David G. Rosado, Eduardo Fernández-Medina
University of Castilla-La Mancha, GSyA Research Group-Information Systems and Technologies Institute
Escuela Superior de Informática, Paseo de la Universidad 4, 13071 Ciudad Real, Spain
Javier López
University of Málaga, Computer Science Department, Málaga, Spain
Keywords: Secure Software Development, Security, Mobile Grid Computing, Security Architectures.
Abstract: Mobile Grid systems allow us to build highly complex information systems with various and remarkable
features (interoperability between multiple security domains, cross-domain authentication and authorization,
dynamic, heterogeneous and limited mobile devices, etc), which demand secure development
methodologies to build quality software, offering methods, techniques and tools that facilitate the work of
the entire team involved in software development. These methodologies should be supported by Grid
security architectures that define the main security aspects to be considered, and by solutions to the problem
of how to integrate mobile devices within Grid systems. Some approaches regarding secure development
methodologies of Grid security architectures and of the integration of mobile devices in the Grid have been
found in literature, and these are analyzed and studied in this paper, offering a comparison framework of all
the approaches related to security in Mobile Grid environments.
The growing need to construct secure systems, has
encouraged the scientific community to demand a
clear integration of security into the development
processes (Jurjens 2001; Flechais, Sasse et al. 2003;
Steel, Nagappan et al. 2005). However, generic
software development methodologies are not
appropriate for the development of every kind of
software system. For instance, generic development
processes are sometimes used to develop Grid
specific systems (Foster, Kesselman et al. 1998;
Welch, Siebenlist et al. 2003) without taking into
consideration either the subjacent technological
environment or the special features and
particularities of these specific systems. In fact, the
majority of existing Grid applications have been
built without a systematic development process and
are based on ad-hoc developments (Dail, Sievert et
al. 2004; Kolonay and Sobolewski 2004).
The development of wireless technology and
mobile devices currently enables us to access the
network service from anywhere at any time (Bruneo,
Scarpa et al. 2003). Provided that mobile devices
have limited computing capacity, the Grid becomes
an important computation service provider that
enables mobile users to perform complicated jobs
(Trung, Moon et al. 2005). This, however, comes at
a price. Mobile computing with networked
information systems increases the risks to sensitive
information supporting critical functions in the
organization which are open to attacks (Talukder
and Yavagal 2006; Weippl, Holzinger et al. 2006).
Grid Security is hard to achieve as the resources
are dynamic, heterogeneous, geographically located
and under the control of multiple administrative
domains (Sastry, Krishnan et al. 2007; Bhanwar and
Bawa 2008). Furthermore, security in the mobile
platform is even more critical owing to the open
nature of wireless networks. A Grid infrastructure
that supports the participation of mobile nodes will
thus play a significant role in the development of
Grid computing.
In this paper, we will carry out a systematic
review (Kitchenham 2007) of the existing literature
about different approaches related to the secure
Rosado D., Fernández-Medina E. and Lopez J. (2010).
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 133-138
DOI: 10.5220/0003005201330138
development of Mobile Grid systems, beginning
with security approaches for development
methodologies in information systems, and by
studying whether these methodologies can be used
to build mobile Grid systems. We also analyze
several Grid security architectures found in literature
which take into account specific security aspects for
this kind of systems. Finally, we study some
approaches related to how to incorporate mobile
devices into an existent Grid infrastructure and the
difficulties encountered when attempting to do so.
The remainder of the paper is organized as
follows: In section 2, we shall analyze the different
approaches studied that we believe to be most
important for our comparison. In Section 3, we shall
present a comparison between all the approaches
related to security in the Mobile Grid and, finally,
we shall show our conclusions.
In this section we analyze the different approaches
related to security in Mobile Grid environments. The
set of approaches selected has been divided into
three topics: 1) security approaches in development
methodologies; 2) Security architecture for Grid
environments, and 3) the incorporation of mobile
devices into the Grid.
2.1 Secure Development Methodologies
2.1.1 Secure Unified Process
The Secure Unified Process (Steel, Nagappan et al.
