leadtime information sharing compared to the
scenario of no information sharing. Whereas the
demand information sharing compared to the
scenario of no information sharing presents an
average of 33.15% reduction of logistic cost.. When
the two information are simultaneously shared, we
obtain 44.66% of of logistic cost reduction
compared to the case of no information sharing. For
the decentralised decision illustrated by Table 2,
Compared to the case of no information sharing, we
can deduce 16.70% and 27.75% of reduction of
logistic cost concern, respectively, the case of
leadtime information sharing and, the case of
demand information sharing. When the two studied
information are simultaneously shared, we obtain
38.92% of reduction of logistic cost compared to the
case of no information sharing. In the case of no
information sharing, the centralised decision
presents 12.16% of reduction of logistic cost
compared to the case of decentralised decision.
Thus, the centralised decision compared to the case
of decentralised decision presents a percentage at
16.83%, 18.72% and 20.43% of reduction of logistic
cost concern, respectively, the case of leadtime
information sharing, the case of demand information
sharing and the case of two information shared
simultaneously. In the studied circumstances, we can
conclude that the information sharing and the
centralised decision present an advantage in terms of
reduction of logistic cost compared to the case of
decentralised decision.
In this paper, we are interested to the evaluating of
information sharing in supply chain. We treated in
particular the case of multi-product multi-echelon
supply chain. We studied the value of information,
specially two information shared simultaneously.
The firs information comes from the downstream
(demand) and the second come from the upstream
(leadtime) of supply chain. Moreover, the effect of
two kinds of decision has been also studied
(centralised and decentralised decision). We used the
traditional replenishment policies as a logistic
reference cost. The numerical experimentation
shows that the information sharing allows reducing
the total logistic costs (transportation and storage
costs). Moreover, the centralised decision is more
beneficial in terms of reduction of logistic cost
compared to the decentralised decision.
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ICINCO 2010 - 7th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics