A Survey of Electronic Collaboration Systems
Bettina Schauer, Michael Zeiller and Doris Riedl
Information Technology and Information Studies, University of Applied Sciences Burgenland
Campus 1, Eisenstadt, Austria
Keywords: Electronic Collaboration, Collaboration Systems, Social Software, Groupware, Cooperation, Classification.
Abstract: Electronic collaboration systems that support and enable communication, coordination and collaboration
between people in shared projects, processes and teams within organisations and for cross-organisational
use have significantly changed under the influence of Web 2.0 technologies and social software. The
electronic collaboration marketplace is made up of numerous systems that offer a large variety of features.
A classification approach is presented that classifies electronic collaboration systems and thus structures the
diverse collaboration marketplace. Collaboration systems are evaluated and compared using a set of
evaluation criteria that allow for the assessment of all major collaboration tasks. Thus completeness of
systems as well as the main focus of applicability of individual collaboration systems is determined.
Web 2.0, social software and Enterprise 2.0 are
major trends that shaped information technology
throughout the last years. Collaborative software has
also been massively influenced by those concepts
and technologies. Tools previously denoted under
the terms Computer Supported Cooperative Work
(CSCW) or groupware gained new momentum. The
market of CSCW and groupware changed and
converted to a marketplace of various kinds of
electronic collaboration systems.
The appearance of social software – briefly
defined as “software that supports group interaction”
(Shirky, 2002 in Allen, 2004) – was one of the major
driving forces in the change of the collaboration
marketplace. In 2006 McAfee coined the term
Enterprise 2.0 in his trend-setting paper "Enterprise
2.0: The Dawn of Emergent Collaboration" pointing
out how companies can benefit from Web 2.0
technologies to support their knowledge workers
(McAfee, 2006a). McAfee (2006b) defines
Enterprise 2.0 as "... the use of emergent social
software platforms within companies, or between
companies and their partners or customers".
However, the most important application of social
software in the enterprise is to support group
interaction and group collaboration.
Due to this impact of social software new tools and
new vendors appeared on the market of collaborative
software. Renowned “groupware” vendors
reorganized their portfolio and introduced new
social software features in their products. A number
of open source solutions appeared as well. This led
to a marketplace of high complexity and diversity
containing a lot of different kinds of electronic
collaboration systems.
In this paper we present an approach to classify
electronic collaboration systems and thus to
structure the entire marketplace. Collaboration
systems are evaluated and compared using a set of
evaluation criteria. Criteria are chosen that cover the
entire range of collaboration tasks and interaction
processes (the 4Cs communication, cooperation,
collaboration, connection; supplemented by cross-
sectional features). We focus on complete solutions
of collaboration systems that support multiple kinds
of social interaction.
In section 2 we narrow down the group of
electronic collaboration systems we want to discuss
and present related market studies and classification
schemes. Section 3 introduces our approach of
evaluating E-Collaboration systems and specifies a
set of evaluation criteria. In section 4 the evaluation
approach is demonstrated by comparing the results
on a number of collaboration systems. Section 5
concludes this paper.
Schauer B., Zeiller M. and Riedl D. (2010).
REVIEWING THE E-COLLABORATION MARKETPLACE - A Survey of Electronic Collaboration Systems.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on e-Business, pages 69-75
DOI: 10.5220/0002991100690075
Electronic Collaboration - short: E-Collaboration or
eCollaboration – is operationally defined by Kock
(2005) in a general way as "collaboration using
electronic technologies among different individuals
to accomplish a common task". According to Kock
(2005) research on Electronic Collaboration should
include research on Computer-mediated
Communication as well as research on Computer
Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) (Wilson,
1991). However, we will focus on computer-
supported Electronic Collaboration with the help of
E-Collaboration systems.
2.1 e-Collaboration Systems
Riemer (2007) describes E-Collaboration systems as
"software for supporting communication,
coordination and cooperation between people
processes in groups". Several synonyms are often
used interchangeably for this category of
information systems: groupware, CSCW systems,
collaborative software, cooperation systems.
Riemer’s definition is based on the basic types of
social interaction that can be found in CSCW
systems and groupware: communication –
coordination – cooperation (Teufel et al., 1995). In a
similar way Cook (2008) uses four primary
functions to classify social software: communication
– cooperation – collaboration – connection.
Communication allows people to converse with
others and exchange information with the help of
synchronous (e.g., chat, conferencing tools) and
asynchronous (e.g., email, weblog, microblogging)
communication tools (Riemer, 2009; Cook, 2008).
Communication can be differentiated by medium –
chronology – group of people.
Coordination allows a temporal or issue-related
matching and agreement on tasks and resources.
Typical operations of coordination support team
members in coordinating appointments, processes
and tasks in projects, plus surveys and ad-hoc
workflow management.
Collaboration is a working practice whereby
individuals work together on a non-routine cognitive
task to achieve a common purpose (Austin and
Burton, 2004; AIIM, n.d.). Collaboration encourages
people to work with each other on particular
problems, with shared commitment and goals (Cook,
2008). Collaboration tools encompass for example
wikis and whiteboards, application sharing and
desktop sharing. Collaboration takes advantage of
the services of communication and coordination.
Cook (2008) adds another primary function to
social software and Enterprise 2.0 tools: connection.
Networking technologies enable people to make
connections with and between both content and
other people. Social networking is the most
prevailing technology for connection, but there are
also a number of enabling technologies like people
profiling and people search.
In terms of this market analysis E-Collaboration
systems are defined as software for supporting and
enabling communication, coordination and
collaboration between people in shared projects,
processes and teams within organisations and for
cross-organisational use (following Riemer, 2009).
Tasks in Electronic Collaboration can be assigned to
one of the primary interaction processes (the 4Cs):
Complete E-Collaboration systems have to support
all four types of social interaction.
2.2 Classification of e-Collaboration
There exist several scientific and commercial market
studies on E-Collaboration systems that structure
and organize available software packages into
system classes and categories and set up descriptive
criteria. Riemer (2007) provides an in-depth analysis
of E-Collaboration systems using cluster analysis.
Riemer’s catalogue of classification criteria is made
up of six categories: group processes
(communication, coordination, collaboration), usage
of system (continuous, situational), role for group
(primary, secondary), types of communication (e.g.,
text/voice/video messages, email, voice/video call,
text/voice/video conference), shared resources and
features (e.g., forum, surveys, application sharing,
group calendar, whiteboard), awareness (informal,
group structural, social, workspace). Using a cluster
analysis Riemer identifies five system classes:
everyday systems, integrated systems, coordination
systems, meeting systems and specialized tools.
Illik (2009) structures E-Collaboration systems
into five categories that are arranged in layers:
Live communication (top)
Extended team communication
Basic team communication
Team repository
ICE-B 2010 - International Conference on e-Business
Knowledge management (bottom)
Essential features are located at the bottom. Higher
layers increase effectiveness and efficiency in teams.
The Forrester Wave™: Collaboration Platforms, Q2
2009 evaluates 11 vendors against more than 60
criteria that are arranged in three major groups:
current offering, strategy, market presence
(Koplowitz, 2009). The biggest group is current
offering that is made up of seven groups:
collaboration platform, language support,
architecture and administration, monitoring and
reporting, security, cross-platform support,
information workplace readiness.
In contrary to theses studies our evaluation
approach focuses on complete E-Collaboration
solutions only (i.e., similar to integrated systems
according to Riemer, 2007) that have to cover
collaboration, coordination, communication and
connection features to a certain extent. To allow for
an objective evaluation of E-Collaboration systems
the evaluation criteria and their weighting is based
on a standardized reference use case that represents
typical collaboration tasks. For specific scenarios
this approach can be easily adapted (especially using
individual weights, see section 3.3) to meet the
particular needs of the customer.
The evaluation of E-Collaboration systems involved
the following three steps.
1) Selection of e-Collaboration Systems. Potential
candidates for evaluation were selected according to
predefined criteria which each tool had to fulfil in
order to be defined as a complete E-Collaboration
system. The result of this step was a list of E-
Collaboration systems for evaluation.
2) Definition of Evaluation Criteria. The features
and functionalities offered by E-Collaboration
Systems were assigned to the four categories of
social interaction processes – the 4Cs
communication, cooperation, collaboration,
connection. This step resulted in a feature list
grouped by the 4C categories.
3) Assessment. Each E-Collaboration system was
evaluated according to the functionalities belonging
to the four categories. The result of the evaluation
process was an assessment of E-Collaboration
systems comparing their strengths and weaknesses
according to the 4C categories complemented by
supporting categories.
3.1 Selection of e-Collaboration
In a first step before the actual evaluation, tool
candidates for the assessment had to be selected.
This step involved defining criteria a tool had to
fulfil to be regarded as an E-Collaboration system.
Each tool had to provide at least some
functionalities to support all four types of social
interaction summarised as the 4Cs. Thus the support
of information processing, communication as well as
coordination were defined as “must have” criteria.
Collaboration software had to offer information
processing features as well as communication
facilities (at least asynchronous communication
services like email) as well as coordination features,
e.g., a group calendar, to be regarded as a complete
E-Collaboration system. Furthermore an E-
Collaboration system should offer functionalities for
information sharing as well as synchronous live
The reason for this pre-selection was that the
assessment should contain complete systems for E-
Collaboration that cover a variety of features instead
of specialised solutions like just a wiki or a weblog.
The selection process resulted in a list of about 40
software packages that qualified for the assessment.
Among these tool candidates were the products of
common vendors like Microsoft Office SharePoint
Server 2007, IBM Lotus, Oracle Beehive and Oracle
Collaboration Suite as well as open source products
like for example Zimbra Collaboration Suite,
phpGroupWare, OpenGroupware, Novell Open
Workgroup Suite or Alfresco Share. The review also
included systems of the visionaries as defined by the
Gartner survey (2009) like Jive, Telligent or
Socialtext Collaboration Platform.
3.2 Evaluation Criteria According to
the 4Cs of Social Interaction
Based on reviews from literature, analysis of case
studies and related market studies of E-
Collaboration systems a feature list of all typical
functionalities offered by such systems was
established. In order to assess the E-Collaboration
systems according to their strengths and weaknesses
for certain applications these functionalities were
grouped into the four categories of social interaction
depending on their primary support (see section 2.1):
REVIEWING THE E-COLLABORATION MARKETPLACE - A Survey of Electronic Collaboration Systems
The category communication (16 features in total)
was split into the sub-categories synchronous
communication (instant messaging, conferencing
functionalities, telephone, etc.), asynchronous
communication (email, blogs, comments, etc.) and
social presence. The category coordination covers
features (18 in total) for task management, project
management, workflows, organisation of meetings
and appointments. Features for shared content
production such as wikis or whiteboards and for
content administration like shared folders, shared
documents, versioning or tagging were assigned to
the category collaboration (25 features in total), see
Table 2 (section 4). These features were
complemented by supporting technologies for shared
content production like social tagging, social
bookmarking and social cataloguing and by
administrative services. The category connection
comprises functionalities (7 in total) such as e.g.
social networks, people search or people profiling.
In addition to these 4C categories some more
characteristics of E-Collaboration systems were
considered to be important for the evaluation. These
criteria included functions that do not belong to one
of the 4C categories but support all of them. Such
functionalities (16 in total) include e.g. newsfeeds,
personalisation, alerts, configurable areas, mashups,
search, filtering, rating, documentation, (online) help
and the support of handheld deliveries.
Administration of E-Collaboration systems was also
an important aspect of the evaluation in addition to
the 4C criteria. Some of the administrative features
assessed (10 in total) were user management,
scalability, configuration, integration into existing
systems and backup or recovery.
3.3 Assessment of e-Collaboration
For the assessment the features of the various
categories were weighted according to their
importance within the category. The weights were
assessed for a standard team collaboration scenario.
In case of a specific application the weights have to
be adjusted according to the particular needs. Each
E-Collaboration system was assessed according to
whether it supported a feature or not. In case the
feature was supported the weight of this feature was
added to the score of the E-Collaboration system in
the respective category, in case the feature was not
supported it did not increase the score.
The assessment resulted in a score for each category
with a maximum of 100% per category as the
evaluation was not undertaken for a specific use-
case and thus all 4Cs were supposed to be equally
important. Thus it is possible to compare E-
Collaboration systems according to their suitability
for supporting the 4C categories. The total of 100%
per category was split up into scores representing the
relative importance of the subcategories. The scores
of the subcategories were again split up into scores
for each functionality – see Table 2.
In addition to the quantitative assessment
qualitative data was collected for each E-
Collaboration system. The data included facts about
the system like name, vendor, version and which
operating systems, browsers or databases are
supported as well as a valuation of the general
strengths and weaknesses of the E-Collaboration
In the following, due to space restrictions, the results
of five examples out of the 40 E-Collaboration
systems evaluated in November & December 2009
are presented, deliberately not including the market
leaders Microsoft and IBM.
Alfresco Share an open source tool for
enterprise content management by Alfresco
Software Ltd
Socialtext an enterprise social software by
Socialtext Incorporated
Zimbra Collaboration Suite an open source
collaboration application by Zimbra
Jive Social Business Software an enterprise
communication and collaboration platform by
Jive Software.
PHProject an open source groupware suite by
Table 1 shows the scores that each system achieved
in the categories communication, coordination,
collaboration and connection as well as cross
sectional functionalities and administration out of
100% as the total score for each category.
Socialtext offers an intuitive user interface combined
with a lot of functionality that is highly integrated
into the features offered by this suite. It provides
new technologies like microblogging or mashups.
Thus the strengths of Socialtext lie in the categories
communication and connection. The main focus is
on the social aspect by transparently connecting
people with the corresponding content.
ICE-B 2010 - International Conference on e-Business
Table 1: Evaluation of five E-Collaboration systems.
Socialtext Zimbra Jive
18% 74% 63% 55% 51%
Coordination 29% 25% 65% 30% 83%
Collaboration 70% 69% 59% 51% 61%
Connection 50% 86% 58% 78% 58%
Cross sectional
59% 95% 51% 76% 55%
Administration 66% 87% 67% 76% 72%
Zimbra offered most functionalities in supporting
coordination activities and provides an easy to use
interface with a familiar look and feel. Its strengths
are extensive search options, tagging for all sorts of
content and the synchronisation with handheld
deliveries. Webservices can be integrated into the
workspaces by so called Zimlets. Zimbra offers
good support for collaboration in small teams but it
lacks on overview of the whole organisation and all
corresponding projects.
Jive SBS´s strength is the category connection. It
offers many features for building employee
communities using social networking concepts.
Personal information about authors can be found
throughout the entire collaborative content
environment. Coordination features (e.g. no
workflow support and only average project
management support) are not among the strengths of
this suite. However, a lot of additional cross-
sectional and administrative functions depict Jive
SBS as a technologically mature platform rated by
Gartner (2009) as one of the market leaders.
PHProject got the best evaluation in the category
coordination. This is no surprise as PHProject was
designed as a groupware tool for project
management. It offers standard project management
features such as task and resource management as
well as the coordination of schedules and the
administration of meetings. PHProject also allows
managing multiple projects. A weak spot of the
system is little functionality in the category
Alfresco Share was the most extensive tool for
collaboration. Its specific strength is the
administration of shared content. All features offered
by Alfresco are highly integrated. Communication is
the weak spot of the tool as email is not supported.
Alfresco is an open-source E-Collaboration system
and thus offers high adaptability. It is recommended
for the collaborative work of small teams because
for larger teams one quickly loses track.
Table 2 shows the results of the evaluation of
Alfresco in the category collaboration. For each
functionality Alfresco got the according score if the
feature was supported (
z) or not ({). In the future
this score will be replaced by a more precise
evaluation providing information not only if a
feature is supported but in addition how well it is
supported. This will be symbolised on a five level
scale also using quarter, half or three-quarter circles
(not included in Table 2 yet).
Table 2: Functionalities and weights of the category
collaboration – scores for Alfresco Share.
Category Collaboration
Supported Alfresco
Share Score
Shared Content Production
Wiki 10,0
z 10,00
Whiteboard 3,00 { 0,00
Synchronously Shared
4,00 { 0,00
Shared Ideas / Brainstorming 3,00 { 0,00
Working together on the
same objects
Social Tagging 6,75 z 6,75
Social Bookmarking 6,00 z 6,00
Social Cataloguing 2,25 { 0,00
Administration of shared
Document Sharing 7,50 z 7,50
Image Sharing 2,00 z 2,00
Video/Audio Sharing 2,00 z 2,00
Restricted Access for Content 4,00 z 4,00
Restricted Access for Folder 2,50 z 2,50
Check in/Check out 5,00 z 5,00
Up & download 5,00 z 5,00
Versioning 4,00 z 4,00
Archiving 2,50 { 0,00
Folder / Shared Folder 7,50 z 7,50
REVIEWING THE E-COLLABORATION MARKETPLACE - A Survey of Electronic Collaboration Systems
Table 2: Functionalities and weights of the category
collaboration – scores for Alfresco Share (Cont.).
Category Collaboration
Supported Alfresco
Share Score
Shared Content Production
Content Tagging 4,00 z 4,00
Folder Tagging 1,50 z 1,50
Personal Site 2,50 z 2,50
Creating Documents out of
the Shared Workspace
Textdocument 5,25 { 0,00
Calculation 1,50 { 0,00
Presentation 1,50 { 0,00
Graphics 0,75 { 0,00
…using MS Office 6,00 { 0,00
Figure 1 provides an overview of the assessment
results for the five sample E-Collaboration systems
in the basic categories depicting the strengths and
weaknesses of these tools.
Figure 1: Overview of the assessment of five example
E-Collaboration systems.
This market review presents a software evaluation
approach adjusted to the special requirements of the
steadily changing E-Collaboration market.
Practitioners and IT-experts will find a set of
evaluation criteria and an easy to adopt evaluation
approach that provides an overview of the strengths
and weaknesses of available software products. It
can be easily adjusted to evaluate and select E-
Collaboration systems for specific application
scenarios. In this case, our set of features and
functional criteria provides an excellent basis that
can easily be supplemented by technical criteria
(e.g., concerning integration issues), financial
criteria (e.g., licensing and distribution model) and
vendor criteria (e.g., ability to execute).
This market review focuses on E-Collaboration
systems that cover all aspects of social interaction.
Therefore only software products have been tested
that support all 4Cs of electronic collaboration:
communication, coordination, collaboration and
connection. The huge market of software products
that cover only a fraction of functionality and
provide specialised features in a smaller application
segment has been excluded deliberately (for general
market studies see e.g. Hinchcliffe, 2007; CMS
Watch, 2009; Gartner, 2009). However, companies
and institutions that want to implement or enhance a
comprehensive electronic collaboration strategy will
need to look at complete E-Collaboration packages.
Assessment of E-Collaboration systems based on
the presented approach will continue on a
continuous basis leading to a periodic report on the
E-Collaboration marketplace. Ratings on the
analysed software packages will be available in an
online database in the future.
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REVIEWING THE E-COLLABORATION MARKETPLACE - A Survey of Electronic Collaboration Systems