usefulness of shared information received high
marks (greater than 90%).
3.5 Knowledge Usage
The search functionality received an average score
(57%). The respondents were satisfied with the
quantity and quality of search results. As far as
quantity of search results is concerned, 91% of the
respondents found the number of results optimal.
For 73% of the respondents the list of result did not
contain any irrelevant result. As regards the quality
of search results, 62% of the respondents confirmed
that the search results satisfy their information needs
more than average.
3.6 Knowledge Preservation
The lifecycle of the knowledge items i.e. creation,
update, deletion in KnowBench seems to be
supported well (expectation of 67% of the
respondents). Modification of knowledge is not a
time consuming function for 75% of the respondents
and can be done very easily by 73% of the
In this paper we presented the KnowBench system –
an intelligent, semantic user interface environment
for software developers which is integrated in the
Eclipse IDE. Semantic web technologies provide the
driving force to better manage knowledge in
software development activities inside KnowBench.
KnowBench offers an easy to use environment to
facilitate knowledge articulation and visualization
pertinent to software development. Additionally, it
provides means to annotate manually or semi-
automatically this kind of knowledge in order to
foster easier knowledge acquisition and sharing by
exploiting a semantic search engine and a P2P
metadata infrastructure. Thus, better and more
flexible collaboration among software developers
scattered across the globe is facilitated.
This work was partly supported by the TEAM
project, which is funded by the EU-IST program
under grant FP6-35111. The authors are responsible
for the content of this publication.
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