A Systematic Review
Andrea Delgado
Computer Science Institute, Faculty of Engineering, University of the Republica, Montevideo, Uruguay
Francisco Ruiz, Ignacio García-Rodríguez de Guzmán, Mario Piattini
Alarcos Research Group, Technologies and IS Department, University of Castilla-La Mancha, Ciudad Real, Spain
Keywords: Business Process Management (BPM), Service-oriented Computing (SOC), Model-driven Development
(MDD), Systematic Review.
Abstract: To achieve the defined value for their businesses, current organizations need to manage their business
processes in an integrated manner, interconnecting the software systems that support these processes. Over
the last few years, new paradigms have appeared to respond to this and other organizational and software
needs: Business Process Management (BPM) and Service-Oriented Computing (SOC) which are closely
interconnected. Additionally, the Model-Driven Development (MDD) paradigm has been called upon to
play an important role in supporting business process implementation by software services. BPM handles
the management of business processes, including their modelling, deployment, execution, analysis and
improvement. Service-Oriented Computing bases software development on services, which correspond to
business concepts and are created in order to perform business processes. Model-Driven Development
promotes software development based on models which enable, among other things, transformations and the
automatic generation of code for different platforms. With the aim of establishing the bases for research into
the integration of these paradigms to support business process management in organizations, a systematic
review was carried out, focusing on the current state of the literature concerning the application of service-
oriented and model-driven paradigms to business processes.
The software integration effort towards realizing
horizontal business processes that give value to
business has been an important issue over the last
few years. Due to the verticality and complexity of
software systems generally implemented in different
technologies, integrating them has been a difficult
task. One challenge is to unite the vision from
business and software areas, to design and
implement business processes in a way that allows
us to react agilely to changes, mainly in two aspects:
business and technologies. New paradigms have
appeared to support this: Business Process
Management (BPM), Service-Oriented Computing
(SOC) and Model-Driven Development (MDD).
BPM refers to the set of activities that organizations
perform to optimize or adapt their business
processes to new organizational needs; BPM
Systems (BPMS) are tools supporting their integral
management, from modelling to execution in a
process engine (BPMI) (Smith et al, 2003). SOC
bases the design of applications on services, which
are software reusable elements through which
providers and consumers interact in a decoupled way
to perform business processes in defined sequences
of invocations to services (orchestration,
choreography). SOA is a realization of SOC (Erl,
2005) (Krafzig et al, 2005) (Papazoglou et al, 2007).
Model-Driven Development (MDD) bases software
development on models, whose elements are
described using metamodels, models and languages
which allow the automatic transformation between
them along with the generation of code for different
Delgado A., Ruiz F., García-Rodríguez de Guzmán I. and Piattini M. (2010).
Systematic Review.
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 51-62
DOI: 10.5220/0003002700510062
platforms. MDA is a specific realization of MDD
(MDA, 2003) (Mellor, 2003) (Stahl et al., 2006)
In this article, a systematic review of the
application of service-oriented and model-driven
paradigms to business processes is presented, with
the main objective of providing the basis for the
research into business process improvement. The
research path we have defined is that of the
methodological application of service-oriented and
model-driven paradigms to business processes. The
focus is on disciplined, conceptually based and
standardized associated practices, not on a specific
tool or interpretation. This will allow us to maximize
the value of the understanding and application of
these paradigms jointly, to obtain an organization’s
defined business value. The rest of the article is
organized as follows: section 2 briefly describes the
procedure followed in carrying out the systematic
review and its main elements; in section 3, relevant
information extracted from the selected primary
studies is presented, and in section 4, the main
principles in paradigm integration identified in the
analysis of the studies are discussed. Finally, section
5 presents some conclusions.
Following the method proposed by Kitchenham
(Kitchenham, 2004), a systematic review consists of
three stages: planning the review, development of
the review and publication of the results. These
stages have several elements, starting from the
definition of the research question, key words and
research chains, the execution of sources for the
defined chains, and the inclusion and exclusion
criteria to select relevant and primary studies from
which to extract the associated data. The defined
objective is to identify the joint application of SO
and MD paradigms to business processes, which
allows us to assess aspects related to their use.
2.1 Research Question
The research question that guides this work includes
these specific terms in its initial formulation: SOC,
MDD, MDE, BP and BPM. In the update done in
June 2009, it was extended to include new terms like
Service-Oriented Development (SOD). The research
question, then, is:
Which methodological/conceptual applications
of Service-Oriented (Computing or Development)
and Model-Driven (Development or Engineering)
paradigms to business processes and the Business
Process Management (BPM) paradigm have been
carried out?
The main interest is in the methodological and
conceptual levels of application, not in technological
aspects or specific tools for implementation. The
main identified key words for carrying out the
searches are: Service-Oriented Computing and
Development (SOC, SOD), Model-Driven
Development and Engineering (MDD, MDE),
Business Process and Business Process Management
(BP, BPM). The research question, keywords and
search strings were validated by experts.
2.2 Search String and Sources
The criteria for selecting the sources included the
importance of the source as a repository of scientific
articles, possibility of access and web site, resulting
in the following selections: ACM Digital Library
(, IEEE Digital Library (http://, SCOPUS document db (http://, Science@Direct in CS area
(, WileyInterScience
in CS area (
The search strings were obtained from the
combination of the defined keywords, mainly with
the Boolean operands “AND” and “OR”. The main
search string was constructed by combining the
defined key words, obtaining the following general
search string, which was adapted for each search
engine of the selected sources:
("service-oriented computing” OR “service-oriented
development”) AND ("model-driven development”
OR "model-driven engineering”) AND ("business
process” OR "business process management”)
We decided not to include words like
"conceptual" and "methodology" since generally, the
approach is not explicitly stated in those terms,
although it clearly appears in a reading of the study.
2.3 Study Selection
To select the studies, inclusion and exclusion criteria
had to be defined, according to the research question
and the search strings defined. The inclusion criteria
were first applied to select a reduced set of relevant
studies to which to apply the exclusion criteria to
select the primary studies, which responded to the
research question. To be selected, the proposals had
to deal with the methodological and/or conceptual
application of SOC and MDD paradigms to business
processes, presenting a methodology, unified
proposal relating the paradigms, transformations and
relations between business processes and service
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
models and notations. Once the articles were filtered
by reading the title, abstract and key words of all of
the articles obtained, the relevant ones were selected
according to the inclusion criteria. The exclusion
criteria were then applied, by reading the articles
thoroughly to select the primary studies with
relevant information about the research issue.
Studies were excluded if they focused on technology
issues, or composition and/or generation of Web
Services (WS) and languages for execution as WS-
BPEL (WS-BPEL) or implementation with
workflows (WfMc), integrated other paradigms such
as agents or grid computing, dealt solely with one
paradigm or did not include business processes as
their main focus.
Table 1: Results obtained for the selected sources.
not rep.
ACM DL 259 3 3
IEEE DL 779 10 8
SCOPUS 264 8 5
Science Direct 503 5 2
Wiley InterScience 8 0 0
Subtotal (2000-2007) 1813 26 18
ACM DL 426 3 0
IEEE DL 300 8 4
SCOPUS 327 11 7
Science Direct 499 3 1
Wiley InterScience 4 0 0
Subtotal (2008-2009) 1556 25 12
Total (2000-2009) 3369 51 30
After eliminating the repeated articles and
reading the title, abstract and keywords of the
resulting articles, 26 were selected as relevant in the
first search, which corresponds to the period 2000 to
2007, and 18 of those were selected as primary
studies. In the review update which corresponds to
the period 2008 to June 2009, 25 studies were
selected as relevant, of which 12 were primary
studies, creating a total of 51 relevant non-repeated
studies from which 30 were selected as primary
studies. It is clear that although the total quantity of
articles found is similar for both periods, the first
result covers a period of eight years, while the
second covers a period of only one and a half year,
demonstrating the increasing interest and work being
done in the subject in recent years. The high number
of total articles found decreased to 1.313 after the
elimination of repeated articles between searches
and sources. The selected primary studies are shown
in the Appendix, Table 2.
2.4 Information Extraction
Once the primary studies were selected, the relevant
information was extracted. To perform this task, a
form consisting of many sections was defined,
including general data such as title, publication and
authors with affiliations and associated country, year
of the study, general study description, and an
indication of which paradigms it investigated.
Several key aspects of paradigm integration were
found in the process of information extraction, for
which the studies were classified; the approaches are
presented and discussed in section 4.
This section analyzes and discusses the contents of
the selected primary studies in order to extract,
organize and present the relevant information.
3.1 Paradigm Integration
Figure 1 (a) shows the publications by paradigm
integration. It can be seen that of the total number of
studies, nearly half (47%) correspond to the
application of service-oriented and model-driven
development paradigms to business processes, and
the other half is divided between the application of
service orientation to business processes (30%) and
the application of model-driven paradigms to
business processes (23%). These results are
consistent with last year’s tendency to unify the
application of business processes and service-
oriented paradigms to support organizational needs,
and the increase in research in the last few years to
provide automated support for this integration.
3.2 Trends in Publication
Figure 1 (b) shows the trends in publications for
paradigm integration. As it can be seen, the greater
number corresponds to the years 2006 and 2008,
bearing in mind that the data shown for 2009 only
reflect the studies found before July of that year, and
the low number for 2007 could be related to the
growth in technical publications that we were not
interested in. It can be concluded that after a first
period of incipient attention in business process
support by services and model-driven development,
this has gained increasingly more attention not only
BUSINESS PROCESSES - A Systematic Review
Figure 1: Publications by paradigm integration (a) and by year (b).
Figure 2: Business Process (a), and Service/Software (b) modelling notations used in the studies.
from academia but also from organizations, as real
project applications of the proposals have been
conducted, as presented in some studies.
3.3 Notations Used
Regarding business process and service modelling,
one of the most important issues is the notations
used to specify them. Many efforts have been made
to define notations to support the different views of
software development and business process
integration. Different notations can be used for each
identified need ranging from business process
modelling to execution, simulation, the assessment
of desired and undesired properties for the models,
specification of services, service interaction and
composition. As can be seen in Figure 2 (a), the
most widely used notation for business process
modelling is BPMN (BPMN) (29%) and the most
used notation for service/software modelling is
UML (UML) (38%) shown in Figure 2 (b), the
former being the main standard for business process
modelling, since its adoption by the OMG in 2006,
and the latter the accepted standard for software
development. Other notations also used for business
process modelling are UML (16%) and EPC (EPC)
(9%) (Figure 2 (a)), and for service modelling for
business process execution, WS-BPEL (11%) and
WSDL (9%) (Figure 2 (b)) when service
implementation is via WS.
In the majority of the studies, at least one
notation is used or recommended for business
process and service modelling, although generic
notations are sometimes used or no specific notation
is used at all, usually when the approach is
3.4 Type of Case Study
Of the total number of studies, 60% correspond to
examples prepared to show different aspects of the
proposal, generally based on standard business
processes used in organizations, and 13%
correspond to real projects in organizations in which
the proposal has been used in joint projects with
industry. On the other hand, 27% of the studies do
not present a case study, generally when the case
study is mentioned as future work. It can be
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
concluded that although some work has been done
on the real application of the proposals, more is
needed to effectively show the benefits for
In this section the main principles regarding SOC,
MDD and BPM paradigm integration as found in the
systematic review are presented and discussed along
with an illustration from the studies. The presence of
each principle in the total of the selected studies is
shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3: Main principles in paradigm integration.
4.1 Business Process Modelling
One of the most important issues for the support of
business processes (BP) by service orientation (SO)
in a model-driven way is how the organizations
handle their business processes, especially regarding
the explicit modelling in some notations, including
the flow of the activities to be performed, the data
exchanged and the roles involved. There are a
variety of notations that can be used to specify
business processes; each has advantages and
disadvantages depending on the needs of the
organization, the type of BP and the use intended for
the model, as can be seen in Figure 2(a).
Studies modelling BP using BPMN are many,
and include (Liew et. al, 2004) where the BPMN BP
model is annotated with extra information to be used
in transformations. (Tao Tao et. al, 2006) model BP
after the analysis of needed services from system
functionalities. (Henkel et al, 2005) model BP that
are then realized by technical processes using
existing services that match business functionality.
(Gacitua-Decar et al., 2008) uses an enhanced
BPMN by domain model elements and an own UML
profile. (Rychly et al., 2008) models BP with BPMN
then transformed into services diagram. (Thomas et
al., 2008) define an initial conceptual model in EPC
for process design transformed into a conceptual-
technical application model in BPMN for process
configuration. (Oquendo, 2008) use BPMN to model
BP which are then transformed into a PI-ADL
formal language. (Touzi et al., 2009) use BPMN to
model collaborative BP adding a special pool called
Collaborative Information System (CIS), which
mediates between partnered information systems.
UML is also used as in (Mili et al, 2006) to
represent and classify generic BP to be used in
several domains which are then instantiated using a
catalogue of software components. (Zdun et al,
2007) use AD to model BP as a long-running
interruptible process called macroflow and IT-
oriented processes as a short-running transactional
process called microflow, where both defined layers
are above a business application service layer.
(Quartel et. al, 2005) uses AD to model BP mapping
them into an ISDL conceptual model related with
application design and implementation models via
the ISDL models. (Herold et al., 2008) uses AD to
model BP, and a use case diagram and business
structure diagram to model other aspects of the
business view. (Bruckmann et al., 2008) uses AD to
model BP representing functions with actions and
process with activities.
