A Tree based Energy Aware Data Aggregation Protocol In Wireless Sensor
Hamed Inanlou, Komail Shahmir Shourmasti, Hooman Marjani and Nima Attaran Rezaei
Computer Engineering Faculty, Islamic Azad University of Qazvin, Nokhbegan Blvd, Qazvin, Iran
Keywords: Wireless Sensor Network, Data Aggregation, Energy Efficient Routing, Tree based Routing.
Abstract: In wireless sensor networks (WSN's), data aggregation is used to increase energy efficiency by means of
eliminating redundancy and forwarding the collected abstract data of sensor nodes toward the sink. One of
the most important challenges in WSN is to keep the remaining energy of nodes high and balanced to
achieve longer system lifetime. In this article we propose an energy efficient data aggregation protocol
named FFDA (Feed Forward Data Aggregation) for constructing the spanning tree, we also represent a new
parameter called EAT (Energy After Transmission). This protocol considers EAT as the main parameter to
select a node as root for spanning tree in the beginning of each round of data aggregation. Using this new
parameter the remaining energy of nodes remain more balanced thus the first node die is delayed
significantly and it also improves the system's lifetime as indicated by simulation results.
A wireless sensor network consists of some nodes
constructing a wireless network in order to sense the
environment and collect the sensed data for
processing and analyzing.
Each node consists of several parts including
radio antenna, memory, processor, sensor and a
power resource. Some of these resources have
constraint, specially the power resource which
usually is a small embedded battery. These nodes are
deployed in the environment often randomly and
stationary. In monitoring applications, when an
event occurs in the environment, the wireless sensor
network is triggered. Then all the nodes which
sensed that event capture the relevant data and send
their data to a base station (BS).
"Since wireless communications consume
significant amounts of battery power, sensor nodes
should spend as little energy as possible receiving
and transmitting data" (Lindsey and Raghavendra,
2002, p. 1). It's been a challenge to find a way to
decrease the energy consumption of nodes through
the process of data transmitting to get a longer
system lifetime from these limited resources. One of
the possible solutions to this problem is a process
called data aggregation.
Data aggregation is any
process in which information is collected and
expressed in an abstract form. The idea is to
combine all the data coming from different sources,
eliminating redundancy, minimizing the number of
transmissions and thus saving energy (Mohajerzadeh
and Yaghmaee and Eskandari, 2008).
In the case of tree based data aggregation, at first
nodes constitute a spanning tree based on the applied
protocol, then each node aggregates data received
from other nodes along with its own sensed data and
sends it to its parent. "This achieves a large
reduction in the energy dissipation, as computation
is much cheaper than communication" (Heinzelman
and Chandrakasan and Balakrishnan, 2000, p. 2).
We may continue the process of aggregation
based on the constructed spanning tree or we can
change it each round depending on the application
and distance of BS to the field. When BS is far away
from the field, a few transmissions from a node to
the BS could run its power out completely. therefore
considering the computation energy is a lot less than
long distance data transmission, we may prefer to
change the root and so the spanning tree each round.
In this article we introduce a tree based data
aggregation protocol FFDA (Feed Forward Data
Aggregation) in which we used EAT (Energy After
Transmission) factor as a new parameter to construct
the spanning tree. In section 2 we describe some of
Inanlou H., Shahmir Shourmasti K., Marjani H. and Attaran Rezaei N. (2010).
FFDA - A Tree based Energy Aware Data Aggregation Protocol In Wireless Sensor Networks.
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems, pages 98-102
DOI: 10.5220/0002995100980102
the proposed tree based data aggregation protocols
and describe their strengths and weaknesses. In
section 3 we explain our protocol FFDA in detail
along with the factor EAT and in section 4 we
evaluate the performance of FFDA algorithm and
compare it with some of recently proposed
There are several tree-based aggregation algorithms
and each of them considers one parameter as the
main parameter to determine the aggregation tree’s
root and then construct the spanning tree based on
the selected root. Some of them select the node with
highest remaining energy among all nodes as root
while others consider the shortest distance to BS as
the main parameter. Moreover, many different
methods and parameters are used to construct the
spanning tree, either as a single factor or as a
combination of factors.
For example, Espan protocol (Lee and Wong,
2005) selects the node with the highest remaining
energy within the entire network as tree’s root, then
each node selects the closest neighbor to root as its
parent and if there are more than one neighbor with
same distance then the node with highest remaining
energy is selected as parent. So distance and
remaining energy are two parameters used in Espan
protocol to construct the aggregation tree while
distance has higher priority. This way it is possible
that a node with low remaining energy level is
selected as parent because of short distance to root,
therefore after data aggregation is done, this node
loses its energy quickly because of high traffic
passing through it and it leads to incomplete
coverage and system failure.
In LPT (Lee and Wong, 2005) nodes with higher
remaining energy are chosen as parents in
aggregation tree in order to increase the lifetime of
nodes with high traffic. This way a node far away
from root may be selected as parent because of its
high remaining energy levels but it will be drained
quickly due to long distance transmission energy
In the proposed algorithm by Mohajerzadeh et al.
(2008) they had introduced an efficient algorithm in
which nearly most of the problems we described in
Espan and LPT are solved, and the simulation
results has shown their algorithm has better
performance than Espan and LPT algorithms in
terms of both first node die and system's lifetime.
But there is a big disadvantage in their protocol that
causes an unbalanced energy consumption
throughout the network. In presented algorithm by
Mohajerzadeh et al. (2008) the main factor to choose
a node as root for spanning tree is residual energy of
nodes, so a node with highest remaining energy
(HRE) is selected as root.
In the following section we describe the
drawbacks of HRE factor and introduce the new
factor EAT, then we will explain the proposed
As mentioned earlier, in the beginning of each round
we have to select a node as root for spanning tree,
and then construct the tree based on selected root
until every single node is covered. In (Mohajerzadeh
et al., 2008), LPT and many other tree based
protocols, the node with highest remaining energy is
selected as root. while this method causes an
unbalanced network in terms of energy, we replaced
it with the factor EAT as a new parameter to keep
the remaining energy of nodes more balanced
through the process and thus prolong the lifetime of
the system and delay the first node die. In the
following section we describe the factor EAT in
details and then we represent the complete protocol.
3.1 EAT Factor
Suppose 5 nodes named N1 to N5 with initial energy
of 1300, 1300, 1800, 1600 and 1700 are respectively
positioned in a field. Distances between nodes and
BS are 16, 18, 15, 20 and 10 respectively. One of
these nodes is selected as root depending on which
factor we use to determine the root node. Then all
the nodes constitute a spanning tree to gather the
captured data and send the data towards the root,
where the root sends the aggregated data to BS in
order to analyze.
In figure 1 it is shown how the BS and nodes are
positioned in the field. Using the proposed algorithm
in Mohajerzadeh et al. (2008) the node number 3 is
selected as root since it has the highest remaining
energy among nodes. This may seem logical since
sending packets to BS drains the energy of root node
specially when BS is positioned far away from field,
but this is not the best way to select the root amongst
the nodes because it ignores the distances between
nodes and BS in root selection.
Therefore we introduce the new factor EAT and
replace the HRE factor with it. We calculate EAT
FFDA - A Tree based Energy Aware Data Aggregation Protocol In Wireless Sensor Networks
for each node and then select the root using this new
factor, then we compare the results to show how
EAT factor helps to keep the average remaining
energy of nodes higher and also how it makes the
remaining energy of nodes more balanced within the
Figure 1: physical placement of nodes and base station.
We assume the aggregated data is a 10 bit packet
which will be sent from the root to BS. To calculate
the required amount of energy for a node to send a
packet to BS, we use formulas that will be described
later on section 4. To calculate the EAT for each
node, we need to calculate the required amount of
energy to send a 10 bit packet to BS from the node
and then subtract it from residual energy of the node.
For node number one, sending a 10 bit packet to
BS consumes a total energy of 1024, so the
remaining energy will be 276. Therefore EAT for
node number one is 276. We calculate the EAT
factor for each node before we actually send any
data to BS and before constructing the spanning tree.
As a matter of fact we use this factor to choose a
node as root for spanning tree. Therefore we choose
the node with highest EAT as root instead of the
node with highest remaining energy. Although node
number five has less energy than node number 3, a
shorter distance to BS results in a higher EAT 1300,
and we select it as the root for the spanning tree.
As you can see in table 1, after selecting the root
with two different parameters, EAT and HRE, total
energy of network is 7300 for EAT mode and 6800
for HRE mode. Total energy of system is the sum of
remaining energy of all nodes in the network.
Furthermore with EAT factor we have a more
balanced network in terms of energy.
In short, we can describe EAT as remaining
energy of each node if it is selected as root and sends
the aggregated data to BS. By using the EAT factor
we delay the first node die in the network by means
of keeping the remaining energy of nodes more
balanced and also keep total remaining energy of
nodes higher through the process.
Table 1: EAT and Highest Remaining Energy.
to base
(EAT root
(HRE root
1 1300 16 276 1300 1300
2 1300 18 4 1300 1300
3 1800 15 900 1800 900
4 1600 20 0 1600 1600
5 1700 10 1300 1300 1700
3.2 FFDA Protocol
In our proposed protocol, we consider the distance to
root as second parameter in root selection, therefore
if there are more than one node with the highest
EAT amongst nodes, the node with shorter distance
to BS is selected as root. This way the total energy
of network remains higher. We also used the
"maximum child number" parameter in order to
prevent a node with high density of nodes in its
neighborhood to get all of them as child. This
parameter could be either prefixed or variable.
The next parameter we used in proposed
algorithm is average path's energy (APE) first
introduced by Mohajerzadeh et al. (2008). APE is
the sum of remaining energy of nodes within a path
(up to the root) divided by the path’s length. When a
node wants to choose a parent, if there are more than
one option then the node with highest APE is
selected. Likewise if a node which is already in
spanning tree could select a new parent with higher
APE (while the new parent has not reached to
maximum child number limit), it does change its
parent to the new parent with a higher APE. By
using the factor APE we prevent a node with high
remaining energy to be selected as parent while it is
far away from root, APE combines both "Remaining
Energy" and "Distance to Root" parameters in a
single parameter.
We have evaluated the performance of our proposed
algorithm and then compared it with proposed
algorithm by Mohajerzadeh et al. (2008) which
outperformed LPT and Espan protocols.
WINSYS 2010 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems
4.1 Simulation Model
We conducted the simulation in two different
simulation scenarios to evaluate the performance of
proposed protocol in different conditions. In first
mode, nodes are deployed in a 25m*25m square area
with the BS positioned in [0,0]. Number of nodes is
variable from 100 to 400 and the initial energy of
each node is a random variable from 80mJ to 100mJ.
Radio range of all the nodes are limited to 5 meters
during constructing the spanning tree while they are
capable of sending data to BS when they are selected
as root for spanning tree. Plus the maximum child
number is prefixed to 5. In second mode, the field is
a 40*40 meters square area with the BS in [20,60] to
evaluate the performance of the protocol in long
distance transmissions. Because the BS is located far
from field in second mode we consider the initial
energy of nodes higher than first mode as a variable
from 120mJ to 150mJ.
We assume all the nodes sense the environment
and send their data in each round of data
aggregation. All the nodes are homogenous and
Energy consumption is calculated with following
= C
= C
K dist
= C
Where ER and EA are the required energy for data
receiving and data aggregating for node i
respectively. ET
and dist
are required transmission
energy and distance between nodes i and j
respectively. In first order radio model there is also
an energy consumption for running the transmitter
circuitry though we ignored it in equation 2 because
of its minor effect on the result. C1, C2 and C3 are
prefixed values determined based on energy and
aggregation models in (Zhang and Yu and Chen,
2005), also the values are described in details for
first order radio model in (
Stanislava and Heinzelman,
. And K is the length of receiving and
transmitting packet by nodes. We assume input and
output data length are equal to 2000 bit.
A run time round is defined as the process of
collecting the data from all nodes in the network and
transferring the aggregated data to BS. The energy
consumed by each node in each round is as follows:
Leaf nodes consume the required energy to
transmit a packet to their parent. Intermediate nodes
consume the total energy required to receive
transmitted data by their child nodes, aggregating
received data and transmitting the aggregated data to
their parents. The root node consumes the energy
required to receive transmitted data by its child
nodes, aggregating received data and transmitting
the aggregated data to the BS.
The network lifetime is expressed as the rounds
passed until the point in which the number of
remaining alive nodes are less than 80% of the
number of the nodes in the first place.
4.2 Simulation Results
In this section we evaluate the performance of
proposed algorithm in different simulation
environments. when an event occurs in the
environment all nodes constitute the spanning tree
and send the captured data to the root using the
aggregation tree.
We repeated the simulation twenty times and
calculated the average values to get accurate results.
In figure 2, first node die round time is compared
between proposed algorithm in this paper and
proposed algorithm by Mohajerzadeh et al. (2008) in
first simulation environment. Using the factor EAT
keeps the remaining energy of nodes more balanced,
therefore the first node die round time is delayed
significantly regardless of the density and number of
deployed nodes.
Figure 2: First node die round comparison.
In figure 3 system's lifetime is compared between
the two mentioned algorithms in second simulation
environment. The affect of using the EAT factor is
related to the number of deployed nodes when
analyzing the system's lifetime. When the density of
nodes is low and the distances between them are
high the effect of the EAT factor is more noticeable.
FFDA - A Tree based Energy Aware Data Aggregation Protocol In Wireless Sensor Networks
Figure 3: System lifetime comparison.
One of the most challenging parts in wireless sensor
networks is to decrease the energy consumption of
nodes to delay the system failure. Two important
factors that have a direct effect on system failure are
the energy of network and the equality of remaining
energy of nodes in the network. In this paper we
introduced an energy aware protocol in which we
used a new factor called EAT. Using this factor as
the main factor to select the root for aggregation tree
the remaining energy of nodes remain more
balanced. therefore the system failure is delayed. As
we evaluated EAT factor in simulation section, it is
shown that HRE factor can be replaced with EAT in
similar protocols which use the highest remaining
energy as the main factor to select the root node.
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WINSYS 2010 - International Conference on Wireless Information Networks and Systems