Khan Ferdous Wahid
Department of ICT, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain
Javier Rubio-Loyola
CINVESTAV Tamaulipas, Mexico City, Mexico
Layer-2 security, Link security, Secure communication, Secure channel, ID-based security.
Considering the dominance of Ethernet with upcoming 100 Gbps line rate, service providers want to reduce
their transport networks to simpler Layer-2 networks. Since existing Ethernet security mechanisms protect
links in hop-by-hop basis, they cannot control access for disloyal authorized users in virtual or logical shared
media infrastructure LANs. Also they leave data in clear inside intermediate systems, which increase threats
when these systems are placed in public places. To address these critical security issues, we propose an authen-
ticated on-demand secure bridging solution that can provide a point-to-point secure channel between Ingress
and Egress Bridges across Bridged Ethernet network. To build such secure channel, we use Identity-based
authenticated key agreement and signature protocol. Experimental results using our prototype software on a
small multi-segment Ethernet network suggest that our solution is feasible, and guarantees secure bridging.
The need for broadband networks and high transfer
rate is rapidly increasing with progressive deploy-
ment of new technologies. Communication between
Servers in Data Centers and usage of multimedia ap-
plications (voice, video etc.) by end users are the driv-
ing force behind the growth. Also companies have
to share large scale information as fast as possible
without any disruption. Service providers must adopt
these demands in a cost effective manner. Ethernet
is considered as a promising solution for the trans-
port protocol because of its simplicity, high capacity,
easy management, easy deployment and cost effec-
tiveness. So Ethernet has evolved towards Metropoli-
tan Area Network (MAN) although it was originally
designed for Local Area Network (LAN), and un-
protected components of the LAN are leaving secure
premises. Hence Layer-2 (Data Link Layer) security
is a rising concern in Computer Networks.
Uncontrolled access to LAN transmission and
source unauthentication can help a station to mas-
querade the sender and to use unauthorized resources.
Also non-recipient stations can get data in promiscu-
ous mode and can change without an acknowledge-
ment. Moreover, flat nature of Layer-2 address format
validates any standard Media Access Control (MAC)
address on a LAN, so intrusion becomes a tradition.
The network community has faced many well known
attacks on Layer-2 over the last several years. We are
not describing any of these threats, because they have
enjoyed rigorous analysis by community including
manufacturers (Altunbasak, Krasser, Owen, Grim-
minger, Huth and Sokol, 2005; Vyncke and Paggen,
2007) and many of them only exist in unsecured net-
works, but our main target is to address the existing
gaps in current security mechanisms. Also recently
published surveys (Furnell, 2004; Bhandari, Grewal
and Jha, 2006; Kolodgy, Pintal and Burke, 2008) de-
pict the rise of insider attacks in organizations. Thus,
one could certainly imagine the risks in the large scale
deployment of Ethernet. Furthermore, no Layer-2 se-
curity approach requires a change in the upper layer
business applications and this transparent behavior is
a dominant factor to its growth.
The IEEE 802 LAN/MAN Standards Committee
provided the Media Access Control Security (MAC-
sec) (IEEE802.1AE, 2006) to encrypt and decrypt
frames, whereas the key agreement scheme is pro-
vided by Port-based Network Access Control (IEEE
Ferdous Wahid K. and Rubio-Loyola J. (2010).
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Security and Cryptography, pages 251-260
DOI: 10.5220/0002992202510260
P802.1X-2010, 2009). Besides, Secure Device Iden-
tity (IEEE P802.1AR, 2009) cryptographically binds
an identity to a device. So the device should identify
itself to a central authority before it can enable op-
eration to get access in the network. These security
mechanisms mainly control the unauthorized access,
but authorized users have full power inside their se-
cure domain, which facilitates disloyal users to abuse
services. How they can abuse is described in detail at
the next section. These mechanisms secure each link
(physical and virtual) separately, which leaves data in
plain text format inside the intermediate systems (e.g.,
Bridges). Thus, physical access to these systems pro-
vides full wiretapping facility.
Here, we present an Identity-based (ID) authenti-
cated on-demand secure bridging mechanism which
provides a point-to-point secure channel between
Ingress Bridges (IB) and Egress Bridges (EB) over
multiple links in Bridged Ethernet network. Our
proposal aims to address the unsecured zones inside
Bridges, thus limits the nature and extent of attacks.
Our system uses several well-known security pro-
tocols (Yuan and Li, 2005; Hess, 2003; FIPS-197,
2001), which are comprehensively described in Sec-
tion 3. The point-to-point nature of our solution pro-
vides full confidentiality between participating en-
tities, and our multi-link secure channel eliminates
unsecured zones. Co-operating with existing stan-
dard mechanisms and providing minimal infrastruc-
ture change while securing the existing gaps make the
design and implementation of our solution a challeng-
ing problem. We clearly elaborate our implementa-
tion on a small multi-link Ethernet network in fourth
section, also we clarify security, efficiency and limi-
tation of our system. Then we describe related work
in Section 5. Lastly, we conclude our paper in Section
Here, we provide brief descriptions of existing Layer-
2 security mechanisms and elaborate on the limita-
tions that we have mentioned in previous section.
2.1 MACsec and Port-based Network
Access Control
The Media Access Control Security (MACsec)
mainly describes encoding mechanisms of the se-
cure frame, incorporation of the secure entity in sys-
tems and operations of the supported secure services
(IEEE802.1AE, 2006). On the other hand, Port-based
Network Access Control provides the authentication,
secure association and key agreement features. To-
gether they provide the complete operations to se-
cure a link. So each device incorporates MACsec and
Port-based Network Access Control feature and sup-
port either group or point-to-point security on a seg-
ment. Group security requires the capability of vir-
tual ports creation inside each port, which is recom-
mended only in the Bridge ports for easy management
of the Bridged network.
The Extensible Authentication Protocol over LAN
(EAPOL) helps the Supplicant (end-station) to get
the authentication through Authenticator (Bridge),
whereas the communication between the Authentica-
tor and Authentication Server (AS) is done through
the Authentication, Authorization and Accounting
(AAA) protocol, typically RADIUS. On successful
authentication, AS sends a master key which is used
to generate a secure connectivity association between
Supplicant and Authenticator. Then the Authentica-
tor sends the randomly generated Secure Association
Key (SAK) to the supplicant over that connectivity
association. When the group security is needed, the
bridge creates individual connectivity association to
each member of a shared medium to individually send
the same SAK. Finally, MACsec encrypts the user
data using the SAK and attaches a MACsec security
tag (SecTAG) in front of the secure data. This Sec-
TAG includes necessary information for the recipi-
ent, like MACsec EtherType, version number, secure
data length, packet number (provides replay protec-
tion) etc. The whole frame, from the destination MAC
address (DA) to the end of secure data, is then in-
tegrity protected using Integrity Check Value (ICV),
which is added after the secure data. The Advanced
Encryption Standard (AES) is used both in the data
encryption and the ICV creation.
2.2 Secure Device Identity
According to (IEEE P802.1AR, 2009), every net-
work interface should be manufactured with a se-
cure Device Identifier (DevID) module that contains
Management interface, Service interface, Asymmet-
ric cryptography (RSA/ECC), Random Number Gen-
erator (RNG), Hash Algorithm (SHA-256) and Stor-
age components. The Storage component stores all
cryptographic keys and certificate credentials includ-
ing the credential chain up to root credential (manu-
facturer’s root certificate credential). The DevID se-
cret installed by manufacturer are called Initial Secure
Device Identifier (IDevID).
When a user starts his device, it automatically au-
thenticates itself to the manufacturer’s Certificate Au-
thority (CA) and stores certified credentials in Stor-
SECRYPT 2010 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
age component. The Locally-significant Secure De-
vice Identifier (LDevID) is generated by DevID mod-
ule on Network Administrator’s request and a Cer-
tificate Signing Request (CSR) is issued to the Local
CA. When Local CA replies with the signed certifi-
cate credentials, the DevID module stores it in stor-
age component. The LDevID (cryptographically bind
to IDevID) is used as device identifier in the LAN. If
there is no LDevID, the IDevID works as device iden-
tifier although it is not recommended to use directly.
2.3 Limitation of Current Security
The hop-by-hop security forces the ingress port of
a Bridge to decrypt frames before it relays them to
egress port. Hence packet remains in clear inside ev-
ery Bridge on the communication path. In large Ether-
net network, there would be huge numbers of Bridges
in public places, where physical access to these sys-
tems are easy enough to get disclosed information.
Analysis of the attacks in physical shared media is
not necessary, because the use of physical shared me-
dia has declined over the years (IEEE P802.1X-2010,
2009), but virtual shared media supported in provider
Bridged network can introduce similar threats as the
physical shared media. When customers want to
connect two or more geographically dispersed sites,
they usually use Customer VLAN (C-VLAN) aware
Bridge at the edge of each site where the service
provider is connected, whereas Service Provider uses
Service VLAN (S-VLAN) aware Bridges. If the Cus-
tomer does not trust the Service Provider, normal
MACsec cannot guarantee secure communication be-
tween two sites over the provider network, because
the provider has access to every Bridge inside the
Bridged Ethernet network where data are in clear in-
side each Bridge. To protect this, (IEEE802.1AE,
2006) provides two MACsec at each edge port of the
C-VLAN Bridges. But this special solution requires
double encapsulation and decapsulation, whereas nor-
mal Bridges do not support this feature. More than
two sites may require group Security and it is not
possible to maintain a point-to-point security between
two group members, hence private communication is
impossible in group mode, and this limitation may
hinder secure communication between two similar
departments on two sites. This situation becomes
more critical if one site belongs to another Enterprise.
Then either one of the Enterprises should trust the
other’s Authentication Server or they need to agree
on a pre-shared key, but in real life it is rarely possible
to trust other’s Authentication Server, and pre-shared
key installation for every other organization is a com-
plex solution. Also small companies do not have their
own authentication server, which leaves us in an in-
consistent state. Moreover,a receiverneeds to contact
the CA online to verify the authenticity of sender. In
our opinion, this introduces overhead and complex-
ity in plug-and-play feature of Ethernet and disrupts
continuous communication.
This section describes our main contribution, an
ID-based authenticated on-demand secure bridging
mechanism that addresses the above critical problems
by providing point-to-point security between the IB
and EB (Figure 1). So whenever the source sends a
frame, the IB encrypts the payload and protects the
integrity of the whole frame with an Integrity Check
Value similar to MACsec. Only the EB can decrypt
the frame and check the integrity because it holds
the same secret key. Hence the encrypted frame is
transmitted over the Bridged Ethernet Network, and
no Bridge on the communication path can handle
the frame in clear. A change in the source or des-
Figure 1: Secure channel over Bridged Ethernet network.
tination host generates another secret key inside the
Bridges which provides separate secure channel for
each pair and protects the pair-wise communication
from other systems. We exclude the host systems
to support unauthenticated non-MACsec host devices
(backward compatibility), but every Bridge should
support MACsec to build the secure infrastructure.
To create a secure channel like Figure 1, we must
provide the same secret key between two Bridges, but
the prediction of all pair-wise communications with
separate secure channels is not possible in a large net-
work because of huge storage requirement, complex
key management and high communication overhead.
For this reason, we want an on-demand scheme that
can easily generate actual amount of keys when nec-
essary and thus can reduce burdens. We can easily
find the upcoming two-party communication if we
look for an Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) re-
quest. So we should only initiate a secure channel
when a host generates an ARP request message to find
the destination for communication over the Bridged
Ethernet network. To cope with this requirement and
the plug-and-play capability of Ethernet, we need an
on-demand key agreement technology without pre-
shared key management. For this reason, we choose
ID-based key agreement (Yuan and Li, 2005) and sig-
nature scheme (Hess, 2003). We now briefly review
each technology before presenting our technical de-
3.1 Review of Yuan-Li ID-based
Authenticated Key Agreement
The ID-based cryptographic concept was introduced
by Shamir (Yuan and Li, 2005) but the practical
schemes were started after the proposal of Boneh and
Franklin (Boneh and Franklin, 2001). We choose
(Yuan and Li, 2005) because it has no security weak-
nesses compared to other ID-based solutions. They
modified the Ryu, Yoon and Yoo’s Protocol (Ryu,
Yoon and Yoo, 2004), which is based on the bilinear
pairing (e.g., Weil (Boneh and Franklin, 2001) or Tate
(Frey and Ruck, 1994) pairing). The Bilinear MAP
is a pairing function called e : G
× G
maps points of an additive group G
to a multiplica-
tive group G
, where both groups are cyclic groups of
prime order p, and satisfies the following properties
(Yuan and Li, 2005)-
Bilinear: we have e(xQ, yR) = e(Q, R)
for any
Q, R of G
and for any x,y of Z
Non-degeneracy: e(P, P) 6= 1, where P is a gener-
ator of G
Computability: An efficient algorithm must exist
to compute e(Q, R), for any Q,R of G
The security of (Yuan and Li, 2005) is based on
the Bilinear Diffie-Hellman(BDH) problem and the
Computational Diffie-Hellman(CDH) problem. Ryu,
Yoon and Yoo’s Protocol has three steps: setup, ex-
tract and key agreement, where (Yuan and Li, 2005)
modifies only the key agreement step to address the
Key Compromise Impersonation Attack and Key Re-
veal Attack. In the setup stage, the Key Generation
Center (KGC), which is the central authority to gener-
ate all private keys, selects G
, G
, e : G
and P as we described above. The KGC also selects a
key derivation function H (a secure hash function), a
master secret key s Z
and an encoding function H
{0, 1}
that maps an arbitrary string to a non-
zero point in G
. Lastly, the KGC generates P
= sP
and publishes < G
; G
; e; P; P
; H
; H >. In the
extract stage the public keys are derived from the cor-
responding IDs like Q
= H
(ID) and the KGC pro-
duces the private key for each ID as S
= sQ
. In the
new key agreement step of (Yuan and Li, 2005), the
user A chooses a random number a Z
, computes
= aP, and sends T
to B. On the other hand, B
chooses a random number b Z
, computes T
= bP,
and sends T
to A. Then A and B individually com-
pute a hash and the secret key, as shown in Equation
1 and Equation 2 (Yuan and Li, 2005):
A : h = aT
= abP and K
= e(aP
; T
B : h = bT
= abP and K
= e(T
; bP
Actually these two secret keys are same K
= e(P,P)
, P)
, Q
, so
both parties have the same secret to calculate the same
session key: H(A, B, h, K
3.2 Review of Hess ID-based Signature
If the sender knows the receiver’s ID in the above
scheme, he can generate the receiver’s public key
= H
(ID) because H
is a public function, so
sending authenticated T
to B at the first place is easy.
But it is complicated when the sender has no infor-
mation about the ID of receiver, which is possible in
Ethernet network that generates ARP request. So we
need an ID-based signature scheme to cope with this
requirement. For this reason we choose a very effi-
cient ID-based signature scheme (Hess, 2003), which
is backed by the survey of (Dutta, Barua and Sarkar,
2004). This scheme has four steps, setup, extract,
sign and verify. The KGC chooses a hash func-
tion H : {0, 1}
× G
in the setup stage, and
this is the extra operation in setup and extract steps
than (Yuan and Li, 2005). To sign a message m the
sender chooses a generator P
of G
, a random num-
ber k Z
and computes r = e(P
, P)
, v = H(m, r)
and u = vS
+ kP
, where the pair (u,v) is the signa-
ture. On receiving the signed message, the receiver
computes r = e(u, P) · e(Q
, P
in the verify
stage and validates the signature if v = H(m, r).
3.3 Our Solution
Here, we divide the description of our solution in dif-
ferent useful properties to show how it fulfills each
3.3.1 On-demand Key Agreement
When we combine the above two schemes, we find
that the aggregated solution requires two message
transmissions to build the secure channel- 1) From
the sender to the receiver that comprises the signed
SECRYPT 2010 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Figure 2: Computation and message exchange in our protocol.
ID and T
of the sender, and 2) From the receiver
to the sender that comprises signed ID and T
of re-
ceiver. The source needs ID-based signature scheme
to send the message to an unknown destination, but
when the destination replies, she has complete in-
formation about the sender, so she can use symmet-
ric key based signature operation to avoid expensive
computation. Also there is no acknowledgement be-
tween the communication parties in (Yuan and Li,
2005). For this reason, we combine the ID-based key
agreement and signature scheme with symmetric en-
cryption in our Key Agreement solution to provide
faster computation. We assume that all the Bridges
inside LAN get their private keys from the KGC. How
to get these keys with minimum hardware change is
explained later in the document. We already have
the AES (AES-256) in our possession from MACsec.
So the source Bridge sends his signed ID (LDevID)
and T
to the destination. On receiving the message,
the destination computes the session key, which is
called Secure Channel Key (SCK) in our contribution,
and derives an Integrity Protect Key (IPK) from this
SCK as MACsec derives the connectivity association
key (CAK) from the master key using Key Derivation
Function (KDF), as shown in Figure 2. If we do not
sign the first message to the unknown destination, any
adversary could replace the T
inside the message and
thus the receiver unnecessarily computes everything
and sends the reply to the source, which forces denial
of service (DoS). So, in our opinion, the signing is re-
quired, but it does not prevent all type of DoS.
The destination encrypts her ID, T
and source’s
using the SCK, and the encrypted output is in-
tegrity protected using the IPK. The result of the in-
tegrity protection is attached to the replied message as
a token of authentication and key confirmation. We
attach the source’s T
in the replied message to en-
sure liveness. On reception, the source can individu-
ally follow the same procedure to calculate the token
and can match the token with the received one to ver-
ify the authenticity of the destination along with the
confirmation of SCK. However, two extra message
exchanges to build a secure channel for each pair-wise
communication can reduce the Ethernet performance.
So we are interested in minimizing the overhead.
3.3.2 Minimal Overhead
Normal ARP protocol works with exchange of ARP
Request and Reply messages, and each packet is 42
bytes long. Such small size of ARP packets gives us
an opportunity to add more bits at the end as data or
payload bits, because maximum data field length is
1500 bytes in an Ethernet frame. Incorporation of our
protocol messages in ARP packets provides an effi-
cient way to minimize huge overhead, because we do
not require any extra message exchange to build a se-
cure channel. Thus, the message from source to des-
tination (Figure 2) is embedded in ARP request and
the message from destination to source is embedded
in ARP reply. Our message format for the additional
part of ARP packets comprises 12 bytes header and a
variable length payload (Figure 3).
At first we want to write zeroes in the additional
part of ARP messages to avoid information leakage
which is described in (Arkin and Anderson, 2003) and
incited by (Bruschi, Ornaghi and Rosti, 2003). The
header starts with 4 bytes Protocol ID
The next one byte is divided in two 4 bits value. The
first or left four bits indicate availability of MACsec
in source and destination host machines. We include
this option for future Link Layer based Firewalls, it
may help those Firewalls to force strict rules for unau-
thenticated devices. The last or right four bits indi-
cate which type of pairing is used in the ID-based op-
erations because there are different types of Elliptic
curves and pairings (Lynn, 2007; PBC Manual, n.d.).
The next one byte contains ID length of the genera-
tor of this frame and following two bytes store T
Figure 3: Additional frame format in ARP packets (not to scale).
length, whereas the rest 4 bytes of the 12 bytes header
are totally different for ARP request and reply mes-
sages. In ARP request message, the IB generates the
signature and stores the length of (u, v) pair in these
4 bytes (2 bytes for each value). On the other hand,
the EB includes the length of T
and token
in these
bytes of ARP reply messages. The payload part starts
with the ID (LDevID) of the generator, whose length
is presented in the header. For simplicity we do not in-
clude the Ethernet frame fields in Figure 3, but in ac-
tual operation the IB signs the whole Ethernet frame,
from the Destination Address to the end of T
, and
attaches the (u, v) pair at the end. This operation
binds the source host address to the T
value. It is
easy to know the (u, v) length prior the signing oper-
ation because the values are fixed for a specific type
of pairing. EB signs the whole Ethernet frame with
AES-256, which binds the hosts’ addresses to the T
and T
. Lastly, both IB and EB calculate the same
SCK. There is one question- how the EB distinguish
him as the EB, because ARP request is a broadcast
message. The EB is directly connected to the real des-
tination, and each port of the bridge knows the desti-
nation MAC through (IEEE P802.1X-2010,2009) op-
erations. If we store IP address along with the MAC
inside each port, the EB can easily understand the ad-
jacent destination. Although physical shared media
is deprecated, each physical port unnecessarily sup-
ports several virtual ports (65534 virtual ports) to ac-
commodate several secure channels for the shared end
stations, which require a significant amount of unused
memory. On the other hand, IP storage requires only
32 bit memory, that is, in our opinion, far more rea-
sonable than huge unused memory.
Moreover, we can optimize some operations (in
Figure 2) by pre-computing their values. Any Bridge
can pre-generate a random value c Z
and calculate
= cP and (cP
+ S
) for the next key and hash
values. Moreover, it can pre-compute r = e(P
, P)
and kP
for signing any upcoming ARP request. We
cannot pre-compute e(Q
, P
) (Dutta, Barua and
Sarkar, 2004), because we verify the signature of a
sender only once for an ARP request.
3.3.3 Secure Communication
The IB and EB should store the SCK with a map-
ping to associated hosts’ MAC addresses. Whenever
host A and host B send frames to each other, these
Bridges must use this SCK in AES (AES-256) en-
cryption until a new key is generated for the pair,
but the encrypted frame should attach an informa-
tion TAG, like SecTAG of MACsec, so that the re-
ceiver can understand the Frame Type, payload size,
and also can detect any replay attack. Our TAG field
comprises EtherType, Short Length (SL) and Packet
Number (PN), as described in Figure 4.
The EtherType for our proposal is
, which
can be registered using the guidelines of (Eastlake,
2008) and the SL is similar to (IEEE802.1AE, 2006).
MACsec has 4 bytes (32 bits) PN that must be used
as an Initialization Vector (IV) in each encryption
to generate different encrypted outputs of the iden-
tical clear texts, but 2
minimum-sized frames can
be sent in approximately 5 min on a 10 Gbps link
(IEEE802.1AE, 2006), so it forces MACsec to change
the key after each 5 minutes to avoid reusing the same
value of PN. We increase the PN size by one byte,
which gives approximately a 21 hour lifetime for each
TAG field
2 bytes
DA SA EtherType SL PN Secure Data IPV CRC
User Data
Figure 4: Frame format in our solution.
SECRYPT 2010 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
key when PN is increased sequentially for each frame.
It is necessary for our solution because ARP cache
generally expires after 20 minutes, whereas some op-
erating systems do not expire the cache entries un-
til cache becomes full (Bruschi, Ornaghi and Rosti,
2003). Moreover, AES needs a 16 byte IV, so we
provide the concatenation result of Source Address
and TAG field padded with 2 more bytes of zeroes as
IV in each encryption. The IV usage defends against
any successful attack on SCK. Lastly, we need an In-
tegrity value to help the receiver to verify the correct-
ness of the frame. For this reason, we provide an In-
tegrity Protect Value (IPV) which is generated using
IPK (Figure 4). Whenever one host’s MAC address is
expired in the CAM table, the Bridges should never
use the associated key to secure further communica-
tion, because CAM expiration indicates that the host
is not alive for long time.
3.3.4 Parameter Distribution and Key
The EAPOL could be used to distribute parameters
from KGC, and we can initiate it as soon as MACsec
starts its operation without any explicit steps. More-
over, key can be revoked with ARP cache timeout.
Otherwise the revocation time is 21 hours as it is the
maximum time limit for PN exhaustion. As Bridges
may reside far away from each other, they could be
non-synchronized, and counting of 20 minutes for
ARP cache starts differently in two machines. So one
machine can delete the cache and related secret key
much earlier than the other end, and it brings incon-
sistency. Thus our system should store the key for
several minutes to correctly receive encrypted frames
from other end. The machine could store it in a tem-
porary cache after elapse of 20 minutes (or 21 hours).
To force key revocation, the machine can send an
UNARP (Malkin, 1995) like message as soon as it
receives a frame encrypted with a key of temporary
cache (including a correct sequence number).
3.3.5 Minimal Hardware Change
DevID module in (IEEE P802.1AR, 2009) fulfils
most of our needs. It contains Hash Algorithm, Ran-
dom Number Generator and Elliptic Curve Cryptog-
raphy. When the module requests for the certificate
credentials of LDevID, the Local CA can act as the
KGC and can generate the private key, like S
= sLDevID, for each system. The generation
of S
can be done concurrently with the genera-
tion of certificate credentials, so there is no need for
extra pairing-based initialization step. We only need a
component inside DevID module that handles all pair-
ing operations and stores S
. Our encryption op-
erations do not require any new functionality because
MACsec has the AES. We need to store and bind the
pair-wise key with associated CAM entries, and the
KGC should issue new private keys after a certain pe-
riod of time to prevent any successful attack on the
key. The Local CA, which acts as the KGC in the
Metropolitan Area should be accredited by Trusted
Computing Group (TCG, 2003), Government’s Secu-
rity Division or similar kind of organization.
3.3.6 Support for Unauthenticated Systems
Every port of a Bridge should provide a flag in our
solution. By default the flag value should be zero
which means it is connected to an unauthenticated
host. After successful authentication of a host by
MACsec operations, the flag value automatically be-
comes one which represents authenticated status of
the connected host. If flag value is zero, the Bridge
always decrypts every frame leaving that port to the
unauthenticated host and encrypts each frame upon
reception. If flag value is one, the Bridge decrypts the
frame by SCK and again encrypts using local SAK to
send to an authenticated host. It does opposite opera-
tions when it received a frame from the adjacent host.
4.1 Security and Efficiency
Our AES-based secure communication is partially
evaluated in (Wahid, 2010b). Although the hosts are
excluded here from the ID-based scheme, we assume
that somehow one attacker gets the private-public key
pair associated with his ID from the KGC and con-
nects to a link between two Bridges, as shown in Fig-
ure 5. As the attacker has ID-based key now, he could
easily build separate secure channels (channel 1 and
2) with Bridge 1 and Bridge 2, but it is not possi-
ble to take control of the secure channel 3, which is
built between the two Bridges, because our system is
based on the Yuan-Li protocol (Yuan and Li, 2005),
which prevents the Key Compromise Impersonation
and Key Reveal attacks (a.k.a. know key attack).
Bridge 1 Bridge 2
Host BHost A
Channel 1 Channel 2
Channel 3
Figure 5: Impenetrable secure channel between two
Table 1: Computational efficiency comparison between
MACsec and our system.
Number of
Bridges service Our
between provider MACsec solution
source and in the
destination network
5 0 10m 4m
6 0 12m 4m
6 1 14m 4m
If host A sends an ARP request to host B, the
Bridge 1 embeds his T
value in the ARP message,
signs it and relays to Bridge 2. The attacker can cap-
ture this message but cannot modify any value be-
cause he has no information about the private key of
Bridge 1. Also any modification assures invalid sig-
nature. Besides, he cannot masquerade as the Bridge
1 because MACsec and Yuan-Li protocol prevent any
ID forgery. We see here that our solution along with
MACsec totally prevents data modification, masquer-
ade and unauthorized disclosure. Also there is no un-
secured zone in our solution because it provides end-
to-end security, and the inclusion of T
liveness, hence, protects replay attacks.
Here the computational efficiency of our sys-
tem is compared with standard MACsec operations.
In MACsec, every Bridge decrypts and encrypts
the frame in ingress and egress ports respectively,
whereas our system does those operations only in IB
and EB. We assume that m represents one encryp-
tion or one decryption operation inside Bridges, and
both source and destination hosts are authenticated.
Also we assume that source and destination are in two
customer sites when there is a service provider. We
can see from Table 1 that our solution depicts high
computational efficiency compared to MACsec, and
the encryption/decryption operations are constant ir-
respective of the number of intermediate Bridges or
Service Providers. In MACsec, each edge Bridge to
service provider does double encryption/decryption
with computational overhead. Our system can pro-
vide point-to-point security inside the MACsec group
secure domain because it is based on ARP.
4.2 Implementation
We have implemented the ARP-based on-demand
key agreement feature in a closed environment, as
shown in Figure 6. Our test bed comprises four
Linux machines where two of them act like Bridges.
All four machines have the same specification and
they are running on CentOS Linux 5.0 kernel-2.6.18-
128.1.6.el5. Each one comprises a 3GHz AMD
Athlon 64 Dual Core processor, 2GB RAM and 1Gb
Network interface. The Bridges are actually coded
in C with raw sockets and open source libraries. For
the pairing-based operation, we use PBC library and
modify the given examples (PBC, n.d.). Besides, we
use the Barretos High-speed AES implementation in
C (Krovetz, n.d.).
The average round trip delay in this small Ether-
net network with custom Linux Bridges is 0.265ms
for normal ARP messages. On the other hand, our
solution has a latency of 55.099ms. We take both re-
sults from the average of 100 thousands ARP mes-
sages. We calculate the time inside host A, where the
latency is measured by capturing the time interval be-
tween the ARP request transmission and correspond-
ing ARP reply reception. We get a large difference,
because here we focus on feasibility and functional
capability, rather than optimized performance. Our
key agreement is a one time setup for each pair in ev-
ery 20 minutes because the operating systems gener-
ally expire the ARP cache in 20 minutes, so we think
our solution is very effective and reasonable. Here,
both bridges compute the same SCK, which will be
passed to AES encryption operation for secure com-
munication. The FPGA-based pairing implementa-
tion (Huang, Lee and Li, 2008) can dramatically re-
duce the latency because it speeds up the computation
by 152 times compared to the software prototype and
the operation time reaches µs (Junjie, 2007). For this
reason, we plan to implement our solution on NetF-
PGA (NetFPGA, n.d.).
The KGC part can be easily provided with Secure
Device Identity in real network and the secure com-
munication using AES is already standardized, where
the hardware based implementation gives 34Gbps
throughput (Yang, Mishra and Karri, 2005). For this
reason, we do not test them in our implementation.
4.3 Limitation
Our solution transmits the encrypted frame over the
Bridged Ethernet Network, which prevents traffic
analysis or intrusion detection, but we think the in-
corporation of the Network Interface Card based Fire-
walls (Friedman and Nagle, 2001) or Intrusion Detec-
tion system (Otey, Parthasarathy, Ghoting, Li, Nar-
ravula and Panda, 2003) can detect any intrusion at
the IB and EB.
Bridge Bridge
ARP request
Host B
Host A
ARP reply
Figure 6: Our small platform to test the functionality.
SECRYPT 2010 - International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Security in Layer-2 is an emerging technology. So
there are very few literatures on this topic. Reference
(Altunbasak, Krasser, Owen, Sokol, Grimminger and
Huth, 2004) mainly discuss the IP and MAC address
binding problems. Also they focus on Data Link layer
security issues in IP over Ethernet networks and pro-
pose some extensions in MACsec frame format at
Layer-3 devices to improve security in LANs (Altun-
basak et al., 2005). On the other hand, Altunbasak and
Owen propose a security inter-layering concept for
future network architecture (Altunbasak and Owen,
2007). Theyargue that data link layer could utilize the
secure namespace of upper layers instead of MAC ad-
dresses. They also point out two incompleteness: no
available protocol for secure binding of IP and MAC,
and no available Layer-2 secure identifier. But the lat-
ter could be achieved by Secure Device Identity. Also
binding IP and MAC address can be done by DHCP
snooping technique (DHCP snooping, n.d.), but it
is not an embedded solution. However, their work
focuses only on future network and does not con-
sider threats in current standards. Switch-based sin-
gle secure domain (Wahid, 2010a) depends on (IEEE
P802.1AR, 2009) for safety of its global domain, so
any failure of the identity puts total infrastructure in
danger. Moreover, this approach is only applicable in
internal network.
Usage of the additional part of ARP messages to
convey new protocol information is practiced in (Br-
uschi, Ornaghi and Rosti, 2003; Lootah, Enck and
McDaniel, 2005; Jerschow, Lochert, Scheuermann
and Mauve, 2008; Z´uquete and Marques, 2006),
but only Cryptographic Link Layer (CLL) (Jerschow,
Lochert, Scheuermann and Mauve, 2008) and Secure
LAN (SLAN) (Z´uquete and Marques, 2006) use it for
LAN security. CLL uses several cryptographic mech-
anisms (e.g., MD5, Twofish, SHA-1, AES, RSA) to
provide link security. In our opinion, such solution is
not a practical approach for real-life systems because
of its large number of modules. Our system only
adds ID-based scheme to the current standards, thus
enforces little modification. On the other hand, the
source and destination need to communicate with the
Key Distribution Center (KDC) to securely transmit a
frame in SLAN and such extra communication over-
head becomes a drawback in large network. Obvi-
ously our solution does not require any extra message
exchange. Furthermore, (Park, Lee and Rhee, 2007;
Park and Rhee, 2009) proposes ID-based on-demand
authenticated key agreement protocol to discover au-
thenticated route in wireless networks, but their solu-
tion assumes that the source contains the destination
ID, therefore, they can avoid the computationally ex-
pensive ID-based signature scheme. We cannot avoid
the signature scheme at the first phase, because we do
not know the ID (LDevID) of the destination.
Our paper has presented an efficient mechanism to
overcome the insecurities induced by hop-by-hop and
group security features of MACsec. We have demon-
strated that it is possible to generate on demand pair-
wise keys within Bridges to secure all real-time end-
to-end communications without new key agreement
messages, therefore, our solution is capable of pro-
tecting private communication over multi-link with
constant cryptographic computations. The feasibility
and functional capability of our design has been val-
idated with a software prototype deployed on a small
multi-segment Ethernet Network. Although the speed
is less than the line speed, we believe that the future
hardware-based (NetFPGA) solution will be able to
operate at a very high rate. We also hope that the ideas
presented here may encourage the network security
research community to address pure Layer-2 security
problems which are at an initial stage.
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