Adam Przybylek
Department of Business Informatics, University of Gdansk, Piaskowa 9, 81-824, Sopot, Poland
Keywords: Aspect-oriented programming, AOP, Separation of concerns, Modular programming.
Abstract: The term “crosscutting concern” describes a piece of system that cannot be cleanly modularized because of
the limited abstractions offered by the traditional programming paradigms. Symptoms of implementing
crosscutting concerns in the languages like C, C# or Java are “code scattering” and “code tangling” that
both degrade software modularity. Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) was proposed as a new paradigm
to overcome these problems. Although it is known that AOP allows programmers to separate crosscutting
concerns, the impact of AOP on software modularity is not yet well investigated. This paper reports a
quantitative study comparing OO and AO implementations with respect to modularity.
A software system can be seen as a set of modules.
Each module implements a concern, or a part of a
concern. A concern is a specific requirement or an
interest which pertains to the system’s development.
Kiczales et al. (Kiczales et al., 1997) found that
the abstractions offered by the traditional
programming paradigms (e.g. structured
programming, OOP, functional programming) are
insufficient to express some kind of concerns in a
modular way. Concerns like logging, persistence,
concurrency control, or failure recovery tend to be
scattered and tangled throughout the system
modules, what adversely affect software modularity.
These concerns are known as crosscutting concerns
because they cross-cut the system’s basic
functionality (Przybylek , 2007).
Efforts to deal with crosscutting concerns have
resulted in aspect-oriented programming (AOP).
AOP brings new abstraction such as an aspect, a
joinpoint, a pointcut, an advice, an introduction, and
a parent declaration (Kiczales et al., 2001).
An aspect is a module that encapsulates the
behaviour and structure of a crosscutting concern. It
can, like a class, realize interfaces, extend classes
and declare attributes and operations. In addition, it
can extend other aspects and declare advices,
pointcuts, introductions and parent declarations.
A joinpoint is an identifiable location in the
program flow where the implementation of a
crosscutting concern can be plugged in. Typical
examples of joinpoints include a throw of an
exception, a call to a method and an object
A pointcut is a language construct designed to
specify a set of join-points and obtain the context
(e.g. the target object and the operation arguments)
surrounding the join-points as well.
An advice is a method-like construct used to
define an additional behaviour that has to be inserted
at all joinpoint picked out by the associated pointcut.
The body of an advice is the implementation of a
crosscutting functionality. The advice is able to
access values in the execution context of the
pointcut. Depending on the type of advice, whether
“before”, “after” or “around,” the body of an advice
is executed before, after or in place of the selected
joinpoints. An around advice may cancel the
captured call, may wrap it or may execute it with the
changed context (Przybylek , 2007).
An introduction is used to crosscut the static-type
structure of a given class. It allows a programmer to
add attributes and methods to the class without
having to modify it explicitly. The power of
introduction comes from the introduction being able
to add methods to the interface.
A parent declaration may change the class's
super-class or add implemented interfaces by
Przybylek A. (2010).
In Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering, pages 139-148
DOI: 10.5220/0003000801390148
defining an extends/implements relationship.
It is often taken as a given that AOP improves
modularity (Kiczales et al., 2001, Lesiecki, 2002,
Munoz et al., 2008, Soares, 2004, Guyomarc'h and
Guéhéneuc, 2005). However, there is no empirical
evidence to support this assumption. The aim of this
research is to perform a metrics-based comparison
among AO and OO software with respect to
To date, there has been relatively little work in
the area of developing methodologies for assessing
the modularity of AO systems and for providing a
means of comparison between AO systems and their
OO equivalents (Tsang et al., 2004). To support such
comparison we propose an approach based on
coupling and cohesion.
In addition, the advent of a new paradigm
requires defining new metrics to measure software
quality. Ceccato & Tonella (Ceccato and Tonella,
2004) and Sant’Anna et al. (Sant’Anna et al., 2003)
refined the Chidamber & Kemerer metrics suite
(Chidamber and Kemerer, 1994) regarding the
effects of AOP, but they took into account only a
subset of the dependencies that exist in AO systems.
Hence, the coupling measured with their metrics is
underestimated. We intend to revise the coupling
metrics introduced by Ceccato & Tonella (Ceccato
and Tonella, 2004) to support a fair comparison
between OO and AO implementations.
The effect of a new paradigm on software
modularity can be evaluated through empirical
studies. This section performs a quantitative
assessment of Java and AspectJ implementations for
the 23 GoF design patterns. As several design
patterns involve crosscutting concerns (Hannemann
and Kiczales, 2002), their implementations are good
candidates for subjects of the study. Prior studies
(Hannemann and Kiczales, 2002, Garcia et al., 2005)
have shown that the AO implementations separate
some concerns that are tangled and scattered in the
OO decomposition counterpart. Hannemann &
Kiczales report (Hannemann and Kiczales, 2002)
that “AspectJ implementations of the GoF design
patterns show modularity improvements in 17 of 23
cases”. However, these modularity improvements
“are manifested in terms of better code locality,
reusability, composability, and (un)pluggability”.
Moreover, much of their assessment is based on
intuition and gut-feelings, rather than empirical
In this paper, the implementations are compared
with regard to coupling and cohesion. This pair of
attributes was firstly suggested to measure software
modularity by Yourdon & Constantine (Yourdon
and Constantine, 1979) as part of their structured
design methodology and then advocated by other
software engineers (Booch, 1994, Meyer, 1989,
Mancoridis et al., 1998). Also, several empirical
studies (Briand et al., 1999, Briand et al., 2001, Hitz
and Montazeri, 1995, Ponnambalam, 1997) have
found that improvements in coupling and cohesion
are linked to improved modularity.
Despite cohesion and coupling being concepts in
software design for almost 50 years, we still don’t
have widely-accepted metrics for them. However the
most well-known and widely used for OO
assessment are CBO (Coupling Between Object
classes) and LCOM (Lack of Cohesion in Methods),
defined by Chidamber & Kemerer in their metrics
suite (Chidamber and Kemerer, 1994). CBO is a
count of the number of other modules to which a
module is coupled. Two classes are coupled when
methods declared in one class use methods or
instance variables of the other class Chidamber and
Kemerer, 1994). LCOM is the degree to which
methods within a module are related to one another.
It is measured as the number of pairs of methods
working on different attributes minus pairs of
methods working on at least one shared attribute
(zero if negative). Lack of cohesion implies a
module should probably be split into two or more
sub-modules. CBO and LCOM complement each
other, and because of their dual nature (Hitz and
Montazeri, 1995), they are useful only when
analyzed together.
Since AOP provides new programming
constructs, existing OO measures cannot be directly
applied to AO software. Ceccato & Tonella (Ceccato
and Tonella, 2004) and Sant’Anna et al. (Sant’Anna
et al., 2003) generalized the CK metrics suite to be
applied in a paradigm-independent way, supporting
the generation of comparable results between OO
and AO solutions. The general suggestion is to treat
advices as methods and to consider introductions as
members of the aspect that defines them. Although
ENASE 2010 - International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
this suggestion is enough to adapt LCOM, the
adjustment of CBO requires further explanation.
Ceccato & Tonella defined the following metrics to
measure different kinds of coupling (Ceccato and
Tonella, 2004):
CMC (Coupling on Method Call) is a number of
modules declaring methods that are possibly
called by a given module;
CFA (Coupling on Field Access) is a number of
modules declaring fields that are accessed by a
given module;
CAE (Coupling on Advice Execution) is a
number of aspects containing advices possibly
triggered by the execution of operations in a
given module;
CIM (Coupling on Intercepted Modules) is a
number of modules explicitly named in the
pointcuts belonging to a given aspect;
CDA (Crosscutting Degree of an Aspect) is a
number of modules affected by the pointcuts and
by the introductions in a given aspect.
Nevertheless, to make the coupling comparable
between the two paradigms, an AO counterpart to
the CBO metric must be defined. For this purpose,
we extrapolate the original CK definition according
to the question that underlies coupling: „How much
of one module must be known in order to understand
another module?” (Yourdon and Constantine, 1979).
Our CBO metric considers a module M to be
coupled to N if:
M accesses attributes of N (A);
M calls methods of N (M);
M potentially captures messages to N (C);
messages to M are potentially captured by N
M declares an inter-type declaration for N (I);
M is affected by an inter-type declaration
declared in N (I_by);
M uses pointcuts of N, excluding the case where
N is an ancestor of M (P).
This metric gives a view of the overall effort needed
to understand the module. It should be noted that the
dependencies C_by and I_by are implicit. A
dependency is implicit when it can be implied from
the source code though is not directly expressed.
Such kind of dependency makes maintenance
impossible without a tool that warns about
extensions to a certain piece of code (Kästner et al.,
The coupling metric that seems to be similar to
ours is the one of Sant’Anna et al. (Sant’Anna et al.,
2003). Their metric is broader than the original CBO
in the sense that it additionally counts modules
declared in formal parameters, return types, throws
declarations and local variables. However, it is not
complete, since it does take into account neither the
implicit dependencies, nor the dependency that
occurs when an advice refers to a pointcut defined in
other, non-ancestor module.
This study uses implementations of the GoF design
patterns made freely available
( by
Hannemann & Kiczales. For each pattern they
created a small example that makes use of the
pattern, and implemented the example in both Java
and AspectJ. The AspectJ implementations are
considered as „one of the nearest things to examples
of good AOP style and design” (Monteiro and
Fernandes, 2005). The Java implementations
correspond to the sample C++ implementations in
the GoF book.
In the measurement process, the data was
gathered by the AOPmetrics tool (Stochmialek,
2005). To the best of our knowledge AOPmetrics is
the sole tool to compute coupling metrics for AO
systems. This tool implements the metric suite
proposed by Ceccato & Tonella (Ceccato and
Tonella, 2004). Although several researchers have
used AOPmetrics (Hoffman and Eugster, 2007),
(Madeyski and Szala, 2007), they are not aware of
its bugs. First of all, the implementation of CDA
metric does not count modules coupled by pointcuts.
A relationship between pointcut and the matched
modules is typed by
org.aspectj.weaver.AsmRelationshipProvider and
marked by the MATCHES_DECLARE constant.
The reverse relationship is marked by
MATCHED_BY. However, all relationships
counted by the code-walker in AOPmetrics are typed
by org.aspectj.asm.IRelationship, which does not
include any equivalent neither to
Secondly, the values displayed as CDA should be
displayed as CAE and vice versa. To fix this bug it
is enough to swap the lines 107 and 109 in We
extended AOPmetrics to support the CBO metric as
defined in the previous Section except capturing the
coupling introduced by pointcuts (the extended
version is available at: This is due to the
inherent nature of the implementation as mentioned
above. Hence, we manually revised the CBO values.
Table 1: Modularity metrics computed as arithmetic means.
The CBO and LCOM (LCO in AOPmetrics) values
were collected for each of the 128 modules across
the OO implementations and 179 modules across the
AO implementations. Table 1 presents the mean
values of the metrics, over all modules per pattern.
The lower numbers are better. The sixth and seventh
column indicates the superior implementation with
regard to the CBO and LCOM metric, respectively.
The last column indicates the winning
implementation. An implementation is winning if it
is better in at least one metric and not worse in the
According to the last column, the patterns can be
classified into two groups. Group 1 represents 15
patterns at which the OO implementations are better.
All 8 remaining patterns belong to the second group.
In this group, each implementation is superior with
regard to one metric but inferior with regard to the
other (except Adapter, which has the same metrics
for both implementations). To our surprise, there
was no pattern whose AO implementations exhibits
better modularity.
The linear Pearson's correlation between CBO
and LCOM on a class-by-class level is weak. It
amounts to -0,04 for the OO implementations and
0,07 for the AO implementations. It means that the
analyzed metrics do not capture redundant
The problem with the arithmetic mean is that
each of the modules contributes equally to the final
result. Intuitively, modules which are more complex
should contribute more. In addition, LCOM is not
normalized, which means that the cohesion measures
of different modules (as they all have different
numbers of methods and attributes) should not be
compared. Thus, the weighted arithmetic mean is
also calculated. The individual CBO and LCOM
values are weighted by the number of methods
defined in the module, plus one. Table 2 presents the
averages calculated in this way. As it turns out, no
pattern has changed its group. The conclusion is
that, the claim that AOP makes software more
modular is not true.
An established technique for analysing the
dependencies among the modules of a system is
Dependency Structure Matrix (DSM). A DSM is a
square matrix in which the columns and rows are
ENASE 2010 - International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
Table 2: Modularity metrics computed as weighted arithmetic means.
labelled with modules and a non-empty cell models
that the module on the row depends on the module
on the column. The type of dependency is
represented by the value of the cell (the shortcuts are
introduced in Section 4). The CBO metric for a
module can be calculated from a DSM by counting
non-empty cells in the row. To provide complex
insight into modularity, LCOM for each module is
also presented. The differences between modularity
in the OO and AO implementations are shown on
the Observer pattern. Figure 1 shows the
dependency matrixes for this pattern.
The participants in the Observer pattern are
subjects and observers. The subject is a data
structure which changes over time (such as a point),
and the observer (a screen) is an object whose own
invariants depend on the state of the subject. The
intention of the Observer pattern is to define a one-
to-many dependency between a subject and multiple
observers, so that when the subject changes its state,
all its observers are notified (Hannemann and
Kiczales, 2002).
In the OO implementation, the business logic and
the pattern context are tangled within the participant
classes. As a result, Point and Screen have a poor
cohesion. Moreover, code for implementing the
pattern is spread across all participants. In the AO
implementation, all code pertaining to the
relationship between observers and subjects is
moved into aspects. Hence, the participant classes
are entirely free of the pattern context, and as a
consequence they are much more cohesive. In the
OO version, a point directly informs its observers by
sending a message to them. In the AO version, even
though Point does not have any reference to its
observers, the coupling has not disappeared. The
coupling has changed its form from explicit method
call to implicit join-points matching. Whenever a
point changes its state, the relevant advice is
triggered and the observers are notified.
Since not all the dependencies between the modules
are explicit, an AO programmer has to perform more
efforts to get a mental model of the source code.
There are a number of limitations of this study that
are worth stating. Firstly, we could be criticised for
narrowing the software modularity to cohesion and
coupling. Although cohesion and coupling are
considered as main factors related to the goodness of
modularization (Booch, 1994, Meyer, 1989, Briand
et al., 1999, Briand et al., 2001, Hitz and Montazeri,
1995, Ponnambalam, 1997) other factors like
obviousness, information hiding, and separation of
Figure 1: DSMs for the Observer pattern.
concerns are also notable. However any reasonable
model to estimate modularity has never been
proposed and we do not make an effort to build ours.
Instead, we assumed restrictive criteria to decide
whether implementation in a given paradigm can be
considered more modular: it must be better in at
least one metric and not worse in the other.
Secondly, we could be criticised for applying
metrics that are theoretically flawed. Briand et al.
demonstrate (Briand et al., 1998) that LCOM is
neither normalized nor monotonic. Normalization is
intended to allow for comparison between modules
of different size. To avoid this anomaly we weighted
LCOM by the number of methods. Monotonicity
states that adding a method which shares an attribute
with any other method of the same module, must not
increase LCOM. If we drop the very rare case where
the methods of a module do not reference any of the
attributes, the monotonicity anomaly disappears. The
other problem with LCOM is that it does not
differentiate modules well (Basili et al., 1996). This
is partly due to the fact that LCOM is set to zero
whenever there are more pairs of methods which use
an attribute in common than pairs of methods which
do not (Briand et al., 1998). In addition, the presence
of access methods artificially decreases this metric.
Access methods typically reference only one
attribute, namely the one they provide access to,
therefore they increase the number of pairs of
methods in the class that do not use attributes in
common (Briand et al., 1998). The CBO metric also
indicates inherent weakness. Briand et al. illustrate
(Briand et al., 1999) that merging two unconnected
modules may affect the overall coupling.
Nevertheless, CBO as well as LCOM are widely
applied (even at NASA Goddard Space Flight
Center) and have been validated in many empirical
studies (Basili et al., 1996, Briand et al., 1999), and
(Briand et al., 1999).
Thirdly, the applied metrics address only one
possible dimension of cohesion and coupling.
Moreover, CBO implicitly assumes that all basic
couples are of equal strength (Hitz and Montazeri,
1995). In addition, it takes a binary approach to
coupling between modules: two modules are either
coupled or not. Multiple connections to the same
module are counted as one (Briand et al., 1999). In
our defence we would point out that even the OO
community has yet to arrive at a consensus about the
appropriate measurement of coupling and cohesion.
The interested reader is referred to (Hitz and
Montazeri, 1995, Briand et al., 1998), and (Briand et
al., 1999) where an extensive surveys have been
Fourthly, we could be criticised for generalizing
findings from AspectJ to AOP. In our defence, most
of the claims about the superiority of the AO
modularization have been made in the context of
AspectJ. It also should be noted that AspectJ is the
only production-ready general purpose AO
Finally, although „the GoF patterns effectively
comprise a microcosm of many possible systems”
(Srivisut and Muenchaisri, 2006), the conclusions
obtained from our study are restricted to small-sized
systems only. However, our experience indicates
that in case of larger systems, when multiple advices
apply to the same join point and when different
aspects influence each other, modularity is even
harder to achieve. The similar observation was
reported by Kästner et al. (Kästner et al., 2007). We
would also like to mention that the chosen sample
ENASE 2010 - International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
favours AOP. This is due to the facts that: (1) a
number of design patterns intensively involve
crosscutting concerns (Hannemann and Kiczales,
2002); and (2) recent studies have shown that OO
constructs are not able to modularize these pattern-
specific concerns and tend to lead to programs with
poor modularity (Garcia et al., 2005).
To conclude, we are mindful that the limited size
of the examples restricts the extrapolation of our
results. We are also well aware that CBO and
LCOM suffer from several disadvantages. We also
known that the modularity evaluated in our setting
may differ from the real modularity. The reason is
that, it is not yet clear neither how to best measure
attributes such as coupling and cohesion, nor how to
compare modularity between systems that were
developed in different paradigms. Nevertheless, the
examples provide enough evidence to challenge the
claim that AOP enables to achieve a better
There are a few studies focusing on the quantitative
assessment of the AO modularization. However, to
the best of our knowledge, they use an incomplete
metric of coupling. It should be also noted that most
researchers compare aggregate coupling and
cohesion between an OO and AO version of the
same systems. Aggregate coupling (cohesion) for a
system is calculated as the sum of coupling
(cohesion) taken over all modules. However,
aggregate coupling (cohesion) says nothing about
the goodness of modularization. In addition,
aggregate coupling does not satisfy the second
axiom of Fenton & Melton (Fenton and Melton,
1990) for coupling measures. This axiom states that
system coupling should be independent from the
number of modules in the system. If a module is
added and shows the same level of pairwise
coupling as the already existing modules, then the
coupling of the system remains constant.
The experiment closest to ours is the one
conducted by Garcia et al. (Garcia et al., 2005).
They also compared the AO and OO
implementations of the Gang-of-Four patterns but in
different settings. Firstly, they applied the metrics
suite of Sant’Anna et al. (Sant’Anna et al., 2003).
Secondly, their results “represent the tally of metric
values associated with all the classes and aspects for
each pattern implementation”, while our results
represent the average of metric values. Thirdly, they
performed two studies, one on the original
implementations from Hannemann & Kiczales and
the other on the implementations with introduced
changes. These changes were introduced because the
H&K implementations encompass few participant
classes to play pattern roles (Garcia et al., 2005).
Garcia and his team conclude their study as follows:
”We have found that most AO solutions improved
the separation of pattern related concerns. In
addition, we have found that: the use of aspects
helped to improve the coupling and cohesion of
some pattern implementations.” However this
conclusion may be misleading, according to the
metrics they collected. The measures before the
application of the changes exhibit that only
Composite and Mediator present lower coupling for
the AO solutions. The implementations of Adapter
and State have the same coupling in the both
paradigms. In cases of the other patterns, the OO
solutions indicate lower coupling. The superiority of
OO solutions decreased a little after the changes
were introduced. Although the AO implementations
of Observer, Chain of responsibility, State and
Visitor became better with respect to coupling than
their OO counterparts, there are still 16 patterns for
which the OO implementations provide superior
Sant’Anna et al. (Sant’Anna et al., 2003)
conducted a semi-controlled experiment to compare
the use of an OO approach (based on design
patterns) and an AO approach to implement
Portalware (about 60 modules and over 1 KLOC), a
multi-agent system. Portalware is a web-based
environment that supports the development and
management of Internet portals. The collected
metrics show that the AO version incorporates
modules with higher coupling and lower cohesion.
The other studies either do not consider the
coupling introduced by pointcuts at all (Madeyski
and Szała, 2007, Filho et al., 2006, Greenwood et
al., 2007) or consider it only if a module is explicitly
named by the pointcut expression (Tsang et al.,
2004, Hoffman and Eugster, 2007). No matter which
of these two categories the study belongs to, the
measured coupling is underestimated.
Greenwood et al. (Greenwood et al., 2007) chose
the Health Watcher (HW) system (about 100
modules and over 5 KLOC) as the base for their
study. HW is a web-based information system that
was developed by Soares (Soares, 2004) for the
healthcare bureau of the city of Recife, Brazil. It
involves a number of recurring concerns and
technologies common in day-to-day software
development, such as GUI, persistence, concurrency,
RMI, Servlets and JDBC. Both the OO and AO
designs of the HW system were developed with
modularity and changeability principles as main
driving design criteria. Greenwood et al. found that
“modularity” is improved with AOP; the average
coupling as well as cohesion were increased by 17%
in the base version.
Madeyski & Szała (Madeyski and Szała, 2007)
examined the impact of AOP on software
development efficiency and design quality in the
context of a web-based manuscript submission and a
review system (about 80 modules and 4 KLOC).
Three students took part in their study. Two of them
developed the system (labelled as OO1 and OO2)
using Java, whilst one implemented the system using
AspectJ. The observed results show that the AO
version is 24% better than the others with regard to
“coupling” and it is 60% (3%) better then OO1
(OO2) with regard to cohesion.
Filho et al. (Filho et al., 2006) investigated how
metrics were affected in three real-world
applications when exception handling was
implemented using AspectJ instead of Java. The first
application is a subset (224 modules) of Telestrada,
a traveller information system being developed for a
Brazilian national highway administrator. The
second application is Pet Store (339 modules), a
demo for the J2EE platform that is representative of
existing e-commerce applications. The last
application is CVS Core Plugin (257 modules), part
of the basic distribution of the Eclipse platform.
Filho and his team analyzed the aggregate values.
After dividing these values by the number of
modules, it turns out that the average “coupling” was
decreased by 6%, 9%, and 1%. At the same time, the
average cohesion was decreased by 3% for the
second system and increased by 19% and 4% for the
others. Filho et al. (Filho et al., 2006) are aware that
their study does not consider the coupling introduced
by pointcuts: “a closer examination on the code (...)
reveals a subtle kind of coupling that is not captured
by the employed metrics.”
The Telestrada and Pet Store systems were also
used by Hoffman & Eugster. In their study
(Hoffman and Eugster, 2007), they manually
calculated the CIM metrics. Unfortunately, they do
not provide an overall metric for coupling. However,
it seems that the overall coupling is not much
affected with the change of paradigm.
Tsang et al. (Tsang et al., 2004) compared AO
vs. OO solutions in the context of real time traffic
simulator. They found that aspects improved
modularity by reducing “coupling and cohesion.
They considered aspects coupled to classes only if
the aspects explicitly named the classes. “For
instance, if we have the joinpoint call (* *(..)), then
the aspect is not coupled to any classes. However, if
we have the joinpoint call(void
Test.methodName(..)), then the aspect is coupled to
Test.” In conclusion of their work, they recommend
the use of wildcards to maximise modularity
improvements. Following this reasoning, one could
recommend to replace the previous pointcut by
call(void Test.methodNam*(..)), where ‘*’ instead of
‘e’ eliminates „coupling”.
This paper presented an empirical study in which we
compared the OO and AO implementations of the
GoF patterns with respect to modularity. The
evaluation is performed applying the CBO and
LCOM metrics from the CK suite, which were
adapted for use on AO systems.
The contribution of this research can be
summarized as follows. Firstly, we defined a new
metric for coupling. The existing metrics are invalid
for evaluating coupling in AO systems, since they do
not take into account implicit dependencies between
the system modules. Our metric can be applied to
OO as well as AO systems. Furthermore, we
improved AOPmetrics whose objective is to collect
metrics of Java and AspectJ source code.
Secondly, we demonstrated how to compare
modularity between OO and AO implementations.
We also gave several theoretical and intuitive
arguments to support our approach.
Finally, we found that the claim that AOP
promotes better modularity of software than OOP is
a myth. Only 1 out of 23 designs used in our study is
superior with regard to coupling, while 21 are
inferior. The reason is that aspects are tightly
connected with the affected classes. With regard to
cohesion the OO implementations were superior in 9
cases, while the AO ones in 6 cases. 8 patterns
exhibit the same cohesion in both implementations.
To our surprise, there was no pattern whose AO
implementation brings better modularity. As far as
we know, this is the first presentation of empirical
evidence to this effect. Although some empirical
studies were undertaken in the context of AO
modularity, none of them took into account all the
significant dependencies. Hence, they favoured
AOP. In our future work, we would like to perform
further empirical evaluations on larger AO systems.
ENASE 2010 - International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering
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