available solutions and propose a solution which can
achieve all based on CP-ABE, KP-ABE and multi-
user SDE. Our goal is to support both publication and
subscription confidentiality while not requiring pub-
lishers and subscribers to share secret keys. Although
events and filters are encrypted, brokers should per-
form event filtering without learning any information.
Finally, subscribers should be able to express filters
that can define any monotonic and non-monotonic
constraints on events.
As future work we are planing to provide a con-
crete design of our solution. We will also provide
a formal security analysis of our scheme. We will
implement the schema and integrate it with a main-
stream pub/sub system in order to evaluate the intro-
duced overhead.
The work of the third author is partially funded by the
EU project MASTER contract no. FP7-216917.
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