An Agile e-Toolkit to Support Agile Method Tailoring
Asif Qumer and Brian Henderson-Sellers
Faculty of Engineering and IT, University of Technology, Boradway, Sydney, Australia
Keywords: Agile Method Tailoring, Method Engineering, Software as a Service.
Abstract: In a real software application development environment, a pre-defined or fixed methodology, whether plan-
based or agile, is unlikely to be successfully adopted “off-the-shelf”. Agile methods have recognised that a
method should be tailored to each situation. The purpose of this paper is to present an agile e-toolkit
software service to facilitate the tailoring of agile processes in the overall context of agile method adoption
and improvement. The agile e-toolkit is a web-based tool to store and manage agile practices extracted from
various agile methods and frameworks. The core component of the e-toolkit is the agile knowledge-base or
repository. The agile knowledge-base contains agile process fragments. Agile consultants or teams can then
use agile process fragments stored in the agile knowledge-base for the tailoring of situation-specific agile
processes by using a situational method engineering approach. The e-toolkit software service has been
implemented using a service-oriented cloud computing technology platform (Software as a Service – SaaS).
The agile e-toolkit specifications and software application details have been summarized in this paper.
It is well acknowledged that a pre-defined software
development methodology, whether plan-based or
agile, is unlikely to be able to be used or adopted
off-the-shelf for any specific software project
(Kumar and Welke, 1992; Lindvall and Rus, 2000;
Keenan, 2004; Fitzgerald et al., 2006). It has been
suggested (Mahanti, 2006) that “there is no agile
methodology that can be universally applied and
they all have to be tailored to integrate into existing
processes”. Cockburn (2002) suggests that “each
situation calls for a different methodology”. Keenan
(2004) suggests that “projects differ in their scale,
scope, and technical challenge, the same process will
not suit all circumstances.” All the agile methods
(e.g. XP, Scrum, Crystal) have recognised this and
suggest that a method should be tailored to each
situation. Fitzgerald et al. (2006) suggested that
“tailoring of methods is commonplace in the vast
majority of software development projects and
organizations. However, there is not much known
about the tailoring and engineering of agile methods,
or about how these methods can be used to
complement each other”. There are a number of
conceptual frameworks or tools (e.g. Keenan 2004;
Cockburn 2005; Sidky 2007) that discuss agile
method tailoring. However, they lack the practical
tool-based support for agile method tailoring. For
instance, in order to support agile method tailoring,
Keenan (2004) suggested a process knowledge base
to hold the individual agile techniques but does not
provide a full software tool-based support for agile
method tailoring,
In our recent research, we have developed an
agile software solution framework (Qumer and
Henderson-Sellers 2008a,b) (ASSF – Figure 1) to
support the assessment, tailoring, adoption and
improvement of agile methods. One aspect of the
ASSF is method tailoring. The ASSF includes a
software component “framework as software service
(FaSS)” that provides an agile e-toolkit service to
store, tailor and manage agile processes and
practices. The core component of the agile e-toolkit
is an agile knowledge-base (repository), which
contains practices or process fragments that had
been identified and extracted from various agile
methods. Here, it is anticipated that the FaSS can be
used together with the well-known situational
method engineering approach (e.g. Kumar and
Welke, 1992; Brinkkemper, 1996; Cockburn, 2002a,
b, 2005) to facilitate the tailoring of agile software
development methods.
This paper is organized as follows: Section 2
Qumer A. and Henderson-Sellers B. (2010).
FRAMEWORK AS SOFTWARE SERVICE (FASS) - An Agile e-Toolkit to Support Agile Method Tailoring.
In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies, pages 167-172
DOI: 10.5220/0003006401670172
Figure 1: The Agile Software Solution Framework.
provides an overview of the agile software solution
framework. Section 3 presents the agile e-toolkit
Use Case Model. Section 4 presents the agile
knowledge-base or repository object model. Section
5 presents the agile e-toolkit architecture and
software application, respectively. Finally, Section 6
presents the conclusions.
The ASSF (Figure 1) has three main parts:
framework characteristics (FCs), agile process
lifecycle management (APLM) and framework as
software service (FaSS).
2.1 Framework Characteristics (FCs)
The framework characteristics includes a set of key
elements or attributes (Figure 1) that could be
related in an agile or hybrid software development
methodology (SDM). The framework characteristics
set can be classified in two categories: core and
extended. The core characteristics are: people,
process, product and tools; whereas the extended
characteristics are agility, abstraction, business
value, policy, rules and legal. These framework
characteristics have been initially identified based on
the analysis of both agile and non-agile extant
approaches as well as meta-models (e.g. Agile
Manifesto, 2001; Firesmith and Henderson-Sellers,
2002; Australian Standards, 2004; ISO/IEC, 2007).
Further feedback from industry as well as from
researchers on these characteristics have been
obtained with the aim of eliciting, by means of a
field survey, the most relevant and important SDM
characteristics for practitioners (Qumer and
Henderson-Sellers, 2009). An agile or hybrid SDM
can be built and then tailored on these framework
characteristics for a particular situation when using a
situational method engineering approach (Firesmith
and Henderson-Sellers, 2002).
2.2 Agile Process Lifecycle
Management (APLM)
This section presents the second part of the ASSF
(Qumer et al., 2007; Qumer and Henderson-Sellers,
2006, 2008a, b) framework (Figure 1), which
contains six key components to support the adoption
and improvement of agility. Firstly, this presents a
generic high-level agility assessment, adoption and
improvement lifecycle (AAIL): (1) initiation, (2)
development, (3) deployment, (4) administration, (5)
management and (6) governance. Secondly, it
specifies the agility adoption and improvement
process (AAIP), which specifies a step-by-step
process or practices at each stage of the AAIL. The
AAIP provides a set of twenty-two key practices to
assist agile consultants, coaches and organizations in
the overall context of agility adoption and
improvement. Thirdly, it presents the essential
models and templates that can be used at the
different stages of the AAIL during the execution of
the AAIP: contextual analysis model (CAM), key
agility indicators index (KAII), agility adoption and
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
improvement model (AAIM) and adoption and
improvement scorecard. The CAM can help in
understanding the current agility adoption and
improvement capability and the readiness of the
organization – a basic prerequisite to the adoption of
a new methodology/process. The KAII is a
measurement index that can be used by agile
consultants and coaches to assess the degree of
agility of an individual practice and the agile level of
an organization or team. The AAIM can be used as a
roadmap for introducing agile practices into both
agile and non-agile software development
environments. The agility adoption and
improvement scorecard (AAIS) can be used to
capture and highlight the status and progress of
agility adoption and improvement at each stage.
2.3 Framework as Software Service
The ASSF framework as software service includes
an agile e-toolkit service, providing a “tool-based”
assistant to store and manage agile practices for the
tailoring of situation-specific agile processes. The
following sections present the e-toolkit (Framework
as Software Service – FaSS) – its specification and
the details of its software application.
The two primary actors and five main or essential
use cases (detailed in Table 1) of the e-toolkit
Figure 2: Agile e-Toolkit Essential Use Cases.
Table 1: Agile e-Toolkit Use Case Specification.
Actors &
Use Cases
Users: Agile Team, Agile Consultant
A user would be able to store the SDM
fragments such as process, practices, agility
(agile principles, agile values, agility attributes
and agile levels), business value and
A user would be able to add, delete, and
update the SDM fragments such as process,
practices, agility (agile principles, agile
values, agility attributes and agile levels),
business value and abstraction.
A user would be able to perform search and
list the stored SDM fragments such as process,
practices, agility (agile principles, agile
values, agility attributes and agile levels),
business value and abstraction.
A user would be able to define a situation-
specific process and relevant process areas
(e.g. Development, Testing, and Requirements
Engineering) within a process.
A user would be able to search, select and then
include agile practices in the relevant process
area suiting to the specific situation-in hand
(e.g. Process Composing or Tailoring
The included practices may be referred to as
process line items.
A user would be able to store an agile practice
extracted from well known published agile
methods and frameworks or customised agile
practice (team’s or consultant’s experience-
based best or customised practices).
A user would be able to associate supported
specific abstraction mechanisms (e.g. agent,
service, object and neutral) to an agile
A user would be able to calculate degree of
agility of an agile practice in terms of agility
attributes, agile values and principles.
(independent of other conceptual components of the
ASSF framework) are shown in Figure 2.
The agile e-toolkit allows users to access the
system functionality, via essential system Use Cases
and web interface, over the internet.
This section presents the basic agile knowledge-base
metadata or object model of the agile e-toolkit
(Figure 3). The current version of the agile
knowledge-base metadata or object model has been
built on the ASSF framework characteristics for
storing and managing the key SDM fragments such
FRAMEWORK AS SOFTWARE SERVICE (FASS) - An Agile e-Toolkit to Support Agile Method Tailoring
Figure 3: Agile e-Toolkit Object or Metadata Model.
as process, practices, agility (agile principles, agile
values, agility attributes, agile levels and agile
blocks) and abstraction, which are outlined below.
Process Line: A list to store and manage processes
in the agile knowledge-base of the e-toolkit.
Process: Process metadata to store and manage
off-the-shelf or situational-specific process instance.
A process can be linked to a parent process.
Process Area: Process area metadata to store and
manage off-the-shelf or situational-specific set of
selected agile practices for a team or organization.
Process Line Item: Process line item metadata to
store and manage off-the-shelf or situation-specific
selected agile practices.
Practice Backlog: A list to store and manage a set of
agile practices (e.g. distilled from various agile
methods and frameworks) in the agile knowledge-
base of the e-toolkit. Practice metadata to store and
manage an individual agile practice.
Practice Abstraction: To associate abstraction
mechanisms to an individual agile practice.
Abstractions: A list to store and manage a set of
SDM abstraction mechanisms in he agile
knowledge-base of the e-toolkit. Abstraction
metadata is to store and manage an individual
abstraction mechanism.
Degree of Agility (DA): DA to calculate and
store overall degree of agility of an agile practice in
ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies
Figure 4: Agile e-Toolkit Architecture.
terms of key agility indicators: agility attributes,
agile values and agile principles.
DA Agility Attributes are used to calculate and
store the agility attributes (Key Agility Indicators)
supported by an agile practice.
DA Agile Values are used to calculate and store
the agile values (Key Agility Indicators) supported
by an agile practice.
DA Agile Principles are used to calculate and
store the agile principles (Key Agility Indicators)
supported by an agile practice.
Agility Attributes: A list to store and manage a
set of agility attributes in the agile knowledge-base
of the e-toolkit. Agility Attribute metadata are used
to store and manage an individual agility attribute.
Agile Values: A list to store and manage a set of
agile values in the agile knowledge-base of the e-
toolkit. Agile Value metadata are used to store and
manage an individual agile value.
Agile Principles: A list to store and manage a set
of agile principles in the agile knowledge-base of the
e-toolkit. Agile Principle metadata are used to store
and manage an individual agile principle.
Agile Level Principles: A list to store and
manage a set of agile principles linked to the specific
agile level.
Agile Levels: A list to store and manage a set of
agile levels in the agile knowledge-base of the e-
toolkit. Agile Level metadata are used to store and
manage an individual agile level.
Agile Level Block: A list to store and manage a
set of agile levels linked to the specific agile block
(e.g. white, green, and black).
Agile Blocks: A list to store and manage a set of
agile blocks in the agile knowledge-base of the e-
toolkit. Agile Block metadata are used to store and
manage an individual agile block.
The e-toolkit software service has been implemented
by using the cloud computing application
development, testing and deployment platform
(Salesforce 2000). Figure 4 describes the
architecture of this agile e-toolkit.
The cloud computing platforms allows
the development, deployment and access of software
applications over the internet as a service (SasS –
Software as Service) (McGuire et al. 2008;
SalesForce 2008). The e-toolkit runs in the internet
cloud rather than as a desktop application running on
the local machine or server. Agile teams and agile
consultant can access e-toolkit service to search,
select, compose and share agile processes and
practices (e.g. during the agile process tailoring and
adoption workshops) stored in the agile knowledge-
base via internet cloud. The e-toolkit can be used to
share the best practices within the team and across
the organization. The e-toolkit service has four key
components: user interface, use case processor,
application data and metadata objects.
Tabs & WebPages: Home, Console, Practices
and Processes to display e-toolkit functions (Use
Cases) and contents of the knowledge-base.
Use Case Processor: Process the SDM’s aspects
or fragments stored in the knowledge-base via e-
FRAMEWORK AS SOFTWARE SERVICE (FASS) - An Agile e-Toolkit to Support Agile Method Tailoring
toolkit service Use Cases e.g. Store, Compose, Edit,
Delete, Search, View, Calculate Degree of Agility
Application Data: Actual data stored in the
knowledge bases – instances of the metadata objects
Metadata Object: The metadata objects to store
and manage the application data.
The e-toolkit service is presented here as a software
tool-based support that may prove useful during
agile process tailoring and adoption workshops.
Agile teams can inspect the contents of the e-toolkit
agile knowledge-base (e.g. agile practices) and then
may chose a set of agile practices in the context of
the specific situation in hand – project or product
development. The set of selected agile practices can
then be configured into a process appropriate to the
skills of the development team and the constraints of
the target project and development environment,
according to SME principles and practice, and then
applied (adopted) in a real time by the team
(enactment). In future, we are planning to do further
comparative and empirical evaluation of the e-
toolkit (in particular with non-agile process
environments and also intending to develop other
important services of the ASSF framework, such as
additional, standard SME constraints such as
criticality of the system to the business, capability
(e.g. CMM, SPICE) of the organizational team
members and quality criteria for the final product
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ICSOFT 2010 - 5th International Conference on Software and Data Technologies