Christoforos Panos
, Christos Xenakis
and Ioannis Stavrakakis
Department of Informatics & Telecommunications, University of Athens, Panepistimioupolis
Ilisia, PC 15784, Athens, Greece
Department of Digital Systems, University of Piraeus, Karaoli and Dimitriou 80, PC 18534, Piraeus, Greece
Keywords: Intrusion detection system, IDS, Mobile ad hoc networks, MANETs, Random walks, Specification-based
intrusion detection.
Abstract: This paper proposes a novel Intrusion Detection System (IDS) for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks (MANETs)
that aims at overcoming the limitations and weaknesses of the existing IDSs. The proposed IDS
incorporates a novel random walk-based IDS architecture as well as a multi-layer, specification-based
detection engine. The proposed solution does not belong to any of the existing intrusion detection
approaches, since it relies on a set of robust, self-contained Random Walk Detectors (RWDs), which may
freely move from node to node and randomly traverse a network, while monitoring each visiting node for
malicious behaviour. RWDs exhibit a number of benefits including locality, simplicity, low overhead, and
robustness to changes in topology. Moreover, the multi-layer, specification-based engine monitors the
transport, network and data link layers of the protocol stack, providing an integrated solution capable of
detecting the majority of security attacks occurring in MANETs.
Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are wireless
networks, which operate without the aid of any
established infrastructure or centralized authority. In
MANETs, the nodes themselves implement the
network management in a cooperative fashion and
thus, all of them are responsible for this. MANET
nodes have stringent resource constrains and they
are typically mobile, forming a highly dynamic
network topology, absent of any clear network
boundaries. As a result, MANETs are susceptible to
a variety of attacks such as eavesdropping, routing,
packet modification, etc. (Djenouri et al., 2005), and
securing a MANET under such conditions is
challenging. An effective way to identify when an
attack occurs in a MANET is the deployment of an
Intrusion Detection System (IDS). An IDS is a
sensoring mechanism that monitors nodes’ and
network activities in order to detect malicious
actions and, ultimately, an intruder. An IDS can be
divided into two parts: (i) the architecture that
exemplifies its operational structure; and (ii) the
detection engine that is the mechanism used to
detect malicious behavior(s).
The existing IDS architectures for MANETs fall
under three basic categories (Mishra et al., 2004): (a)
stand-alone, (b) cooperative, and (c) hierarchical.
The stand-alone architectures use an intrusion
detection engine installed at each node utilizing only
the node’s local audit data. This fact (i.e., relying
only on local audit data to resolve malicious
behaviors) limits them in terms of detection
accuracy and the type of attacks that they detect (Sen
et al., 2009) (due to the distributed nature of
MANETs) and, thus, we will exclude them from the
analysis carried in section 2. On the other hand, the
cooperative and hierarchical architectures process
each host’s audit data locally (i.e., similarly to stand-
alone), but they also use collaborative techniques to
detect more accurately a wider set of attacks. Thus,
the majority of the most recent IDSs for MANETs
are based on them (Sen et al., 2009). The
cooperative architectures include an intrusion
detection engine installed in every node, which
monitors local audit data and exchanges audit data
and/or detection outcomes with neighboring nodes,
in order to resolve inconclusive (based on single
node’s audit data) detections. The hierarchical
architectures amount to a multilayer approach, by
dividing the network into clusters. Specific nodes
are selected (based on specific criteria) to act as
Panos C., Xenakis C. and Stavrakakis I. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 25-34
DOI: 10.5220/0002989100250034
cluster-heads and undertake various responsibilities
and roles in intrusion detection, which are usually
different from those of the simple cluster members.
The latter typically run a lightweight local intrusion
detection engine that performs detection only on
local audit data; while the cluster-heads run a more
comprehensive engine that acts as a second layer of
detection, based on audit data from all the cluster
members. However, since the majority of the
existing cooperative and hierarchical IDS
architectures for MANETs are inherited from static
or mobile networks, which differ radically from
MANETs with respect to the network topology,
available resources, nodes’ mobility and security
vulnerabilities, they present significant limitations
and weaknesses, which are analyzed in section 2.
On the other hand, the intrusion detection
engines employed in MANETS are classified into
three main types (Mishra et al., 2004): (i) signature-
based, (ii) anomaly-based, and (iii) specification-
based. Signature-based engines rely on a predefined
set of patterns (signatures) to identify attacks. The
signatures are stored in a database and if the engine
matches a monitored activity with a signature, then
the activity is marked as malicious. This type of
engines fails to detect novel attacks and requires
always maintaining a signature database. The
anomaly-based engines establish specific models of
nodes’ behaviors (normal profiles) and mark nodes
that deviate from these profiles as malicious. This
type of engines can detect unknown attacks and does
not require a database. However, it is prone to high
rates of false alarms, since any legitimate behavior
that deviates from normal profiles is also considered
as malicious. Finally, specification-based engines
rely on a set of constrains or specifications that
describe the correct operation of programs or
protocols; and monitor the execution of
programs/protocols with respect to the dened
constraints/specifications. They combine the benefits
of both signature and anomaly-based detection, since
they: (i) can detect new types of attacks, (ii) do not
maintain a database and (iii) do not present high
rates of false alarms. However, the required
constrains/specifications have to be manually
developed, which might be time consuming.
This paper proposes a novel IDS for MANETs
that aims at overcoming the limitations and
weaknesses of the existing IDSs. The proposed IDS
incorporates a novel random walk-based IDS
architecture as well as a multi-layer, specification-
based detection engine. The proposed solution
consists of a set of self-contained Random Walk
Detectors (RWDs), which randomly traverse a
network, while monitoring each visiting node for
malicious behaviors. The key advantage of this
approach is that it is robust and scalable to network
changes and produces little overhead. The number of
RWDs on a network may increase and decrease
accordingly, in order to cope with changes in the
network topology, and, thus, RWDs may replicate or
merge. At each visiting node, a RWD deploys a
multi-layer, specification-based intrusion detection
engine, which monitors the protocols and operations
at the transport, network, and data-link layers,
protecting the most critical functionality of
MANETs. The proposed engine can detect both
known and unknown attacks without requiring a
database, and does not present high rates of false
The rest of this article is organized as follows.
Section 2, outlines the limitations of the existing
IDSs that motivate this work. Section 3, presents the
proposed IDS, focusing on both the architecture and
the detection engine. Section 4 briefly presents the
advantages of the proposed solution as well as future
work. Finally section 5 contains the conclusions.
2.1 Limitations of IDS Architectures
Taking into account the deployment environment of
MANETs and its limitation, it is evident that the
processing overhead, which is added by the IDS
architectures to the underlying network nodes,
should be kept to a minimum. However, in almost
all the cooperative IDS architectures, one or more
comprehensive detection engines (which are based
on signature or anomaly detection) are employed in
every node, without considering the limited
processing capabilities. The hierarchical IDS
architectures attempt to minimize the processing
overhead by employing comprehensive or multi-
layer detection engines only at some key nodes (i.e.,
cluster-heads), while the remaining nodes use
lightweight engines. However, the creation and
maintenance of clustered/hierarchical structures adds
extra processing load to the network nodes.
Moreover, in these architectures the relative high
nodes’ mobility, experienced in MANETs, may also
increase the processing loads of the nodes.
In both cooperative and hierarchical IDS
architectures, nodes have to exchange alerts, audit
data, and detection results that impose extra
communication overhead to the underlying network.
In the cooperative architectures, cooperation and the
SECRYPT 2010 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
related overhead takes place only when a suspicious
behavior cannot be resolved as malicious using only
local audit data. On the other hand, in the
hierarchical IDS architectures the communication
overhead takes place when clustered/hierarchical
structures are formed, a cluster-head is elected (or
re-elected), the cluster members move and change
clusters, or a cluster-head and the cluster-members
exchange audit data. The hierarchical architectures
also impose unfair workload distribution among the
network nodes, since the nodes elected as cluster-
heads are overloaded with detection responsibilities.
In both types of IDS architectures (i.e.,
cooperative and hierarchical) nodes’ mobility
decreases the detection accuracy and increases the
rate of false positives. Mobility changes the network
topology, the clusters’ structure, the routing
information maintained at each node, the created
social and trusted relationships among the nodes,
etc., influencing in that way the intrusion detection
process. Moreover, a mobile node may move away
from its neighboring nodes or from a detection
engine that resides in a cluster-head, making
cooperation for detection purposes or thorough
inspection of the node unavailable.
Regarding security, the hierarchical IDS
architectures present points of failure, since they
place the responsibility of intrusion detection in a
subset of elected nodes (i.e., cluster-heads). This fact
makes these nodes potential targets of attacks, and if
an attack succeeds then points of failure occur.
Moreover, these architectures are vulnerable to
byzantine attacks. Such an attack can take place
during the election phase of a cluster-head, where a
number of malicious nodes attempt to elect a
malicious node as cluster-head. A malicious cluster-
head may hinder intrusion detection or falsely
accuse legitimate nodes as malicious. Another
security weakness of both types of architectures (i.e.,
cooperative and hierarchical) is that they are
exposed to man in the middle and blackmail attacks.
Both of them rely on the exchange of intrusion
detection information, either between cooperating
nodes or between a cluster-head and the cluster-
members, in order to perform detections. This
information might be captured, modified, and
retransmitted by a malicious node resulting in a man
in the middle attack. Finally, a malicious node may
transmit false information when requested upon by a
cooperating neighbor or by a cluster-head, resulting
in a blackmail attack.
2.2 Limitations of Detection Engines
Signature-based engines offer low detection latency
and low rates of false positives, but they are not
effective against new types of attacks, which are not
included in the signatures database. Thus,
administrators have to create up-to-date signatures in
order to cope with new attacks. Furthermore,
maintaining and updating a signature database in a
MANET environment is difficult to achieve. Nodes
in a MANET typically have limited memory, and a
signature database requires a centralized signature
distribution authority, which is contradictory to a
MANET environment. Sterne et al. (Stern et al.,
2005) have proposed a hierarchical scheme to
distribute signatures in a MANET. However, this
adds to the communication overhead, and each node
has to allocate a specific memory portion to
maintain the signature database. In addition, in this
scheme, selfish nodes may block the signature
distribution process or provide false signatures in
order to hinder intrusion detection and impose
damage to the network.
On the other hand, anomaly-based engines are
the most popular for MANET IDSs, since they can
detect unknown attacks and do not require a
database. However, they rely on normal profiles,
which might negatively affect the efficiency and
performance of detection, in cases that dynamic
changes in the network occur. More specifically,
nodes’ mobility changes the network topology and
the routing information maintained at each node,
resulting in high rates of false positives. Adjustable
thresholds (Nadkarni et al., 2004) (Sun et al., 2007)
try to reduce these negative impacts, since they
ensure that periodical changes will remain under the
detection threshold; while malicious behaviors that
are persistent will exceed the thresholds indicating
the occurrence of attacks. If for a preset period of
time, no attack occurs, the threshold values are
raised; otherwise they are lowered. However, the use
of adjustable thresholds introduces new security
weaknesses, since malicious nodes may exploit this
mechanism. More specifically, a malicious node
may increase the threshold values, by performing
legitimately for a certain period of time. Then, if the
threshold values are high enough, it may perform an
attack, considering not exceeding the threshold
values and raising alarms.
A specification-based engine compares, at run
time, the behavior of objects (i.e., security-critical
programs, protocols, or applications) with the
associated security specifications. The latter are
created based on the expected functional behavior of
the objects. Therefore, a specification-based engine
does not directly detect attacks, as happens in
signature-based engines, but it detects the effects of
them, as run-time violations of the specifications. As
the engine relies on monitoring a set of
specifications/constraints for breaches, instead of
specific attacks, it can detect both known and
unknown attacks. Moreover, it avoids the high rates
of false alarms, since it does not use normal profiles,
as happens in anomaly detection.
In general, the development of specifications for
a specification-based engine might be a lengthy and
convoluted process, since the developer has to
determine what is the expected behavior of each
individual application or protocol, and then establish
constrains that characterize this behavior. However,
in MANETs, this overhead can be reduced since the
un-hindered operation of the network relies on
specific protocols at the transport, network, and
data-link layer, where the majority of security
attacks occur (Djenouri et al., 2005) (Yang et al.,
2004). Currently, specification-based engines for
MANETs have limited use, as they monitor only the
network layer for routing attacks (Tseng et al.,
2003), (Tseng et al., 2005), (Hassan et al., 2006),
(Huang et al., 2004), (Orset et al., 2005). In this
paper, we extend the use of specification-based
engines for MANETs that can monitor the transport,
network, and data-link layers of the network stack,
providing an integrated solution capable of detecting
the majority of critical attacks.
3.1 IDS Architecture
The proposed IDS does not require the use of
comprehensive detection engines at each network
node, like the cooperative architectures, or any static
structure like the hierarchical architectures. It
consists of several robust RWDs that randomly
traverse a network, while monitoring each visiting
node for malicious behaviour. The number of RWDs
on the network is scalable, in order to cope with
changes in the network topology and thus RWDs
may replicate or merge.
A Random Walker (RW) is a stochastic process,
which represents a path of random successive steps.
RWs can be applied to graphs, in which a RW
process begins at a node on a graph and takes
random successive steps to adjacent nodes. Thus, a
RW can be seen as a method to randomly explore a
graph (Lovasz, 1996). RWs provide a wide range of
applications in computer science, physics, statistics,
economics, and several other fields. In
communication networks, RWs algorithms exhibit
simplicity, low overhead, reliance only on local
information, robustness to changes in a graph
structure, and thus applications based on them are
becoming more and more popular.
The two key advantages of RWs are: (i) they are
inherently robust and scalable to network topology
changes, since they do not require knowledge or
state maintenance for the network structure; and (ii)
they produce little overhead. For these reasons, they
are particularly suitable in MANETs, where: (i) the
network topology changes over time, since nodes
move around the network bounds or join and leave
dynamically without centralized control; and (ii)
node resources are typically sparse. Therefore, the
advantages of RWs can be used to address the
previously mentioned limitations of the existing IDS
architectures for MANETs. Currently, RWs find a
plethora of applications in the context of MANETs,
such as querying, service discovery, routing, service
advertisement, searching, sampling, etc. (Kogias et
al., 2008). However, to the best of our knowledge,
they have not been proposed to support intrusion
detection for MANETs.
Figure 1: Layout of the RWD.
The proposed RWD is divided into five parts as
illustrated in: (i) the migration module that is
responsible for the migration process of the RWD to
a neighbouring node; (ii) the specification-based
detection engine that includes the detection
functionality of each RWD; (iii) the replication
module that enables the RWD to be replicated; (iv)
the response module that is responsible for notifying
other nodes regarding malicious behaviours detected
and for taking the required defensive action against
them; and (v) the docking service module (which is
SECRYPT 2010 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
executed in every network node) that monitors for
incoming RWDs and is responsible for accepting
and establishing a secure connection during the
migration process. The replication, response, and
docking modules are pre-installed in every node and
utilized when a RWD visits that specific node. This
approach alleviates the need for transmitting the full
functionality of the IDS, thus reducing the
communication overhead of the proposed
architecture. On the other hand, the migration and
detection modules are transferred during the RWD
migration. This is because the first performs the
migration process, while the second protects this
process from attacks and verifies that the pre-
installed modules have not been tampered.
Subsequently, the functionality of each module of
the proposed IDS is presented and analyzed.
3.1.1 Migration Module
The migration module of the RWD elects randomly
a neighbouring node. Then, it establishes a secure
communication channel with the docking service
module of the node for the secure migration of the
RWD. Security is achieved by using a symmetric
key that minimizes the use of nodes’ resources. In
particular, AES (Daemen et al., 2002) is used for
key generation, which consumes minimum battery
resources for both key setup and encoding/decoding
(Potlapally et al., 2006). To avoid the overhead of a
key distribution scheme, key exchange can be
achieved either through network steganography (Li
et al., 2009) or elliptic curve Diffie-Helman (ECDH)
(Miller, 1986) key exchange. Network
steganography allows for the creation of covert
channels, in which information is embedded within a
variety of system properties and can only be
detected by the designated user of the system. In
wireless networks, information can be conveyed
through MAC-layer covert channels (Li et al., 2009).
On the other hand, ECDH is an asymmetric key
exchange algorithm. It can be used to encrypt the
symmetric key, with minimum energy cost
(Potlapally et al., 2006) (i.e., compared to other
public key algorithms), and without any cost on
security (i.e., reduction of key size).
In general, the following steps take place during
Key generation: the migration module of the
node that initiates migration generates a
symmetric key, using AES.
Key exchange: the key is transferred to the
docking service module of the node selected for
migration (using a covert channel or ECDH), and
thus a secure channel between the two nodes is
RWD migration: the RWD migrates to the
selected node, through the newly established
secure communication channel.
The process of migration is supervised by the
detection engine, which monitors for any malicious
activity on the part of the receiving node. If the pre-
installed functionality at the receiving node is absent
or tampered, the migration process is aborted and the
receiving node is marked as malicious.
3.1.2 Detection Engine
Each RWD deploys a multi-layer, specification-
based detection engine, analyzed in detail in section
3.2. Contrary to the existing collaborative
architectures (i.e., cooperative and hierarchical), in
which detection engines monitor nodes and decide
on malicious behaviours, remotely, a RWD monitors
a specific node when it visits it. As a result, the
detection engine of a RWD is not necessary to
gather audit data from neighbouring nodes and
execute complex algorithms (i.e., anomaly
detection) to detect abnormalities. Therefore, a
simple, multi-layer, specification-based detection
engine is suitable for this architecture.
The multi-layer specification-based detection
engine has two main responsibilities: (i) to monitor
the migration process of the RWD as mentioned
previously; and (ii) to perform detection at the
visited node. Therefore, it is called by the migration
module just before the migration process, and just
after the RWD has migrated to the node. During the
migration process, the detection engine monitors for
any denial of service (DoS) attack and executes a
remote procedure call at the destination node. The
latter performs a hash check at the pre-installed IDS
modules of the destination node in order to
determine whether the functionality of IDS exists
and it has not been tampered.
After a successful migration, the detection
engine begins monitoring the visited node, for a time
, before the RWD migrates to another node.
A prolonged stay of the RWD at a node increases
the possibility of detecting an attack in it, at the cost
of not detecting attacks at neighbouring nodes. The
time T
should be sufficient for the detection
engine to detect possible attacks that take place in
the visited node. Therefore, the RWD should stay
longer in critical nodes, whose failure or malicious
behaviour has larger impact on the network.
Parameters that characterize the criticality
/significance of a monitored node include: the
number of neighbouring nodes, the number of
connections served by the node, the number of
packets traversing the node, etc. Additionally,
should be randomized to avoid its
predictability, which might be exploited by
adversaries. Following these, T
is given by
= (
denotes the minimum time required by a RWD
to detect possible attacks, T
is the extra time
added because of the criticality/significance of the
monitored node, and R is a random time added in
order to randomize T
. Finally, if a malicious
behaviour is detected, the detection engine calls the
response module, which is responsible for alerting
other nodes and taking defensive actions against the
3.1.3 Replication, Response and Docking
Service Module
The replication module is responsible for selecting
when a RWD will replicate, based on a probability
P. To achieve the most optimal network coverage, a
topology-dependent replication policy is used. In
such policy, the probability of replication increases
in dense network areas, allowing RWDs to cover
different network paths. As the number of
neighbouring nodes increases, the probability for
replication increases exponentially. A generic
replication probability is given by (2):
) =− e
+ 1
where k
is the number of neighbours of a node in
which the RWD resides at. Having a low replication
probability leads to scenarios where only a few
RWDs traverse the network, increasing the time
required to reach a malicious node and detect an
attack (i.e., response time). On the other hand,
having a high replication probability leads to
flooding, where too many RWDs traverse the
network. In future work, analytic and simulations
studies will provide optimal values for the
replication probability. When two or more RWDs
visit the same node simultaneously, they merge in
order to limit the amount of RWDs traversing the
MANET and avoid redundant coverage at that
particular network portion.
The response module is called by the detection
engine when a malicious behaviour is detected. It is
responsible for notifying the user(s) or
administrator(s) for the detected behaviour and may
take defensive actions against the attack, such as
removing a malicious node from the routing table
and notifying non-malicious nodes.
Finally, the docking service module is the only
part of the proposed IDS that operates, continually,
at every node on the network. It is executed as a
system service and monitors for incoming RWDs.
When a RWD attempts to migrate to a node, the
node’s docking service module is responsible for
receiving a key and establishing a secure
communication channel with the migration module
of the node that the RWD originates from.
3.2 The Multi-layer Specification-based
Detection Engine
The proposed detection engine performs detections
using a set of specifications, which describe the
normal node’s operations at different layers,
providing an aggregated solution. It monitors the
most important protocols that provide end-to-end
connectivity, routing, packet forwarding, and link
layer connectivity. The advantage of this approach is
twofold: (i) the overhead of specifications
development can be reduced, since aggregated
specifications are developed that focus on the three
most important protocol layers; and (ii) the proposed
multi-layer engine detects the majority of attacks
(Djenouri et al., 2004) (Yang et al., 2004) that occur
in MANETs, protecting the most critical/significant
network operations.
In order to present the proposed engine, we use a
Finite State Machine (FSM). Each state of the FSM
corresponds to either a legitimate or malicious
behaviour of the monitored node. A transition from
one state to another is triggered by the node’s
operations/actions. Specifications are defined as a
tuple (S, NO, S
, δ, F) where S is the set of all
possible states; NO is the set of node operations; S
is the initial state; δ is a function that maps node
operations from a previous state to the current state;
and F is the set of final states that correspond to
malicious behaviours. The proposed multi-layer
specification-based engine is a set of FSMs designed
to monitor the correct operation of critical protocols
at the transport, network, and data-link layers. To
exemplify the operation of the engine, we illustrate a
limited set of specifications, which enable the
detection of some critical attacks, demonstrated in
the following subsections. They cover the transport,
network, and data-link layers and enable the
detection of routing table poisoning, DoS, blackhole,
impersonation, session hijacking, and SYN flooding
SECRYPT 2010 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
attacks. In the following, for each layer, we analyze
the specifications being monitored and outline the
attacks detected.
3.2.1 Transport Layer Specifications
The transport layer protocols provide end-to-end
connection, reliable packet delivery, flow control,
congestion control, etc. The most important
protocols at this layer are TCP and UDP used for
connection-oriented and connectionless
communication, respectively. Possible attacks that
might be carried out at this layer include SYN
flooding, session hijacking, UDP flooding, land
attack, port scanning, man-in-the-middle, and
spoofing. In
Figure 2, we present a limited set of
specifications used to supervise the correct
establishment and operation of TCP connections at a
node. It is well-known that a TCP connection is
established through a three-way handshake. When
the monitored node initiates a TCP connection, the
detection engine should determine whether the node
is attempting to establish a legitimate connection. To
achieve this, it monitors whether: (i) the node
encapsulates its legitimate address in the transmitted
packets; and (ii) it acknowledges the three-way
handshake. If the node attempts to encapsulate a
false address or avoid transmitting an
acknowledgment (ACK) packet, the engine reaches
a state of malicious behaviour.
Figure 2: Transport layer specifications.
As illustrated in Figure 2, the engine remains in
the initial state S
, while no new TCP connection
takes place. When a TCP connection is initiated, the
engine moves to S
. In this state, it verifies whether
the monitored node encapsulates its actual address in
the transmitted packets. If it attempts to encapsulate
a different address, then the final state S
is reached,
designating that the node is performing an
impersonation (i.e., spoofing) attack. By transmitting
a false address to a target node, the monitored node
might also attempt a session hijacking attack, in
which it impersonates a victim node and continues a
session that was open between the victim and the
target node. On the other hand, if the monitored
node encapsulates its legitimate address, the engine
moves to S
. In this state, it monitors whether an
ACK is received from the remote node. If such a
packet is received, the engine moves to S
. In this
state the monitored node has to transmit an ACK
packet to finalize the three-way handshake. If this
happens, the engine returns to S
; otherwise, it
reaches the final state S
, designating that the node
attempts a SYN flood attack, since it does not
complete the initiated TCP connection.
3.2.2 Network Layer Specifications
In MANETs, connectivity beyond one-hop
neighbours is provided by routing protocols, which
rely on the cooperation of all nodes. The most
popular routing protocols for MANETs are the Ad-
hoc On Demand Distance Vector (AODV) and the
Dynamic Source Routing (DSR). Since both
protocols are cooperative and distributed in nature,
they are susceptible to a variety of attacks, which
include wormholes, blackholes, byzantine, routing
table overflow, routing table poisoning, rushing,
packet fabrication, non-existing link advertisement,
packet dropping, etc. Nevertheless, the majority of
these attacks can be detected by monitoring the
operation of the employed routing protocol.
Figure 3: AODV monitoring specifications.
In Figure 3, we illustrate a limited set of
specifications that monitor the AODV routing
protocol, which establishes routes on demand. To
ensure its correct operation, the engine supervises all
route control messages at a node. When a node
requires establishing a route to a destination node, it
broadcasts a route request message (RREQ) to all of
its neighbours. Nodes receiving the RREQ store a
reverse route to the source node and forward the
message. When the destination node receives the
RREQ, it unicasts a route reply message (RREP)
back to the source node. Intermediate nodes
receiving the RREP store the route to the destination
node in their routing tables. If the route to the
destination node is broken, then a route error
message (RERR) is transmitted back to the source
As presented in
Figure 3, the detection engine
awaits for incoming RREQ at the initial state S
When a RREQ is received, the engine moves to S
and observes the route validation process performed
by the monitored node. If the requested route exists,
the engine moves to S
. In this state, the expected
behaviour is to reply with a RREP. If this occurs, the
route request process is completed and the engine
returns to the initial state S
. Otherwise, if the
monitored node attempts to reply with a RERR
message, the final state S
is reached, designating a
DoS attack, since the node attempts to avoid
participation in the routing process. On the other
hand, if the requested route does not exist, the
engine moves from S
to state S
. In S
, the
legitimate behaviour of the monitored node would
be to reply with a RERR message. If this happens,
the engine returns to the initial state S
. Otherwise, if
the node attempts to transmit a RREP message, the
final state S
is reached, designating a routing table
poisoning or blackhole attack. In these attacks, the
node misinforms other nodes regarding a non-
existing route. Advertising such a route, the node
attracts traffic in order to intercept packets. Then, it
drops the packets without forwarding them.
3.2.3 Data-link Layer Specifications
The data-link layer is responsible for one-hop
connectivity between neighbouring nodes. It consists
of the Logical Link Control (LLC) and the Media
Access Control (MAC) sub-layers. The IEEE 802.11
MAC protocol is a standard for MANETs,
responsible for the coordination of transmissions on
a common communication medium. It utilizes a
distributed contention resolution mechanism for
sharing the wireless channel among multiple
wireless nodes. In this mechanism, when a node
wants to transmit data, it initiates the process by
sending a request to send (RTS) frame, and the
destination node replies with a clear to send (CTS)
frame. Any other node receiving the RTS or CTS
frames retreats from transmitting any data for a
certain time. The protocol is vulnerable to a variety
of attacks such as DoS, traffic analysis, monitoring,
MAC disruption, etc.
Figure 4, we illustrate a limited set of
specifications that facilitate the engine to monitor
the 802.11 MAC for DoS attacks. It observes
whether the monitored node has any data to transmit
(i.e., state S
). When this occurs, it moves to S
monitors whether the communication channel is
clear (i.e., the monitored node has not overheard an
RTS/CTS, and the communication channel is not in
use). If the later holds, the engine returns to the
initial state S
; otherwise, it moves to state S
. In this
state, the engine observes whether the monitored
node attempts to use the occupied communication
channel or retreats, until the RTS/CTS timer expires.
If it attempts to transmit data, then the engine moves
to the final state S
, designating that the node is
attempting a DoS attack. Otherwise, if there is no
transmission within the RTS/CTS timeframe, the
engine moves to the initial state S
Figure 4: 802.11 MAC protocol specifications.
The proposed RW-based IDS presents significant
advantages compared to the existing IDSs for
MANETs, which are briefly analysed bellow. The
use of a specification-based engine enables the
detection of known and unknown attacks, and
alleviates the need for a signature database. In
addition, the proposed detection engine is not prone
to high rates of false alarms, as happens in anomaly-
based detection, in cases that dynamic changes occur
in the network (i.e., churn, changes in the topology,
high node’s mobility, etc.). A unique engine
monitors the transport, network, and data-link layers,
reducing the overhead typically associated with the
development of specifications and facilitating the
detection of most critical types of attacks. Current
specification-based engines for MANETs focus only
at the network layer and detect only routing attacks.
SECRYPT 2010 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
The proposed IDS architecture imposes less
processing overhead than the stand-alone and
cooperative architectures, since it does not require a
comprehensive detection engine at each node.
Furthermore, the processing workload is uniformly
distributed among the network nodes, since the
RWDs are moved randomly. The communication
load imposed by the movement (i.e., migration
process) of RWDs consists of the volume of the
executable code of the detection engine, while the
remaining functionality is pre-installed on each
network node. Thus, during the migration of a RWD
only a small volume of data will be transmitted.
Moreover, the communication overhead from the
migration process on each link does not occur
constantly, as happens in both cooperative and
hierarchical architectures. The detection accuracy of
the proposed IDS is not negatively affected by
nodes’ mobility, since detection does not rely on
cooperation from other nodes or cluster members.
The proposed IDS does not create points of
failure, since detection responsibilities are not
concentrated to a specific node or a fixed set of
nodes. A possible attack against one or more RWDs
does not hinder the detection process in a network,
since other RWDs traverse it. Moreover, the
proposed IDS is not vulnerable to man-in-the-middle
and blackmails attacks, since RWDs do not
exchange audit data and the migration process of a
RWD is protected through the use of an encrypted
communication channel. Finally, since the detection
tasks of a node are not assigned to other nodes, the
proposed IDS does not enable malicious nodes to
accuse legitimate nodes for malicious behaviour.
In future work, the proposed IDS will be
evaluated through analytic and simulation studies
and compared with existing IDSs. More specifically,
the RW-based architecture will be evaluated using:
(a) the response time to attacks, (b) the monitoring
time of a node, and (c) the ratio of RWDs/nodes. By
examining the response time of a RWD to attacks,
we can assess the time period that nodes remain
without protection when an attack takes place, and
thus adjust the replication mechanism accordingly.
The monitoring time of nodes (depends on nodes
criticality/significance) exhibits the distribution of
workload between nodes and is closely related to the
detection accuracy, the ratio of false positives and
the consumption of resources. Examining the ratio
of RWD/nodes, we can assess the scalability of the
proposed architecture in cases that the number of
nodes increases or decreases. On the other hand, the
specifications of the proposed engine will be further
elaborated and enhanced to address the entire
protocols employed at the transport, network, and
data-link layers of MANETs. Moreover, the
proposed engine will be evaluated regarding: (a) the
provided detection accuracy, (b) the rate of false
positives, and (c) the capability of detecting various
attacks at multiple layers. Finally, we will evaluate
the robustness of the proposed IDS under a variety
of security attacks, and the level of security provided
by the network steganography.
MANETs are susceptible to a variety of attacks that
primarily target the protocols of the transport,
network, and data-link layers. Currently, a large
number of IDSs have been proposed that protect
MANETs; however, the majority of them presents
limitations and weaknesses, which mainly derive
from the fact that they are inherited from static or
mobile networks. This paper proposes a novel IDS
that attempts to addresses the limitations and
weaknesses of the existing IDSs. It includes a
random walk-based architecture and a multi-layer,
specification-based detection engine. The proposed
architecture imposes less processing and
communication overhead to the underlying network,
it distributes uniformly the processing workload
among the network nodes, and it is robust to
dynamic network changes. Moreover, it does not
create points of failure, and it is not vulnerable to
man-in-the-middle and blackmail attacks. On the
other hand, the proposed engine enables the
detection of both known and unknown attacks, and
alleviates the need for a signature database. Finally,
it is not prone to high rates of false alarms.
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