EPC is found in studies such as (Roser et al.,
2006) to specify the BP from which to obtain
services in UML, (Murzek et. al, 2006) and
(Mendling et. al, 2006) who present horizontal
transformations between different notations, the
former between EPC and ADONIS and the latter
between yEPC and YAWL. Other less frequently
used notations are Concurrent Object Oriented Petri
Nets (COOPN) in (Chen et. al, 2006) to model BP in
the design phase at a PIM level and FSM (Finite
state machine) in (Tao Tao et al, 2007) to model
core BP, specifying generic activities and separating
others applicable to a particular usage context. Some
generic notations are used in studies to show
activities, data and the flow of the process, but with
no specific notations.
4.2 Service Oriented Modelling
Another important issue regarding service support
for business processes is the service-oriented
modelling approach. Once the BP are known and
modelled, each defined task from the process and
even the process itself have to be realized by one or
a group of services. Although the flow of the
execution of services can be automatically obtained
BUSINESS PROCESSES - A Systematic Review
from the BP model, the definition, design, model
and implementation of services is of great
importance for tracking their correspondence to BP
and to existing or new systems providing them.
Services and software modelling is mainly done
using UML, which is shown in Figure 2(b), as in (de
Castro et al., 2006), where the first step is to define
the needed services and from them obtain use cases,
service processes to support them and then generate
the required service composition. (Roser et al.,
2006) model services showing the definition of
services obtained for each proposed architectural
approach (centralized and decentralized broker and
brokerless) from the CIM description of business,
(Zdun et. al, 2007) use AD at a microflow level,
showing the services involved in the IT technical
processes, (Gacitua-Decar et. al, 2008) categorize
services into: business services abstracting activities
on business entities, and technical services
abstracting functionality and data provided by
applications and to manage issues such as security
and messaging. Although the use of the UPMS
profile for services is mentioned it is not shown in
the study. (Rychly et al., 2008) define a service
diagram using an UML profile, specifying interfaces
providing only one functionality, port, service
consumer and provider, along with sequence and
composition service diagrams. (Herold et al., 2008)
use stereotypes such as ServiceAction, which
represents the services provided by the application
layer with core functionality. (de Castro et al., 2008)
models the IS view at PIM level, with business
services to be offered by the system as uses cases,
and functionalities and process needed, (Bruckmann
et al.,2008) defines software modelling with class
diagrams and state diagrams. (Touzi et al.,2009)
defines three views for SOA model: services for
business functionalities, information for data and
messages exchanged between services, and process
for services interaction.
Other used notation are WS-BPEL and WSDL,
as in (Thomas et al., 2008) where WS-BPEL is
derived for execution from BPMN models, (Hu et
al., 2003) uses WSDL to describe services,
(Oquendo, 2008) uses a formal architectural
language PI-ADL for SOA, including orchestration
and choreography and generate WS-BPEL for
process execution. Other less used notations are as in
(Quartel et. al, 2005) where services are modelled
using an ISDL dialect defining components that
provides application services obtained from the
business model, (Cauvet et al., 2008) where business
services are modeled with three parts: profile (goal),
structure (process) and process part (BP) and service
composition resulting in a BP or BP fragment using
a service composite graph, or generic ones such as in
(Tao Tao et. al, 2006) where services are identified
from essential functionalities of the system.
4.3 Model Transformations
Transformations between models used for the
specification of BP and services are one key aspect
of paradigm integration. Many approaches have
been proposed to transform and generate software
models from BP models, where existing languages
can be used to define mappings and transformations,
although new ones or different approaches are also
defined. The OMG Query/Views/Transformations
(QVT) standard and ATL (Jouault et al., 2006) are
the most relevant examples. Transformations not
only make it possible to automatically obtain
elements of a target model from an origin model, but
also to explicitly specify the correspondences
between elements and the semantics involved.
Vertical transformations from one level of
abstraction to another generally applied in a top-
down way can be found in (de Castro et. al, 2006),
where four PIMs are defined to model system
behaviour: user services, extended use case, service
process and service composition, defining mapping
rules that can be completely or partially automated.
In (Chen et al., 2006), embedded process controllers
are generated from BP to be integrated into existing
IS such as ERP via service interfaces, generating
java components. (Quartel et. al, 2005) define
transformations to travel from one ISDL conceptual
model to another, from business to service
implementation. (Mili et. al, 2006) uses a question
approach defining variation points and BP variants
in generic BP which are then mapped to a software
components library of generic business components,
to automatically assemble software systems. In
(Roser et al., 2006), three different architectural
approaches for software systems (centralized and
decentralized broker and brokerless) are derived
from a CIM description of business, establishing
how services for each approach correspond to BP.
