Shailesh Vaya
Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai 600036, India
Incomplete networks, Byzantine adversary, Almost everywhere secure computation, Hybrid argument, Input
Secure multiparty computation of a multivariate function is a central problem in cryptography. It is well known
that secure multiparty computation can be realized by a set of n parties iff the connectivity of the underlying
(authenticated) communication network is more than twice the number of corrupted parties. This impossibility
result makes secure multiparty computation far less applicable in practice, as most deployed networks have a
degree much lower than O(n) and one would ideally like to be able to tolerate Θ(n) corrupted parties. In this
work we consider a recently proposed model for (Unconditional) secure multiparty computation for networks
of low degrees for which authenticated channels are available only between very few pairs of parties. Not
all honest parties may be expected to achieve traditional security guarantees of multiparty computation for
this model because of theoretical limitations posed by lack of infrastructure. Honest parties which are not
given canonical guarantees of Correctness and Privacy are called ”sacrificed” and the resulting notion is called
almost everywhere secure computation.
In this conceptual note, we investigate the previous results about this model by Garay and Ostrovsky’2008. We
explain why these results hold only for weak honest-but-curious type passive corruptions. We emphasize why
the results for almost everywhere secure computation are theoretically interesting and practically relevant only
when active malicious corruptions are allowed. We argue the limitation of hybrid argument for realizing pri-
vacy property when Byzantine corruptions are allowed. From this we deduce that simulation based reduction
approach is necessary to realize even input indistinguishability type definition of privacy for the stand alone
setting. We present a conceptual exposition of the simulator based approach for defining privacy of a.e.s.c..
Finally, we present a brief overview of technicalities involved in realizing a.e.s.c. when malicious corruptions
are allowed.
In secure multiparty computation n players jointly
evaluate an n-variate polynomial time computable
function f on the vector of their input values. The
strong guarantee for secure MPC is that even if a
(small) fraction of the players are controlled by a ma-
licious adversary, all the honest parties still obtain
their correct output values. Furthermore, the com-
putation process does not reveal any more informa-
tion about the individual inputs of honest parties, than
what can be inferred by the committed input val-
ues/output values of corrupted parties and the struc-
ture of the function f. Cryptographic solutions for
MPC were first presented in (Yao, 1982) for the case
of two parties, followed by (Goldreich et al., 1987) for
n parties. (BenOr et al., 1988),(Chaum et al., 1988)
presented solutions for information theoretic setting,
assuming more than
+1 parties are honest. This
work focuses on the information theoretic setting.
In (Vaya, 2007),(Garay and Ostrovsky, 2008) au-
thors propose a relaxed notion of secure computa-
tion problem relevant to the setting of incomplete net-
works, called almost everywhere secure computation
aka a.e.s.c. This notion is a generalization of almost
everywhere agreement, proposed in (Dwork et al.,
1988). Almost everywhere agreement is a type of
Byzantine agreement in which some honest parties
are not able to achieve the correct agreement value.
This happens because of limitations on the topology
of the underlying communication network. In incom-
plete networks of small degree for example, the com-
munication of an honest party can be sabotaged by
corrupting the small number of nodes in the neighbor-
hood of the honest party. Such an honest party can-
not correspond reliably with other honest parties and
Vaya S. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 270-277
DOI: 10.5220/0002986902700277
expect to achieve the agreement value. The result-
ing relaxed notion of agreement is called almost ev-
erywhere agreement. Due to identical reasons, some
honest parties may not be able to achieve Correctness
or Privacy (or both) Properties when protocols for
multiparty computation are executed on the incom-
plete network. This relaxation of multiparty computa-
tion, relevant to the setting of incomplete networks, is
called almost everywhere secure computation. Hon-
est parties which are not guaranteed to achieve Cor-
rectness or Privacy (or both) for secure multiparty
computation, are referred to as ”sacrificed”. Thus,
a.e.s.c. says that as long as the fraction of maliciously
corrupted parties t is small (i.e., smaller then a given
value), a large number of (unsacrificed) honest parties
(at least
+ 1 in number) are assured of canoni-
cal guarantees of secure multiparty computation. For
an elaborate motivational discussion on a.e.s.c., the
reader is referred to (Garay and Ostrovsky, 2008).
(Garay and Ostrovsky, 2008) present Input indis-
tinguishability type definition of privacy for a.e.s.c..
This approach to defining privacy for unconditional
MPC, was originally proposed in (Kilian et al., 1994)
for the vanilla model. A hybrid argument was pre-
sented to realize this definition for honest-but-curious
type corruptions. GO08 adapt this approach to for-
mulate definition of privacy for the framework of al-
most everywhere secure computation. They show
how to realize a.e.s.c. on incomplete networks, when
honest-but-curious type passive corruptions are al-
lowed. This is a useful first step, howeverfrom a prac-
tical and theoretical perspective the study of a.e.s.c.
(and for that matter secure multiparty computation)
is interesting and relevant only when malicious cor-
ruptions (Byzantine corruptions in most general form)
are allowed. When only mild passive corruptions are
allowed, the important correctness property is triv-
ially achieved by all parties, which sabotages a.e.s.c.
in a fundamental way. Thus, the principle open prob-
lem in this line of research is whether a.e.s.c. can be
meaningfully realized for general Byzantine corrup-
tions. This is resolved in (Vaya, 2007).
1.1 Related Works
Realization of almost everywhere secure computation
heavily uses the infrastructure developed in the semi-
nal work on almost everywhere agreement by (Dwork
et al., 1988). The notion of almost everywhere secure
computation for incomplete networks was proposed
in (Garay and Ostrovsky, 2008), (Vaya, 2007). In-
put indistinguishability type definition of privacy for
a.e.s.c. was first proposed in (Kilian et al., 1994), in
which results are given for honest-but-curious type of
passive corruptions using a hybrid argument. Assum-
ing more than
parties are honest, it has been
shown that it is possible to securely compute any n-
variate function, (BenOr et al., 1988), (Chaum et al.,
1988) in the information theoretic regime.
1.2 Outline of the Article
Following is a brief outline of this article. In Sec-
tion 5, we elaborately investigate the results presented
in (Garay and Ostrovsky, 2008). We discuss the rel-
evance of the results on almost everywhere private
computation presented in subsection 2. In Section 3,
we rigorously analyze why a simplistic hybrid argu-
ment, employed in GO08, cannot be extended to re-
alize the definition of privacy when malicious corrup-
tions are allowed. This discussion emphasizes the ne-
cessity of a more sophisticated reduction argument to
deal with the mathematically richer structure of views
of parties/adversary, created when malicious corrup-
tions are allowed. In Section 5, we present a short
conceptual exposition of the simulation based defini-
tion of privacy of a.e.s.c. in GO08. Finally, in Section
5 we present a brief overview of the technicalities in-
volved in correctly realizing a.e.s.c..
REALIZED IN (Garay and
Ostrovsky, 2008)
The results in (Garay and Ostrovsky, 2008) have been
discussed elaborately in (Vaya, 2010). This discus-
sion emphasizes the importance of rigorously formu-
lating and realizing almost everywhere secure compu-
tation for theoretically interesting and practically rel-
evant case of malicious corruptions. Very briefly, the
straightforward hybrid argument used in (Garay and
Ostrovsky, 2008) cannot be extended to handle mali-
cious corruptions. Simulation based reduction is nec-
essary, to argue indistinguishability of distributions of
mathematically richer structure of views of corrupted
parties, when malicious corruptions are allowed, to
realize any privacy definition (Pl. check Section 3 for
relevant discussion).
For the sake of completeness, the proof of the
main Theorem 4.3 in (Garay and Ostrovsky, 2008) has
been presented and investigated in the Appendix.
Definitions of privacy are based on indistinguishabil-
ity of certain probability distributions. The discussion
below has been presented keeping in mind the input
indistinguishability type approach presented in (Kil-
ian et al., 1994) for stand alone settings (and (Garay
and Ostrovsky, 2008) for a.e.s.c.). We rigorously ar-
gue why straightforward hybrid argument is limited
in dealing with complex mathematical structure of
views of parties, generated from execution of uncon-
ditional MPC protocols when malicious corruptions
are allowed.
Let C denote the subset of corrupted parties and
PC be the subset of honest parties. Let the vector
of initial input values and committed input values by
the corrupted parties be
respectively and
o = f(
x ) be the output generated from the computa-
tion. Let view
y ,
x ,o
denote the distribution of views
of the adversary generated from executions of mul-
tiparty protocol, when parties start with initial input
y , commit to input vector
x and compute out-
put o. Input indistinguishability says that: As long as
the adversary starts with the same initial input vec-
, commits to same input vector
and same
output o is computed, the distribution of views of the
adversary A generated is the same. This is true for
all the different multiparty executions corresponding
to different vectors of input values of honest parties
, . . . ). The underly-
ing interpretation is that the view of the adversary is
not anymore helpful in distinguishing between differ-
ent candidates of input vectors of honest parties, than
what can be inferred from vector of committed input
value(s) of corrupted parties and the computed output
value alone.
Now let us see why straightforward hybrid argu-
ment has limitations in realizing Input Indistinguisha-
bility type definition of privacy, when Byzantine cor-
ruptions are allowed. During the execution of (uncon-
ditional) secure multiparty protocols, parties commit
to certain secrets (e.g., the input value during the com-
mitment phase of BGW protocol). This is achieved
by executing a protocol for secret sharing called Ver-
ifiable Secret Sharing (VSS): The committing party
shares its secret input value by sending evaluations
of a polynomial to the rest of the parties. The par-
ties then exchange sub-shares of these shares between
themselves to make sure that the secret value com-
mitted by the committing party is valid, and can be
recovered by the honest parties. A malicious party
may send incongruent shares of its secret/share-of-
secret to other honest parties or other corrupted par-
ties. When honest parties later tally the values of
their sub-shares they would not concur. Alterna-
tively, some corrupted parties may raise a false alarm
about the mismatch of subshare values. The parties
then seek to resolve the inconsistencies by executing
a ”disavowal” sub-protocol in which the committing
party may be asked to (publicly) declare the correct
shares/sub-shares of the contentious parties. The exe-
cution of this disavowal sub-protocol can happen due
to variety of such reasons and results in execution
of different/lengthier sequence of steps of the BGW
protocol compared to when it is not executed at all.
Whether the ”disavowal” protocol is executed once
or more, what leads to its execution, and how many
times it is executed depends on the dynamic choices
made by the corrupted parties during the execution of
the protocol. Thus, the actual lengths and contents of
the views of all parties, including the adversary, can
vary drastically, from one execution of BGW protocol
to another. This is true even if all the parameters (like
initial value, committed value and output value) of the
parties are same.
A straightforward hybrid argument cannot be ap-
plied to compare two probability distributions on
variable length views of adversary. This is due to
the following reason. A hybrid argument (HA) is
used to argue indistinguishability of two random vari-
ables X[1, . . . , m] and Y[1, . . . , m] that have the same
length/size m. A typical HA proceeds as follows:
Let random variables X[1, . . . , m] 6≈ Y[1, . . . , m]. Then,
for some i [m] : X[i] 6≈ Y[i]. It is now argued that
X[i] 6≈ Y[i] is not possible. From this it is concluded
that X[1, . . . , m] Y[1, . . . , m]. When only honest-but-
curious type passive corruption is allowed the sizes of
the views are fixed and such a HA can be employed
to realize input indistinguishability. However, when
malicious corruptions are allowed, the lengths of the
views of the adversary can be variable. Thus, sup-
port of probability distributions on views of adversary
from which X andY are drawn, may consist of strings
of vastly different lengths. Arguing indistinguisha-
bility of such random variables calls for a sequential
inductive argument of the following type: First argue
the indistinguishability of the first bit of two random
variables. Then, conditioned on the fact that first bits
are indistinguishable, argue the indistinguishability of
the second two bits of the random variables. So on
and so forth. In context of BGW protocol, the argu-
ment would proceed by comparing the distribution of
views of adversary, generated from two different sce-
narios, after every ’round/super-round’ of the proto-
col. We present such an argument in (Vaya, 2007) by
adapting the concept of simulator inherent in defini-
SECRYPT 2010 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
tion of ZKP in a fundamentally new way.
The above argument has been presented catering
to the vanilla model of unconditional MPC, (BenOr
et al., 1988). However, exactly the same reason-
ing also holds for almost everywhere secure compu-
tation, which is only more complex then the vanilla
MPC model. Thus, the proof of Theorem 4.3, (Garay
and Ostrovsky, 2008), does not hold true when mali-
ciously corrupted party raises a false alarm or sends
incongruent shares of its secret during Verifiable se-
cret sharing subprotocol.
Violating privacy property in the information theo-
retic setting amounts to an adversary inferring infor-
mation about the input values of honest parties that
it otherwise should not. Adversary can make any in-
ference about the input values of other parties on the
basis of its own view only. If it is shown that an
indistinguishable distribution of views of the adver-
sary can (always) be generated from a certain set of
values, then it implies that the adversary can infer
nothing more about the input values of unsacrificed
honest parties than what can be information theoret-
ically inferred on the basis of these values alone and
the structure of the function f. Obviously, the ad-
versary cannot distinguish between the different vec-
tors of input values of unsacrificed honest, which are
(equally) consistent with its own view, with any ad-
vantage. This is the principle on which the definition
of privacy is based.
Let us review the requirement imposed by
the definition of privacy in (Vaya, 2007): There
exists a simulator Sim, such that for all cor-
C T , vectors of initial input values
y and committed input values
x the following
holds true: Sim
C , T , N,
, f(
x ))
C ,
y ,
x , f(
x )).
Thus, imagine a table of all plausible vectors of
input values committed by all the participating par-
ties (for unsacrificed honest parties the committed in-
put values = initial input values, for the rest they may
differ) and corresponding output values for the given
multi-variate function f. The goal of the adversary
is to zoom on to the smallest subset of table entries
which are most-yet-equally consistent with its (distri-
bution of) view(s) generated in real execution of the
protocol. This set of compatible table entries cor-
respond to the plausible vectors of input values that
unsacrificed honest parties started with. Table en-
tries which are incompatible (correspond to negligi-
ble probability of occurrence) with adversaries view
are rejected. The guarantee of the definition of pri-
vacy, in (Vaya, 2007), is that this set of non-rejected
table entries must certainly include the following sub-
set of entries (as long as adversary is T -restricted):
The subset of table entries which are compatible with
the actual input values committed by the sacrificed
honest parties, the corrupted parties and the output
value generated in the real execution of the protocol.
Thus, fix the distribution of views of the adversary
as Sim(
, Out) (where
is the vector of ini-
tial input values and
is the vector of committed
input values of the corrupted and sacrificed parties)
for some real execution of the multiparty protocol.
Then, the adversary cannot distinguish between any
two vectors
l ,
m of initial input values, with which
unsacrificed honest parties could have started with,
for which it is true that f(
l ,
) = f(
) = Out,
with any useful advantage.
4.1 Remark by Canetti, Garay and
Ostrovsky Regarding the
Simulation based Approach
In (Garay and Ostrovsky, 2008), the authors make the
following technical remark about the definition of pri-
vacy in (Vaya, 2007):
It is well known that an information-
theoretic definition of privacy in terms of in-
distinguishability is weaker than a simulation
based counterpart. For example, consider a
secure - according to our definition - multi-
party protocol to compute f(x) for a one way
permutation f, where x should remain hid-
den from all the players. Information theoreti-
cally, the computation of f(x) and the compu-
tation that reveals x reveals the same amount
of information to an infinitely powerful ad-
versary; however, in the latter case clearly x
does not remain hidden. This example, due
to Canetti, shows that one should not ”mix”
information theoretic notions with computa-
tional notions, and that only suitable proper-
ties, such as those guaranteed by information
theoretically secure MPC protocols, will re-
main secure under our definition.
In the light of the preceding discussion it is easy to
see that even if inputs of some of the ”sacrificed” hon-
est parties are not available to the adversary and hence
the simulator Sim. However, the interpretation of
demonstrating such a simulator still holds true. More
interestingly, we note that the semantic of ”simulator”
based definition implies the Input indistinguishability
type definition of privacy presented in (Garay and Os-
trovsky, 2008).
Why is Simulator sometimes Given Input Values,
of some Sacrificed Honest Parties, which cannot
be Extracted from Adversaries View? We give an
example of a case, which arises in the analysis, that
justifies why simulator may sometimes be given input
values of some sacrificed honest parties, even though
the value itself is not extractable from the adversaries
view: The PSMT protocol can fail because of com-
plex reasons. In particular, it can sometimes hap-
pen that the adversary is able to corrupt the message
sent on the PSMT channel, while the message itself
is information theoretically secured from the adver-
sary. With sufficient number of such channels con-
nected to an honest party (which in turn depends on
the connectivity of the network), the Input commit-
ment phase of the BGW/CCD protocol may fail so
that the honest party is made to commit to the default
value ”d”, which is learned by all the parties in the
network. Thus, depending on the dynamic choices
made by the adversary, the privacy of this honest party
may be compromised sometimes, while is preserved
at other times. However, since privacy property can-
not be guaranteed for this honest party always, it is
sacrificed. Thus, although simulator is given the in-
put value of this (sacrificed) honest party always i.e.,
whenever the corresponding subset of parties are cor-
rupted, the value itself is not always extractable from
the view of the adversary.
The reader is referred to (Vaya, 2007), for complete
details regarding realizing almost everywhere secure
computationwhen Byzantine corruptionsare allowed.
In this section, we present a brief overview of the
main technical subtleties involved.
The overall approach for realizing a.e.s.c. is as
follows: (1) Construct a complete network N
the original incomplete network N by adding virtual
channels between nodes that are not connected. (2)
Adopt a standard proof of security of the BGW pro-
tocol to suit our definition of a.e.s.c.. (3) Order all
the virtual channels in this network N
. Now induc-
tively (a) Replace each virtual channel in N
simulation of the corresponding PSMT protocol, on
the original incomplete network (b) Prove security of
the associated multiparty protocol for the intermedi-
ate network, using a reduction argument. For realiz-
ing this approach we encounter some technical chal-
lenges which influences the structure of definitions,
protocols and the proofs, which are highlighted next.
The Definitional Approach and Tightness of Re-
sults. We first argue there is no clean and satisfactory
way to formulate the definition of security using the
Trusted third party paradigm, in which an Ideal world
process is defined and compared to the Real world
process: The honest parties, that are sacrificed, have
a complicated interaction with the Ideal world func-
tionality because some of the channels, realized using
the infrastructure of the underlying incomplete net-
work between distant parties, can be controlled to dif-
ferent extents (passive eavesdrop or active partial/full
corruption) by the adversary. Depending on the dy-
namic influence of the adversary on these channels,
some sacrificed honest parties may end up commit-
ting to different values which can be the default value
d, some other value partially influenced or fully de-
termined by the adversary or even the original value
itself. Furthermore, depending on choices made by
adversary this value may or may not be extractable
from adversaries view. As also discussed in (Garay
and Ostrovsky, 2008), we find that there is no clean
and satisfactory way to formulate an Ideal world func-
tionality that handles this complex interaction of the
sacrificed honest parties with other parties which is
also controlled by the adversary. In fact, depending
on the topology, choice of protocol etc. scenarios may
arise for which the final status of these parties with
respect to sacrifice of privacy property may change.
Furthermore, it is also not clear what output should
be assigned by the Ideal functionality to the sacrificed
parties, as it depends on how the adversary corrupts
the shares of the output value sent to them.
Due to aforementioned reasons we find that we
cannot invoke standard composition theorems in lit-
erature for this model. This is because composition
theorems are statements about vector of distributions
of views of honest and corrupted parties. However,
here we may encounter sacrificed parties which do
not fall in the category of either fully corrupted or
fully honest parties. Without invoking these theorems
the strongest results we can hope to achieve are for
the stand alone setting. But without using these the-
orems, we have to compose the main protocol with
several sub-protocols for PSMT for realizing virtual
SECRYPT 2010 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
channels, ourselves. This makes the proof involved
even for the stand alone setting.
The Need for Adversary Structures and Virtual
Channels. Observe that the behavior of the virtual
channels is not fixed and may vary for the same topol-
ogy of the underlying incomplete network. The be-
havior depends on the choice of subset of parties cor-
rupted by the adversary and the actual PSMT protocol
employed (Different PSMT protocols may utilize the
infrastructure of the incomplete network differently).
In particular, the same virtual channel may behave as
a tamperable channel or as an eavesdroppable chan-
nel or as an uncorrupted authenticated channel. Even
a small variation in the subset of parties corrupted by
the adversary may influence a large number of virtual
channels to behave differently. Thus, we are faced
with exponential number of variations. Towards this
end we set up adversary structures which fixes the be-
havior of the virtual channels for a given choice of
subsets of parties corrupted by the adversary. Obvi-
ously for different topologies of the incomplete net-
works and different PSMT protocols the adversary
structures are quite different. Adversary structures for
which we cannot realize secure function evaluation
are called infeasible.
The intermediate Networks. We replace one virtual
channels at a time, from the original constructed net-
work N
, by simulation of PSMT protocol on the in-
complete network. We prove that the resulting inter-
mediate protocol for the intermediate network is se-
cure. Our proof uses the reduction argument. For
this purpose, we define the functionality of the vir-
tual channels so that it provides the adversary with
more flexibility, compared to the case when the vir-
tual channel is substituted by execution of PSMT pro-
tocol on the incomplete network. For example, an ad-
versary for the former case (of virtual channels) gets
to see the message being sent on the virtual channels
earlier, then it would in the latter case. Thus, we start
by handling strictly more powerful adversaries while
considering greater number of virtual channels and
consider progressively weaker adversaries as we re-
place the virtual channels one by one. This is useful
in reducing the complexity of the reduction argument.
Super-rounding and Slotting the Super-round.
The original protocol is synchronous and proceeds
in rounds. We adapt it to our setting of incomplete
networks, where many pairs of nodes cannot com-
municate with each other in a single round. To take
care of this, we expand each round of the original
protocol to a super-round, so that distant parties can
communicate with each other by executing PSMT
protocol on the incomplete network. When replac-
ing virtual channels of the complete network (as de-
scribed above) by simulation of PSMT on the in-
complete network, we encounter the following tech-
nical difficulty. When transmissions take place on two
virtual channels simultaneously, then the messages
sent/received/heard on one channel may influence the
corruption of messages on another channel and vice
verse. Handling this issue for the case of active cor-
ruptions makes the proof of security of the underly-
ing protocol complex. We go around this problem
at the expense of increase in the round complexity
of the protocol by partitioning each super-round into
slots so that each pair of parties is assigned a dedi-
cated non-overlapping slot. The assigned time slots
are wide enough to send messages on real edges or
virtual channels. If there is a real edge in the un-
derlying network for a given pair of parties then the
message is sent in the first round of the slot. For vir-
tual channels the allotted slot should be wide enough
to execute any PSMT protocol on the underlying net-
Thus, we obtain T -secure computation (technical
name of a.e.s.c. in (Vaya, 2007)) on incomplete net-
works which possess a certain T -Communicability
property (which allows setting up of the requisite in-
frastructure on certain incomplete networks) against a
T -restricted adversary A :
Theorem 5.1. If network N possesses T -
Communicability Property, then there exists a
two-phase multiparty protocol Π
, that T -securely
evaluates function f, on network N.
Full details of definitions and theorems are given
in (Vaya, 2007).
I thank Dr. Pandurangan for a useful suggestion. I am
grateful to Dr. Palash Sarkar and anonymous review-
ers for their careful reading and invaluable comments,
which have greatly improved the presentation of this
article. I thank CS Department at IIT Madras for their
invaluable support.
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RESULTS IN (Garay and Ostrovsky,
We consider the definition of privacy and the proof of
main Theorem 4.3 in (Garay and Ostrovsky, 2008) in
Definition of Privacy in (Garay and Ostrovsky,
2008). An input indistinguishability type definition of
privacy is presented in (Garay and Ostrovsky, 2008).
The definition has two components: (a) Privacy of
the Commitment phase (b) Privacy of the Computa-
tion phase of protocol. For the computation phase
the requirement is: As long as the committed input
values of the sacrificed and corrupted parties and the
computed output value are same, the distribution of
views of the adversary (which is the vector of views
of the corrupted parties generated from the Computa-
tion phase) are indistinguishable. (b) For the commit-
ment phase, it is required that as long as initial input
values and committed input values of the sacrificed
and corrupted parties are same, the distribution of the
views of the adversary generated from the commit-
ment phase of the protocol are indistinguishable for
the different scenarios in which rest of the honest par-
ties start with different initial input values.
Protocol Π Tealizing the Definition of Security. Let
be a graph that has the requisite infrastructure to
conduct a.e.s.c. i.e., is almost everywhere admissi-
ble graph. The protocol for a.e.s.c. on network G
is reproduced verbatim from (Garay and Ostrovsky,
First, we specify the communicationstruc-
ture of the simulation. Each round of protocol
C&C MPC for complete networks is thought
of as a super-round’. Each super-round has
the same structure, with players taking turns
(in, say, lexicographic order) to perform the
simulation of sends and receives required in
the original round. More specifically, at the
onset, each player locally invokes procedure
, P
, P
) computable map
given by G
, to obtain the set PATHS(P
, P
for every P
and P
. Whenever P
is required
to send message m to P
, P
and P
run PUB-
, P
, m, PATHS(P
, P
)); Similarly an
invocation by P
to broadcast in (n,
protocol is replaced by an invocation to the al-
most everywhere broadcast protocol with P
the sender.
Proof that Protocol Π Realizes the Definition of
Privacy, Theorem 4.3, (Garay and Ostrovsky,
2008). The argument for the proof of Theorem 4.3
(that above protocol realizes the definition of security)
in (Garay and Ostrovsky, 2008) is presented verbatim:
(1) For privacy of computation phase:
Privacy of the computation phase follows
from a hybrid argument and reduction to the
privacy of the message transmission scheme.
In a fully connected network, the condition of
indistinguishable views for the adversary for
such that the output of
the function is the same, i.e., f(
) =
) (Here,
to the vector of input values of unsacrificed
honest parties and
refers to the vector of
input values of corrupted and sacrificed honest
parties.) is known to hold for an information-
theoretically secure MPC protocol as long as
the corrupted sets are the same (BenOr et al.,
1988). Thus, if the adversary is able to dis-
tinguish the two views with non-negligible
The procedure SELECT-PATH enumerates a set of
paths in graph G
between parties P
and P
which are used
for sending messages by the protocol
Protocol PUB-SMT is the protocol for perfect secure
message transmission to be executed between parties P
SECRYPT 2010 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
advantage in the simulated execution, then
there would be a particular super-round in
turn, player turn; in turn, message transmis-
sion where the adversary can distinguish the
two runs on G
but does not distinguish them
in the fully connected network. This, in turn,
contradicts the security of the message trans-
mission protocol between two privilegedplay-
(2) The argument given in (Garay and Ostrovsky,
2008) to establish privacy of the input commitment
phase is:
The privacy of these values for players
in W, follows from the privacy condition of
PUB SMT, which again these players are
able to execute successfully and which guar-
antees that the views of the adversary (as well
as other honest players, since the graph is
(2, t)-admissible) under the transmission of
any two messages are identical.
Problem with the Argument Considered Verbatim.
Note that the ”adversary” is just an Interactive Tur-
ing machine. Thus, the above argument for privacy
of computation phase, is making claim about some
adversary program ”T” attacking simulated execution
on G
and execution of the vanilla BGW protocol
on the fully connected network. However, it is easy
to construct an adversary program ”T” which works
in a manner such that there is no ”meaningful” cor-
relation or correspondence between (distribution of)
T’s view(s) generated from simulation on network G
(as described above) and (distribution of) T’s view(s)
generated from execution of vanilla BGW protocol on
fully connected network. For example, consider the
following ITM ”T”: If ”T” is participating in the ex-
ecution of simulation over network G
, then ”T is
programmed so that the corrupted parties behave ar-
bitrarily (for example, don’t participate in the proto-
col at all or share bad secrets during the execution
of Verifiable secret sharing (VSS) protocol, Or send
corrupted messages of certain type etc.). However, if
”T” participates in the execution of (the appropriate)
protocol over the fully connected network, then the
corrupted parties execute protocols for honest parties.
In fact, these views of the adversary from the two sce-
narios are semantically so different, that the indistin-
guishability of views from two runs of former type
cannot be used to make any meaningful reduction to
or inference about (in)distinguishability of views of
latter type. It is possible that this problem arises due
to brevity of presentation. The point to emphasize is
that at an outer level reduction argument is necessary.
Conceptual Improvement to the
Definition of Privacy
We observe the following conceptual improvement to
the Input indistinguishability type definition of pri-
vacy given in (Garay and Ostrovsky, 2008). The au-
thors define privacy of commitment phase and com-
putation phase separately and combine them to con-
clude privacy of the full protocol. In other words,
let X
, Y
be the random variables denoting the views
of adversary generated in Phase I (commitment) and
Phase II (computation) of multiparty protocol for sce-
nario (a) (appropriately quantified by input/output
values). Similarly, X
, Y
respectively denote the ran-
dom variable denoting the views of adversary for sce-
nario (b). The input indistinguishability type defini-
tion in GO08, specifies X
and Y
. The
privacy definition for unconditional multiparty pro-
tocol requires the following condition to hold true:
, Y
) (X
, Y
). This latter correct requirement
does not follow from the former. For example, let
= r
, Y
= r
, X
= r
and Y
= r
, where r
, r
are distributed according to uniform probability dis-
tribution. Then, obviously X
and X
, but
, X
) 6≈ (Y
, Y
). In other words, definition of pri-
vacy must properly take into account correlation of
views of adversary generated from the two phases of
the protocol. The simulator based definition of pri-
vacy given in (Vaya, 2007) implies such a composite