Hao Wu, Chao Cheng and Zhangdui Zhong
State Key Laboratory of Rail Traffic Control and Safety, Beijing Jiaotong University, 100044 Beijing, China
Mobile P2P, Resource discovery strategy, M-Tapestry.
Resource discovery is one of the key issues in mobile P2P studies. Nonetheless, in existing schemes there
are still some deficiencies, such as the lake of flexibility, proportionality and adaptability. In this paper, we
present a resource discovery model Mobile-Tapestry (M-Tapestry) for mobile P2P networks based on the P2P
Tapestry strategy. The philosophy of this model is to make the network architecture layered , and only a
small number of super nodes are chosen instead of all nodes to access the Tapestry system. This measure
may reduce the cost of ordinary nodes and solve the reliability problems caused, when the routing table is
updated frequently. Additionally, we partition the nodes according to their geographical location, this may
avoid the problem that the distance between the nodes having adjacent IDs is actually large due to the Hash
operation. Finally, our simulation results and analysis shows that the M-Tapestry strategy has an improved
lookup efficiency for mobile P2P networks compared to the Tapestry strategy.
With the rapid development of mobile Internet ap-
plications, researchers started to pay attention to us-
ing P2P technologies in the mobile environment. Re-
source discovery strategy is one of the key issues for
mobile P2P (MP2P) applications (Ponmozhi and Ra-
jesh, 2009; Voitenko, 2009; Tianhao and Nikolaidis,
2004). However, due to the difference between the
mobile and Internet transmission environment, band-
width limitations, node mobility, and multi access in-
terference pose unique challenges to deploying the
existing P2P technologies in MP2P networks. There-
fore they must be improved in MP2P applications.
In the current researches, (Andersen et al., 2004)
built a Mobile eDonkey network for 3G networks
based on extending the Internet eDonkey system.
Similarly, (Hossfeld et al., 2005; Bakos et al., 2003;
Cramer and Fuhrmann, 2005) proposed a type of
eDonkey solution which may be used for mobile op-
erational networks with some improvements. Its ba-
sic idea is to make use of the resources in one mobile
network operator as far as possible, hence it could li-
minit the network traffic mainly occurred in the local
Distributed Hash Table (DHT) is another type of
distributed resource discovery strategy, CAN (Rat-
nasamy et al., 2001), Chord (Stoica et al., 2003), Pas-
try (Rowstron and Druschel, 2001), Tapestry (Zhao
et al., 2001) are typical structured P2P system. Some
researchers took into account these strategies used in
MP2P networks, for examples, in (Peng et al., 2004)
the authors proposed an improved CAN lookup pro-
tocol M-CAN which introduced the concept of su-
per node. (Musolesi et al., 2005) studied the scheme
that using Chord Ring structure to organize nodes and
route between nodes in wireless sensor networks, and
also gave the experiments of this scheme. (Pucha
et al., 2004) proposed Ekta which integrates a DHT
with a multi-hop routing protocol based on geo-
graphic location, Ekta divides a mobile P2P network
into many subareas with the same range, each one is
responsible for a series of hash key values. (He et al.,
2005) proposed a P2P video streaming sharing strat-
egy in the the mobile network environment by taking
the access point (AP) as a resource index.
In this paper, considering that Tapestry is an ideal
resource discovery strategy for its low space complex-
ity and lookup complexity compared to other strate-
gies, we propose a Tapestry-based, efficient, flexible,
high-dynamic resource discovery strategy “Mobile-
Tapestry” (M-Tapestry) and discuss the performance.
The rest of this paper is organized as follows. In Sec-
tion 2, we present the M-Tapestry system model and
propose a resource discovery protocol for mobile P2P
networks; In Section 3, we give the lookup efficiency
Wu H., Cheng C. and Zhong Z. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems, pages 42-46
DOI: 10.5220/0002987200420046
performance simulation and analysis of proposed M-
Tapestry strategy ; Section 4 concludes the paper.
The resource discovery strategy, M-Tapestry, present
in this paper for mobile P2P networks is based on
the Tapestry, a existing discovery model for P2P net-
works. Tapestry (Zhao et al., 2001) is a Plaxton-
based distributed query algorithm system, resources
and nodes are both identified with the GUIDs (Glob-
ally Unique Identifier), which are unrelated with the
location and contents and are determined randomly.
Tapestry model has the advantages of low complexity
and balanced load, consequently it is more suitable
to be applied in the mobile P2P networks. On the
other hand, the disadvantage is that the node mainte-
nance overheads for neighbor mapping table is very
heavy, because nodes join and leave the network fre-
quently in the mobile P2P environment, moreover it
will lead to system instability. Therefore, this paper
designs a M-Tapestry model for mobile P2P networks
combined with the ideas of (Peng et al., 2004) and
(Pucha et al., 2004). M-Tapestry model first partitions
some subareas according to node geographical loca-
tion, and introduces the concept of super node, which
may take charge of the routing information mainte-
nance. Whereas the shared resource information is
maintained by the ordinary nodes, moreover it can
reduce the communication overheads, and improve
bandwidth efficiency and the lookup speed.
2.1 M-Tapestry Basic Idea
M-Tapestry is layered with two types of nodes: super
nodes and ordinary nodes (Peng et al., 2004). The su-
per nodes constitute the higher layer of the network,
those nodes with high performance are chosen to be
super nodes, such as with a high computing capacity
and stability, good reliability, etc. In mobile P2P envi-
ronment, sink nodes and part of the Internet terminals
can be looked as super nodes, because they are very
important to the entire network. The rest of nodes are
treated as ordinary nodes, which constitute the lower
layer of the network. The super nodes are managed
through Tapestry routing protocol, and the ordinary
nodes are directly registered to the super nodes. M-
Tapestry gives full consideration to the network phys-
ical architecture. Those ordinary nodes controlled by
the super nodes can be divided into groups by geo-
graphical characteristics (Pucha et al., 2004), which
can ensure ordinary nodes have less hops to the su-
per node, and avoid the problem that the adjacent ID
nodes is actually located a far distance due to the hash
Super Node ID=1 Super Node ID=2
Super Node ID=3
Peer ID=11
Peer ID=23
M-Tapestry System Architecture
Figure 1: The system architecture of M-Tapestry.
The architecture of M-Tapestry model is shown in
Figure 1. Supposed that super nodes are distributed 1
bit for Super Node ID, according to the geographical
characteristic, each super node takes charge of man-
aging the registered resources of nodes in a subarea
range. Resource IDs can be obtained through the hash
digest. The routing between super nodes is completed
by means of Tapestry model.
M-Tapestry model involves the following terms:
Super Node ID: Super node identifier;
Peer ID: Ordinary identifier. Peer ID = Peer
ID(prefix)+ Super Node ID, and Peer ID (prefix)
can be randomly obtained;
Object ID: Shared resource identifier.;
Message ID: Message identifier;
Root ID: Root identifier, for each shared re-
source object, M-Tapestry allocates a relevant
node, which called the root of the resource, root
(objectID) = the Peer ID closest to the object ID;
Server ID: Server identifier. Server ID has been
introduced to allow for routing more easily in M-
Tapestry system.
2.2 M-Tapestry Routing Mechanism
In M-Tapestry system, routing between super nodes
is accomplished according to Tapestry routing mech-
anism, each super node maintains a table of node reg-
istered resources within a certain subarea range and
a mapping table for its neighbor super nodes in ac-
cordance with the routing hierarchy. Meanwhile each
super node also maintains a back pointer list, which
points to those nodes who look itself as a neighbor.
During routing period, the super node looks up the
level of neighbor mapping table in turn, and routes
the data as far as possible by matching a larger prefix,
until it arrives the destination super node.
When the Server Node S plans to release a shared
resource O, it first sends a “registered” message to
its Super Node S
, which includes the information of
node Server ID and Object ID (GUID is O
). S
ports that there is a resource O saved in S through
sending a message to the Super Node S
is the registered super node of resource Os root
node O
. S
forwards it and informs the root node O
that Node S contains the resource O, each super node
in this release route stores the resource Os location
information pointer < O
, S >, where the location in-
formation is only a pointer pointing to S, rather than a
copy of the object O.
When the Client Node C needs to request a re-
source, it first sends a “resource request” message to
its Super Node S
, which includes the information of
node Peer ID and the requested resource Object ID.
sends a “lookup” message to the Super Node S
which is the registered node of root node, if a super
node in the lookup route has the requested resource
location information, it will directly turn to the Super
Node S
which is the registered super node of Server
Node, and then the Client Node requests a copy of re-
source from the Server Node through the Super Node
; Otherwise, the message finally reaches the Root
Node through the Super Node S
, it can get the loca-
tion information pointer of resource O, then the Client
Node C may connects to the Server Node S and down-
load the resource.
As shown in Figure 2, it illustrates a description
of the actual routing process. Each super node is as-
signed a Super Node ID number, and maintains a re-
source table of registered nodes, in which the node ID
number and the registered resource information are
included. When the node with Peer ID = 0000 re-
quests a resource with Object ID = 0111, it first sends
a RootToObject request message to its registered su-
per node with Super Node ID = 00, which includes
Object ID and Peer ID information. Receiving this
message, super node analyzes the information of Ob-
ject ID and gets to know its registered super node is
with Super Node ID = 11, because these information
are contained in the message RootToObject. The mes-
sage is forwarded by Tapestry routing in the network
between super nodes, which is easy to arrive the super
node with Super Node ID = 11. Super node with Su-
per Node ID = 11 looks up its own resources table of
registered nodes, and transmits message to the node
with Peer ID = 0111, node with Peer ID = 0111 re-
turns the Server ID information corresponding to Ob-
ject ID = 0111 through its own stored information,
that is to respond Server ID = 1101. The super node
with Super Node ID = 11 returns “Server ID = 1101”
to the super node with Super Node ID = 00, then super
node with Super Node ID = 00 forwards this message
to the client node with Peer ID = 0000. Receiving this
message, the client node with Peer ID = 0000 sends
a request to the server node with Peer ID = 1101 for
resource information, the server node with Peer ID =
1101 returns the copy of Object ID = 0111. Thus, this
resource discovery process is completed.
In this example, only one Server ID has been re-
turned, whereas in practical process, when the mes-
sage forwarded to the node with Super Node ID =
11, it is possible that the Server ID information of the
Object ID is found, then it returns the Server ID di-
rectly without finding the ultimate Root ID to get the
Server ID. In addition, the Super Node ID is only as-
signed for 2 bits, hence it has found the destination
super node in one hop during the message forwarded
between nodes, the actual situation may exist multi-
(7) Request
resource directly
(3) RouteToNode
(Object ID=0111,
Node ID=0111,Exact)
(4) Response
Server ID=1101,
Object ID=0111
(2) RouteToNode
(Object ID=0111,
Node ID=11,Exact)
(5) Response Server
ID=1101, Object
(1) RouteToObject
(Peer ID=0000,
Object ID=0111)
(6) Response
Server ID=1101,
Object ID=0111
Super Node ID=00
Super Node ID=01
Super Node ID=10
Super Node ID=11
Peer ID=0000, Object ID=0011
Peer ID=0100, Object ID=1010
Peer ID=1000, Object ID=1111
Peer ID=1100, Object ID=0101
Peer ID=0001, Object ID=0010
Peer ID=0101, Object ID=1000
Peer ID=1001, Object ID=1101
Peer ID=0010, Object ID=0011
Peer ID=0110, Object ID=1010
Peer ID=1010, Object ID=0101
Peer ID=1110, Object ID=1101
Peer ID=0011, Object ID=1111
Peer ID=1011, Object ID=0010
Peer ID=1111, Object ID=1100
Object ID=0111, Server ID=1101
... … … ...
Peer ID=1101, Object ID=0111
Peer ID=0111, Object ID=1000
Figure 2: The M-Tapestry routing schematic diagram.
2.3 Node Joining and Leaving
In M-Tapestry model, nodes often join in or leave the
network, including ordinary node joining in or leaving
a subarea managed by a super node; the exit of super
node, and the splitting of super node.
It is very easy for ordinary node to carry out a
joining process. First, the ordinary node broadcasts a
“joining” message within the entire network, then all
super nodes which have received the message return
a “response” message, and the ordinary node chooses
the nearest super node to register according to the
time-delay of received response message. Hence, the
WINSYS 2010 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems
joining process is accomplished. The leaving process
of ordinary node is classified as two situations: active
leaving or proactive leaving. When the super node re-
ceives an “exit” message from an ordinary node (ac-
tive), or monitores the failure of the ordinary node
(proactive), the super node will delete the relative in-
formation of the ordinary node.