(Zdun et. al, 2007) apply transformations
successively based on defined patterns, starting with
the macroflow-microflow pattern which establishes
the conceptual basis and the process-based
integration architecture pattern that guides the
design of an architecture based on sub-layers for the
service composition layer. (Henkel et al., 2005)
propose going from BP models to technical
processes matching existing services by applying
transformation patterns classified with respect to the
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
quality of the transformation. In (Gacitua-Decar et
al., 2008) conceptual transformations are defined
based on the successively application of patterns
from the top to the bottom layer, using graphs for
pattern matching. (Rychly et al., 2008) define two
steps for BP to services transformation: identifying
tasks in BP representing service invocations, then
using a proposed technique that integrates BP and
object modelling into a Business Service Model
(BSM), mediating between business requirements
and implementation. (Herold et al., 2008) go from a
business model (CIM) to an analysis model (PIM),
identifying serviceAction in tasks, then to a Design
model (Architecture specific model, ASM), mapping
services to the target architecture where each
component provides a set of services. (de Castro et
al., 2008) define transformations from a value model
to use case models, defining mapping rules from the
CIM to PIM level between model elements, which
are automated using ATL and tools. (Bruckmann et
al., 2008) use stereotypes actions that map to user
and system functions in a defined metamodel
described in an XML schema as interchange format
and input for transformation engines. (Oquendo et
al., 2008) define mapping between BPM constructs
and PI-ADL for SOA expressions, showing
mappings for a subset of process patterns and
BPMN core elements. (Touzi et al., 2009) define
two types of transformation rules: basic generation
to create elements of the target model, and binding
rules to generate links between them, using ATL.
Horizontal transformations on the same level of
abstraction can be found in (Murzek et al., 2006)
based on control flow patterns (van der Aalst, 2003),
identifies patterns in the original BP, transforming
each one into the target notation to obtain the target
BP model, and in (Mendling et al. 2006) where
transformations are based on elements of each
notation and the algorithm traverses the yEPC
process graph node by node to transform the BP. In
(Sadiq et al., 2006) an automatic distribution of
collaborative BP from an integrated one is proposed,
defining the correspondences and algorithms to
extract the distribute models from the integrated one.
A combination of vertical and horizontal
transformations can be found in (Liew et al, 2004),
where the BPMN BP model is annotated with
information processed by the defined algorithms,
and then transformed into several UML software
artifacts: horizontal from BP to AD, vertical from
BP to use cases, collaboration and deployment
diagrams. (Orriens et al., 2006) define mappings
between defined models in three levels that can be
horizontal or vertical; using five elements capturing
particular facets: what, how, where, who and when.
(Thomas et al., 2008) define horizontal
transformations between EPC conceptual model to
BPMN conceptual-technical model, and vertical
ones from BPMN to BPEL for process execution.
4.4 Methodological Approach
When modelling business processes, services and
other software artifacts needed to support software
development, a systematic approach to guide the
development is essential. Even if some artifacts can
be obtained automatically from others, a guide for
the activities to be done and the flow between them,
among other aspects, are a key factor for success.
Software development processes have been
successfully used in recent years, such as Unified
Process (Jacobson et al., 1999), and approaches to
include service views, activities and artifacts to
guide service development have also been defined.
(Papazoglou et. al, 2006) define a methodology
for SO design and development from business
models, defining SO design and development
principles such as service coupling, cohesion and
granularity. It defines six phases: planning, analysis
(process identification, process scoping, business
gap analysis and process realisation) and design
(service design concerns, specification, business
processes), construction and testing, provisioning
(service governance, certification, metering and
rating, billing strategies), deployment, execution and
monitoring which are traversed iteratively.
(Kohlborn et al., 2009), after reviewing thirty
existing service development approaches, propose a
consolidated approach that combines examined
methodologies and adds new items. They define two
main parts for the process: the derivation of business
services with four phases of preparation,
identification, detailing and prioritization, and the
derivation of software services to support them with
phases: preparation, identification and detailing.
(Tao Tao et. al, 2006) based on the methodology
(Papazoglou et al. 2006) adopts three primary phases
of BP analysis, design and implementation, defining
for BP analysis the steps: services identification,
component identification, process scoping and
process realization analysis. (Zhao et al., 2006)
define the following phases: contracting,
collaboration and design to define services provided
and required by each organisation involved and to
design and coordinate collaborations. (Herold et al.,
2008) propose a model-driven approach with four
phases: business development, requirement analysis,
architectural design and implementation modelling,
BUSINESS PROCESSES - A Systematic Review
with guidelines and transformations to move from
one model to the other. (de Castro et. al, 2006)
defines a method for service composition with a
process comprising several steps related with model
generation, defining metamodels, models and
artifacts to be obtained from each step, specifying
activities with tasks and inputs and outputs. The
business model is the general input for the process
and its output the services composition model.
(Gacitua-Decar et al., 2008) define steps to apply
pattern techniques to successively refine BP into
services that realize them, identifying business
patterns in BP, and technical services. (Thomas et
al., 2008) define three phases: process design,
configuration and execution including in each the
defined models and transformations. (de Castro et
al., 2008) define an SOD-M service-oriented
development method with an MDA-based approach
with a process and transformations between models
as in (de Castro et al., 2006). (Touzi et al., 2009)
define models, metamodels and transformations to
go from collaborative BP (CIM) to the SOA model
(PIM) from which to generate code (BPEL), based
on the PIM4SOA paradigm.
For B2B development, in (Baghdadi, 2004) a
design process is proposed, consisting of six steps:
BP specification, decomposition and distribution
specification, mapping and validation, supporting
services and components specification, logical B2B
application architecture, implementation and
integration technology, defining objective, input and
output artifacts and models and tools.(Hu et al.,
2003) define steps for going from BP definitions,
implementing activities that can be internal
applications or remote services provided by others,
with a service mediating layer to bridge activity
specifications with its implementation. (Huemer et
al., 2008) define a top-down methodology based on
existing approaches, starting from business and BP
models to services deployment artifacts, outlining a
description, notations and tools to use for each step,
backed with a software factory to generate code.
Other approaches include different visions for
service development, as in (Cauvet et al., 2008),
which defines an iterative service composition
process in which services matching BP requirements
are selected and alternative services can be
generated, using ontologies to match BP
requirements to service goals. (Chen et al., 2008)
define the BITAM-SOA framework for business-IT
alignment extending ATAM, via architecture,
governance and communication, defining three
layers comprising specific modules, using them to
guide a process model for service design,
development and management, which can be top-
down or bottom-up. In (Tao Tao et al., 2007), four
steps in service development are defined based on
core BP determination, adding a usage context
creation for Configurable Context BP (CCBP)
generation and service interface derivation.
4.5 Use of Patterns
Design patterns for software development are well
known and have been used by the community for a
long time, with the reference point being that of GoF
(Gamma et. al, 1995). For business process
modelling, the most relevant work is (van der Aalst
et al., 2003), in which several BP constructions are
defined and analyzed. The importance of reusing the
best existing solutions for known problems is well
established in the Software Engineering literature, so
another key aspect for paradigm integration is the
use of patterns at various stages of development.
Different pattern approaches are presented, as in
(Zdun et al., 2007), where a pattern language with
patterns and primitive patterns is defined for the
integration of BP and technical processes based on
services, which are applied successively in a top-
down way from a macroflow defined process. In
(Henkel et al., 2005), transformation patterns are
defined to be used when going from BP to technical
processes, applying levels of realization and
realization types of BP by using existing services to
match BP in lossfull, constrained, lossless and
exceeded realizable transformations. (Gacitua-Decar
et al., 2008) define business patterns in two types:
process and domain patterns and SOA patterns; a
pattern catalogue organizes them into templates.
(Murzek et al., 2006) use workflow patterns for
the control flow aspect of BP models, as a basis for
the horizontal transformations between different BP
notations. (Oquendo, 2008) also uses process
patterns to map BPMN constructs to PI-ADL
expressions which are iterative and applied to the
original BP for transformations to services in PI-
ADL. In (Roser et al., 2006), the Broker
architectural pattern is used and patterns for service
interaction are modelled in UML collaborations.
Other architectural patterns are also mentioned in
various studies, being the most used the Layers
pattern to define and organize architectural levels.
4.6 Collaborative Processes
The modelling of collaborative processes adds
complexity and coordination requirements to
business process models. However, collaborative
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
process modelling is one of the most needed
activities in organizations, in order to best define the
way to perform their collaborative business with
their partners in a coordinate and beneficial way.
(Orriens et al., 2006) present a Business
Collaboration Context Framework (BCCF),
capturing models in a business collaboration
information model (BCIM) with three levels:
strategic, operational and service level, with
mappings which are then developed and managed,
driven by rules which make it possible to validate
and verify the alignment between model elements.
In (Roser et al., 2006), SO systems realizing
collaborative BP are derived from a business level in
a model and architecture-driven development
perspective (architecture approaches centralized and
decentralized broker and brokerless) as part of the
ATHENA project, where the PIM4SOA comprising
a set of metamodels and tools allows the description
of services and their collaborations at PIM level.
(Zhao et al., 2006) provide support for BP
collaborations of dynamic virtual organizations on
the basis of a service-oriented relative workflow,
adding definitions for IT and BP, where private
information is hidden by wrapping local workflows
into perceivable workflows according to visibility
constraints for defined perceptions. (Touzi et al.,
2009) propose a methodology for developing
collaborative architectures following the MDA
approach from collaborative BP to the SOA model,
adding specific elements for collaborative modelling
as an intermediate collaborative pool in BPMN
models, and collaborative services from it.
For B2B application development, (Baghdadi,
2004) defines a four-layered architecture with four
interrelated abstraction levels: business models and
process, BP decomposition and distribution,
supporting services and integration technology to
guide the design process. (Hu et al., 2003) define a
three-level conceptual framework and architecture to
flexible service enactment in B2B collaborative
processes, with a service-mediating layer to bridge
the BP definition with its implementation with
services. (Huemer et al., 2008) define three layers
based on the Open-edi reference model for inter-
organizational systems: business operational view
(BOV) comprising business models and BP model
layers, and the functional service view (FSV)
comprising a deployment artifacts layer.
4.7 Tool Support
Another key aspect for paradigm integration is tool
support for each development stage in the business
and software development effort. To effectively help
closing the business and systems gap, the use of
tools that enable a smooth integration between both
areas, models and artifacts is needed.
Studies that provide their own tool support
include (Orriens et al., 2006) with the tool ICARUS
developed to support the framework proposal,
(Sadiq et al., 2006) with a BP editor that implements
the algorithms for BP distribution and (Zdun et al.,
2007) with a model-driven tool chain that supports
modelling and model validation, using UML
transformed into DSL syntax, validating models and
transforming them into EMF for generating Java and
BPEL code. (Oquendo, 2008) uses an own core
toolset and customizable tools for PI-ADL
developed previously for the Archware project.
Other studies use existing tools, adding their
own support when needed, as in (Chen et al., 2006)
where an IDE COOPN Builder is used to edit,
visualize and verify COOPN modules, including a
java and WS generator. (de Castro et al., 2006) use
the Oracle BPEL development tool and own tools
developed for the MIDAS framework, while in
(Quartel et al., 2005) an ISDL editor and simulator is
used adding a prototype of a BPEL profile for ISDL.
(Mili et al., 2006) use EMF to define metamodels
and the Eclipse BPEL plug-in to model BP. (Tao
Tao et al., 2006) use the Oracle BPEL process
manager for implementation and EJBs, and
apacheAxis and MySQL as infrastructure. (Roser et
al., 2006) use ARIS for BP modelling and a
prototype implemented in ATHENA for the
generation of services and BPEL processes, (Hu et
al., 2003) uses the IBM MQSeries workflow as a
basis for a prototype implementation of the proposal.
(Huemer et al, 2008) evaluate the MS DSL Tools for
Visual Studio and ADONIS as candidate tools for
the software factory. (de Castro et al., 2008) use
Eclipse with EMF for metamodel definition, GMF
for model visualization and ATL for
transformations, working on code generation into
different WS platforms. In the same direction,
(Touzi et al., 2009) use a set of Eclipse tools: Intalio
designer for collaborative BP modeling, EMF for
metamodel definition, ATL for transformations and
TOPCASEDO for visualizing UML models.
References for the tools can be found in the studies.
This article has presented a systematic review of the
literature concerning the application of service-
oriented and model-driven paradigms to business
processes. The results obtained constitute the
BUSINESS PROCESSES - A Systematic Review
starting point for research into the methodological
and conceptual approach of paradigm integration,
which beyond a specific implementation or
technology enables the systematic application of the
concepts defined in the paradigms.
The selected studies present different lines of
work and several important aspects of paradigm
integration, which allowed us to extract the main
principles that have to be taken into account when
carrying out paradigm integration. Business process
and service modelling have proven to be two of the
most important principles regarding the relation
between business and software areas. To move from
one area to another, two other principles were found
to provide the basis for bringing the areas closer: the
methodological and the model-driven approach. The
former provides guidelines to develop services
systematically from business processes, while the
latter, by means of mappings, rules and
transformations, makes the automation of
development possible, with models and metamodels
being the key elements. Two important principles to
improve the quality of the solutions are: the reuse of
patterns for BP and service modelling which reduce
errors in early stages of development, and the tool
support for development, including facilities for the
verification of model properties, simulation of
process and execution of transformations.
Finally, it must be noticed that the search was
reduced to a limited number of search engines and
excluded studies which address paradigm integration
but mainly in a purely technological way that did not
provide any contributions in the context of this
work. However, since this is such a broad area and
one of growing interest, future work will include
updates and reviews of other sources to include new
studies that contribute to the ongoing research work.
This work was partially funded by the Agencia
Nacional de Investigación e Innovación (ANII) from
Uruguay, ALTAMIRA project (Junta de
Comunidades de Castilla-La Mancha, Spain, Fondo
Social Europeo, PII2I09-0106-2463) and
PEGASO/MAGO project (Ministerio de Ciencia e
Innovación MICINN, Spain, and Fondo Europeo de
Desarrollo Regional FEDER, TIN2009-13718-C02-
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BUSINESS PROCESSES - A Systematic Review
The selected primary studies in the systematic review are presented in Table 2.
Table 2: Primary studies selected.
Id Title Authors/Year Paradigms integration
1 A Framework for Business Model Driven Development Liew et al, 2004 BP+MDD
2 Generative Business Process Prototyping Framework, Chen et al, 2006 BP+SOC+MDD
A model driven method for service composition modelling: a case
de Castro et al, 2006 BP+SOC+MDD
A Rule Driven Approach for Developing Adaptive Service Oriented
Business Collaboration
Orriens et al, 2006 BP+SOC+MDD
5 An approach to relate business and application services using ISDL Quartel et al, 2005 BP+SOC+MDD
6 Classifying Business Processes for Domain Engineering Mili et al, 2006 BP+MDD
Develop Service Oriented Finance Business Processes: A Case Study
in Capital Market
Tao Tao et al, 2006 BP+SOC
Model- and Architecture-Driven Development in the Context of
Cross-Enterprise Business Process Engineering
Roser et al, 2006 BP+SOC+MDD
9 Model Driven Distribution of Collaborative Business Processes Sadiq et al, 2006 BP+MDD
Modeling Process-Driven and Service-Oriented Architectures Using
Patterns and Pattern Primitives
Zdun et al, 2007 BP+SOC+MDD
11 Service-oriented design and development methodology Papazoglou et al, 2006 BP+SOC
Structural Patterns for the Transformation of Business Process
Murzek et al, 2006 BP+MDD
13 Supporting Development and Evolution of Service-based Processes Henkel et al, 2005 BP+MDD
Supporting Differentiated Services With Configurable Business
Tao Tao et al, 2007 BP+SOC+MDD
15 Supporting Virtual Organisation Alliances with RelativeWorkflows Zhao et al, 2006 BP+SOC
16 Transformation of yEPC Business Process Models to YAWL Mendling et al, 2006 BP+MDD
ABBA: an architecture for deploying business-to-business electronic
commerce applications
Baghdadi, Y. 2004 BP+SOC
Conceptual framework and architecture for service mediating
workflow management
Hu et. al, 2003 BP+SOC
Pattern-based business-driven analysis and design of service
Gacitua-Decar el al, 2008 BP+SOC+MDD
Inter-organizational systems: from business values over business
processes to deployment
Huemer et. al, 2008 BP+SOC
Modeling of Service Oriented Architecture: from business process to
service realization
Rychly et. al, 2008 BP+SOC+MDD
22 Business Process Modeling: a Service-Oriented Approach Cauvet et. al, 2008 BP+SOC
Using Process Models for the Design of Service-Oriented
Architectures: Methodology and E-Commerce CaseStudy
Thomas et. al, 2008 BP+SOC+MDD
A Seamless Modeling Approach for Service-Oriented Information
Herold et. al, 2008 BP+SOC+MDD
A Model Driven Approach for the Alignment of Business and
Information Systems Models
de Castro et al, 2008 BP+SOC+MDD
Towards Service Engineering: Service Orientation and Business-IT
Chen, H., 2008 BP+SOC
Identification and Analysis of Business and Software Services- A
Consolidated Approach,
Kohlborn et. al,2009 BP+SOC
28 AMABULO- A Model Architecture for Business Logic Bruckmann et. al, 2008 BP+MDD
Formal Approach for the Development of Business Process in terms
of Service-Oriented Architectures using PI-ADL
Oquendo, F., 2008 BP+SOC+MDD
A model-driven approach for collaborative service-oriented
architecture design
Touzi et. al, 2009 BP+SOC+MDD
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies