has occurred a number of times, exceeding
a threshold to rule out coincidences (e.g., collisions).
Evidence could come either from a node’s own
experiences through the Monitor system or from the
Trust Manager in the form of Alarm messages.
Second-hand information is attributed with low
significance (by means of a constant weighting
factor w) with respect to the first-hand information,
irrespective of its source node.
Local rating lists and/or black lists are
maintained at each node and potentially exchanged
with friends. Black lists may be used in a route
request, so as to avoid bad nodes along the way to
the destination or to not handle a request originating
from a malicious node and in forward packet
requests, so as to avoid forwarding packets for nodes
that have bad rating.
2.3 CORE
In (Michialdi, 2002), considering node’s
misbehaviour, the authors discern between selfish
nodes that use the network, while not cooperating,
saving, thus, battery for their own communications
and malicious nodes that aim at damaging other
nodes by causing network outage, while saving
battery life is not a priority. They propose CORE, a
collaborative reputation mechanism so as to enforce
node cooperation in MANETs. CORE defines three
different types of reputation: (i) Subjective
Reputation, (ii) Indirect Reputation and (iii)
Functional Reputation. The former is the reputation
observed locally by a node with regards to other
nodes. The Indirect Reputation is reputation
provided by nodes to other nodes. Subjective
Reputation and Indirect Reputation are merged by
means of a weighted combining formula in order to
compute a final value of reputation concerning a
specific evaluation criterion (e.g. packet forwarding)
forming Functional Reputation, the last type of
reputation considered. By combining different
functional reputation values concerning different
evaluation criteria, a global reputation value may be
estimated. The subjective reputation is computed by
giving more relevance to past observations than to
recent ones. Subjective Reputation values are
updated on the basis of a Watchdog mechanism, if
misbehaviour is identified. Indirect Reputation
values are updated by means of a reply message that
contains a list of all entries that correctly behaved in
the context of each function. In this study
distribution of positive ratings is allowed so as to
avoid potential denial of service attacks. In case
reputation of an entity is negative, the execution of
any requested operation will be denied by all other
entities in the system. CORE does not provide for a
second-chance mechanism.
2.4 SORI
SORI (Secure and Objective Reputation-based
Incentive) scheme is proposed in (He, 2004) so as to
encourage packet forwarding. SORI consists of three
components, namely, neighbour monitoring (used to
collect information about packet forwarding
behaviour of neighbours), reputation propagation
(employed so as to share information of other nodes
with neighbours) and punishment (involved in the
decision process of dropping packet action, taking
into account the overall evaluation record of a node
and a threshold so as to consider collision events).
Reputation rating formation considers first-hand
information weighted by a confidence value used to
describe how confident a node is for its judgement
on the reputation of another node and second-hand
information weighted by the credibility of nodes
which contribute to the calculation of reputation.
Credibility of a node is defined on the basis of a
node’s behaviour as forwarder and not as a witness.
Reputation rating itself is based on packet
forwarding ratio of a node. SORI does not
discriminate between selfish and misbehaving node
terms. Both terms are used interchangeably
throughout the paper. Additionally, SORI does not
comprise a second-chance / redemption mechanism.
Finally, SORI, in order to tackle with impersonation
threats, constructs an authentication mechanism
based on a one-way-hash chain.
OCEAN (Observation-based Cooperation
Enforcement in Ad Hoc Networks) approach to
selfishness in ad-hoc networks is to disallow any
second-hand information exchanges (Bansal, 2003).
Instead, a node makes routing decisions based solely
on direct observations of its neighbouring nodes’
interactions with it. OCEAN is designed on top of
DSR protocol, may reside on each node in the
network and hosts five components: Neighbour
Watch (in order to observe the behaviour of the
neighbours of a node), Route Ranker (estimating and
maintaining ratings for each of the neighbouring
nodes), Rank-based Routing (so as to avoid routes
containing nodes in the faulty list), Malicious Traffic
Rejection (rejecting all traffic from nodes it
considers misleading so that a node is not able to
relay its own traffic under the guise of forwarding it
on somebody else’s behalf) and Second Chance
Mechanism (using a time-out based approach for
removing a node from a faulty list after a fixed
period of observed inactivity and assigning to it a
neutral value). Once the rating of a node falls below
a certain threshold, the node is added to the faulty
list comprising all misbehaving nodes. In order to
tackle selfish behaviour, the authors introduce a
simple packet forwarding economy scheme, relying
again only on direct observations of interactions
with neighbours. Due to the usage of only first-hand
information, OCEAN is more resilient to rumour
spreading. Finally, the authors rely on recent work
on proof-of-effort mechanisms and mandate that a
new identity will be accepted only if the owner
shows reasonable effort in generating that identity.
2.6 LARS
In (Hu, 2006), the authors propose LARS (Locally
Aware Reputation System) to mitigate misbehaviour
and enforce cooperation. Each node only keeps the
reputation values of all its one-hop neighbours. The
reputation values are updated on the basis of direct
observations of the node’s neighbours. If the
reputation value of a node drops below an
untrustworthy threshold, then it is considered
misbehaving by the specific evaluator node. In such
a case, the evaluator node will notify its neighbours
about misbehaviour, by initiating a WARNING
message. An uncooperative node is identified in the
WINSYS 2010 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems
neighbourhood region, in case a WARNING
message issued by a node is co-signed by m different
one hop-neighbours, where m-1 is an upper bound
on the number of nodes considered in the one-hop
neighbourhood, in order to prevent false accusations
and problems caused with inconsistent reputation
values. Additionally, a fade factor has been
introduced to give less weight to evidence received
in the past. The misbehaving node is not excluded
from the network for ever. After a time-out period, it
is accepted, but with the reputation value unchanged
so it would have to built its reputation by good
After surveying the schemes proposed in related
research literature, it is found that the different
approaches lack unity. Each scheme is based on
quite different assumptions, while the
trust/reputation framework considered varies
significantly in many aspects. Without being
exhaustive, we could refer to information gathering
for reputation computation exploiting only first hand
information or both first-hand and second-hand
information, propagation of second-hand
information considering only positive, negative or
both types of recommendation, degree of
propagation, adopted model for reputation value
computation, dishonest second-hand information
provisioning, identification of misbehaving nodes,
actions taken, node re-integration in the system,
etc.). The presented schemes address in a quite
different manner some of the aforementioned issues,
while, to the best of our knowledge, a
comprehensive list identifying all critical aspects
and their implications to the design of a reputation-
based cooperation enforcement scheme in MANETs
is missing from related research literature.
Additionally, even though simulation results are
provided in most of the works surveyed, we could
not reach to safe conclusions, as the simulation
configurations, the parameters examined and
measured and the assumptions that are made
significantly vary. The authors believe that it would
be quite interesting to analyze the performance of
the examined cooperation enforcement with respect
to network throughput realized, communication
overhead introduced, time required for obtaining
accurate reputation ratings/detecting misbehaving
nodes, robustness against spurious ratings under a
common reference scenario, which however entails a
significant degree of difficulty.
In this paper, a representative set of reputation-based
cooperation enforcement methods proposed in
related research literature are surveyed, while their
distinct features and relative merits and weaknesses
are discussed. The authors conclude that the
proposed schemes lack unity, while a comprehensive
list of critical aspects and their implications to the
design of a reputation-based cooperation
enforcement scheme in MANETs is missing from
related research literature. We plan to continue our
work towards that direction, which could hopefully
form the basis for defining a unified framework in
the future.
Bansal, S., Baker, M., 2003. “Observation-based
Cooperation Enforcement in Ad hoc Networks”,
Buchegger, S. Le Boudec J.-Y.,, 2002. “Performance
analysis of the confidant protocol (cooperation of
nodes: fairness in dynamic ad hoc networks)”, in
MobiHoc’02, IEEE/ACM Symposium on Mobile Ad
Hoc Networking and Computing.
He, Q., Wu, D., Khosla, P., 2004. “SORI: A Secure and
Objective Reputation-based Incentive Scheme for Ad-
Hoc Networks” in WCNC’04 IEEE Wireless
Communications and Networking Conference.
Hu, J., Burmester, M., 2006. “LARS: a locally aware
reputation system for mobile ad-hoc networks”, in 44
annual ACM Southeast Regional Conference.
Marti, S., Giuli, T. J., Lai, K., Baker, M., 2000.
“Mitigating Routing Misbehavior in Mobile Ad Hoc
Networks”, in ACM MobiCom 2000 Conference.
Michiardi, P., Molva, R., 2002. “Core: a collaborative
reputation mechanism to enforce node cooperation in
mobile ad-hoc networks”, in CMS’02,
Communications and Multimedia Security Conference.