2005) is a methodology for the integration of
security into software systems, and is based in the
Unified Process (Kruchten 2000). For the authors,
security is represented as a set of features that
fortifies the entire application or service with
safeguards and countermeasures for potential risks
and vulnerabilities.
2.1.2 Secure Tropos
Tropos (Bresciani, Giorgini et al. 2004) is an agent
oriented software engineering methodology. Secure
Tropos is a security oriented extension (Giorgini,
Mouratidis et al. 2007) which includes security
related concepts such as a security constraint which
is defined as a restriction related to security issues,
such as privacy, integrity and availability, which
may influence the analysis and design of the
information system under development.
2.1.3 UMLSec
UMLsec (Jurjens 2001) is proposed as an extension
of UML for modelling the security properties of
computer systems, according to suggestions made in
(Devanbu and Stubblebine 2000). UMLsec uses
standard extension mechanisms to introduce new
semantics into UML models but only addresses a
few specific security requirements.
2.1.4 AEGIS
AEGIS (Appropriate and Effective Guidance for
Information Security) (Flechais, Sasse et al. 2003),
is a secure software engineering method that
integrates security requirements elicitation, risk
analysis and context of use, bound together through
the use of UML.
2.2 Grid Security Architectures
2.2.1 OGSA Security
The Open Grid Services Architecture (OGSA)
(Open Grid Forum 2006) is a service-oriented
architecture (SOA) that represents an evolution
towards a Grid system architecture based on Web
service concepts and technologies, autonomic
computing principles, and open standards for
integration and interoperability (Foster, Kesselman
et al. 2002).
2.2.2 Grid Security Infrastructure - GSI
The Grid security infrastructure (GSI) was
implemented as a Globus Toolkit component
providing security mechanisms. The GSI has
emerged as an essential middleware component that
has been integrated into many tools.
2.2.3 EGEE Security
The Enabling Grids for E-sciencE (EGEE) project is
funded by the European Commission and aims to
build on recent advances in grid technology and
develop a service grid infrastructure which is
available to scientists 24 hours-a-day. The security
architecture inherits many of the thoughts from
previous projects and parallel ongoing efforts.
2.2.4 EGA Security
The EGA reference model defines an Enterprise
Grid as being a collection of interconnected
(networked) grid components under the control of a
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
grid management entity (Enterprise Grid Alliance
Security Working Group 2005). Components have
security properties and attributes, and may define
specific dependencies that can be used to support the
enforcement of security policies and to ensure
minimal exposure.
2.2.5 Legion Security
The Legion project, developed at the University of
Virginia, is an attempt to provide GRID services that
create the illusion of a virtual machine (Foster and
Kesselman 2004). The primary goal of the Legion
security architecture is to enable participants in a
GRID system to expose their resources in a manner
compliant with their local policies (Ferrari 1998;
Chapin, Wang et al. 1999).
2.2.6 Globe Security
Globe (Global Object Based Environment) is a wide
area distributed system which was developed in
order to constitute a middleware level between the
operating system and the application level (van
Steen, Homburg et al. 1999).
2.3 Mobile Devices in the Grid
2.3.1 Leech Approach
The authors of this approach (Phan, Huang et al.
consider grid and cluster computing from a
different architectural perspective, namely from the
viewpoint of using small-scale, highly
heterogeneous devices that can serve as nodes within
a distributed grid system.
2.3.2 Mobile-to-Grid Middleware Approach
The authors present an architecture (Sajjad, Jameel
et al. 2005) for a middleware enabling
heterogeneous mobile devices to access Grid
services by providing support to the delegation of
jobs to the Grid, secure communication between the
client and the Grid, offline processing and
adaptation to network connectivity issues.
2.3.3 Mobile OGSI.Net Approach
The authors of this proposal investigate the use of
Microsoft .NET Compact Framework and study
Mobile OGSI.NET (Chu and Humphrey 2004)
which is an implementation of the OGSI.NET
implementation for mobile devices. The aim is to
bring the benefits of Grid computing to mobile users
while addressing resource limitations and
intermittent network connectivity.
2.3.4 Grid-m Approach
Grid-M (Platform for Lightweight Grid Computing)
(Hans A. Franke, Fernando L. Koch et al. 2007) is a
platform for building Grid Computing applications
in embedded and mobile computing devices. It
provides the Application Programming Interface
(API) to connect Java-developed applications in a
Grid Computing environment and its runtime profile
is small enough to be used in Mobile Computing
These approaches concerning Security in the Mobile
Grid have been compared by considering a set of
criteria related to different aspects of the secure
development of mobile Grid systems that we believe
must be studied in each approach if we are to
analyze them in depth and compare whether they
fulfil certain security objectives in mobile Grid
environments. Therefore, criteria such as “grid
security requirements”, “based on grid computing”
and “based on mobile devices”, indicate the
incorporation of aspects related to the mobile Grid.
Criteria such as “UML support”, support tools and
practice cases refer to elements which help us to
apply and understand the approaches. “Reusability”
and “scalability” are desirable properties in Grid
systems. Criteria such as “grid and mobile security
considerations”, and “support security policies” are
considered because they indicate the security level
defined both for the grid and mobile environments
of each approach and the security policy
management supported. Criteria such as “grid and
mobile technology” indicate if the current grid and
mobile technologies have been used in the
implementation of the approaches. Finally,
intermediates” and “standards” are criteria which
indicate types of solutions applied to achieve
security in the approaches.
We define these comparison criteria as follows:
Grid Security Requirements (GSR): this
indicates the set of security requirements to take
into account in any Grid system such as
delegation, trust, access control, global/local
policies, authentication, single sign-on, etc.
Based on Grid computing (BGC): this indicates
the adaptation of the specific characteristics of
Grid computing such as anonymity, mobility,
offline processing, etc.
Based on Mobile Devices (BMD): this indicates
the adaptation of the specific characteristics and
limitations of the mobile devices.
UML Support (UML): this deals with the
utilization of UML models which may help us to
define and design many aspects of the
Support Tools (ST): this deals with the available
tools defined to help us to apply techniques,
methods and mechanisms.
Practice Cases (PC): this indicates examples and
study cases of how to apply the solutions
proposed to obtain a validation of the approach.
Reusability (REU): this deals with the reuse
property of components which improve the end
product and reduce time and effort.
Intermediate (Proxy/Middleware) (INT): this
deals with the availability of intermediates, both
hardware and software, which complete and
execute part of the work, providing a solution to
a particular problem.
Security Considerations (SC): this indicates that
security considerations, specifications and
features have been considered and taken into
account such as PKI, encryption, flexible
credentials format, secure communication,
identity/keys management, security protocols
and policies, etc.
Grid and mobile technologies (GMT): this
indicates that the current technologies for Grid
and mobile computing are taken into account
such as WTLS, IPSec, TLS, WEP, AES, RSA,
ECC, and so on.
Use of Standards (UST): this indicates the
utilization of standards in the definition and
implementation of methods, techniques and
mechanisms which offer solutions to security
Security Policy Support (SPS): this indicates that
security policies have been taken into account
and are managed, controlled, defined and
updated between the different Grid domains.
Scalability (SCA): this deals with the scalability
property of the solutions presented in the case of
adding new elements, or the modification of
existent ones.
Table 1 summarizes the main features of the
proposals discussed in this paper. The values “Y”,
“N” and “~” indicate respectively that the criteria
involved: are taken into account in the approach, are
not taken into account in the approach, and are
partially taken into account in the approach.
Partially taken into account” means that the criteria
are not considered as a whole in the approach, and
only one part or set is fulfilled.
Secure Unified Process uses UML to describe
and specify the result models of each task or
activity, and Secure Tropos is a agent oriented
methodology in which security aspects are
incorporated into the Tropos methodology but these
approaches are not related to Grid environments and
mobile devices.
UMLsec incorporates security properties into the
UML model. This approach was not developed for
mobile Grid environments but it is possible to model
certain security aspects which are common to many
systems, including mobile Grid systems. AEGIS is
the only approach found in which the authors
attempt to apply the methodology to Grid systems,
although they do not explain how to do this, and do
not define guides and practices for capturing specific
security aspects in Grid systems.
OGSA represents an evolution towards a Grid
system architecture based on Web Service concepts
and but the lack of support for mobile devices,
including security aspects, makes this incomplete for
mobile Grid systems. GSI offers solutions for Grid
environments in which mobile devices are not
considered, and this proposal does not offer
solutions for the risk and possible attacks that appear
in mobile computing. EGEE Security defines
practice cases and tools which help to build the
middleware and build applications based on Grid
computing, and which use Web service standards.
EGA Security defines a grid management entity
which manages a set of security functions and
policies for Enterprise Grid to establish a secure
connection with the grid components that participate
in the system. These two approaches do not consider
mobile components in the grid and consequently do
not consider mobile security aspects. Legion
Security defines a set of security mechanisms and
policies to enable participants in a Grid system to
expose their resources in a manner which is
compliant with their local policies. This approach
does not consider the security of mobile participants
with mobile devices and a wireless network. The
security considerations for Grid systems presented in
Globe Security approach coincide with the security
considerations for distributed systems, but are not
exclusive to Grid environments. Mobile computing
aspects are not taken into account.
Leech takes into account security aspects for
wireless network and mobile devices through the
proxy which must additionally be protected to
safeguard Grid systems with mobile devices.
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Table 1: Comparison framework of the analyzed approaches.
Approaches/Criteria GS
Secure Tropos N N N N Y Y N N N N N N N
UMLSec N N N Y Y Y N N ~ N Y N Y
GSI ~ Y N N Y Y Y ~ Y Y Y Y N
EGEE Security Y Y N N Y Y N N Y ~ Y Y Y
EGA Security N Y N N Y N N N Y ~ Y Y N
Legion Security ~ Y N N N Y N ~ N ~ Y Y Y
Globe Security N ~ N N Y Y N N ~ Y N N Y
Leech N Y Y N Y N N Y Y Y Y N Y
Mobile-To-Grid N Y Y N N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y
Mobile OGSI.net N Y Y N Y N Y Y N Y Y N Y
Grid-M N Y Y N Y N Y Y Y Y Y N Y
Mobile-To-Grid contains security services, based on
GSI, that permit the secure communication between
the mobile user, the middleware and the Grid. This
approach treats mobile devices like external
elements and the security must be implemented
outside the Grid environment. Mobile OGSI.net
extends an implementation of grid computing,
OGSI.NET, to mobile devices. This approach does
not specify security aspects for these environments,
and only defines connection modules between Grid
services and mobile services. Grid-M defines new
functionalities of security for mobile devices and
uses an API to connect applications in Grid
environments and mobile devices; however, the
security of this API is not within the Grid security
environment and may cause risks and vulnerabilities
in the system.
With regard to the proposals discussed in this paper,
we can conclude that no proposal covers all the
security criteria for building mobile Grid Systems.
As regards the various security methodologies
proposed, we can see that none of them, with the
exception of the AEGIS approach, is designed to
build Mobile Grid Systems.
Many proposals for Grid system security
architectures and scalable approaches which use
standards for their implementation also exist, but
these offer no solutions to the incorporation of
mobile devices or consider the security aspects that
are so important in mobile computing. Finally,
various proposals concerning the incorporation of
mobile devices into Grid systems exist, but this
incorporation takes place outside the Grid through
intermediaries. These approaches do not regard
mobile devices as being part of the Grid’s own
We can therefore conclude that there is a need
for an integration element in which a systematic
development process is defined that is capable of
analyzing the security requirements and necessities
for Grid systems with mobile devices from the first
stages of development. It is necessary to design a
reference security architecture for the Mobile Grid
which is reusable and scalable and can be
incorporated into any development, offering
guidelines, methods and mechanisms to protect this
type of systems, and in which the mobile devices are
treated as resources of the Grid environment itself,
and not as external elements incorporated by
This research is part of the following projects:
(PII2I09-0150-3135) and SEGMENT (HITO-09-
138) financed by the “Viceconsejería de Ciencia y
Tecnología de la Junta de Comunidades de Castilla-
La Mancha” (Spain) and FEDER, and MEDUSAS
(IDI-20090557) and BUSINESS (PET2008-0136)
financed by the "Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación
(CDTI)” (Spain).
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ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies