3.6 Deployment Plan Execution
If the component technology is EJB, COM+, Fractal,
then we execute in target middleware. For EJB
middleware, we must provide the deployment plan
to the JEE server. Since the JEE application server
installed on H1and H4 is JBoss, the following plan
must be executed (in JBoss).
Deployment Descriptor DD5 is
On H1 twiddle invoke
MainDeployer" deploy
On H4
twiddle invoke
MainDeployer" deploy
Figure 6: Deployment plan execution.
We develop Udeploy a prototype based on MDA
approach which ensures tree main tasks:
(i) it manages the planning process from meta-
information related to the application, the
infrastructure and the deployment strategies,
(ii) it generates specific deployment descriptors
related to the application and the environment
(i.e. the machines connected to a network
where a software system is deployed) and
(iii) it executes a deployment plan.
We have positive feedback with our case study
and its experimentation on EJB, .NET and CCM
platforms. Our current projects include carrying out
other experiments and evaluations to show the
feasability of the approach, for example its
application to industrial systems, .NET and CCM.
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ENASE 2010 - International Conference on Evaluation of Novel Approaches to Software Engineering