the impact of given parameters or parameter
combinations on device classification performance
presents a problem that is well-suited for an Analysis
of Variance (ANOVA) experiments.
The results presented here are based on applying
ANOVA methods to device classification results
obtained from RF fingerprinting. As a first step, the
overall process is developed and verified using a
previously developed TD fingerprinting process
(Klein et al., 2009b). Output TD classification results
are used with a 3-way ANOVA that is initially
implemented using three factors: Device, SNR and
BW. Initial ANOVA results are consistent with
behavior previously observed in single parameter
variation plots (e.g., percent correct device
classification versus SNR and BW). More
importantly, the ANOVA analysis reveals the effects
of parametric interaction that were not previously
observable. Given these early favorable results, work
continues to extend the ANOVA analysis to include
1) more than three factors simultaneously, and 2) the
use of Spectral Domain (SD) fingerprinting. These
extensions are important to the overall success and
subsequent implementation of RF fingerprinting to
augment bit-level security mechanisms.
The focus here is on applying ANOVA to device RF
fingerprinting classification results as shown in
Figure 1. As input to the ANOVA process, intra-
manufacturer classification results were generated for
three like-model Cisco Aironet 802.11a/b/g wireless
adapters operating in 802.11a mode. The devices
were identical except for serial number (last four
digits of N4U9, N4UD, N4UW). These specific
serial numbered devices were chosen for initial
ANOVA experimentation because previous research
showed that this particular combination of devices
presented the most challenging classification problem
(Klein et al., 2009a).
Signals were collected using an RF Signal
Intercept and Collection System (RFSICS). The
RFSICS is an Agilent E3238S-based system and
collects signals spanning 20 MHz to 6 GHz (Agilent,
2004). The overall collection and processing method
is shown in Figure 2, where the dashed boundaries
delineate between hardware and software processes.
Device B
Device C
Device A
Figure 1: ANOVA experimentation process with signal
collection and MDA/ML RF fingerprint classification
results provided per the process in Figure 2.
The 802.11a adapter to be tested was placed in a
laptop and signals from the device were collected by
the RFSICS (Klein et al., 2009a, 2009b). The
RFSICS has a W
= 36 MHz RF bandwidth that is
down-converted to a f
= 70.0 MHz IF, digitized
using a 12-bit ADC at f
= 95 Msps, digitally
filtered, sub-sampled (Nyquist maintained), and
resultant samples stored as complex In-Phase and
Quadrature (I-Q) components. The 802.11 wireless
adapters and RFSICS were collocated in an anechoic
chamber for all signal collections.
As shown in Figure 2, the collected signals were
post-processed using MATLAB. Following burst
detection using a t
= – 3 dB amplitude threshold, the
collected signal was digitally filtered using a base-
band filter (bandwidth W
) and combined with like-
filtered noise that is scaled to achieve the desired
analysis SNR. For initial concept validation, W
and SNR were the ANOVA factors that were
incrementally varied and statistical fingerprints were
used to generate classification results.
Bandwidth variation was simulated using a 3rd-
order Butterworth digital filter having a – 3 dB
bandwidth of BW = 5.5, 6.5, 7.5 and 8.5 MHz.
Given the selected filter, SNR variation was
simulated using randomly generated AWGN that was
like-filtered (same filter used for the signal) and
scaled to achieve the desired analysis SNR (Klein et
al., 2009a, 2009b). The range of SNRs considered
was based on previous works and included 1) lower
values where SNR was suspected to dominate correct
classification performance, and 2) higher values
where SNR changes produced minimal impact. This
range enabled both validation of the ANOVA process
as applied to RF Fingerprinting and investigation of
lesser dominant parameters in higher SNR regions.
Device classification is accomplished using a
Fisher-based MDA/ML process with statistical
fingerprint features extracted from physical wave-
form characteristics of instantaneous amplitude,
phase, and/or frequency. The features are generated
using common statistics of standard deviation,
variance, skewness, and/or kurtosis (Klein et al.,
2009a, 2009b). As parameters (factors) are altered
during simulation and processing, classification
errors occur when the analysis signal in Figure 2 is
classified as the wrong device signal.
WINSYS 2010 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems