(a) Unregistered 3D scans. (b) Registered 3D scans.
Figure 3: Registration of 3D scans with non-zero roll, pitch, and yaw angles.
by a 2D ICP algorithm with orthogonal virtual 2D
scans, utilizing the typical structure of indoor envi-
ronments. Due to the use of virtual 2D scans, the al-
gorithm can cope with dynamic objects (with small
restictions) as well as with non-rectangular environ-
ments. The resulting registration leads to a similar
quality to the full 3D ICP algorithm.
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have been identified in sections 4.2 and 4.3. Never-
theless, our experiments showed promising results. A
comparison to other approaches like techniques based
on the extraction of planes out of the 3D range images
and matching them will be necessary to stress the ad-
vantages of our algorithm. Further future work will
deal with the implementation and evaluation of a full
SLAM cycle based on the registration of 3D range
images using virtual 2D scans.
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