Issues and Challenges
Eliana Stavrou, Andreas Pitsillides
Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus, P.O. Box 20537, Nicosia, Cyprus
George Hadjichristofi, Christoforos Hadjicostis
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Cyprus, P.O. Box 20537, Nicosia, Cyprus
Keywords: Sensor networks, Security, Routing, Key management, Trust management.
Abstract: Existing security research in wireless sensor networks is based on specific assumptions about the nodes and
the network environment that are tied to specific usage scenarios. Typical scenarios consider sensor nodes
that are immobile and have pre-defined communication patterns. We argue that node mobility is a realistic
characteristic of sensor nodes that needs to be taken into consideration in future sensor networks. Mobility
capabilities can address the objective challenges raised in mission-critical applications, such as in disaster
relief, where their environment characteristics fluctuate over time. It is imperative to investigate the way
security is affected in mobile sensor networks and identify the challenges that will need to be addressed in
future security protocol design. We present our vision for future sensor networks
through a realistic scenario and discuss security gaps that are present in existing research for next generation
sensor networks.
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) have emerged in
a number of mission-critical application domains
(Garcia-Hernandez, Ibarguengoytia-Gonzalez and
Perez-Diaz, 2007), such as in healthcare, military
surveillance, and disaster mitigation and response.
The data sensitivity and the variability of attacks
(Chan and Perrig, 2003; Karlof and Wagner, 2003;
Wood and Stankovic, 2002, 2004) that can be
launched against a WSN have led researchers into
investigating a number of security aspects in WSNs
and proposing appropriate security protocols. So far,
research has been focused on investigating security
aspects in static WSNs. However, a radical shift in
the way WSNs are studied, designed, and deployed
is expected, since mobility features are starting to
emerge. For example, in large deployment areas, it is
often expensive to deploy sensor nodes to cover the
entire monitoring area. Similarly, in mission-critical
applications a number of attributes are required to be
monitored. For such reasons, (and due to the sensor
nodes’ constraints), having a node monitor all
required attributes is not be feasible. Instead, it is
preferable to deploy sensor nodes with different
sensing capabilities that can go mobile under
specific conditions providing in this way dynamic
monitoring coverage.
Mobility is not an unrealistic or undesirable
characteristic of sensor nodes as it can address the
objective challenges raised in mission-critical
applications. For example, disaster mitigation and
response (DMR) applications, e.g. fire monitoring,
aim to effectively and efficiently prevent hazards or
reduce the effect of disasters when they occur. The
mobilization of sensor nodes in DMR can support
the proactive and reactive emergency services and
also the communication of the emergency crew.
New challenges that have not yet been investigated
in the literature arise due to a number of reasons
such as: 1) the nature of disasters, e.g., fires, which
include a number of parameters that need to be taken
into consideration when implementing DMR
applications, and 2) these parameters can
dynamically drive the spread and impact of disaster
in unpredictable ways. Thus, realistic mobility-based
scenarios with WSNs need to be taken into
consideration in order to address these challenges
Stavrou E., Pitsillides A., Hadjichristofi G. and Hadjicostis C. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 278-286
DOI: 10.5220/0002987302780286
and also to investigate the way security is being
formed/affected in sensor networks where nodes go
This research work identifies a new mobility-
based fire monitoring scenario, utilizes it to study
security issues and requirements that arise due to
node mobility, and provides directions for future
security protocol designs in WSNs.
In this section we discuss our vision for the
requirements of next generation WSNs through a
real life scenario. WSNs have been successfully
deployed in a number of environmental applications.
A potential (realistic) forest fire-monitoring scenario
considers both fixed and mobile nodes to help the
user visualize the application domain.
A WSN-based forest fire-monitoring application
has a number of objectives that must be supported
by the sensor nodes operation and collaboration,
such as detecting and reacting to a fire in a timely
manner, effectively controlling the damage,
detecting arsonists, and promoting the emergency
team’s safety and collaboration.
In our scenario, we consider multiple sensor
nodes that move around in an area to collect specific
information regarding the environment and support
the application’s objectives. In Figure 1, we depict
the WSN forest fire-monitoring application where
the sensor nodes are categorized according to their
capabilities/functionality. Sensors of type 1 which
monitor temperature and humidity, and can detect
smoke, are deployed around the forest edge. Sensors
of type 2 monitor wind speed and direction and are
spread within the deployment area. Sensors of type 3
monitor motion and are equipped with cameras.
Sensors of type 4 are deployed on the helmets of the
emergency team and have type 1 and 2 sensing
capabilities. Sensors of type 5 are coordinators,
supporting connectivity between sensor nodes. The
data collected by a sensor of a specific type can
drive the moving patterns and behaviour of other
nodes. For example, when smoke is detected by type
1 nodes, sensors of type 3 are queried to send a
picture to the sink. If type 3 sensors are not in the
area, they are instructed to move towards the
infected areas.
Each node maintains routing paths to a control
centre, called the Base Station (BS) or sink, where
the observations are been forwarded for further
processing and decision making. Initially, the sensor
nodes move to predetermined locations based on
their sensing capabilities, where specific
observations are required. We assume that the
emergency team studies the deployment area and
plans how the sensor nodes of specific type are
spread to cover the area as required and support the
aforementioned application objectives.
After the network is deployed and sensor nodes
have moved to their initial location defined by the
emergency team, communication is established
among the nodes to support their activities. Nodes
must then have the capability to patrol the area and
collect the various data as well as adjust to possible
changes in the coverage area, such as in the case of a
falling tree (see Figure 1). Thus, compared to
previously studied scenarios, the network is
reformed dynamically based on the observations and
event detections. This reformation implies that the
WSN establishes a number of communication
patterns to support the collaboration of nodes that
are listed under the same or different category.
Summarizing, based on our aforementioned
scenario, we envision the existence of mobile sensor
networks that will utilize more complicated
communications patterns compared to the typical
source to BS communication. Moreover, they will be
required to adjust to changing areas of coverage
while being constrained by energy. Our focus in this
paper is on security aspects.
Figure 1: A forest fire-monitoring WSN application.
Security (Djenouri, Khelladi and Badache, 2005;
Wang, Attebury and Ramamurthy, 2006; Walters,
Liang, Shi and Chaudhary, 2006) is a key factor in
protecting sensitive applications and data
communications. Challenges arise as emerging
applications evolve to support mobility, required in
more dynamic environments. Mobility in WSNs
creates a new security paradigm as communication
patterns are dynamically formed and therefore
investigations must be made to identify ways in
which security is affected in such dynamic
environments. Currently, one of the biggest concerns
is that existing security mechanisms in static WSNs
may not be capable of supporting security
requirements in dynamic mobile environments.
Therefore, we need to investigate if existing security
mechanisms can be applied/adopted to the new
application paradigm and also if new security
challenges dictate the creation of new security
Connectivity is one of the most important
attributes that mobile sensor nodes must establish to
support network communication. In this paper we
investigate the routing operation (Akyildiz, Su,
Sankarasubramaniam, Cayirci, 2002; Al-Karaki and
Kamal, 2004) as it is one of the fundamental
operations in WSNs that facilitates the establishment
of communication links between sensor nodes and
packet delivery. Securing the routing operation
involves two main aspects: (i) protecting the
confidentiality and integrity of the control and data
packets that are routed to the intended destination,
and (ii) establishing routing paths to the destination
in a way that promotes a highly available and
reliable environment. For each aspect, an
appropriate security area can be considered and
supports specific security requirements (Carman,
Kruus and Matt, 2000; Wang, Attebury and
Ramamurthy, 2006; Walters, Liang, Shi and
Chaudhary, 2006). The main security requirements
in a mobile environment are: (i) network reliability,
availability, and resiliency; (ii) authentication of
nodes; (iii) data integrity; and (iv) data
These requirements are provided through a
number of functionalities that introduce security in
the network. Key management schemes can be used
to establish security associations (SAs) between
communicating parties and protect the routing path
establishment procedures and the data forwarding
operations against attacks launched by malicious
nodes. Trust management schemes can be used to
aid sensors to select the next-hop node based on its
reputation. Multipath routing support can enhance
the packet reliability (Ganesan, Govindan, Shenker
and Estrin 2002; Ye, Zhong, Lu, Zhang 2005). All
the aforementioned security areas have been
substantially investigated in fixed WSN
environments. However, security issues and
challenges in mobile WSNs have not been given
much attention. Next, we briefly analyze the
approach taken in each security area and then
identify the security challenges raised due to the
nodes’ mobility.
3.1 Key Management
Authentication is required prior to the deployment of
any security mechanism as it facilitates the
establishment of SAs. SAs imply some level of trust
among nodes as partners verify each other’s identity.
A Key Management System (KMS) creates,
distributes, and manages these identification
credentials used in the establishment of SAs. The
challenges with key management increase in future
sensor networks since sensor nodes do not only have
limited battery power and computation capability
but they now require more complicated and dynamic
SA establishments. Furthermore, solutions need to
be able to address scalability as future sensor
networks will be comprised of thousands of sensor
Key management in sensor networks typically
uses Key encryption keys (KEKs) that are in turn
used to (re-)distribute session keys and secure
communication among nodes by establishing SAs.
Mobility of sensor nodes requires that session keys
be changed more frequently to assure resilience
against attacks and to accommodate changes in the
characteristics of the networks, such as topology,
number of nodes, and their individual role (e.g.,
cluster head).
In the near future, we envision that sensor nodes
will continue to use symmetric keys since they have
lower computational requirements than asymmetric
keys. It may still, however, be helpful to harness
some of the benefits of asymmetric cryptography
(such as lower key distribution overhead) to
initialize the configuration of symmetric keys on the
nodes. At present the overhead of calculating an
ECC point multiplication for public key
cryptography in a sensor device is not high [ Aranha,
Oliveira, Lopez, and Dahab, 2009.]. Previous
analysis of static scenarios assumed that the
connectivity patterns are limited from source to BS.
In our aforementioned scenario we require more
complicated communication patterns, which may
imply a relatively larger number of SAs. Even
though research in (Mizanur Rahman, Nasser and
Saleh, 2008) focused on minimizing the generation
of keys based on the traffic patterns in the network,
they did not take into account the existence of large
sensor networks. Scalability issues need to be
addressed more aggressively. It is also important to
mention that if nodes utilize symmetric keys then the
management complexity increases towards a
SECRYPT 2010 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
maximum n(n-1)/2 keys, when shifting towards a
mesh type of connectivity in terms of SAs (i.e., all
the nodes in the network trust one another).
Previous solutions in the literature that utilized a
network wide symmetric key for all the nodes no
longer constitute solutions for key management.
Even if the network-wide symmetric key is used to
establish new keys per pair this strategy leads to
problems with synchronization during periodic
updates of keys in the face of mobility.
Furthermore, solutions that suggest the deletion of
the network-wide key for added security do not
generally work as they imply the existence of a
closed system that does not accept new sensor
Another aspect that has not been taken into
account is the trustworthiness of a BS or the
inference of the existence of SAs between the BS
and all the sensor nodes. This approach does not
scale and raises issues of security in terms of the BS
being a centralized point of attack. One potential
solution is to introduce multiple BSs in WSNs, but
this has to be investigated carefully as multiple BSs
increase the complexity in terms of data flow
directions and introduce extra key management
overhead (the relationship between SAs and BSs
becomes many-to-many).
A common approach for key management is
through the use of a random key pre-distribution
protocol (Eschenauer and Gligor, 2002;Chan, Perrig
and Song, 2003; Liu and Ning, 2005; Liu, Ning and
Du, 2005; Guorui, Jingsha and Yingfang, 2006;
Ting, Shiyong and Yiping, 2007). (An investigation
of the resilience of key management for random key
pre-distribution is offered in (Yulong, Jianfeng and
Qingqi, 2007)). Each node has a subset of symmetric
keys that is randomly selected from a large pool of
keys and communicates with nodes that have a
similar key pool. The limitation of these KMSs is
that they do not dynamically adjust to accommodate
new nodes or changing environment conditions in
the network, such as battery limitations,
heterogeneous nodes, topology changes, or coverage
area changes. Thus, it is difficult to establish the
required number of SAs by discovering common
keys. Moreover, an attacker, can take advantage of
mobility and more easily compromise enough nodes
to obtain a large number of symmetric keys and thus
break the security of the system. The authors in (Liu,
Ning and Du, 2005) and (Du, Deng, Han, Chen
Sand and Varshney, 2004) have alleviated the
limitation of building SAs in a changing
environment by ensuring that nodes that are closer
together have more common keys. This solution
took advantage of pre-deployment knowledge prior
to the network deployment. However, this
assumption does not fully accommodate the scenario
of mobile sensors and dynamically changing sensing
areas, such as in the case of a falling tree (see Figure
1). A promising solution that avoids pre-deployment
knowledge of sensor nodes and accommodates an
open system was proposed by Anjum (2007). He
proposed a scheme that utilized anchor nodes with
higher radio range, which execute location
dependent key management. Even though this
solution might be applicable to future sensor
networks it requires careful deployment of anchor
nodes, which makes it less flexible. In addition, it
needs to be augmented to take care of certain
limitations. More specifically, nodes that are
inserted start with the same initial network key and
the anchor nodes transmit the same nonces for key
negotiations. This feature prevents any network-
wide rekeying of the sensor nodes, which makes the
network more vulnerable to attacks. The anchor
nodes would also need to be made mobile and their
movements would need to be carefully selected to
provide full coverage of the network and maximize
the availability of the key management service in the
WSN. Thus, the scenario in Figure 1 would need to
take into account a hybrid network of mobile ad hoc
(represented by the anchor nodes) and sensor
networks, where one network helps with the
deployment of the other one. A new hybrid KMS
solution must be designed that will accommodate a
higher key management complexity.
Another aspect that would need more
investigation with regards to key management is
energy in light of nodes that utilize the active/sleep
state (Riaz, Ali, Kim, Ahmad and Suguri, 2006).
Such a scheme can not apply in our scenario as it
assumes the existence of densely deployed WSNs,
which may not necessarily be the case in the future
since mobility may be used to provide full coverage
of a dynamically changing environment.
Furthermore, this methodology creates
complications for key management for cases where
nodes are allowed to enter sleep mode. In addition,
this scheme needs to be augmented as it suffers from
the design of having one non-changing initial
network/global key.
A challenge that has not been given a lot of
attention in sensor networks with regards to key
management is revocation. A centralized solution
for revocation is not applicable as the BS that
broadcasts such revocations needs to be able to
communicate with all the mobile sensor nodes. In
addition, it is not clear how the BS will acquire the
information, such as bad behaviour, required to
guide revocation decisions. Thus, such a solution is
not feasible. A distributed revocation scheme has
been proposed in (Eschenauer and Gligor, 2002) and
enables the neighbours of a compromised node to
revoke it. This approach still suffers from the
limitations of broadcast communication, which
makes it slower in terms of response and increases
the overhead in the network as all the nodes need to
remember the grading of their peers. Furthermore, it
is not clear how this grading can be amended when
mistakenly taking a node to be malicious. An
effective revocation needs to be more responsive,
execute localized revocation, and be flexible in
terms of its assessments. This needs to allow for the
remuneration of a node’s reputation when its
behaviour is improving and for harsher measures if
its behaviour switches to very bad. Basically, this
approach needs to take into account a node’s
cooperation over time. This is a topic that has been
investigated in more depth through social
networking and game theory. It is important to note
that the authors in (Chan, Gligor, Perrig and
Muralidharan, 2005) have investigated revocation
within time bounds to address the notion of stale
votes that may lead to erroneous revocation of
nodes. They used hop-limited local broadcast of
reputation information nodes but allowed only one
network-wide broadcast when the final revocation
decision is taken. Thus, the network overhead was
kept at a minimum and communication was
successful assuming there was connectivity. These
solutions form a good basis for revocation, but need
to be extended to accommodate more dynamic
scenarios where mobility coupled with energy
constraints introduces new challenges.
Summarizing, key management should be
carefully studied in the context of future networks as
it lies at the heart of the network defences. To
support secure routing, key management will need to
supply the necessary keys to enable point-to-point,
point-to-cluster, intra-cluster communication, etc.
These modes of communication must be supported
to a large scale and in multiple directions between
the network nodes. This is a paradigm that is
different compared to existing sensor networks.
Inferring pre-deployment knowledge and random
key pre-distribution to aid key management is not
always feasible as the area of coverage change and
nodes move in different direction. Other aspects that
need careful study are revocation and the impact of
key management on energy schemes or the reverse
(i.e., how energy schemes affect the operation of the
key management system).
3.2 Multipath Routing Support
In mission-critical applications, what values the
most is observation data that indicates if a critical
event has occurred. Therefore, establishing network
reliability and resiliency can support the timely
detection of critical events and decision making. A
reliable and resilient routing operation means that
the data is delivered to the intended destination, even
in the face of attacks. The common practice in
resource-constrained WSNs is to deploy single path
routing. Approaches in multipath routing apply to
single path routing; thus, we only focus on multipath
routing in our investigation. Generally, failure of
nodes along the path would mean failure of the path
and loss of data. This is unacceptable in mission-
critical applications that rely on the timely delivery
of observations to support application objectives.
Currently, a number of WSN-based multipath
routing protocols integrated with security
mechanisms have been proposed in the literature
(Deng, Han and Mishra, 2002; Lou and Kwon, 2006;
Ouadjaout, Challal, Lasla and Bagaa, 2008; Stavrou
and Pitsillides, 2010; Ma, Xing and Michel, 2007),
considering fixed sensor nodes. In these protocols, a
source node discovers its neighbouring nodes and
deploys multipath routing to forward packets to the
intended destination, supporting a reliable and
resilient environment.
In a mobile WSN environment, a number of
challenges are raised regarding multipath routing:
a) Routing does not converge to a stable state due
to frequent node movements. The main concern is
that the route discovery process needs to be initiated
frequently to discover new routes to the destination.
b) Multipath routing is by default a costly
operation in terms of communication and energy
consumption. Mobility further increases a node’s
energy consumption and so does the usage of
cryptographic mechanisms by the routing protocol
due to the frequent updates. Furthermore, end-to-end
versus hop-to-hop security should be considered in
the routing protocol design in order to minimize the
SAs established between sensor nodes and the usage
of cryptographic algorithms, and conserve nodes’
resources. In addition, mobile routing protocols in
WSNs should be designed such that mobile nodes
provide different multipath levels (in terms of the
path number) based on the packet content in order to
balance the required packet reliability e.g., handle
differently smoke data and temperature data in our
c) Moving nodes contributing in multipath routing
do not know their surrounding nodes and therefore
SECRYPT 2010 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
do not know which nodes to trust for collaboration.
The challenge here is to distinguish between trusted
and untrusted nodes in order to forward packets
through trusted nodes and increase the possibility for
a successful packet delivery. Trust management is
treated in the following subsection.
3.3 Reputation - based Trust
Reputation-based trust schemes, add another layer of
security that goes beyond the capabilities of the
utilized cryptographic mechanisms. The idea is to
evaluate the behaviour of nodes over time in order to
guide collaboration in the network. For example,
sensor nodes may decide which paths to use based
on the reputation ratings of their peers.
Reputation metrics may involve the capability of
correct packet forwarding of sensors, intrusion
detection results, recommendations from neighbour
nodes, etc. A number of reputation-based trust
schemes have been proposed in the literature. For
example, (Marti, Giuli, Lai and Baker, 2000)
proposed a reputation-based scheme composed of a
watchdog and a pathrater module in order to
determine if intermediate nodes are indeed
forwarding the received packets. The watchdog node
overhears the communication to verify whether its
neighbouring node has forwarded the packet. Based
on the result, the pathrater rates each path and
chooses a path to avoid misbehaving nodes. The
concept of monitoring and rating forms the basic
functionality of a reputation trust-based framework
that is applied according to the aspects that need to
be evaluated. In (Tanachaiwiwat, Dave, Bhindwale
and Helmy, 2003; Yao, Kim, Lee, Kim and Jang,
2005) authors define reputation metrics related to
cryptographic operation, availability of nodes to
provide service, and nodes behaviour that can
indicate malicious activity. In (Crosby, Pissinou and
Gadze, 2006), authors follow a similar trust
evaluation approach to aid the election of
trustworthy cluster heads. Another approach is taken
by (Liu, Abu-Ghazaleh and Kang, 2007) where they
not only favour well behaving nodes for each
successful packet forwarding, but also penalize
suspicious nodes that lie about their contribution to
The existing trust management schemes cannot
be fully applied in mobile WSNs application
because due to mobility it is difficult to monitor the
behaviour of mobile nodes in order to compute their
reputation value. The idea of partitioning the
network in clusters such as in (Crosby, Pissinou,
Gadze and 2006) aids trust management by allowing
cluster nodes to check for malicious behaviour and
verify falsified information. Clustering has been
promoted due to its energy saving capabilities within
the network. However, clustering cannot always
exist in future scenarios due to mobility, and due to
the fact that changes in the sensing area may require
that clusters be reformed dynamically. Thus, the
underlying difficulty in terms of mobile sensors is to
designate monitoring nodes in a mobile environment
such that they can effectively record the behaviour
of all the nodes in the network. In addition, the
reputation metrics of a mobile node need to be
globally trusted so that if it needs to cooperate with
other nodes while moving around its reputation will
be trusted by its peers. The trust management
scheme should provide different trust levels such as
in (Yao, Kim, Lee, Kim, Jang, 2005), but at the
same time create semantics for the various trust
levels so that they can match specific functionalities
within the networks. For example, different levels
of trust may indicate authorization to forward a
packet or authorization to accept sensing
observations for a particular metric. Also, for the
case where packets need to be forwarded through
nodes with low reputation values (due to lack of
trusted nodes), there needs to be integration with
security mechanisms such that security
enhancements are utilized. Reputation-based trust
management schemes can be very useful, but the
trade-off between reliability, compromization risk,
and performance needs to be balanced.
Energy is the most important resource in WSNs due
to the limited resources of sensor nodes (Akyildiz,
Su, Sankarasubramaniam and Cayirci, 2002).
Usually, sensor nodes use batteries as their main
energy source and it is not always feasible to replace
them when depleted. There are several sources of
energy consumption in sensor networks, such as
when communicating, sensing and processing
information, with the former being the most energy
demanding operation. By adding extra functionality
in a sensor network, it further contributes to the
overall energy consumption. A potential energy
depletion of some of the sensor nodes can greatly
affect the survivability of the network, since it can
cause the degradation of the routing operation. This
depletion can eventually lead to network partitions
prohibiting observations on a specific area and
affecting the successful operation of the application.
The challenge is even greater when mobility is
introduced in the network. Mobile nodes require
energy to be able to move. The amount of energy
being consumed is dependent on the movement
frequency and the distance that sensor nodes have to
In terms of key management, a mobile node has
to establish SAs with other nodes along the motion
path. This task requires extra energy due to the
communication and processing required, that is
dependent on the number of SAs that need to be
negotiated and established. The challenge for mobile
nodes is to establish the minimum required number
of SAs that utilize cryptographic schemes for secure
communication taking into account paths that
change dynamically, and still supporting an
acceptable security level, adequate to protect the
network environment.
In terms of supporting reliable and resilient routing,
multipath routing is typically recommended to be
deployed. However, in multipath routing, more than
one path is established to forward a packet from
source to destination. This redundancy means that
communication overhead is increased as the number
of alternative paths increases, leading to extra
energy consumption. Node mobility leads to a
dynamic environment, where communication links
change according to nodes motion. Since mobile
nodes are not aware of their surrounding
environment, they have to re-initiate the route
discovery procedure in order to discover different
routes to the destination. This is a costly operation in
terms of energy consumption that greatly affects the
lifetime of mobile sensor nodes.
In terms of trust management, node mobility
leads to uncertainty about trust in the surrounding
environment. Reputation-based information should
be requested from other nodes/entities to aid mobile
nodes decide which nodes to trust and use for
forwarding packets. This uncertainty about trust also
applies in the opposite direction. That is, when a
mobile node moves to a new area and requests to
establish communication with a neighbouring node,
that neighbouring node is not certain about the
mobile node’s trustworthiness. It has to request
reputation-based information from another entity.
All these actions to support trust management in a
mobile environment require again extra
communication between sensor nodes, which lead to
increased energy consumption.
A trade-off between security and energy
efficiency in mobile WSNs can only be achieved if
we have a clear understanding of the environment
and the application’s security needs and objectives.
It is clear that mobile sensor nodes consume much
more energy than static nodes. Therefore, to promote
the survivability of the network, nodes with
heterogeneous resources should be considered.
Investigations should focus on how heterogeneity
can aid sensors mobility and permit the
implementation of resource-aware security
This paper investigated security issues and
challenges in next generation mobile sensor
networks. State of the art in security in sensor
networks has focused on fixed sensor networks with
pre-defined communication patterns over fixed
areas. We argued that changing deployment areas,
heterogeneous sensors, and dynamic communication
patterns driven by mobility and varying sensing
requirements would be required in next generation
sensor networks. We have presented a realistic fire
scenario with multiple sensors that motivated such a
future direction. Based on our investigation with
regards to key management, routing, trust
management, and energy, we identified issues that
reveal the inflexibility of systems and functionalities
due to the inherent built-in assumptions about the
environment, the nodes, their roles, the data, and the
communication patterns. It is clear that we need
solutions that can be dynamically adjusted based on
the requirements of the data flows that may depend
on the communication of heterogeneous sensor
nodes, which may have varying roles in the network.
In addition, these solutions will need to be robust in
the face of mobility, energy limitations, and
changing or unknown coverage areas.
This research work is supported by ASPIDA
(KINHT/0506/03) and by the TRUST project,
funded by Cyprus Research Promotion Foundation
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