When the number of ordinary nodes managed by
the super node beyond the threshold M, it will lead to
the splitting of super node. During the splitting pro-
cess, the super node divides those nodes maintained
by itself into two groups, one group is still managed
by the Original Super Node (OSN), and another group
is managed by the New Super Node (NSN). OSN
will select an ordinary node as the NSN according to
the reliability and stability of the connection between
Either super node’s failure or leaving actively are
resulted in the super node exiting from the network,
and it can be looked as a leaving super node (LSN).
Ordinary nodes may detect the failure of super node
by the “heartbeat” mechanism, and then ordinary
nodes change to register the primary neighbor super
node, the registration process is same as the joining
process of ordinary node. When the leaving super
node actively leaves the network, it will transfer those
nodes managed by itself to the primary neighbor su-
per node, and informs other neighbor super nodes to
update their neighbor mapping table by means of the
back pointer.
We use P2PSim software platform in Linux environ-
ment to simulate the performance of the M-Tapestry
model compared to the Tapestry model. The config-
ure of the parameters is: random network topology;
In M-Tapestry model, number of super nodes is 24,
number of ordinary nodes is 1000; Each super node
can manage up to 100 ordinary nodes, the super nodes
and those ordinary nodes are partitioned according to
geographical location. Node query interval: lookup-
mean = 60000ms; the average survival time of super
node: lifemean1 = 3600000ms; the average time of
death of super-node: deathmean1 = 3600000ms; the
average survival time of ordinary node: lifemean2
= 3600ms; the average time of death ordinary node:
deathmean1 = 3600ms, time Simulation duration is
200000ms; started statistical time is100000 ms; In
Tapestry model, there are total 1024 nodes, which
other parameters are same as the above.
We are primarily concerned with the lookup
efficiency performance for M-Tapestry. The lookup
mean time statistical distribution region of M-
Tapestry and Tapestry is shown in Table 1. Pro-
cessed the simulation results, we can get the lookup
mean time probability distribution of M-Tapestry and
Tapestry, as shown in Figure 3.
Table 1: Lookup time statistical data in M-Tapestry and
Period (ms) M-Tapestry(times) Tapestry(times)
0-100 786 56
100-200 84 264
200-300 46 283
300-400 34 236
> 400 10 121
0 100 200 300 400 500
Probability Distribution
Lookup Time
Figure 3: Lookup mean time probability distribution.
Observed from Table 1 and Figure 3 we can con-
clude that the resource discovery efficiency of the M-
Tapestry model is better than Tapestry model, for ex-
ample, in M-Tapestry, about 81.87% values of lookup
time are between 0-100ms, but in Tapestry it is ob-
viously lower than this percent, only 4.79% between
this period. It is because the nodes in M-Tapestry
model are partitioned at first according to geographi-
cal location to ensure that the nodes in neighbor map-
ping table are also adjacent in actual distance. And
the architecture of M-Tapestry model is layered , the
distance between ordinary node and its registered su-
per node is short, so when using a direct point to point
communication, the propagation delay is very low. As
we known, Tapestry routing mechanism are used be-
tween super nodes, the lookup complexity is O(logn),
in which the value of n in M-Tapestry system is obvi-
ously much smaller than that in Tapestry. Therefore,
the lookup efficiency of M-Tapestry model is much
better than that of Tapestry.
This paper addressed various resource discovery
strategies designed for mobile P2P networks. Com-
pared to traditional fixed P2P networks, the new chal-
lenges of MP2P require improved resource discov-
ery strategies. Therefore we improved the Tapestry
model and proposed the novel M-Tapestry model for
mobile P2P networks, which is both more efficient
and more flexible. We adopted a layered architecture
in M-Tapestry, and instead of allowing all nodes to
access the Tapestry system, only a small number of
super nodes were chosen for this purpose. Thus our
solution reduces the cost of ordinary nodes and solves
the reliability problems caused by frequent of routing
table updates; On the other hand, we partitioned the
nodes according to their geographical location, which
assists us in avoiding the problem that the distance be-
tween ID-adjacent-nodesmay be high due to the Hash
operation. We analyzed the lookup efficiency of the
M-Tapestry model, and verified that it is more suitable
for employment in mobile P2P networks.
The authors thank Prof. Lajos Hanzo for many
helpful suggestions. This paper is supported by the
Joint State Program of the National Natural Science
Foundation of China (NSFC) and the National Rail-
way Ministry of China under project grant number
60830001.This paper is also supported by the State
Key Laboratory of Rail Traffic Control and Safety un-
der key project grant number RCS2008ZZ007.
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WINSYS 2010 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems